Shingl1es In On N Sab Siate THF'E newest idiea in roofiing. Juist th,. of the12tirne and CQSt of laboôr saved laying the roof of a big barn, freîl shed or- other large building with thisv Brantford Asphait Slab Siate which is fi shingles in one. Fewer nails are also requir Branttford Asphait Slab Siates are so cleverly desig that a roof laid wif h tbem has the appearance being covered wilfih individual sixe shingles. One sixeony 32 inch x 12 inch, w ith eut outs inches. The y are laid five inches to the weather.1 or grecolor Brantford Asphalt Slab Satesý are made of the same matemia our famous Brantford Asphaît Siafes wicb bave given satisfaction for artistie homes. Trhe saine roofing in ml is called Brantford Crytal Ro and weighs 80 to 85 lbs. per square. Particulars about these rooflngs furnisbed or equest. Head Office and F'actory-Bfrantford, 'C:az4 Branches ,AI Toronto, MGntreal, Haifax, Wianipei FOR 'SALÉE BY MecClellan & Ca0, LI hd ail Yý ours foýr S* aiy except suncfay an at fmes, evîce IMaklng ailintrmdite tps ~ I DREOT ONNE TO O ND PROM KINOMRSTON LbryObservation Oar tNigb hn 88 -r3 Day Phlone 188-r2 IPao .Udrfrom catuaclan paoSffioTickeot Argonts W. S.èWADDsrltPamsos AUTUMN WEDDING. LATEST TYPE 0F provided under berth curtains, a great The kitchen lias the latest steel range, passengersjvho can enjoy a transcontin- TOURIïST CA RS conveniencc for passengers when goilig facilities for w ashiing dishes, and lockers entai trip in every com±ort at minimum McCCoRmicK-MNcLAP.EN., through the car. enable passengers. to store their food. expense. On TursaySeptmbe 21h, t ON OFTHEFEAURESIN ANAIAN Phosphorons push buttons can be read- Lavatories have receiv ,d special atten- Higi oon aver qietbu pett NTIOALRAIWAS' AIY ly seen in the dark, should the passenger tl3n, and provide greater conveniences RELIEF FOR THE DEPRESSED.-Physj- h Non, ver quet ut pett NATONA RALWAY' DILY requïre to switch on the light or ring thne than the older type. 'An electric thler- cal and mental depression usually have weidding took place ut the home of 1Vf. bell, when the berth is in darkness. mostatic heaffing contro] can be so adjust- their origin in a disordered state of the Mtr.and or, w nTha eiaredltear il RA saetv fatueintrouced s a dviceed as to regulate the temperature of the stomach and liver, as when these organs Statfrd whn hei dagherLia Asaftyfeaur inrodce il adevcecar, thus preventing overheating. are deranged in their action the whole May, was united i wedlock with 11ev. for holding down the upper bertb which system is affected. Try Parmeëlee's Veg- S G. McCrmack, the popular pastor The Canadian Nation-al daily trans- precmndes any possibility of the upper Thus with the introduction of the daily etabie Puis. They revive the digestive of rebyeçanchurch, Newcastle. cnietltan oot-inpg berth ciosing when in, use. Separate sqervice of the Canadian National lines poes c eeiai ntenre The ereonywas erfrme byVancouver made its initial tnp f rom Tor- et utanir roie othtps etween""Toronto-Winniýeg-Vancouver, and restore thePspirits as no other puis Rev. Dr. D. N. Idllae in hie presence onto, with one of the verv latest type of sengers in ýthe upper berths will not is the added convenience of the ver, I. Te r hasml n u oýf only the immediate relatives and steel touriat cars as part of its equipment, disturb passengers in the iower. iatest iype of tourist cars for second1-clas an t effects are iastsng., friends. The wedding mardi was the first of an order of twenty such cars played by Miss Hattie McLaren, the 11n whose construction every point hbas bide's sister, Jack and Donald But- been considered for the safety and com- chier, St. Marys, nephews of the bride, fort of passengers., This modemi type of acted as ring-bearers. Thje bride tourist car, wîth antitelescopicdlevice ;s of looked charming in a dress of georg- similar- design to the standard leepin 'Iit e an d crepe de cherýe emnýroi,1ered COach, the exception, beingteyareup iin wooi and carried a bouquet of brid' i holstered in leather instead of plush roes hlehomne was beautifully Electricaiiy lighted throcughou)tt, al ,11i171ý decorated for fhe occasions very few bertbs, upoer and lwr r provided _________________ 'invitations had been issued but the with berth lamps. A new feature for this î presents came from ail quarters ,in class of car is that lamps halve been in- nuiyerous and handsome variety flot- stalled under the seats in ite aisles of the wihtisandîng. During the signing of car, so that wben the ceiling lamps are thie register, Miss Fatima McLýren, turned out for the nighit light may be cousin of tie bride, sang, "O Promise Me.ý" Af 1er a sumpluous repast Lad been partaken of, fie newly z 1miarried couple siiotored to Stafod where they took the train ,for Muskd -1 kia and on their refurn the' will reside i p Newcastle, Ont. The bride's trav- ok to te.u or el ling costume was brown with bat to GERROW-COLLINS. A verv pleasing event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, Scugog, on Friday, September 59, wben their youagest daugbter, Cora Mildred, Begini w ith the Boys Gerrow, only son of Mr. and Mrs.J - performêd by Rev. W. T 'Wickett of _M 1Gerow, Pot Pmyhe c fteeo na HE gloriouu victories of, Drake and Nelson were des. Mamch, played bvMrs. Hargrave,_ Ux- tned to be the foundation of- our Empire and the Llflk bridge,, the bride entered the parlor and 1 7 1 U eateo h reo itesawTihmie was ive ace un er an eergmTen 11 ornling f-é -h -h-h- açë wasien olçac by er fanrther Te Jfpossiiblethe vast international trade of Britain and l0ght arhdae ith flowers. The brWe was brDmnos new alie nc(znsl wit o erlaciweverhr D miomns four somns a-nd fero and wore a gold wist And yet when Drake and Nelson chose the sea as their rite. ted. watch3, a gif1t of the groom. The brides- ,rdmoaid, Mliss Emma Hargmave, wore a pink DOfEF s this illustration yt., work, who-was there to know what would be the overwhelming gned crepe de ch-ene dress and carried a bou- ture your experiencec consequences of their deçision? ýe of guet of dahlias. The groom was attend- cd by Mm. M. Collins, brother of the bride. What is more diresn -loyd Collinis was ring bearer. The Today, if youa have any question in your mind sfive' groomi's gift 10 the pianist was a cameo than -being unable~ to sleep?asowhtryusold up rthew k brooch; to the bridesmaid a locket and a oweheo hudspottewr Red Chain and the gentleman attendant a tie Slëeplessness îs on e of theýb of the Boys' Naval Brigades, study the pi.Thebappy couple received a large nmber of presents from their rnany 'first and inost certain symp» matter with an eye to the future. Get clearly as h friends. After the ceemony a dainty toms of exhausted nerves. un mind the tremeRîcdous importance of Can. suds tea was sem ved to some seventy guests. ainpout ecigfriamres After wbicb the happy couple lef t for a This is the warnng need ainpout ecigfrinmres Oofing motor trip te Toronto and points west, the am~istance of Dr. Chaae's Nervo Aime of the which can only be assured by the 'building The bride tavelled in a brown serge suit, Food to restore vigor to the nerve NAVY LEAGUE o ra aainMratl lemu and bat to match. Upon heir retumo Mm. «lso and thereby avold the develop-iO AAAo getCnda ecatl leMn and Mrs. ,Gerrow will weicome t heir mn fBrosnrostobe o.,'h~z asd' ned with Canadian Soamets! 41fiends to their home on Scugog ïen fsrosnrostobe'T i.hsz aaa ,Limited MlBy ixproving the quality of the ý »orunitieand rasPes.- W a ul ho ytetosnbti 1See our splendid values in ail wooî MOU0d 2>nd1 bt.silig up the nervoua siilitios on the s#a.W a bulsh s ytetosndbti, sada sýkirts. Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman eytem ths food cure brîngs new To raise fands fer the we cannot manthmo slesurp iin Ilsrg a Ltrngh1ohes elineff o urmarcin teis still economically unsound. If we de not Lillian, 5 yeam old daugbter of Wm. body. sem-dIise ýet nCndalads to man our mrhn Tempeton, Barrie, died from burns e- mar, and for dpndustraunCndanmrhn ceived wbile playing near burning leaves. 50 cents a4 box, 0 for $2 7,, aIl darOe of those wko mare killed. fleet, we shall be lef t behind in the race for 9dASTHMA OVERCOM.-The triumph dmnon als&CotdTift. To maintain tailors' homesex rtmr tsw shîhae ise th t Jover astbma bas asýuredly coule. Dr. j.inaùüt.e-otmr ts w hlhve isdte D. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy bas provedToraibyau og greatest opportunity for trade expansion in the most positive biessing the victim of me, frai orsachutaIhisory ________ stbmatic attacks bas ever known. 'Let- ships b the organization ters eceived from* tbousands wbo have o Boys' Naval, Brieades. tmed il form a testimonial which leaves What will YOU do tel helpsome Canadian no room for doubt thaï here is a real*g* Patron: remedy, e it to-day'lrom your- dealer. H.R.H. THE boy whô is anxious to learn scamanship, and PRINCE 0F WALES so be of the greatest service to bis country? _______________________________________________________________Dominion President: ~ ~~1 ______________________________________________COMMODORE J AEMILUU5JARVS J Let your contribution to the fund be S A M u'ELSCHwA j worthy answer. Help them b iig ",Than-.k God I have done my daty!" The Store Fo-r Th1eý Ladieâls 0îe 4 if you want a good, up-to-date Coat, Suit, iDTÈess or XL Ac _ 1 Blousel you will get it ut my store. 1 keep onlly-Q t b r2 22 3. always keep the best of styles and qualities tosaiy the people. QCzclas Mu i Alsoý have a large sýtock of Ladies' and Children's a1.z~a.... Stockings, Ladies' Underwear, House Dresses, Cmag omte o h rvneo naj a r os amndeterindohenrice.tonue-Chairman: SIR JOH4N C. EATON Vice-Chairman:A . .HOBIERLiN We have a large1 stock to, select front and it us aîways Haorary Troacurer: SIR EDMUND WALKER Assistent Treçl8urer: N.. MARTIN a pleasure to show our goods.' It will be worth 34 King Stree~t West, Teoato x ycur while ta visit thisstore. A cail will convince you. SamelScharz CANADUAN PACNFICJP