Ladies-' uits and Spring COatS neWcet maer;a!s and latest styles. Sec them at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's Ltd. ATTENTION!1 FARMERS See C. W. Souci, Hamnpton, for the hest grade of Lightniing Rod îinstalled bv ~the approval of Prof. W. H Day of Guelphi. Also Beatty Pamps of ail kinds, B-T Sanitary Water Bowls, Hay Forks galore, ail kinds of repairs for saine. Best grade of Ply mouthi Gold Medal Rope always on hand. B-T Steel Stalls & Stansions Phione 129-21.18. DIR. F. T. TILIGHE, V. S VETEIRINA-RY SURGE014 BOWMAN VILLE D)ay or Niglit Calls Promptly Attended To Office - King-St. W., Statesman Bock P1lhonie 243 THE BUNCALOW For Dances, Receptions, Banquets, 1 Parties, Entertainments etc. 1 Full Equipmnent and ail Conveniences î For Information, Rates or Reservations, address Box 39 0 Bowmanville DR. V. H. STOREY 1 Gradae-Torente U-1rs Rei dent Physiclan and Surgeon t Toronto General Hospital i91/i6 C Captain 0. A. M. C. Officei Royal Bank Building (Office forrnerly occupied by Dr. i3eith) Phone 143 Bowmanville Io Companies -Service RatesI jare of the best when you insure with - a a r I BOWMANVILLE, IMAY l3th., 19201' ENNISKILLEN. Sunday Scliooi Anpiversary May 23 and 24. Rev. H. Wilkinson, Green- wood, wili preacli on Suaday. A good concert Monday, program by Missi Maui.Reiy-ea, Toronto, Boston grad- uate in el ocution, Mr. J. E. Leggett, Locust Hill, impersonator, Mr. C. C. Laugher, Mus. Bac., and Orchestra, Bowmanviile. Particulars next week., League Wed-ncsday evenig ia charge of iýss Stella Smith, Ist Vicei Pres. Topic by Mrs. Theo Siemon;i Trio by Misses Mari orie Smith, Luel- la Stevens and Giadys Stainton; readings and roll caîl, ciosing witli Mizpah benieditio... . Under the leadership of Dr. Ç. W. Siemon the Sunday Scliool la busy practising for anniversary May 23rd .... Dr. C. W. Siemon. and Mr.. Thos. McGiil have purchased new cars ... . Visitors >- Frank Bray, Braesîde, Enfieid, with Mr. Gordon Wery; Miss Cora Sharp, Oshiawa, Miss Gertie Oke, Bowman- ville, and Miss Rena Bentham, Mark- linm, at home; Mr. and Mms. W. J. Stainton and Bernice witli frienda at Orono; Mr. Vannatto, Kendal, with is son, Mr. D. Vannatto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Siemon, Haydon, Mrs. Gil- bert, Toronto, at Mr. R. Gilbert's; Mrs. Smîthi, Brighton, with lier sis- ter,Mrs.H. Rogers; Miss Vivian Ams- bary witli Miss Dora Mountjoy, Hay- don; lys. (Dr.) Siemon w'itli lier ton; Harold, Marion and Boyd Slem- on with their granidmiotlier, Mrs. J.J. YVirtuie, Hampton .... League execut- ive met at Miss Margaret Stewart's and arranged program for the year. *.... A large audience greeted Bey. G.T. McKenzie Sunday evening when lie delîvered a, very appropriate ser- mon on Motlier's Day, whicli was highiy appreciated.. TYRONE. V Visitôrs Iiss M.t HooD~r. HAMPTON. League m-teeting Friday evening, May 71,h, was in charge of Miss Mary ,Katerson, former lst Vice Pres. Meeting opened witli singing after whiceh Bey. Totton led, ini prayer. Miss Emima Niddery gave, the Bible LONG SAULT. A Basket Social will be lield on Wednesday, May 26tli in tlie Sault Churcli. Admission 25c. Ladies with baskets free, also huyers over $1,00. U. F. O. NOTICE. ENFIELD. Mr. Benj. Powell had a bee mioving lis effectlIs to Osliawa on Friday. The famiily wili be mnucli missed, having been memibers of 'severai societies, and Miss Mabel Powell lias been or- ganist in the churcli lere. .. Newly, elected $unday Scliool officers are: Superintendent-Mr. Fred L. Bray; Bible Class Teaclier-Rev. G. T.Mc- Kenzie; Assistant-J. MeFadden.; in- termediate Ciass--Mrs. Walter Fer- gusoni; Primary Ciass-Mrs. P , Cii- bert; Assîstant-Mrs. L. C. Pascoe; Secretary- Harold Orajiston; Or- ganist-Miss Irene Asliton; Assistant -Miss Dorothy Pascoe... . Anniver- sary S,'unday Junie I3th. .Mr. Elrîn- er Bradley lias pumcliased an'auto. . .Several from liere attended Mr. Donald McCuilocli's funerai at Coi- umbus. .. .Mr. Harvey Strong lias engaged to work on a farm near Or- ono. HAYDON. Visitors :-Mrs. F. Glithers in, Tor-j onto; Miss Vivian Amsbury, Ennis-' kilien, at Mr. Tlios. Mountjoy's; Mr. Artliur Burrows, Blackstock, at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's .... League Con- secration service in charge of Missi Eva Denike Thursday niglit, was well attend ed., Scripture reading by j Pastor Wickett; topie "The Ambit- ious Lif e" was given in a very inter- esting way ET Mrs. Theron M,ýount- joy; Miss Denike gave a good rend- ing, Roll was called severai respond- ing witli titles of good books., Sunday afternoon "Motlier's ýDay " was observed here by a splendidpr-! gram by tlie Home Department. Stfitable readings were given by _Mrs. T. Slimon, Mrs. R. Siemon, Earl Tliompsoa and Bible reading by Mrs.. Silas Trewin. A chorus was nicely given Iy Juniors. Mrs. Sïiney Trew- Ir, and Mme. John Siemon, Enniekidllea gave a duet the rendition being much' enjoyed. Mrs. H. Ashton gave oneof 1 hem splendid addresses on "What the' PO'RCH !UDHlITURE the past year were given.,Miss Lyra The next regular meeting of the Trenouth favored witli a- reading and Providence Farmers' Club wiill be Miss Miidred Souch a solo. The toPic heid in Shaw's Schoolhouse on Tues- "The Ambitious Lîf e" was given by day evening, May l8th at 8 o'ciock.1 Pastor Totton. The Roll was calied Topic "ConsoiJated Sehools."1 and a number ieâd' in prayer. Don't fail to hear týie popular play TYRONE ANNIVERSARY. given here by the Salem voungpeople, TyoeMtdiswilcebre entitied "An Old-fashioned Mother"'0 their Sundnay School Anniversary on Friday, May 14 at,8 15 pin Ot ers Sunday, May 23rd. Services wili be numbers wîil also be given Admis'ion held at 2. O and '7.30 p.m., when Rey. aduits 3sc, cildren 20c. 19 2WI. S . ~ BDo omn ville, wili preacli. Special program of Beautiful assortment of carpet squares, music will he given by tl.e Sunday in Tape,ýtï , Brussels, A xminsterad i. School. Subscriptions and collections toas await your inspectioni and approval will be taken in aid of School Fund. at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Ld. Pulcicodayintetoted these services. 20-2 -4':- i -'t àENý OfieXinig-St. E 0ffice Hours-.7 a. k10se~hne~5I~o srvce olo ed .Sunday moru- VWalter visilng lier sîcký sister at C_ g srWekttwasa iebet.Ion JacfOsawanci Mr.flS .1IS.Brooes.n DEVITT Eveiyn Brent sang -in fine voice .. Motlter's Day was obsemved in. TIST union service folowed .... Mr.. H ations at both services. Pastor Boyce .1 Denta~l College, Mackiin'spoke at Sunday School on, deiivered two splendid sermons, Mr. into. bees, fiowers and.,missionaries,l and Frank Walter sang "My Mother s. 'ast, Bowmarville Mother's Day music was sung. . Prayer", Ladies' Quartette sang &-p tv--~daffy selves capital entertainers Fridav ev- oIcers of ihe Epwortll League: H-Io. ening. rce Tres. - eV. ...oyewes s Finish for everything you iht -bectujr deCUratein youtrnoie.- Chi-Na'l mel Producta can bc np- plied by amateurs without laps or brush 'marks because they ara madie by our Specil process of a wonderful WATERPROOF, SELF - 'LEVELING CHINESE OI, upon an enth-ely different prin<îple fromc ordinary finishes. andi find outI low ecçOnicslly you can beautify oid or new fioors furniture, woodwork, dom etc., with Chi-Namel. You are asprrdaci -courtesy andi carefuil attention by Cs-aa stores whe are rocognized in their respective lo- cation for up-to-date maethods anti marchandise. Write us if you can not ûind one readlly. * 7~ ~ - --~ , _ te No Doubt You Are. WE LEAD While Others Followlý Compare our prices with other grocera-yes, Casl, and Carry grocers, too-and von il find without 0lx- ceton we meet ail prices. It wili be to your inter- ests to patronize uisanitary store-prompt ervieý -dlean and fresli,ïtock-Iowest prices. Aylmer Tomatoes 25 cases direct fromn factory, reg. 25e a can, this veek i19C Star Ammonia> Juwst thirAk, we sold sevemailihundred packages of Star Ammonia Jast week and stili have pienty at '. packages for...........i15c Brfooms--,Last Chance This is absoluteiy your last chance to brus in on our SweeÉing Broom ',ale-and for this week we have reduced tliem to. . .601, -Tea, E_... kPeeili- It is wonderful tlie immense quantity of this higli grade Ten we have soid. Anottherweek at 4 iba for................. $2.00 I Eggs Wanted 50îc doz We will pay,50c doz this week for strictly fresh egg.s Be-ase Balsb-, Given Awav J I