18 Badwin t. Ilanid Revenue, at the Post Office Toronto Building, Bowm anvllle. Returns of Phvne, College 2395 or Bowmarnville Luxury Tax must be made on, lst f and l5th of each month. Returns of Jeweilers' Tax, Manufacturers' Tax ------and Sales Tax must be made not ~~Ilater than the last day of the month ~N!IUU.ajIiLLLL~Ld folowing the month covered by the ~~-Return. travellers. The Great Ship "SEE- she struck several notes-on Lhe key- ANDBEE", the Iargest and most board which Scaratti afterward made costly steamer on inland waters of into a fugue in ber hottor. the world, leaves Buffalo every Sat- Brahms the gréat music master urday at 9 ;00 a.m. and'arrives at hated lionizing but he certainly pos- Cleveland 7:00 evening of same day. sessed a higli sense of humof, Once The night, service of the C. & B. when- being .entertained by some of Line is the same as heretofore, bis friends ini a Vienna restaurant niameiy; steamers leave Buffalo daily the landiord brought on bis best wine at 9 :00 p. m. and arrive Ceveland witb this remark, "Here is a wine 7 :30 foliowing morning. (Ail East- that surpasses ail others,ý just as the ern Standard Tîme.) music of Brahms does'ail other com-