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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1920, p. 4

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BOWMAN VTU,1Ç. APB]122, 1fl DURHAM COUNTY BOYS THE MéGILL BEQUEST. This letter was sent in january, but ýmislaid. DEAitMa EDnrroal-I always XISTRY O BFQESTREÂD read with pride of the success of Dur- A MAORYFCI EL BQUET h am boys who have lef t the old county T -1 1EEI 0 TWN and have made good in other parts of COUNCIL.Canada, or in the United States. 1 <think we should be equally proud of CSdiuedfromisse o AVrl 19t.our Duirhamn boys or girls who stili re- Coninud fom ssu of44pillt. side in Durham, and who occasionally This agreement,'executed Dec- go out of the coIlDtV to meetings and ember 24,1912, by D5. B. Simpson, distinguish themselves. as counsiel and solicitor for the It gives me great pleasure to say Corporation of the Town of BOw- that Mr. George Wight of Darlington mnanville,JamesBicknell as colin- received a well-deserved ovation on sel and sojlicitor for the Royal Januar'y 26th when he recited two Trust Company, Liquidators Of poems about Robert Burns in Toronto the Ontario Bank of Canada, ID. at the banquet on the anniversary of Urquhart as counsel and solicit- the poet's birth. H1e shared the higli- or for John McGili, Isodel est hon ors with Premier Drury, Mel- Madïelin McGill and CharlesMC- ville Tudhope, the orator of the even- Gi, and also executed by said ing and that charming and eloquent Johni McGill, Charles McGili and Irishman, Rev. Father Minehan. Pre- Isobel Madeline McGili, direct- mier Drury personally congratulated ed the Washington Loan and Mr Wight and the oldeat members of Trust Company as, Truste e the Burns Club said no other reciter under said deed in trust, among had ever acquitted himself better or other things, to pay the agreed had deserved higher hion or. fees of D.B.Simpson and Fred- ÂMEs L. HuGiEEs, erick D. McKenney up to that President Durham Club date and the agreed fees of said Toronto. James Bicknell and Daniel Urq-. uhart as solicitors and counsel TECUCE for the MeGilis, and the sum of TECUCE $1250 to the Corporation ofBow- manville to enable it to settle Miss Gertrude Stevenîs of Toronto, the dlaims of R. Preston Shealey. sang.a miroi appreciated solo at the for legal services, which we had'morning service-in St. Paul's Church on. tentativelv coînpromiised for thatiSunday. suni, and to divide and distrib-1 Orono Methodist S. S. Anniversaryl ute the balance of the net rents! will be held May M6 with Rev. Frank and profits after making said Langford, General Secretary of S. S. and dishursements and any proceeds Y. P. S., as the speaker. of the sale of said property in St. Paul's Church, Rev. ID. W. Best, the following proportions: minister II a m.-Rev. D. W. Snider. Corporation of town of Bow- 7 p.m.-The Minister. 2.30 p.m.-Sunday inanville, 59.0,,per cent. School and Bible Classes. John MoGill, 23.5 per cent. Rev. W. C. Washington will preach in Isobel Madeline Mctlill and the Disciple Church next Sunday morning the Royal Trust Company, 17.5 and Rev. D. W. Snider, representative of per cent. the Lord's Day Alliance in the evening. This agreement also provid- Ail are cordially invited. cd that "without interfering with Election of Epworth League Officers the discretion of said the Wash- took place Monday evening, as foliows: ington Loan and Trust Company, Hon. Pres-Rev S. C. Moore; Pres.- the said Company shahl have the I ..ev. ItNc-Vsa-Sag- right to consuit and obtain the AsstMa a; t.V>P ice-; nVe MSaro opinion of the parties horeto as ion Mo rris; Ass't.-Lola Souch; Srd to tume and ternis of sale and as Vic-Edith E. Allun; 4th Vice-W F. to, price, and for sucli purpose Ward; Ass't -Gordon M4orris; Rec. Mr.D.B.Simpson shahl represent Sec'y-Lorne Plummer; Cor.-Secy- the Corporation of the Town Of; Sicily Laugher;Treas.-Wallace Bragg Bowmanville, Mr.James Bicknel lweCnvorMia Wren the oyalTrus ComanyandThe new executive takes charge May 1. Mr.D.Urquhart the other parties.1 Bowmanville friends of Rev. Arthur L. This agreement furthcr pro- Phelps, B. A.,. Greenbank, a Durham boy, v he Whiigto oa n will be pleastd to hear that hie has accept- "The ashigton Loa an ed an appointment as Associate Profesglor Trus Comanyshah havethein the English Literature Department of conduct of any further procecd- Corneil College in Vernon, Iowa, and wil ings which it or its counsel assume the duties there nexi September. thinks proper and necessary to Cornell Coliege is under Methodist aus- be taken to satisfy intcnding pur-i pices and is oue uf the largest in the Stat- chasers of said lands with full es, having a registration Qi over 700 stu- titie to said lands, and the cost dents. H1e will spend the summer at his attendant upon samne shall be -a'cottage at Bobcaygeon. Hîs father, Rev. charge upon the net proceeds Of Leonard Phelps, will be remembered as a the sale of said lands." former pastor of Tyrone and South Dar- Sinco the execution of these lington Meihodist Church Circuits, flow of papors this propcrty has beon 1ansi,,g, York Co, managed by, the Washington Guild met M6nday evening in the Loan andTrust Company, which Lecture Boom of St,- Paul's chûrch, Company, as we understand it, Preeident W jergusün performing bas paîd ov\er the amoutnts du e the ,duties of lhis office in lis usual the~~~~~~~ vaiu tones u aspleaàant way. After disposai of or- withheld and- now bas Iidinary business the iiterary depart. its hands a substantial balance1 ment under the conivenorship of Miss of net rents amounting to ap-jDonnelly, provided a most excellent proximately. $14,000, -which it s1 program of music, vocal and instru- hol)ýding in accordance with tho* miental, atid judicially selectcd read- tcýrms of these agreemenlts, and' ings from our own Canadialiîpoets, It wihl prohably ho. unwilling to pay is a moderate statement to mnake that pv or to any ot the boneficiaries alilthose who'took part in rendering l'in vîw of the adverse reports of the varions numibers acquitted them- the Titie Companies hcrcinaf ter selves most creditably. Missbtonnelly mentioncd. iintroduced the programi by giving, Af ter the execution of the sei some information concerning Canad- papers, wc from time to time ad- ian poets and advising that ail should viscd the town of Bowmanville become better acquainted with theirs through its counsel, Mr. ID. B. literary productions. Helen Yellow- Simpson, of the steps that we lees rendered a piano solo, Mary Me- deeni necessary to Drfcct the tit- Ciellan gave a reading from Peter Mc- le of the Town of Bowmanville A'rthur; Marjorie Bounsali a reading to this property, but for reasons from Lampman; Mrs, Best sang a fine10 which we have nover been fully solo "Canada Ever"', Elizabeth Best able to understand, the varlous gave a reading from Pauline Johnson steps advocated by us have not and Miss Donneily one from Isobel been taken, and with the except- Esther McKay. Gwendolyn Williamns ion of the rccorded conveyance and Elleen Howard piayed apio othe Washington Loan and duet-Ms a gvearaigfromù Trust Comipariy. the status of, Katherine Hale and Miidred Lawriei the case romnains- exacly as it read a selection from Jean Blewett, was when first submittedi to us This most pleasant and profitable even- for opinion.1 ing was brought to a close by singing in, the f irst place weý advised . God Save The King. I ~ flt~nnn~ - L. -- ( - The canadian Express Co, office is now located on Temperance st ln the ne-vly fitted quarters in the Hlorsey Block, north of the Standard Bank anîd opposite the Post Office on the east sie, where they are no-w ready for business às usual. J. A. GU-LNN, 17-1w AG4ENT. 'This week's specials at Wiiliams & Cann is refrigergtors., Buy -now and save money. W ANTD-WokingCompanion aL onc-e. Ap- plyto is Ths.Hoar, Boiemanvilis. 17t HANDY MEN AND LABORERS WANTE1)- Appy Eplymet ffieenealMotorsof ANTED-Oirl or woman to work at Hotel WBowinîhn. Good wages. Apply te A. J. Wad- has proprietor, Bowmanville. 162i ESILAGE FOR SALE-About i5 or 30 tons. ~ParticuIars and pries spply to 3. H. Power, R, Bowmanvills. Phions 151r4. 16 2 gIRLS WANTED-To Isarn operatlng on- Ilon gloves and nis. Apply at once. Bow- ~manvilie Gloye & Miti Company. Bowman- ville. 7-tf POULTRY AND JUNK-A. Dillick pays highest cash prie for ail kinds of Ploultry and Junk. pPlhons 299 or cati ai bis resideuce 77 Ontario Street. 5-tf cOSFOR SALE-T wo Jerseys due te rsnew so-l.very quiet and easy te uilk. Apply Bd. Cox third bouse north Nursery Corner, Bowmanville. 17 1 F OR SALL-Furniture a few imonthe o15. The tsrnporary home of Marry Porter toelis 5015 privately before April 8bih. Above, Royal Bank, Bow manvills 17 2 FOR QALE-Cream Separator, nsw Masse- Harris, 500 Ilis capacity. used 2j months. FReason for sslling ad to seîl cows te >bnild bouse, Wm. Terry, Courties. 17 l* EGGS FOR HATCIInGa-Fromi proven strain Lof Plymonitb Rocks. 81.50 for 18. fhos. Bottreli11& Son, Churcbl& Liberty.sts, tBowmanvills, Plions F RSALE-Heavy ns-borse wagon, drags, cultivator, aud a standard 2-h'umer coal oul stove. Mrs. Harry James,tfirst bouse easi of Cemetery. Bowm aoville.i16 2t fOOMS TO RENT- Comfortably furnished 1< ooms on lakeside suitable for two adulte or ~man sud wife. For terms sund p articulais apply te0 "K R". Drawsr B, Býowmanvile. 14t u-iROPERTY FOR SALE--2-storey brick bouse, 6 moins, bathîoom and i kitelsens, combin. ation furoace, ý acre land. Apply te Mas. A. A. SUTTON, hiberty-st., North, Bowmanville. 43-tf. E GGS FOR HÂTCHifNG-Barred Rocks from Thompson strain, right f rom the faim. $1.25 for là, deliveied ai Harry Allin's Grocery. Ed. Weatbeîilt. Erpingham Faim, Bowmanvills, Phono 345. 15 3- E GGS FOR 1iATCt-ING-From threpeDs of Barred Rocks, excellent winteî layers, mated to good cockerels trom Guild's special bred- to-lay slrain. Eggs 31.00 for 13. R. J. McKessock, Solila, Phono 167r24. 16 3 FURNITURIE BOJUOU'i-1 am prepared to buy aIl kiods of ussd furniturs for which I psy highest prices, Notify me before disposing cf your old furniture. Write or plions 271. B. WARNER, 541 King et West, Oshawa. 44-tf P LAE ODERSNOWFOR GGSBaired RockEgg fo hachig-God ayig strain, beadd b my iiz-winiogmaIs.$2.00 per liegg. lsoecokadoe elfor sale. H. C. OSBORNE, BOX i95, Bowm anVille, 8-tf S ED FOR SALE-Marquis seed wheat grown from prize winning wheat; quantitv Alberta banner seed oats. Also 1 îoung Shoithoru bulîs, about 1 yeai old from heavy miiking strain and a few females. Apply to A. A . Uolwili, New- castie, Ont. 14 4t FOR SALE-9-ioomed frame lieuse in Hlampton. furnace. 2 acres land, orcliard, bain, stable. Also 1200 and 1200 lb scale, separator, 3 re- frigerators, i5p"ssenger Hupuiobile, McLaughlin rublier tireS bugËgy,, peddling wagon,_cuiter, etc, J, E. L. dole. Hampton. 14b OUS13E FOR SALE-Solid brick, 7 înoms, liard aud cofi î ater convenient, stable, 3/ýacre good garden. ai Nursery Corner, occupied by Wm. Barrie as tenant. A bargain if sold at once. A pp[l' to Mrs. Edith V. Scobeîl, Insurance Agent, Bownianvilis.il53 EGOS FOR HATCHING-Baîred Rocks, lired- to-lay aud exhibition stock; $2.00 per 15, These are real Rocks f roin heavy laying stiain sud non-setters. Also Rd . Wbite Legliorus of prize stock, $1850 per 15. Barred cockereld for sale. Sulas Foster, Scugog-st, Bowmanville. 16t OUS13E FOR SALE-$2550 will boy semi-de- tacheS brick veneer, good collai, furnace, Helectrie iight, water, bath tub and stool in Bowmanville. This bouse ls renting for $28 a moniliwhich makes agood invesiment. Oshawa Real Estate Sales do., Phonie 793, 6i King-st, E., Oshawa. 16i HOU SE FOR SALE-Frame dwelliog bouse containing 9 rooms, 4 closets.. bain, stable, filarge heu bouse, ail electric wired, good bardsud sofi water, large garden witlia lot of fruit tisesoutbesi variety, central]y located, a good home for large family. will sell or excliange for smaller property. J. T. Houper. Centre-st. Bow mauville.lit -NEW EXPRESS.OFFICE DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King-St. EstBowmarivi'te Office Hours: 9 -%.m. to 6 p m. daily except Sunday Phone 00a House Phone 90b D)R. F. T. TIGHE, V.'S VETERINARY SURGEON BOWMANVI LLE Dav or Night Cails Prompîly Atiended To Office - King-St. W., Siatesmnan Block Phone 243 "Lest We ýorget' E. R. BOTUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., I Granits and Marble. BowmaniileOntario. DIR. V. H. STORIEY Graduate Toronto University ÏiResident Physician and Surgeon * Toronto General Hospital i915/i6 Captain C. A. M. C. Office Royal Bank Building (Office formierly occupied by Dr. Beith) Phone 143 Bowmanville Io THE BUNGALOW For Dances, Receptions, Banquets,, Parties, Entertainmlents etc. Full Equipment and ail Conveniences For Information, Rates or Reser.vations, address Box,390 Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Phone 102, Offices : Bleakley Block (Over T. N.ý Rickard's Store) Bowmanville Ont. I Companies -ServIce Raies are of the blest when you insure with NInsurane Agent, IPhone 162 Office Wellington-st Bowmanville FUN*ERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most ComploesEquipment Sunday and nightt eau, promptly attended to. Bowmanvlle Phones 10 34 Branches:, ORONO HAMPTOlN G. C. BONNYCA STLE L. D. S., D. D. B., Honor Graduate in Dentist ry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office Kigg-st- Bowmanville Office Phone 40. House Phone 255 Sign Pvaintingy Window Letters, Initiais put oa Autos, Club Bags, Trunks, etc. J. Hl. NEEDIIAM Centre st. 16-4 Bowmanville $30,000 Stock Being SoId5 For $20,000 Getà% Vour Share of the $1O,OOO Watch The Windows Bel Sure and Read our BIG BILLS, One Will Reach You Friday. Attend The'Sale, Then You C'an Judge Values, Yourself. Two Specials E Exceptional Values Knock-mAbout Suits $19.50 BUY, ONE $i9.50 Blue Serge Fast Dye Well Tailored Latest Style Worth $45.00 TO CLEAR $32.50 ~t.,. * ~ t rr-.~'-r-~ W4----------- - ~-~-- - abanone becuse ot acýK o0!jfor a number of years, and was well OOertor)o the part Of thc known tîrouglout West Durham. His MeOiîs.wife predeceased him last year, and le h ad been spending the winter with lis (To be CmUtnued neoet ueek) sons in Vermiillion. Interment ai Orono. <t -, -v - 4-~- On The Suninyside Bowmanville Phone 61 Use Our MaiI=Order=Dept, Bowtnanville 1 must Baisecaa h saleL

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