IBOWMANVILLE, MAY Ï3th., 1920. PENNY BANK DEPOSITS We are very sorry to note the heavy OBITUARY. decrease in Penny Bn deposits in 1 ' iBowmanville sehools during January Donald M.Culloch, Columbus. land Pebruary 1920. While the aver- Mr. Donald McCulloch, cliasmïateage deposits in Canada was 48 cents of Editor M. A. James, has gone to >per pupil, our schools deposited an his rest after a long and active if e average of oply 19 cents. Here are of usefuiness, both being students of thse figures for past three years for Enfield sehool awayback in thse 60's these meonthe; .when the late, Rev. Ebenezer W. Pan- -- Jariuary February ,on and his succéssor, Dr. Elisha Jes- 1918 $76.07 $110.92 IOP, e~ P. P., o£ St. Catherines were 1919 16381 165.58 ,Ieir eàchers. H1e was third son of 1908887 88.46 Slate Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Me- 'ulçhhis eldest brother being Rev., Did you know that the Salvatioei R.oberit McCulloclt, Toronto, an ex-1 Army maintains -a "Mîssing Friends PresiuIhkt of the Bay of Quinte Con-: Bureau",which serves to find persons ference. The late 1ev. George Me- in any part of the world? Over Culloch whose widov. and famnily live, 1,000 missing, personsanre located by in Lindsay, was a younger brother. the bureau every year. John an eider brother, died in the _________________ 70's. James, a younger brother1 lives in Reach and has been honored - mnny times in Municipal life. Mrs. 4 William Gilbert, Enniskillen, now' of i Toronto,--is- a -sister. -$he -late- Mrs. Philip Martyn, formerly of this town; was thse eldest sister. Hils wif e was Elizabeth Bryant of Reach, sister of 11ev. Jamesw Bryant,,B. A. The Oshawa Reformer publishes this tribute: At thse alloted span of if e there passed away at his homeM Columbus, April 25th., Donald Me- Culloch, i his seventieth year. The late Mr. MeCullocIs was born in Dlar- lington township, south of Enfleld,, and had farmed there nl his active' life, having moved to Columibus only about a month ago. Deceased was a life-long member of the Methodist church and an 'active worker in thse advancemient of the kingdom of j Christ. He was for many years a steward of the Enfield Methodist' ,ehurch, and uip to the time of his iii- WU ness was superintendent of the ýSun- c day School. The late Mr. McCulloch hiad lived a quiet life on the fanm where he was known as a breeder of ISS o BadwS1 very fine horses that often won prizes at local Pairs, but had made w~any fim and fast friends, especial- P 111inute ">ail Gf tho 1$' in and around Bowmanvîlle and back, lumbago,rhu, Oshaw,ýa. 1He leaves to moura hishs ,S hase his wif e, who resides at his late s PI fltelm alte residence, four daughters-and two of defective kidneys. en.A daughter predeceased him seven vears azorn The dThte ae!,+pn.,------- - -"à Used Cars For Sale-ý $350_to_$850 llere'are a few exceptional values in used cars which are bound to go quickly: Overland 75-B3, Touring Car, newly painted, recent- ly overhauled. Overlld 59-T, Touring Csr, in od hp,-vr cheap. god1hpe vr Chevrolet 1918 Model, Touring, repainted, looks like new, good tires, ini excellent condition. Chevrolet 19 17 Mode], Touring, newly painted, in first- class shape. Fod1919 -Mode]l,-Toüuring, -as good -as new, elec- trie starter, shock absorbers,* run Iess than 3000 miles. Act Qûickly - See Tiiese ToldLy PICK<ýARD' S GARAGE Phone 248 Bowmanville OILS Auto Cylinder Oil iîTHlE ONLY FARMI POWERomPLANT' Exclusive Features with Indisensable,,Reslt a I. bois ail field work, including cultivating, harvesting and belt work 2. One marn completely aperates bath tractor and a11 implements,1 3. A single Seat in the center of aU contrais of tractor and implement 4. A single unit of aperationt-the tractor and implements forai but one unit &Operatar oee aU Ne w ~ih better than hind sight" 6. 4ractive power in front of the work with operator behind the. work Moo.na No duplication by horse Meana A large saving in labor Meane Great ease of operation - Mêe Can back end tu."..short 1.21'ais Better anid faster wo&l Mearzs Power used as horses are uned 9L