______________________________________BOWMAN VILLE, JUNE 10, 1920. ENJOY LIFE-- BUY A CAR $250 to $650 Local and Otherwise Send early your visitors list. Don't forget your usual donation to the Hospital. Ontario county may spend $10,000' £,or new bridges. It is a greatpleasure to drive thru f4-kolnr+rrnon, DURHAM OLD BOYS. Dr. J. Hl. Elliott, Toronto, has been hon-ored by his brother medical men b7, election as President of thç Academ-y of Medicine. This 'is on:, of the much coveted honors among the doctors., so that a Durham C'ounty Old Boy now bears with mer- it and dignity that prestige. MISSCANN'S CLASS CONCERT. RAIL WAY TIME TABLES' FOR BOWMANVILLE. GRtAND TRIJNKqRAiLwAy COCING EAST GOING WEST ýPass'ngr 4.22a.m.t Local 7.06 a.m Express 8.52 a. m. Local 9.45 a. m.* Express 10.30 a. m. Pass'ngr 1.56 p. m'. Passenger 3.19 P. m.* Pass'ngr 7.6 p.m. Local 6.49 p. m.* t Flagged' Lcl 7.21 p.M. D-, f4J tikthat because your stomach can digest food you are proof -against indigestion. The: most important digestive work is done by the bowvels, liver and kidneys. Unless these are active and work in harmony, you are ini danger of self-poisoning. ~~~s!