MG1V. COULO, B.A& L.L.B. 4..ARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, NOTARY, Royal Bank Building JPhone 351 Bowmanville, Ont. DR. F. T. TIGHIE, V. ý. VETERqINARY SURGEON BO'WMANVI LLE !D av or Night Calis Promnptly Attended T Office - King-St. W., Statesman Bt ock Phone 243 THE 'BUNGALOW, For Dances, Receptions, Banquets, Parties, Entertainmeflts etc. ~Full Equipment--and al Cordvenienze- For Informfation, Rates or Reservations, address Box 390 Bowmanville DR. V. H. STOREY JlGraduate Toronto University ïÎidnt PhY$iéafl and Surgeon Toronto General Hospital i915116 Captai" C.A. M. C. Office Royal Bank Building (Office , ormerly occupied byDr. Belth) Phone 143 Bowmanville 10l Companies -Service 1Rates are of, the best when you insure with NINA lE. NÊADS. Insurance Agent., 1 Phone 162 Office Wellington-st Bowmanville FU,'ERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris &' Soni Monti complets Equipmant Sunday and night calis promptly atte.ded to. Buwmanville Phonos 10 34' Branches ORnox RAMPT~ON' G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor Graduate ixq Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of 'Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office King-st Bowmanviile Office Phone 40. House Phone 25 DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. O0ffice: King-St. Hast,-Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. tO 6 p.m. daiiy except Sunday Phone 90a House Phone 90b BOWMANVILLE,- JUNE 3, 1920. 1 DARLINGTON. Visitoîs: Mi. F. T. Guyý and daughter Nellie, Oshawa, at Mi. Arthur Osborne's; Mis. Wm. Buit- ton, Town, wîth Mis. E. J. Burk; Mi. and Mis. J. Aruot, Taunton, with Mis. Ehi Osb orne; Miss Lyra Tre- nouth, Hampton, witb friends; Miss- es Lyla Osborne and L. McCalpin, Toronto, ut home; Mi. and Mis. Luke Butteiy, Town, ut Mi. J. Bell's; The Misses Hoit, Toronto, ut home; Mis. Bamfoîd and daughter Maud and Mi. Kennetb -Bamfoîd -and f amily, Toronto, have been visiting Mis. H. T. Powerî.... Mi. R. H. Goode ba's sold bis ranch in the West and wil retuin to Ontario and make bis home in Bowmanvile .... A surprise and presentation took place recently ut home of Mi. and Mis. Bruce Met- caîf, when they were made the re- cipients of a handsome writing desk fîom neigbboîs and fiiends of the Base Lîne Sunday Scool. .. An- niversary services of Bas Line Sun- day School were weil atended. Rev. D. W. Best, town, gave an interesting address la the afternoon and Rev. W. TYRONE. Mrg. T. Finlay and little daughter are visiting hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Virtue...Mr.- F. W. O. WerrY, Saranac Lake, N. Y., is holidaying at Mr. 'Peter Werrys .... Mr. and Mis. G. W. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mis. Stephenson, Oshawa, visited at Mr. John H-odgson's. .. . League, on Thursday night was in charge of Mr. A. V. Staples. A talk coacerning church management was èiven by Rev. W. T. Wickett and a solo was sweetly sung by Miss Emily Atkini- son. LONG SAULT. Report of S. S. No. 13, Darling- ton: Si IV-Mabel Abbott, Veina Davey. Jr IV-Ru:ýby Virtue, Don-e aid Davey, Maggie Tape. Jr II- Jessie W-ooey, Ora Abbott,-Myrtie Farrell, Elsie Abbott, Marley Hooper Stella Strutt. Si II-Rena Farrell, Ruth Lowden, Gordon 'Cowlng, Archie Virtue, George Smith, John Hatherley. Jr Il-Stuart Hooey, Irene Ferguson. Jr I-Ted Abbott, Fred Smith. Piimers-Ruth Farrell, Phyllis Lowden, Doris Lowden. Jr Pr-Lorna Hooper, Walter Cowling. Mabel L. Wight, teacher. COURTICE Mýr. Blake Courtice, wif e and f ar- ily,* spent Tuesday at Mr. A. E. Clemeps', Tyrone. .Rev. W. S. Boyce is visitingbis home at Norham.... Mr. and Mis. M. S. Soules have re- turned to Toronto after a pleasant week with their parents, Mr.' S. S. Brooks . ... Miss Myrtle Ward, Chicago, Ill.,Mr. and 'Mis. Vincent Ward, New York, called on many aid fîiends here Friday .... Miss Alma Kerr, Columbus, bas been visiting IMiss Muriel Penfound...,Miss Addie Nichols spent the week-end at Maple Grove .. . .Misses Jacobi and Sprint- neli weîe week-end guests of Miss Doîotby Brooks,.... A number of Ebenezerites attended Eidad anniver- ....... .Miss FayYoung, Bowman-r ville, spent the week-end with Miss ,Eleanor Boyce. SALEM. Anniveîsaîy services in connection with oui Sunday Sehool were most successful. Rev. J. O. Totten, Ham- pton, deiigbted aIl with biýs inspiring addîesses afternoon and evening. Themusic by the Scbool under the direction of Miss Effie Rutledge,with Miss Mari orie Collacott as organist was excellent. Proceeds over $60, Beautiful assortr«eîit of carpet squares, lu Tapestrv, Brussehs, Lxninster and Wii- ts awaîtvyournç~to and appr -va at Couch, Johnston& Cryderman's Ltd. ENFIELD. Sunday School Anniveîsary will be held bere as f ollows. On- Sunday, June l3th at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Rev. E. W. Rowland of Brooklin will de- liver addresses. Music in the after- noon will be furnisbed by the Sunda: Scbool and choir and la the evening by 'Kedion Choir.' Collection at each service in aid of scbool funds. On Monday evening June l4th the young people of Tyrone will give their famous drama "The Stolen Wiil." Admission 35e and 25(ý Concert to begin at 8 p.m. Suitable music wilI be provided. 23-2 EBENEZER. Anniversary services in connection with Ebenezer Sunday Scbooi will be beld as f oiiows: On Sunday, June 13 services will be conducted ut 10.30 a. m., 2.30 and 7 p. m. when sermons will be preached by Rev.L.S.Wigbi, B. A., B. D., of Canaington. Special music by the choir and memnbers of the School., Collections in aid of the Scbool funds. On Monday, June 14 ut 6 p. m. a South Dariington League Foot Bail game will be played betwe- en Maple Grove und Ebenezer teams. In the evening a pageant-"The Rigbts of the Child," will be -put on by members of tbe Scbool under tbe direction of Mis. Louise Worden of Toronto, wbo bas been a successful n e f -I f A rn4.. unll n- Ise C; wEBS'T' "-rER-'1s UOO The U. F. O. Club, Orono, are holding a picnic at the FairGrounds, Orono, on Tuesday, June lSth. Ad- dresses will be delivered by Hon.E.,C Drury, Hon.M. Doherty, and Mis. G. C. Brodie, President the U.F.W.S. 23-2 ENNISKILLEN. Visitors :-Mrs. Fred We bb Und bube, Toronto, at Mr. W. iMeLaugli Ilin's; Miss H1azel Barlow\ý, Toronto, ât ïMi. A. Sbarp's; Miss Peari Sharp, Toronto, ut ber>fte' Mr. A, Sharp's. Ladies' -ý its and Spring Coats niewest materiais and latest styles. Sec tLhem at [Couch, Johnston & Crydermar's Ltd.' PROVIDENCE, Sunday School anniversary will bE heid on Sunday, June 6. Rev. J E. Griffith, Orono, wîllpreach at 2.3( and 7.80 p.m. Oddfellows Choir ol Bowmanville will furnish music. Col lection in aid of scbool funds. 21-3 Dont forget men, when it cornes to yeai round values in ready-to-wear clothing we excel. Couch, johnston & Crydermar Ltd. PASSED TU RESTf. 2Mrs. Frances M. Lane, Bowmanville. KO RSE ROUTES We are called upon this week to ROYAL RIBBON record the passing' to rest of a most (13Ký2) (16972) noble and ioving woman-Mrs. Lane, The lmported Clyclesdale Stallion, beloved wif e of Mr. John tane, Bow- the property of The ClydesdaleHorse 2manville,after about a week's illness. Breeders' Association of Darlington. Mrs. Lane was in her 64th year bbing Wîll make the season of 1920 as the eldest daughter of the late Thos. follows: and Mrs. Charlotte Syer of Janetvîlle Monday,-May 24 will leave bis whereshe was bora and lîved until own stable Enfleld, and proceed to she was married on December 8,1886 JamIes Crossman's, llaydoni, night. to John Lane of Nestleton. They Tuesday,-to Harvey Curtis', Ty- t'ived in Cartwýrîiht until about' 13 rone, noon; thence to John Colwill's, years ago whien they mioved to Dar- south of Hampton, nlight. ington living on the iRowe Farm east Wednesday,-to Frank Hoca- of the town until lastNovember when'éday's, Solina, noon; thence to Bert it they sold the f arm- to Mr. Christopher ÇGlaspell's, Taunton, night. tCox-- and moved to their beautiful res-" Thursday,-to Gordon Scott's, lot idence on Liberty street which they 6, con. 6, East Wb1itby, noon; thence purchased from Mr. Thos Hardy. to his own stable night. Besides her sorrowing husband,and Friday,-to Alexs McKenzie's, East sister Miss Lottie Syer who bas lived Whitby, noon; thence to bis own with her -for the past twt-nty- years, stable-- until-- the- f ollowing Monday.- ,she leaves an aged mother and flveý Terms $15.00. *sisters and two brothers. Their only, W. J. ORMISTON, Manager. son Roy died about five years ago. fMrs. Lane was quite deaf but she -bore ber affliction with a smile and! KINC'8 EYNN always had a kind word and helping (10742) (14204) Vol. 19 hand for ail who needed ber assist- The Pure-Bred Imported Clydes- r ance. The funeral took place on dale Stallion the property of Chester 9 Monday service being conducted by Power, Maple Grave. Phone 124 r 2. n an old fîiend of the familles Rev. E Government Inspected. Pàssed-ý A. Tonkin, assîsted by Rev. W. C. Form 1. Washington, M. A., The bearers Will stand at his own stable for wýere Messrs. C. Cox, Ed. Weatherilt, the season of 1920, except each Mon- W.E.Jewell, Jos.Wight, Lewis Wood day and Saturday afternoon when be and Silas Williams. Beautiful floral will caîl at Senator Beith's barn, and atributes included a wreath from the each Wednesday noon at Mr. George Sfamily, Misses Julia and Sadie Syer Annis', Ebenezer. of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cox, Mr. Terms,-To insure a foal $18, pay- ýand Mrs. E. Weatherilt, Miss Gladys able lst February, 1921, or $15-$5 Y'Weese and Mrs. Ramsay, down time of service and $10 lst of Le Among relatives present were :Mrs. February 1921 if the mares prove to h . Thomas and Miss Marguerite Syer, be in foal. 3t Janetville Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Don-. King's Lynn bas proved himself an aldson, son Stuart and daughter Eve- exceptional stock horse, his colts lyn, Mr. and Mrs., Eber Syer, Mill- have always stood well at-thefront in , brook; Mrs. Edmiind Syer and son, the show-ring. Two of bis colts Ponty Pool; Mr. and MrsEdwin Bea- sbowed at Oshawa Fair last Fal .cock'%and son, Mr. and Mrs. John against ail corners, one carried off McGce, Mrs. Ed. Richardson, Janet- the first prize in the pure bred clasa, ville ;Miss, Ada Richardson, Lindsay,, and the other first in the agricultural Mr. D. Malcolm, Miss Ida Malcolm, class, and the special for the best ag- Mr. and Mis. John: Samelis, Mr. and ricultural colt on the ground. At Mrs. Jos. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bowmanvilie one of bis colts took lst rMalcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wil- prize in the agricultural ciass. liams, Mrs. Chas. Williams, Mr. Paul Parties disposing of their mares 3-Williams, Mrs. I Barclay, Mr. Jas. before foaling timewill be charged -Wilson, Mi. and Mrs. Wilfrid Wil- full insurance. Ail accidents at risk liams, Mr. Peter Wright, Nestieton; of owners. 21-2. 'yMr. and Mrs.Walter Samells, Scugog; g Mr. Harry, Cox and Miss Beisha Miii- 1t S. son, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G:. o A t Lu ne and soft Mervin, Valentia; Mr. Loa, lm o t n re and Mrs. James Martin, Alton; Val- For Far ers ýn andMrsllugh Robinson, Grand a1 F r a me s Cley; Mi. and Mrs. Silas Williams and!_____ le daughter Annie, Mrs. Julia VanNest hve ha-nese Mr. S. Edgar Werry, Mr. Norman E:! I low hvemy a-rse 2Wrght and Miss LetaCornish,Soiina; in the vicinit' of o mn Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Ormiston and Mr.Bow.a. and Mis. Aithur Ormiston, Enfleld. 1lead m ready to buy hay j"A beautiful if e is neyer lost but* at the highest cash price. enters into the fuller -r.lry of the ,larger life beyond." And wilI supply press with- _____ iout any charge. SI Crd o ThaksCommunicate with me at tl M.Jh ane f Tank ss oti Joe. Rosenvald iii r. ohnLan an Mis Lotie(Formerlv of Bowmanville f Syer desire to thank aIl the friends18B lwnS ýe and neigbbors for their kindness aud lBad1nS 4 syinpathy during,ý the iilness and Toronto .death of Mrs. Lanie and for the beau-1 Phone Coilege 2395 or Bowmaxçville tiful. floral offerings. 1)89 Boys' Jerseys Blue, Blue and Red, Grey and Red, Best Makes at 49e Buy at Webster' s Straw Hats Men's Toyo Panama-Latest Style, etc. Lot 1, to clear $3.39. Lot 2, to clear $3,95 Genuine Panamas, Guaranteed, $'7.95 and $945 Men's Sailors, etc. $1 00,ý $1.95, $2.95. Limited quantity, s0 get yours now. WI..ebster always gives his Patrons and Customers Most Value for Their $ He Saves You More Now-- He Pays Ail Tax., Big Riange of Suits for Men. $27.00, $31.50, $32.50, $37.50 See these for Money-Savers. Field Straws'for Ladies and Gents, 1lTo clear at25c and 29c. Where-You Get Most Value Foir Your' Phone 61 Bowmauville Iii j WANTED I I WVhite Use Our Mail-Order-Dept.