QUALITY-vs- PRICE Our 60 years' experience in the b utcher business lias proven time andý again that our customers demand Quality First, Quality Last and Quality Always. That is why we do our own buyiii- on the hoof person- ally-we know what we are buviî ganid we iinsist on the stock being young and wel] fed. O-ften iýwe ihave to pay le r c I. bmorefor thiçi c1assof 'eef. but w(3know t M BOWMANVILLE, MAR,. 19201 LocladOhrse Local and Otherwise Mr. W. Metcalf, Toronto, spent Sun- day at home. Miss Annie Coulter, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Geo. Weekes spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. G H. Blckell is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. L. W. Sanders, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hardy and babe, Toronto, spent Sunday witb, relativcs "The Orcbi ds" versati le entertainers, Let us estimate your inside or outside painting. J. M. Rowe. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Faulkner, Belleville, are home frôni Atlantic Citv. Mrs. Wee. Mathews has returned 'from visiting relatives ýn Oshawa. Dr. Frank T. Tigbe spent the week-end with bis brother at Gravienhurst. A few L~adies' Suits sel lingoff at baif- price at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. If you want that rooni tinted in Kalso- Order your Easter Llies direct froni the growers-Jackmaas, phone 80. We deliver direct to vour home. WANTED-A cheerful woman te act as coin- panion and honsekeeper for an elderly lady in town, no heavy work roqnired, a comfort- able home provided and ample time for recrea. tion. Apply "0 MI' Drawer B, Bowmanville. for further information. 132 E GS FROM White Wyandottes, excellent Winter layersI choice pens, everv lien tested for heavy egg production; matbd witli good cuekerels fromn special egg-producing strains. Eggs $2.00 for 13. S. C. White Leghorns, good layers$200 per sitting. One Leghorn cockerel for sale. Price $5. W. B.. CÂRaUTHEas, R. R. 1, Bowmanville, plhone 3-r.1.4w. 8EXTON WANTED JThe Shop That Lead There is- none better anywhere than ART OLOTHES We.have an excellentrange of samples, now read-v for vour inspection