SB OWMANVILLE, JUNE 10, 1920. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. IMARRIAGES Kirby-Drinkler--At the M( HOSPITAL GRADUATION. Rev. W, 0. Wasbington,-M . A., wiîî ist Parsonage, Wihitby, May2 preacb in Disciple Cburch ou Sunday Rev. W. B. Tucker, Jennie D Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews WiII Address, morn ing and Rev. W. H. Spargo in and Gordon Earl Xirby, bc Nurses. the evening. Osbawa. Middlton-Cibso-At he 1 $ 2,600 secures o large two storey frame building,1 town water and electrie lights. $4,000 wiil buy an 8 room house with ail modern con- veniences, hardwoood floors, ï~ acre'of land. $3,300 buYs a two storey solid brick house, electric lights on j~ acre of land covered with small fruit. F ARMSn $12,500 buys a [00acres" of clÀIy loam, 10 acres of choice orchard, 2 barns, driving Phed, 8 room house, situated on the Kitigstoný Road. Your chance for a splendid farm, in grand location. $12,Sê busa I0-ace-faxn, aidT~ly1a ii several acres of timber, 6 acre of orchard, rua- ning creek, large bank barns on stone founda- tions, number one stabling with water pipe throughuot stable, a large 10 room brick bouse with ail modemn city conveniences and hard. wood Bloors throughout. In the vicinit~y of Bowmanville.. Your opportunity if you are looking for a splendid up-to-date grain and stock farmi with model buildings. Necessary to act quickly. We have aL large number of other farmes ranging from 10 acres to 200 acres throughout the Province. List your Farm, flouse and other properties with us with our Bowmanville, Oshawa Whitby and Toronto connections we cani give you a up-to-date service. No sale no charge. We have a large number of houses and lots in Oshawa and Whitby for sale, it willbe worth your while to look over our list. OSHAWAI REAL ESTATE SALES 00.' -Phone&7913 loffices, 59-61 King St. E. Oshawa MORT, COPELAND,BOWMAN VILLE SALES MANAGER Over LRoya-,l Bank, Bowmianville MR. ISAAC BALLAGH STARK A Wortby Appreciation. The famnily'name of "Stark" has been an honoured one in Clarke for years. The men who bore it were sterling in character, and of attrac- tive personaiity. The father of Isaac B., James Symington Stark was 1 one of the many men of pioncer days, whose force of character and bonesty of purpose counted so mucb for Can- ada in the making. The older men of to-day speakf of him as a man, genial and worth the knowing, and Isaac was acco ding to type. The unexpe _ 'ed death of the latter at the ear]y age of fifty-four years was a great shock to the wholeý com-I munity. His funeral was large. Everybody seemed to have left their!' work-4espite-thbnsyseasyri. to-pay-- their respects to the memory of their friend, and to extend their sympnthy, to Mrs. Stark and her family. Some men are gentlemen by train-I ing but our departed friend was to the manor bora. He sougbt no place of leadersbip, was a member of no secret society, and yet be Was re- cognized as a brother by ail. He was a man' of even temperament. He was married in 1891 te Miss Ida White, wbose father and mother still live, and are but a few rods away from her beautiful hemne. To have tbem so near, makes ber- Wid(ow- hood easier to be borne. Mrs. Stark bas a fine family of rive chiidrea, tbree girls and two boys, Gwendoline, the eldest is seventeen, and John the youngest is six. She is Ieft in conifortable circumstances f but knows that her cbildren are Gods gifts te ber and represent-ber great-ý est riches. Mr. Stark was a staunch but liberal minded Presbyterian and an eider in tbe churcb at Newtonville, driving from bis home ini Starkville, where for the last seven years he bas been postmaster. Wben roads were bad be worshipped in tbe Methodist Church quite near bis home, where bis cbildren attended Sabbath ScbooL. He was an all. ro-und Christian gentlemrn'. consistent inuhf e and whose end rsas peace, SUMMER READ-INUJ We have a goodi stock of cloth bound boo'ks by the best writers. Just Received This Week Ailso a good seileetioniof re-prints by ail the good writers at 95c Each W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanvi'lle' No. 2, Frame,,withlracre of land, good barn. No. 3, Brick, with good'barn and,34 acre of land. And several, others at reasonable prices. WV IANTED-41 ---SeveraLsmall--places---of- aboiit_'3-to-4 acres- with house and barn, a good propo- sition awaits the person who lists such .a, property with Us. Good brick ýor brick veneer house with acre of land. MIR. FRE If you-wish to dispose of your farm or part of it, we can place it for you. SEL Us J. J. M A SON &SON IReal Estate &,Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmnafvil lie il mi