fi. t. t t 5-J ti it ilaript >-,1 ;â1H1 Juiy 8, 1919 If You Wish to Get a lligh Grade Business Eduçatïon and a Position soon after G-tad- uating, y ' will select the ELLioTV>2r. Yýongeeand Charles Sts., Toronto. Larn M ore About This School byj writi-ng for our Large Catalogue. See 1 what we have clone for others and wvhat we cani do for you. This school standsý for thebest in courses, instruc- tion, equipment and discipline. Open ail vear. Ent'cer now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Shloes Repaîred While You Wait ý Ian now in a position to give youquick service, and best of workna.nship as I have two assistants. Work Boots For Sale I have a lirit'ed stock of goold substantial work boots for men. AisQ sel,- Iyears. mhat inflation was due to tne1 sanie thino'e as the niresent inflation I -extravagaflce, lack of economy, in- efficiency, _§peculation anld wasteful- ness. Then in 1873 -came the crash. That crash, he- declared, camie in .1,pte of the fact that they had every- uthing in their favor in the way of * bolstering their finances. There was the Ujnited States devel- -opment of the West,,there were, the California gold fields, there was an influx of foreign capital,, there were oul discoveries and inventions,,and many other things which conspired to boost prosperity and keep the speculation going longer than it otherwise would. Yet, in spite of ail those Ithings, al of which are lacking in the - tates to-day, the' boom iasted less than eight years. The natural answer would be that the present boom is about due to break. The speaker agreed that such reasoning, would be right, except that ail other nations are In the saine situation. "The whole civilized world is -in n hole," was the way he put it. No ore 'nation crin lean UP- on another, / lke we leaned upon Europe after the Civil War. There is no f oreign capital to be had, so the question is: What is going to pull us out of the hole?" he ahswer4 lhe repeated, is Economy, and'Economy and still more Economy. Do you feel weak aod unequal to the work ahead of yuo-t Do yon stili congh a littie, or does your'nose bother yon? Are you pale? Is your blood thin and watery? Better pot yonr body into shape. -Bnild strong An old, reliable blood - maker and herbai tionic mïide from wIld roots and barks, is Dr. Pîerce's ole Medical Discovery. This no a ure remedy"cornes your body and protoc(t you from dis- ease g'rmswhiech liirk verywhere. One of the active ingredients of ibis tean- perance alterative aod tonic is wiid cherry bark with stillingia, which is so good for the longs an-d for coughs; also Oregon grape root, blood root, stone root, Queln's roût,-all skilfully combined in the Medical 'Dlscovery. These roots bave a, direct action'on the stomach, îrnprovlng digestion and assirni- lation. These herbai extraâcis, in the "Discovery" aid in biood]-min ,g and are best for scrofùla. B1y improving the blood they fortify the body agaîist an attack of grlp or colds. Catarrh should be tetefIrst, as a blooddisease, withthsteav. Then, in addition, the nose shouild be Washed daily with Dr. Sage's Gatarrh Rem)-redy. Send 10c for trial pkg. of Mediclial Dis- Scovery Tablets or Catarrh Tablets tof Dr. Pierce's Laboratory, Brldgeburg, Ont. vv e wsti r anno a ot we nave neen appoint-eu Chevrolet Service Station01 We have secured a first-c]ass mechanic who cari' repair all makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full suppiy of Ford, Chevrolet and Maxwell parts, Gasoline, Greases and Oils. J, ÏIITLY - The Garage Man Phone 44 and 114 Bowmanville Call or write us your inquiries and we will do Our best to, give you satisfaction. McClellan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Offfiice Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274 i Cre Waiinte'd! Prices!7of Cream are higli. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fait to calli-on you we would appreciate a phone cati or write us. ~Orno reamery- Co., 't- ,-~ U nexcl,lectU urniug car servïce, Sleeping cars on night Train s an Parl-,or Cars on the principal Day E'l information f rom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C.E. Hornin,1 Iistrict Passenger Agent, Toronto.- J. HL. IH.âJURY, Town Agent, Phone 78 Bsowmanville Do not sufai another day wth Itchink le- ing, or rorud. tng Piles, No PILEsurgical oper. Dr. Chase's Olntmaent Willree eyou ai nc and asý cerItaily cureyOU . SOca box al delror Edanuson, Bates 0G., m1ed Toon'tO. SamPie bx feeI you mninii pape' sD ecoeUc tm t»re sohene s enabie you to supply your needs for mansion or cottage. The prices -are..reasonable considering the shortage of paper. ,10c per roll upwards. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Bowrnanviile t' Corn, Linseed 011 Meal, and Alfaif a Flour, with a trace of charcoal and sait. Compared with corn, barley, shorts, hominy or similar ingredients by weight, Purina Pig Chow will produce 100 Ibs. of live hog with -one-third to one-aIf less feed. Fed inidivid-- ually or in combination with othe-r feeds, P urin? Pig Chow will produce 25 to 50% morevvweight. PuRniA i There's a Purina Feed for every Need. Wholesale and Retaill Distributors 1 Joe Harris Bowmanvillie Oit Agreat variety of tempting breakfast dishes cari be made with BREAD. Try using bread-the best of all foods-as a basis of your breakfasts. You'1l be surprised rit the diflerence you and your f amily wMl experience in vigor of body and brain, Meats are jtüo hcav-y to start the dlay withi. They place too great a burden on the digestive machinery at a time when the bodily eniergies arc needed for ther work. ALEX. CJHRISTinIE The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowrnanville t -s 5- .4~L 7-1 WallPapers -I ýnQýiiA ýý T-Tý-"iý--