Treatthe ,Family to a delîious treat of NEILSON'S ICE CREAM ,when you attend BOWMANVILLE PAIR Nellson's Delicious Ice Cream is sold, in Bowrnanvilleatl. Gbristié 'Bakery, The Cash,& Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowman.ville GOODS MUST ' BE SOLD!, We are determinned to dean of goods in stock: out the balance Go«Is Must Ibe Sold Rcgardless of Cost. Corne in and look around, ffick out what you warit and you can have the goods at -a ridieulously low pnice. -Act Now-To-morrow may be too late. il,. EllIott Estaltew Phone 190-r2 Hlampton 1' Big Favorite Wiî;th Farmers ---------- 10 MOTOR, BUS SERVICE. My large and comfortable motor public. I endeavor ta give best poss- ible service and arn very careful how SO O Idrive. The safety of my passengers GN DA isfrtconsideration. For three years PO L às1s a transport driver in France. Ifneeding a motor bus consuit me. .r ART COLE, Bowman-4ille BOWMANVILLE. SEPT. 23rd., 192( I Local ami Otherwise Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, ha been visiting Mrs. W. W. Allia Miss Elizabeth Heal is home aftei 'visiting friends in 'London and Lam« beth. Neyer wait, tiil last minute to send an item to this paper that can hée senl early. fThanksgiving Day bas been fixed for'October î8th. Sorne men would give thanks if a numbér of holidayq were eliminated. Apple producti'on of Quebec this year is figured at 100,000 barrels as against 75,000 barrels last year. The quality is- excellent. "It took me an hour yesterday 1to convince my wif e that I was right.' "You succeeded then?" "Oh, yes, she hasn't spoken to me since.l Doctor-You have been at death's door and only your strong constitu- pion saved; you. Patient-Remem- ber -that4 please, when you send ir your bill. Fish shipments have been very heavy of late. During the past weelk 31 vessels left St.Johin N. B., taking iwith them 1'232 hogsheads of herring bound for canaing factories in Maine. Prospects are for a most favor- -able lobster season, and some ex- ceedingly heavy catches have already been made aVeraging between 500 to ,100O pounds to a boat. New Brunswickys output of wool I this year bas'amounted to about 70,- Iff00 pounds and of this about 35,000 pounds of graded wool have been dis- posed of to Amerîcan buyers. Canada's paper milîs produced dur- ing July 75 3138 tons of newsprint. Terproduction for the first seven Ironths of the year was 518,825, an increase of 61300 tons over the same period in 197!9. Any companles whether ýBritish, Canadian or American which have a proposition to develop pulp and pa- per enterprises in New Brunswick will receive every encouragement from the provincial goveramient, says Premier Foster, Make it a fixed habit of sending to this paper early the news items that you may know of; tell us of the news of your section or other local items that will be of interest to your neighbors or friends at home and away from the Homneland of Durham. Mrs. J. B. Whitwam, Lima, Ohio, bas been vîsiting hier aunt, Mrs. Mar- kus Mayer, and other relatives here. She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Day- id Forbes, St.Thomas, and was born in the Jefferyfîuilding, cor. King and ThSl~e steamer "Empress.of France" of Canadian Pacifie Ocean Services, arrived last week with nearly 1,500 passengers and 2,000 bags of mail. Canadian'voyage, accomplishing thé joùrney from Liverpool ta Quebec in 5 days 23 hours. Announcement is made of the, or- ganization of the Manouan Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., which will operate the power known as Allard Falls, on the- St.Maurice River, and will control two tracts of timber oný Manouan River of 100,000 acres. A hundred ton mill is heing installed on the pro- Whenyou "know"y You haàve a stomach it' ti ine to suspect your liver. You need Beecham's Pils. A lazy liver and overworked kidneys allow 'food P' 7 poisons to circulate in the blQod and Largot ale f Ay Mdicine ile ia Woe Sold~~~~~~~l vawriCad. luboxe#, Z5c..5. THE CHOICE 0F A SCHOOL IS. VERY IMPORTANT I -; - ýmft-7e t -t TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $80will purchase 7 room frame bouse on Church street, water, sewer, electria iight and furnace.- $3000 will purchase 2 story brick house on Concession street, water, sewer, electrlc light, furnace, garage and every convenience. $1200 will purchase 6 roomed frame cottage on Prospect street, thîs la a great bargain. $3500 will purchase 8 rocmed brick house and office attaclîed on Tem- perance street. $5000 will purchase 90 acre faim 4% iles irom Bowmanvllle, well ienced, gdbuilngs, about $1000 wortb oi standing tImber, possession at once. $7000 wiil purchase 170 acres 11 con. Township of Clarke, fine build- ing", weli fenced and watered, about 3 miles east of Newcastle Whari. $1 1,000 wiil purchase 120 acre farm, Broken Front, Darlngton, good buildings, well fenced, soli rlch clay loam. $6,700 will purchase ll6acres, parts ots 5, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Farm, well fenced, soil day loam, good buildings. Terms easy. McLaughlin Farin, consisting of 150, acres, joins village ni Tyrone with three stores,- Blacksmlth shop, scho-ols, churceh and grist mill ail within hah" a mile -of farm. The soil la a rich clay loam, there is over three miles ofi tue drains. The land is level but rolling, well, fenced, about 8 acres of hardwood bush, and one acre of good cedar. Good farm house and barns with stone stabling under- neath., Over twenty-four hundred bush- els of grain 'threshed on it this year. The first tenant on this farm made enough money in five years to purchase a farm for himself. This is one ai the best bargains in the County and must be sold to wind up Estate. L. A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT' 35-tf Bowmanville Phone 41. C"C!!!n