Albert E. Wood, the genial and popular proprietor of the Britishý Hlotel, Cobourg, passed away after a! short illness from heart trouble on May î3th. Mr. C. A. VanNess of C. P. R. Staff, Coîborne, was at Enterprise attending the, triple funeral of his brother, brother's wif e and child, al victims of influenza. NEURALGIA If y ou bmow the nerve- racklngg onieset Neural- gyouil l blese the day Tempîet-on's Rheumattc Capsules BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 3, 1920. LOST FOUR MILLION. Canada's strike record for 1919 TWO0 WORTHY VETERANS. shows an11immrense wastag, bu i probably comipares favorably with Letters From Two WeII-Known that of other countries, although Divines. their figures are not availabîe.' The time lost in Canada last year was We have pleasure in publishiýng greater, however, than in any pie these 'two letters as many of our old- 1 iuyeracodnt aeptjs er readers will remember both ofisus yaraordgtoa reot.just theîssued by theaLabor Depaetment.vl - these supRoersnuat.dhmsers. e . cluding eight carried over from 1918, Dalid Rn oers St. Toas, n dthere was a total of 298 strikes and Darlngtn bo asfollws:loekoupts in Canada during'1919. The Dear Editor,-I remember very number of employees involved was well, 'as you do, when 11ev. W. S. 138,988, and the number of employ- Pascoe, D. D., came to this coutry- ers 1,913. The total number.of about 1867. H1e was an able preach- woÉking days lost was 3,942,189. er, and wonderfullY gifted in prayer. The previous record in working days He -was clled the "Pun-shoni" of the lost was in 1911, when the record Bible Christian Church. In later stood at 2,046,650 days lost. years 1 became very sell acquainted with him, and knoDwing something of NEWSPAPER MEN MEET. hîs affliction and bis advanced years, ___ I dropped hlm a few lines this week Ana ovnini îgEwr to cheer him on the occasion of his Annal, onrntoin ing dar 87th birthday. His reply was charac-I oeTrno oDy Wbat Makes.Your Dinner ASuccess"? Good f ood, of course, and it's always recognized by the guest or family. Go od Food is only another way of say- ing quality food,/and when buying bread, quality bread means Trods Bread. Insure quality when purchasing bread, Your best food is TOD'S BREr"AD Expectanicy Draws You To our shop, -because you have found from past, experience that you can ALWAYS depend upoin the meats we seli as'being the choicest to be founI on thie market You expect to find the best meats at ou'i shop and you get them. ith. O111 1h, what is revealed in rour ai s 1__- -TMqf hrtvn<1 1hp Ai'h*cllfr' Dou anoti !E LE8!g DrChnse'5 Oitmenlt -wjl relleveý ard afford laSting benefit. SOC. dealers, or Edmanslo, Bate2i &,Ç Torontoý. Sampie Box tre if YOUM Daper and enclose 20. stt#nP t) PaY1 id-up the healthi and activity of the liver. li Afnm - , - . . .. .._ 1lii W. T. 'ALLEN B ig 20 Bookstore Bowmanvîlle iinennies Spinach' Rennie's Firebail Gherkin Short Green The Great Ship "SEEANDE E E" fl~ -Ihe largeet sndmoetcostly pasenger Steamer onnlend watereofthe world. Sleeping - eap115OOpnge~ ALEX. CHRISTIE The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowm-anville Il ----------------