Special Service To FarmersI ,As the farmers will be extra busy on the land for the next few months and will not be coming to town so often we have made special arrangements to give you extra good service whereby we W111 send y ou fresh meat every diiy. Phone us your order and we will do the rest We Deliver the Goods Horsey Block Phone25 Iloumse 272 Bowmanville, E sel von a BOWMANVILLE, MAY 27th 1920. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS, This county has a fine record for valor of her sons in the recent World War. One after another the boys are returning home from thej countries overseas where they were? sent. A despatch from HalifaxI dated May 18 says: Among the pas- sengers landing £rom the American liner Haverford to-day was a party of twelve repatriated Imperial ofil- cers, many of whom are returning to Canada after, servicex with the Im- perial forces in the East. At least twvo of them.were from Toronto, Capt. W. G. Bentham, who was two and a haif years in India, being at- tached to the veteriniary service, and Capt. Bell, a C. A. M. C., man who also served in India. The Fruit Me'l.iciEe,ý IL R. No. 1.LoRN, ,ONT. "Frover three years, I -Waq ooexfiD-ed to bed with Rkeumalisr. 1 freated with doctors,' -aîî t: nearsly everything without biel, 1 sllItriede Fu-~ie" 1 irgkad usd hafa box 1sav iýÊ-emmtti the pala mus sasier and the sweliiiw ctartedto z dow LEAGURS NGHT OT. Iomitinued taJking this fruit mne- Leaguers from Hlampton and Ty-1 cn, imp&#g ai! tLe timne, and rone ia large numbers accepted the 110W 1 û=waP 43-A XI~two m&lec an~d invitation of Bowmanville Leaguers &D Egbt obores aht>,t th. ae" and came in Monday night to enjoy a e social time. President Mason opened the meeting and, after prayer b . box, 6$Ioe$&JO, -_25e by Rev. S. C. Moore, extended a most Â~Ait e oeleior sent Po-tpeddhy cordial welcome to the visitors. Mr. recdte-ees limeted, Otlawa. e Hilton Peters,' Hampton, and Mr. Albert His, Tyrone,. the visiting Presidents, took charge of the meet- HAYDON. ing. The topic "Character Build-, ing"l was presented in a brie£ address_ Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Mount- by Mr. F. J. Groat; Mr. larry loi- joy, Hampton, and Miss Kate Steph- lins sang a solo, accompanied by Miss es Salem, at Mr. Theron Mount- Evelyn Brent; Miss Mary Souch gave j oy's; XMîss Eva Denike at Havelock; a fine readinglMisses_ MÏiouchL@ague-ervie-e- -.Thursday-ngh- randMinnie Hor rendered a pretty in charge ofMissiotnary Vice Presi- piano number; Miss Marie Werry re- dent, Mis~s Vera Mountjoy, who made cited with splendid expression andIthe topic interesting to ail. Seripture Miss Mildred -Souch -sang myeetly~ lesson was read by Miss Denîke; "Beautiful Garden of Roses" ac-! readings wvere given by Mrs H. Ray- companied by Miss Mary Souch. Mrs. nor and Miss Vema Slemon. A sens- J. E. L. Cole recited "The Revenge",onf ry wahedoru Ms and quatetof Msse N. ornsionary in China closing wîth bene- and Erma Salter, and Messrs. T.I, diction .... Friday night the Salem Salter and L. Cryderman sang a very Epworth Leaguers, presented their pretty selection that was a v@çry ap- popular drama entitled "An old- propriate closîng to this part of the fashioned -Mother", which--wasthor- progmam. -Acontest engaged -the oughly enjoyeq and appreciated by attention of the young people until aIl. Other numbers were given, con-, refreshments were served b the sisting of violin selections by Mr. local 'League. A hearty Voteo Charles Carruthers, readin s bv Accurate Thorough'-Lubïcation L- JMPERIAL Polarine gives thorough lubrication und er every prt îng condtt-on. Cars aid trucks give longer, cheaper ev ewe I ubricated wi th I mperial Polarine. Imperial Polarine will ot break up or run thin under continued operation. It reduces friction to a minimum b'yrmaintaininiga coating of oul on every wearing surface. It seals A the powver behind the piston by establishing a pet fect Piston -to-cylinider seal. *Learn which of the tregae described below is best suited for your car front the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations, which ie on displaywherever Imperial Polarine is sold. Sold in one-gallon and four-gallon sealed cans, haif-barrels and barrels, also in 121 2-gallon steel kegs, by dealers everywhere.