You Can't Go Wrong yOU will make no mistake în followias the lead of Canada's be.t-kziown Motor car Have a rugged, pwer- fui, durable Prest-O-Lite Battery is4ta lu your car and banish your tarfmo and lighting troubles. If your car 18 not now equipped with aPrest-O-Lite, investigate thi botter battery to-day. Leari al about its greater strength capacity aurd power. Then, ;L;n yoir Epresent battery is worn out. yo'll be Sure to have-a Pret-O-Ute. Prest-Opte Service às Yom ors commndéWhatev.r batteqyoM have Dow, KIRKENDALL & OXYBi 'GARAGE DiSt ributor, aid tervice eGtatioa Phone Nos 44 and lui iiownîanviile Is Yuouth Tenrder? Are YurGums Sr or Bleeding? Are Your Teeth Loosening? If so, you have 'Riggs" Disease, Pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth, and you need Riggs l"eedy forRggDiae Wihy sufer we you cari easily treat yourself in thle comfort' and privacy of your ow,,n homie by this sure, safe and painlesa method, 'which will give you iimmediate relief? Write RIGGS R EMh!E DY COMPANY, Limnited Pyorrhaa Speci lists 144 CarItoq Steet, Toronto, Onut. MILK, AS FOOD. City 'Man's Cônvincing Argumen-ts had soelUIs Faeor. y have been reading wîth consider- able 'pleasure your articles,, Mr. Edîtor, on milk as a diet, and having had eineexperience la the use of milk myseif I am goinig to inflict' sorne experience upon you as fol- lows: 1 arn a salary mian, living ia a city of over tweaty thousand. The- first 33 years of if e were speat on a farm, so if my opinions and manners still smack of the green grass, cows, and chickens, it is because the two years and a haîf whicis I have spent ia town have not been sufficlent to entîrely oblitemate what was years in developiag. It can also be readily seen that te a person la sucis a posi- tion, thse high cost of living is a very real problein iindeed. Siace com-ing to lîve la town, 1 have taken conisidemaple interest and not a little, amusemeut la listenfing to my fellow-townsmen discussing farmn problems, particulary thse prices cf farmn produce. Not beîng of a par- ticularly argumeatative tura cf mmnd, I have usually been content to listen rather than debate these ques- tions. This, however, has net pre- vented me from mirakiisg a f ew obser- vations on my own account. If there is one article cf farm pro- duce, the price-of which, cornes la for more than it's share cf complaint, it is milk., This, 1 believe, has res-uit- ed la the fact that many familles are stinting themselves on this necessary f ood. One of the observations which 1 have made is the 'slow development cf child Hf e, and thse number cf puny and apparently undemfed children, even la good homes, where there was ne scarcity cf general food, and ne lack cf the wherewithal te, purchase sanie. Let mie illustrate: Between my boite and my place of business, I pass thse home of theise'. They have two children and have been quite concermned regarding their slow de- velepemeat. 1 cannot give exact de- tala as I do net specialize la other people's business. I do well kniow, however, that one of these children had long passed the age at whAic-h children usually comimence to talk but stili shewed ne inclination to do so. Another child gcaused consider- able worryoa account cf the non- appearance ef its teeth. Fiaally, a doctor was called. He, said the eilîdren were suffering from a lack of minerl matter la their systems and advised the parents to take the marrew eut cf benes and cook it for thern te eat. 1 have ne reason te dîsagree with eitier the diagnosis or thse treatrnt but 1 go past the "L'a" home foulr times a day whea la townanad have fnèver yet seen more than a, plat hottle'cf milk on- their doorstep. Now, I arn net claiming that it is lack' cf milk which is hiaderine' the develonméat of AtL ;-avLai meeting ol the.,'15,186,348 and operation costq or sharho . rif he Canadian Pacifie ,76 6.Suceess of the Irriation I~.Iway, in. uMoartreal, Mr. E. W. lock.1will, a is Loped, lead teo the ex- Beaty, rè,r,~ ofG the Company, panion of irrigation projects under stdthat the annral report reflect- Fýederal or Provincial GOveramenta, ed vividly *the situation prevalling in thereby diminishing the danger of respect of th increased cost cf opera- crop failure la irrigated district&. tion. The grr.sý nis were the The value of .any enterprise de-. largest in thse Compaay's, hrstory, ex- pends on the abillty to progress and ceeding ýthorlse of 1wby$19,391.362, on, the maintenance of high credît yet the nteri.swer e les by $1,-1 necessary to thse development. Rail1i 5' 33.Thse lare irease il'D ,0rk-, ways mnust be enabled to keep pace ingý ex_"Oonses slovrn a otalinecaeVit the prog'ress of thse country, by since, 1917 of i)E279 is a strik- expanding the facîlities, constmucting ing example of lbe offert f the ia- 1aecessary new lunes aad supplYlng creased cost 0fwaead mater ial, the public wltb adeqeuate effi'cîencY i spite of the Compny' coser»va- and comfort in service Thse rail- tive and eco lamiculi at iasatC way net earnings of the Company for X\hile it iis ratifyrng that 1915- represent a return of only four with tisese excF t!,anal casth ie Co,- pircent on thse actual cash invest- pany had during tise prest t1,ü yenrs ed in the, rail way itself. A nominal earnedlfixed charges aniýd usual divi- sujrplus of $844,249 bas boeeu placed dards, nevert1seees ,;tise relation beý'-ia reserve to meet tis secaltaxza- tweea earaings rvr d expenusemust tion imp4,sed by thse Domninion (Gev- now recelvee most e fuil conside a- eramenit. Tise flxed charges and tien. The upward trnd iii cosfs 'Of interest on thse preference stock o! tise irset two years !,asflot Len the Comp-.any are low and the dlvidend equalized by mnress nthe gross of seven per cent payable on tise ce- oarniags aad operaiag eocrs mon stock from tise railway ean- Thse exterit of the rate mcreasi's fixed ings la mioderate. Any corporation by thse DominionRala Cmv- conductlng se extensive an enter- s, o.n bas net equialled ths ncred prise mnustç have reasoniable sur- costs receatlr foirc cl on ail Cein- pluses. Yet thse surplus after thse panles Berweea 1914 and 1919 the deduction of thse fixed charges and workîng- expenses o! tise Co,"aaY thse divldends amouated to leus Usai had climhed from $,S,88,000 te bal! 0f one per cent. of thse grose $144,000,000, an increa-se o.! f64 p.c. earnings. Revenues, tiherefore, dur- Witbin this same period( the incereases ing the past tw.o yeara were obvious- la,ý freigisi and pseg rurtes ly lnadequate. Rates slsould be es- aiouni!ted 'In actual fac't to 30 p.c.,la taisiished whlch represent a faIr-,me- freig1)t rates and 10 p.c. in passen- titra for tise service rendered. Profita ger rates. Thuis curing 4thse pastfIve earned by a Compeny's efficiency and yearsthe percentage increas,-e la economy and by Use clsare.eter and 0,peating expenses was duble tise extent of Vthe equipment and fadil1- pn!rceatage ln toils accoýýrded tLo the ties, should ncvt be, conflscated, no>r ltiwyCompanieos. sisould Use revenues accrulng teo, Qn Ow,,ing te the parity of conditio'ta Company from service well perform- .:x,4ting betwéeeathse United St-ateO ed be taken to supplemnent Use mev- _ýiad Canada, thse Canadian roads dur- enue of a cumpetitor less succesefuL %v is ar had te accept Use iîgisThse theory that the rates be not waescales imade effective under increased, but Usat Use deficlts be Goc era.meýnt control o! American me~t !rom general revenues of the, nîroýa-s ad aise to continue 01%erating Çompaay is economtlcalîy unsound undel-r similar tarïi!!t toila. These aid dlserlminatlng agaînst thse pubiel tariffs were entirely inadequate as ln favor of thone uslng rallway faci- results in the Unlted StaLtes clearly~ lities. Thte Cornpanyi3 equlpinent demonstrated. Receait legisiatien Trust Issue of $12,000,000 was secur.. has assured American carriers of edat ighîy favorable Intereqt rates. rates wiciobwillreua ixdp- The arndment to Use Companyas ,centage on thse value o! 'tise dr Charter perrnltting the increase 'of takings uised ln thse pbi ev .thimuber of Use Dtrecfors from 'This wîîi mean a reosdrainufs fteen to cigisteen Ia purely ernpow- and i3lcrea!ee n laue 1rt 0s1o-Vuen-t eriag. In tise Urailod itaLs N tu1 t Immigration te Canada is antîci- r rssly n rao aiirstn~ns xiiibepated on a large scale, and wile me- vît vu'*' cr crrionby tise trencaiment and i fnanc4al conserva-. CG~ a r or ~d ~e D'nliouRail- P '. S" odjustment » is are wlae, tise Company's Direc- c' 'ct th gru dtors bave theseanme implicie atsl the r~G O s~ îi 1 rn'lored by tise future gre'wtis and Use prosperîty t ce ""s .rtLcret- eora et the country as before, and the )s to riv ce ame confidence ln thse Cornpany'à 'I 1 C'rt) l' b d- bil:'ty to play an important pat Î shul e -its developent and prospertik te n. 1 Mr.'Grant Hall, Sirp VincenMe pr>~ ' o nC nilaux reditis, Bart., iad Sir Augustus M. ira vîtco~ utio ~ '~ Nat awere re-etected. suse William'Edgerton, a farmer, aged 60, living, two miles north of Ponty-ý pool eaded bis life by hanging on I Saturday. His lifeless body was, f ou4d dangling from the rafter of the sheep pen. Edgerturs had been in iii health for some time. Requisite on the' Farm- Every farmer and stock-raiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Qill on hand, not only as a ready ,-remiedy fol ilt's la the f amily, but because it is a horse and cattie medicine of great potency. As a substitute for sweet oil for horses and cattle af- fected by colie it far surpasses1 any- thing that can be administered.j The Razor for Men Who Are Doing the WorldS Work All over this country, the. Gillette Safety Razor bas god friends in thie mon who work mnightily, with band and brain. These men appreciate t he beat kind of an impie- ment that it is- possible to produce for its specifie job-shaving 1 The hard-tempered. double-edged, scientlfically-sharpened bladès «~e the samne Cll1ette O1ades that stand for a saving in ime and effort to millions of men tihe world Over. With these blades you get the cleanest, smoothe.41, Most satis.fying shaves you ever had in your lUefé, No Stropplng-No Honing! Why nat go Io a dealer todag and chooseYOUR se from his GUlette -stock .> $5.00 the, Set ,2~ t ____ HeIp Your Digestion Wen relieve the îndigestiûm with Diw-,lve easily on têungue-au pleasaut to tale as eandy. Keep your etomach Sweet, try fKknoIds NLAIM Dy 800T & BOWNS