"You neyer heard of an evangelist or missionary being accorded a cîvic welcome in Toronto." This inter- rogative reinark wasfollowed by a denuanciation of the recentL action of the Toronto city council giving a public reception toa prize fighter. Th 'e speaker wns Rev. W. D. Lee, of Grace Pesbyterian Church,Miflbrook, at thie regular service on Suniday HAVE VOl> Do Vu enurethe mseory o Athna witjaI OIe1s8 and 13Ss of strength? How- Zvbad your cass quick CAPSULES VkîsDaratton le the r- @e arsof f ex eriment- ec)derivej thegrestest, baUýýft tnogh !ts use. At for free sample te Teml,)oia, 42Kîng St. W, iurons, 1. 64a A rk a't.Jory& Lovell Drug Store, Bowmnanvffle or Oshawa. NO0 TICE The ,Bank of gMntreal lhas opened a branch office in the Elliott Block, 1Jamptonl and solicits your business. J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager Dated at 1lampton, If -You Wish to Get a High Grade Business Eduçation and a Position soon after Crad- uating, you will select the Y ing2 and -ha le 'îs, ironto. Learii Vore --bout Th7s Sehool by writing for 0cr Large Catalogue. See what we have clone for others and what we can do for you This schooi stands for the best in courses, instruc- tion, equipment and discipline. Open ail vear. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PrinÊcipal. The Better WayM Neyer dzsbey Nature's warn-i, ing LtP'sfar better zo fooeâtall1à weakness with nourishnient that proeets. I after meals for child or adult, ise awonderful help in forestallingI WeaknîeOs. slifor Scott's. 1 Shoees Repa"ir,ied While Yoli Wait 1 amn now in a position to give you, quick servic and bet of workrnanship as1 have two assistants. Wor.k Boots For 'sale I haîve a limnited stock-ofi good0w substantial work boots for men. ýAlso ser- viebe shoes for, ladies an eildren at reason- ab-le prices. Gio.laimpage Grand Trunkh Railly The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night Trains an Parlor Cars on the principal Day Trains. Full information from %tny Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C.E. Uorning, iiJstrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. c J, H. H. JURY, Town Agent, 3lPoné 78 Bowmanvil]o Yeu are not CZENIA Ph,. ou se0Dr E~helsthakn amPe4iOhi menélt for Eczema aalid Sk n Irria tnsIt rel eves at once and gradu paper and send 20. st;,trp for p.ostage. 60c_ ,a box, al dealers or Bdmanson,. Bates & co., Limited. Toronlto, BOWMAN'VILLE, JUNE 10, 1920. WHO.WON THE WAR? One realy gets fired of hearing the question, "Who won the war?" Any person who followed the stu- pendous sfruggle knows very well that had not the British Empire, France, Belgium and Italy held back the Teuton allies for four years, Americawould not have had an opportunity by her buddies' pres- encein the eleventh hour of ever- lasfing bragging that they won the war. And the following extract from "Chalmers Corne Back," by W. J. Dawson, an Amnerican, is a ftimely rebuke to his own people: "I arn an American, so don't tbink I arn capable of disparaging Arn- erica, No armies have fought with finer devotion than our American boys. They are equalto the best. But fhey didn't win the war. They cametoo lafe for.that. They helped fura the scale beyond doubt. That was a great thing to do. But if you will look at the casualty list of the lat three monthas of fighfing you can see who bore the brunt of the struggle, For weeks after the British casualties ran at thirtytoý fourty thousand., Pm flot saying that the American troops wouldn't have fought as well, but they weren't there in sufficient numb'ers. They held one end of a long line, and held if, splendidly. They did great things in the Ar-, gonfle. But do yiou know that'up to the very end of the war hardly an American airpînne was in th 'e air? They weren't ready. The Amer- ican aviators fiew in French and British machines. Sor4etimeuj thiAy had refitted them witb American engines, but that was ail. The fact is--and it's a splendid fact-- that America hnd laid her plans for a long war. She bnd buit railways right, across. France f0 supply ber troops with food and munitions. She had organîzed with tremendbus efficiency for at leat four years of war. Obvîously it follows thaf when the war ended suddenly she bad not put f orth her strengtb. It was tIiere but if wasn't mobilized. Therefore, it's nonense f0 say that Amerîca won the war. She helped immensely by her weaitb and her unexpected miii- fary efficiency and the effeet thaf these things had in destroyinàg the morale of Germany. She belped to- 'the utmosf of her opportunity in actual fighting, Isn't it enougb to say that witbout parading ahl the streets with placards, "The Yanks did "I shouid be a very poor American if I didn't do justice to my comrades in arma,. I don't suppose you know if, for the world generaîly dosen't know if yef, but the Canadians were, the hamnter-head of ail the great final attacks. Tbey were always put into the place of tint greafest danger. They used to be called "Foch's Pet s"ý But' I neyer heard them boast thaf Canada won the wnr. For four years nnd a haîf they fougbf from Ypres fo Drocourt, but I neyer heard tbem bonst about if. If's the spirit of boasting I dislike. It's pefty. It's parochial. If isni't wortby of America! It's just because P'm an American that 1 bate fo hear any American talk boastingly of his own doings, in tacif disparagement of fhose who, foughf much longer than'be, and against more terrible odds." WHERE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION. Visit the Many Attractive Resorts In the Highlands of Ontario. Wby not plan a vacation this year ia the beautiful "Highlands of On- tario?" 'You could-choose no btter region in wbicb f0 spend a holiday. Fishing, boafing, bathing and golfing can be enjoyed under ideal condi- fions. There'are maniy bundreda of lovely tree-fringed lakes and.titis greaf pine-clâd territory la ,sweptbDy cool, bealfh-renewing breezes wbicb corne from the noýrth. There is the widest range of accojmmýodation from comfortable hofels, large and amail, f0 modeat farmi bouses. Of the resorta in the "Highlands of Ontario" the beaf known are pro- bably the Muakoka Lakes. This famoua district la reached through Muakoka Wharf Station (11-2 miles nortb of- Toronto) and to this point run the thr ougb Muakoka ýrains. C onnecfing witb these trains are the steýamboats wbicb serve nîl the re- sorts on the three iovely lakes, Mus- koka, liossenu a nd Joseph, whicb are known as "'The Tbree Graces". Juat nortb of the Muakoka Lakes la lovoly lako of Baya, ilunfa tville, (146 miles nortb of Toronto) ia the ga.teway.,to the region. The Grand TruLnk trains conecf wifb a fiofilia of lcnke afeamboats serving nîl the territory. The wonderful Algonquin Park of Ontario la about 200 miles north of Toronto, and la alan easily reachod tbrougb Ottawa, being 169 miles west of the capital cify. If la on the very ridge of the "Hlighlands". Ifs altitude above sea level averages 1,700 feet, while some of the lakes ia the park are 2,000 foot above tbe son, The park makes an especially strong appeal f0 the fisherman -and canoelat.' There are more than 1,500 lakes in the Park, and the ex- cellence of the sport draws anglors from every part of the continent. The "Highlands of Ontario" are reacbed by the Grand Trunk Railway Systern, and there la excellent train service.ý Any agent of the raiIway will giadly assiat you f0 map ouf your tour and will supply you witb lista of bofela, rates, etc., and illustrated bookiets descriptive of the districts. It is la Demand.-So greaf la the demand for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 that a large factory is kepf con- tinualiy busy makîng and bottling if. To bo ia demand shows popular ap- preciafion, whîcb stands at the bond of p)ropiefary compounda as the iead,-ing 011lai the market, and if la geealeditfed thaf if la deserv- ingý of the lead. NEWCASTLE THAT WAS. Newcastle was once a very liveiy and busy industrial nndcommercial centre where money and whiskey were plenfy. For some reason onel after another the big industries took, wiaga and 'fiew awny. Bowman- viile's versatile correspondent f0 .the Orono News bas this to say in lasi week's !News: Going tbrough Newcastle oni Mon- day lat, we could not help bt fhink of the difference many years ago on the Queen's birfbday in that village and to-day. There was held there, as weli as in this fown, wbaf was called training day, when every man i the district had to appear, if 'he was eligible for rnmilifary work, and answer f0 his name. This piece of fom-foolery was kepf up >for a shorf fime but soon played ouf as if was nothing more or leas than a big biow ouf, the hotel bus reaping the benefif and many a man would nof be fit for work f çr several days afferwards. So the affair f eh into diarepute. Newcastle in those days was anme busy place. There was'some -fhree bofels on the front street, one at the station and one at the wharf. North- rop and Lyman's big drug store was then there; Massey's busy foundry machine shops, and the large woollen miii down by the raiiroad; and af that fime a large business was done nt the barbor. But like many other villages, fime bas cbanged the place, in some ways for the better, and with the committee wbo have the inferests of the village at heart, we hope f0 see if as they expeet in the near future. DURMAM COUNTY GIRLS. If la our great pleasure frequenfly f0 record the good work and advan- coment of the Durhamn boys, but wbefher frorn modesty or more re- served natures we cannot say, but the Durham girls are just as clever, worthy and succesaful in their re- spective apheres of activit y and we wisb thoir frienda wouid post us on their good records that we may give honor f0 wbom bonor la duq. If is known fo many of our rend- ers that Mr. T. F. Wright, a Durham County boy, la Principal and Pro- prietor of St. Catharines Business i College, one of the most succesaful business colleges in Canada. On bis staff of teachers is Miss Norab Werry of, Solina, who bas charge of the Typewrifing Department. Ia a per- sonai letter from Principal Wright, not intonded for publication, to this office biesanys :"Perhaps a word from me as f0 Norab's work wiii be ap- preciafed for I kruow you al fake a deep intereat in anything whicb con- cerna ber. We bave neyer bad bot- ter work done by our fypista la their apeed and accuracy than bas been done this yenr since Norab bas bad opportunify f0 prove wbat she ana do witb those under bier charge. She la enthusiastie la if, site seema f0 posseas tbe necessary tact and akili f0 get bier studenfsalaso enthuaiastic. As a result of bier good work and in- fluence ail pasf records are likely to be broken this year. She bas de- veIoped several girl studenta who wrif e over 600 words la ton minutes and some of tltem do almoat perfect work. One it particular bas made a record la thaf she did flot tart to take the type f111 aff or the first of the year and to gain sucb -a speed wifb ace(lracy in five montha hesides keeptng up bier other work, we think, la certainly splendid. We appreciate ber workf0 the full". We are sure Miss Werry's mariy frienda la the Homeland of Durbam wil bo. delighfed f0 rend thîs fine testimony froni'Principal Wright. 11ev. Dr. S. D. Cbown, General Superintende-nt of. the Methodiat church la Caniada bias deciared. that the ýminimum aalary for ministers should not be bass than $1500 Applied Alter Shaving Keeps the Skin Soft and Smooth M ANY men sufer from! irritation of the skin as a resuit of shaving. With some ît assumes a form of eczema and becomes Most annoying and unsightly, By applying a ,ittie of Dr., Chase's Ointment alter shav- ing the irritation is overcorne and such aliments as Barber's lLtch and Eczemna are cured. 60 cents a box, ail dealers, or EdmansoIi, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Mr- Ch~as. M. Bice, LL. 'BDevr Colo., is,'a rogular contribuýtoreof il- luminnting articles to theBelleville Daily Ontario. Complete in ifself, Mother Graves' Wormi exterminator does not requireý the assistance of any otber medicine f0 make if effective. Tt does not fail f0 do ifs work. 11ev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., delivered a very practical address on "Power" af anniversary' services of King-st. Methodiat Sunday School, Osbawa, May 30. The wbole Sun- day School was gatbered int o the Hall for the services, and filled if. Miss Doris Bain rec ited " 'Qjepfin' Me", and Irene Winter "Opportun- ify",. A solo was rendfered by Mrs. Farrow%. By fhe deafb of Alphions O Hinds, n once faiiiar facnlaBowmianiville and Osbawa will be seen no muore. Unusual inferest was faken ia May Day cýelebrafion at Ontario Ladies" College, owing f0 the2 address on! "The Ideal Wornan" being gi ven byi a womian. Dr. Edna Guesf, Torontfo,, made a moat con-v-'încling pien for, earnestaess ilahf e. Dancing oni the lawn at the crowning of the Queen was especially beautiful, An unusually interesfîng ceremony took place at borne of Mr. Peter Hlaig, Linlifhgow, llaldimand Town- ship,, June 1, wben bis two eldest daugbters were married-Mîss Jenie Haig and Mr. Walter Robert Mac- Gregot', Linlifhgow, -and Miss Marie Helen Haig and Mr. Horace Porte Cosons, Medicine Hat, Alberta. The bouse was tastefully decorated. T'here's, No Question About_ IL That we are doing everything possi- ble to lower the cost of living to our niany customers. Our low cost of doing business and beingsatisfied with reasonable profits are the reasons we are doing it Buy'your groceries frorn the Old IReliable Grocer and get best values. PHIONE,'65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. What Makes Your Dinner Good food, of course, and it's always recogrtized by the guest or family. U-ood. Food Is onfly another way of say- ing qualityfood and when buying bread, quahity bread me an)s Tod's Bread. Insure quality when purchasing bread- Your best food is TOSBRA The Quality Loaf Delivered fresh daily. THO0"MAS TO D Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Central Garage Temperance=st Opp. St. John's Church We wish to annouzice that we have been appoi nted Chevrolet Service Station We have secured a first-ciasa rnecbanic who oaa repair alI makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full supply of Ford, Chev%1 rolez and Maxwell parts, Gasoline, Greases ansd Oila. JsIAlE L Y - T he Ga ra ge Manr Phone 44 and 114 Bowmanville I l - - - - 'lif LeaVe BI 2vA - 9.00 P. M. PASTERN Leave CLEVirLAxD -9:00 P. lIM Arrive CLrEL&Nn -7:30 A. M. 5 STANrAFJD TIrS i Arrive BtiOHALO )- .3~0 A. &L C-omnnotionIi et Cjleveland for Coder Peint, Fut-in-Bay. Toledo, Detroit and other ponts. ttsifrosd tickets read ing between Buffalo aud Cleveland are gond for transportation on or steamers. Ask Your ticket agent or Anierican Express Agent for tickets'via C& B Line. New Tourist Anto. niobiaJ? et-StM.0 Round Trip, with 2 days roturn lit, for cars nut cxcoedingi = in. wheelbase, Beautifully colored sectionel puzzle chrt of The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" sat on eceipt et five centa. Algo ask fouIr 24-page petorial sud descriptive bookiet free, The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Company CI.veiand. Ohio The Great Ship -tiselargost andmoüstcoatiy Passeuger Steamer cninlama watersoftise world, Sleepieg. eapseity, 1500 paseugers. I Expmectancy DrawsYo To our shop, because you have found frorn past experience that you ecan ALWAYS depend upon the meats we seli as being the choicest to be found on the market. You expect to find the best meats at our shop and you get thern. Buy The Best = It GoýeS Farthest C. M. Cawker &oSo Purveyors IJPhono 6i Bowmanville AStitch .Iii ^Time Even if ail kinds of Commoditiea are. af Top Notch, it wilI ply to Keep Your Buildinigs lu Good Repair, And if you bave not sufficient accommodation for either your famiiy, your ýstock or your impiernents, it wilho a gond proposition to Erect New Buildings -of the Rigfht Type, We are prepared fo furaish estimafea and supp ly materiai for aay style of building you may require, and at prices as reasonahie as you oaa gef anywbere. Our Specialties Hemlock, Spruce and B. C. Fir joists and studding ; Hemlock, Spruce and B. C. Cedar Roofing and Sheeting ; 1'ine, Spruce and llIardwood fiooring ; B. C. Red Cedar Shingies and Brantford Roofing; Canadian Portland Cornent, the very best in the market ; also doors, sashes and ahl kinda of inferior fi niait andi trim. Onul or write us your.inquiries and we will do' our beat to give you satisfaction. MecCellan & Company Limited King Street Eat Bowmanvilie Office Phono 15 - Residencos 228 and 274 Prices of Creàm are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to cail on you we would appreciate a phone call or write us, OronloCreaniery CO., OROINO You oaa make your breakfast tasty, appetizing, satisfyiag withouf rich, heavy fooda. A great variety of tempting breakfast dishea eau bo made with BREAD. Try uaing bread-tbe beaf of ail foods-asaa basis of your breakfasts. You'1l be aurprised at the diflerence you and your famiiy wîhl experience in vigol' of body and braîn. Meafs arelton heavy to start the day with.- They place f00 great a burden on the digestive machinery att a tirne when the bodily energlies are neýeded for other work. ALEX. CHRISTIE The Cash & Carry Bakery Phon'e 97 Bowmanville A E m 111 1 ý wo lù Bowmauville dà"é*»W