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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1921, p. 6

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(I ThneRed -Cross Cardes On--Wy? t.Because of demands made upon it ln dealing with the terrible after- math of disease and sufiering which always follows war. 2. Because of the serious health con- ditions revealed by the war-more than haîf of our Canadian young manhood unfit for combatant miii- tary service. 3. Bec ause an 'international confer- ence of mÏedicai experts, realizing that voluntary organization was necessary as an aid ta Governments in solving the world's bealtb prob- lems, decided that "no ofher or- gaflîzaion iaso weli prepawed to undertake these gret responsibili- ties as the Red'Cross," and that "no mnovement deserves more the hearty anid enithusiastic support of aMl peopie tban doèsa thià." ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 Zinroil with your local Red Cross Branch or Enroliment Commjittee, or, if there lis none ln your Community, with the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SHERBOURNE STREET, TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Socieý;ty Ontario IDivsion WSFFERING 0F YOUNGWOCMEN Tbis Letter TeLs How It May be Overcome-AIi Mothers Intere8ted. Toronto, Ont. - 11Ihaesfreaio Iwas aacho ir hpain l yleft aiadwithcramps, I growing tw or eac yertlo I1waa I runow. was so bad at times that 1 Jý was unfit for work. Itried several doc- ts ad patenl meiins, but was enly relieved for a srt tirne. Some cf the doctors wanCed te perforrn a n operation, but my father ojected.- Pinaliy I learned tough my mothe r cf lydlia E. Pink.- hax's Vegetable Cemrpcund, and how th 1iru Ianthat 1 tried it. I1arn relleved from pain and cramps, and £eel as if it has saved my lifo. You maY Use my letter -te help other vomen as 1 arn glad te reconmond the z~eicie,"Ms HL4.GooDmAN, 14 ocvale Ave., Toronte. hose who are troubhled as ils. Goodman was shou1ýI immediately seair restoration te h(oalth by taking Lydia E, Pinkli's, Vegetable Compound. Those mho-need-special advice may write te Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. W co u1dental}. Lynn Mass. These letters wlbe opened, reaâ and answered b>' a wonma and held in strict confidence. to preserve r' your health tOUT assc't 'for "M n 1 makýing life lv. Îfu su ccessful. Good digestion is ail- important. The be,,t way to insure it is Beechatn's Pis. When the digestive organs fail, nu- trition is interfered with; blood is tainted, nerves suifer, headaches and minor ailments multiply. A reliable cleansing, corrective agent that acts quickly and with highly satisfactory resuits is P LL in 13cxes,25c., Sc w wOO'S PHOSPHODINE."e The Great EngltiSh Preparation. * tenes and inVigerateS 1the wh<ote *nerveus System i alkes 1new Bloed in old Veinq. Used fer Nrvous .Debfility. Mental ani Brain Worry, Deepsndency, Lss of Eherg, Palpitation of for $5.*SoId by; alldruggists, or maîled ini plaÎn Give it !air PIay why net decide NOW to give ZUT00 Tablets the reinedy so gencral- ]y used for heaaache, a fa ir and square trial? If there la any doubt ln your mind as te the Worth cf these tablets or of their harmîcsacas, try them and KNOW the trutil. Don't sacrifice your coinfort on C- Cotunt cf pridice or sckepttils. Ti? ý'e tablets and krnow. 25c at dealers ot by ail prtpaid. B. N. Robinson & Ce. Reg 'd. Cnaticook, Quebec. :Zuto o MILLIONS I PROFITS are be ing pnîd te the share- holders ef Nortbern O.ntario' Geld Mines. Are you getting your share ? The experience gained in fif- teen years of active connection with these mines will help yen te participate in these splen- did profits, Complete information on Reques t HOMER L. GIBSON & Co. 703-.4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO ilTHE. "LTFTUP" (Patented) AýLL DIlAS FILLED COIiSES are de- Lu'ted ln COfOrMitY svththtie adCe et O 1- dominlai incliion Mosi effetiveIu re- l!cielng thse ehysIcal silmneaufrorn whicls rlny womieu sufer. Write ,, N(SW, for useful bluts onl fltmng sud self -measurensnt. Free t[ZASCoftzETS R-- iTOIROYSTO = ~ Eye~.-f thely Tire, o R E E fae OrGrn td useMurineoften.Sotiserslos afefor Infant or Adult. At all Druggîst6. Write BOWMANVILLE, MAY 5th., 1921,ý SCHOOL TRUSTEES' MEET Misa Mileta Hoay, S. S. 5, Darlington, Gave Report cf Ontario Education- al Association at Providence U. F. O. CIug. (Cencluded frorn last issue.) The noxt topic of discussion wam "Consideratien cf the larger unit for Scheol Administration". The affirm- ative leader bogan the saying that la Gount>' Boards the whole systom undor- the trustees hs changed. Powers are-taken away from the Municipal, Council. There la a lacir of interest in the section. At the annual school meeting only a few coeeout and it is net a case of wbo la tho beat man but who can we get for the job? In the large unit the offices are more important. ,,,qualize rates on Townsbip. More effic ient teachors. Townaship Boards pave the way for Consolidation. Seventeen of the United States, adopted this Municipal Unit and it has proved satisfactory. It la aise ln operation la British Columbia. The negative ide was taken by Mr. R. J. McKessock, Solina, the Vice- President, who said we must remem- 1 erý the child cornes firat. Inspect- ors, teachers, trustees were created afterwards. The amaller unit in Schcool -Administration is more satis- factor>' te ratepayers, more beneficill te %he girls and boys. Some co said, "The ratopayers are rathor ia- differenit". Now, hoe aaid, "The ratepayer~ are net as indifferent as soeepeolîe imagine. Give tbem sometbing te do, get thern intorested. Educate them bocanse they need more education themselves. Ho went on te m'ehticn ,that at timon when -we teachers want seme little repaira ,dono in the sehool or the sur- roundînga, we ask our trustees and it is done la a short time. Whereas we sbeuid have to wait for the Township Board, maybe two or three montha. The Vice-President asked this question: "la a Township Board cap- able of placing tenchers la the right place? If net, thon who la geing te place tbom? Tuesday evoning afte~r the general business was comploted several ad- dresses of welcome wore givon by a f ev prominont mon wbo woere inter- ested la Edncntien. Wednesday merning- special em- phases was placed on urban prob- lems. "The Adolescent Scbool Act" was discussed by -P. F. Gavin, De- partment of Education,, Toronto, wbo itI4e course of bis'address said that this Act increases Compulsory Attendance two yoars. "No child", he said, "la. adequately educntod at fourteen". Looso home control, lack of school control acceunts for the rowidness and crimes. Ia 1920 thirty-nino per cent of cases' in court were boys of 14 and 15 yoars. Henco the need of school and homo control for delinquents. The body is net fnlly physical>' develeped at fouteen and tbe cbild is, net able te form good iudgment. From f our- teen te eigbteen the average boy needs moral discipline. How much the need of the abnermal boy ! One may say "Yes, but we ma>' get in- struction by means or correspond- once." Quite true, but due te tbe lack of personal tonch of the livingj tencher the boy gives up. Besides, tbis dees net develop l bis natural resources. Dr. Sinclair ,Inspector of Auxil- iary Classes, showod ns the need, of sucb classes for defectives and ab- normal cbildren. Ho spoke of the children ton years of age who were only five years old mentally;j also, some wbo wonld nover be more than ton years old mentaîlly. Ho made us see that these poor cbildren were able te get a little suasbinine l1f e through the anxiliary classes. Mrs. W. E. Groves, member cf the City Board of Edncation, ilalber ad- dreas on "Face te face with an Ed- ucational Criais" shewved us the value of the Kindergarten, manual train- ing and technîcal training. She said, The teachers question sbould ho How, can I best teach hlm te fit hlm for the world? Petty thievlng was the work on the teen age showing lack of Education. Net one grad- unte ever appeared before the judge. Taire care of the beys-_aad girls to- day and the>' will tairecare cf Can- ada to-morrow. Educate tbem phy- sicnlly, mentally and morally and chances aro tbey'll maire goed cit- izens. Ia the afternoen the spacieus Convocation Hall where Premier . C1. Drry 1pore-1d hee iws put iii a plea for the boys whe do net fit into the greeves, ln our prement system and who theugh apparently too stuipîd to pass examinationa somectimes do surprising things inI alter life and concluded with con-I graltulationa on the sucL-eaS of the! t e îo r. I. L. Brown, when re- newing bis subacription says: 1 re- ceive The Statesman regularly overy weok and alwnys read it with great intereat, although a' great mpay names that are mentioned are 1uite unknown te me.* We are hnving beautiful sïring weather bore and prospects lok promising for a geed yoar for- the farmors who are surel>' neoding it after tbree years cf crop failure, Mr. Thos. Ponfound, Bowmanville, la painting%. Mr. H. F. Werry's rosi- dence, Keduýen, and Mr. Blakre G. Stevens, Solinti, is building for hlm a garage. nerïs started eut te prodluce a storage battery that WOUld eatthé world for pep anid power. They succeeded. Te-day the Prest - 0 - Lite Storage Battery is widely recog-. nized as THIE best bat- tery for winter use. There's a Prest - O - Lite Storage Battery of co- rect aise for your car. F. W. IIRKENDALL Temperaný; St. Bowenmavilleo, LEONARD EAR OIL RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS ]MAI) NOISES. Simpîy Rub it Back -of the Enra and Insert inNostrils. Proofcf suc- ceas wi lie given by tihe drnggist. *MAD E IN CANADA ARTHUR SALES CG., Sales Agents, Toronto On IL &. Logard, lac., Mfro., 70 5mb Ave., M. Y. City For Sale in Bowmanvilîe By JURY & LOVELL A Man is ,just as Young and St-o s ~his No mavn ce-n fight the beates oi tife and hold his oeni i boo is net pure, fr r rich, red bod is wha t stren;w iS 1,J.C'O, I When yen s e a sïrong, vigerous mnan, who never knows when lie is licked, you rniay wager that snch a man lias ':,D7rsing tlirouç-il Lis veins rich, iréi blooLi. Mainy people hiave, thi, pilec blood, Tliey aro weokýl, -tire cqsi1y, be- corne diScüua-a'. quic-kly, and sorneti ire f,-;- -î ghing up the struggle. Scxft-l-S need DP. Pierce's Golei4eialDeev. ery, whichis o î b rugit ,nIquid -rt;ble t f orr, 1ed10cet t Doctor Pieie's invalidas' HtlIn Buffale, N. for a t ria' package of the tahiets. NIAGAA ýF-'LLS,ONr-I senaed Dr. P,*irc'sGoor Medicai Discover>' ait t;MimS for the aistthee years with wonderfnl reuits, nd -Irtake -great pleastue lasayilsg awodte bùoostthe cause cf 'Freodom firomIlînoa1ris.' 1 arn a peamnb>'ocaiowbicb. is quite fatiguil-iinad injurions te the system, butsie takirng the ' Discov- or>" biniïess has ne drawback1 for mea. Three cheers for Docter Pierce'a medýcie!I -WILLI-AM H. DEMPSEY, JR., 32 -Bridge Strceet AYen are net 8xperment- ing wilen ment "for ezemaaami 8ktin.h elesa i c nd grriu- mper and send 2c. atamp for pesta e.WO. a ix; ail dealers or Edmson, Bs s & ce., Limkted. Toronto. Cook'scotton PRoot ComPOuff. A 4 eafereUable repdat isg qnedici,.ý Sold inl three de.l Vee o stenth-o.1, Si 0.2 3;No 3 $ er box. 'Z Soici by ail drurgi;s, or sent resd cipi t ofprice, ÎZ>'ree pa0Mphlet. Addres; THE COOK MEDICINIE coi T080470. 0O1T. (FseUnrly wiom,.>ý trustee convention. Worms in children work havoc. s The subect of "Advantages and These peste attack the tender Iliningi disadvantages of Educ.ational cen- of the intestines and, if left to pur-I tralization"' was deait with by Pro- sue their ravages undisturbed, willi fesser Snell of Macdo)nald College, ultimately perforate the wall, b e-I Qu ebec, who touched on the need of cause these worms are of the hooki consolidated schools in rural sect- variety that ing' to and feed upon ions. "The advai4tages of this sys- %ýe interiorý surfaces. Mller's ga tem, he saîd, were obvious, more ini- Worm Powders will not only exter- Lý spector's visits, were possible and al-mnaeeéwi- , of wbatever so a wider range of subi ects. on the yariety, but wîll serve to repair theý curriculum. Injury they have done, In athe evening we were favored byabrilliant address on Psychological Principles of Current Education by IProfessor J. F. Artman of the Uni- iversity of Chicago, who emphasied "b the need of more, thinking in ail the R heou m atia#m activities of daily 11lf e. Proper Neuritia, Sciatica, NouralgWa methods of teaching and good think- ing, the speaker pointed out, are ab- solutely identical. There arc, twoTL ways to educate, (1) begin with race Tempeton' experience and finally reach the Rheumna.ic chid,, 2)begin with the child, but C the speaker observed the difficulty Cmapaules here la where we, won't get enough of race experience. Prof. Artman warned trustees that changes were au "bS'ough1 oed coming in the realm of education and k0eth to kaui-6-mfluo that with an alteration of thought re- Sthftroe. g arding theae matters there would have te be a change of curriculum m"7mîceey from stem to stern, also a change of A.kfl .s7.aigeey school equipment. fenfcto erpo The last session of the O. E. A.,, ho- £hu k taet gan at 9 a. m. sharp on Thursdayt.k f.tsaacge moraing. The first two heurs were e'ltn,14lg Too taken up with reports form the var- lous committees. Hon. R. H. Local Agents, jury,& Lovolis Drulg Grant, Minister of Education, brief- store. ly addressing us said he knew soie -_________________ thing cf the practical side cf rural ed- ucational problems, havipg lived on ________________ the farmn for 40 years'and having - recently seen. his ninth child enter the high school-six sons nearly aIl The Double Track Route. went back te the farm. He said thatif we rural people made our between homes and lives attractive the boys Mnra and girls would come back again. 1 Tontea want yeu te take back thîs message Toroto te the people cf the rural -section Deri said the Minister. Let me know,& let the government know what We Chicago can do for you. We are prepared thiexcelled dining1 car service. te de everything thiat you will per- sleeping camsOn night traîne an.t mit us te do fer you. Mr. Drury Parler cars on.the principal day traîna and myself discussed the system cf Pull information from an y Grand Education when we first got into Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornlng power and we decided te de nothing District Passenger Agent, Toronto.g in rural sections unless they asked us and it is up te you te let us know J. H. H. JURY, Agent what you will accept. We will do Phono 78 BowrnffliI anything within reason. _______________ Two more integesting addresses awaited us but there was practically ne time left for them. We hope Chiropract-ic te see them in print in a short time. (Spinal Adjustmonts), Remove the Cause of Disons. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc- Every Municipnlity 'Gave, Dry ceas in removing thé cause of » Maiority Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumaim, Lumbago, Lame Total Dry Majority 6482 Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Cobourg dry mai ority .......... 199 Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Hamilton. ..................88s6 Troubles. Nervousnea in many Haldimand................... 743 forma respond readily te Chiro- Campbellford . . ......... 1.....461 practic. Coîborne .................... 290 Examination Free at Office. Brighton ....................355 Hastings...........117 DR. S, M. JONES. BrightonTw...........6SmaStN. Oha Murray Twp ... .........691 8.6Smo t . Ohw Perey Twp................... 670 Phone 224. Alnwick Twp................. 217 -- Cramahe Twp ...............673 am Seymour Twp. ............... 665I IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL O T1F V;riting from Medicine Hat, Alta, --!D April, 2lst. 1921, Mr. Frank M. MIS 01i Brown, former Hlampton boy, son cf à Wewould advise people in town requiring Our services for' and country PLUMBING TNMTIGOR STEAMFITTING to place their orders early, as already-mnany of our, customers have made appointments for work in. our line they wish to have done this Spring. So niany péotp1e tell us our prices are so reason- able.-and we do work promptly, too. Greena'way- &'Elliott, Consulting Engineers e Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville LEH-IGH VALLEY"COAL Money invested 'in, our coal is cash conscient- iously expended. Here you will get your money's worth of coal. ýI Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory, service. John A. ïHolgate &Son Queen and Division Sts. Bowmanville 8E PIARTICULIR .You cannot be too- particular about teinsurance you choose. The 40 com- panies we represent will standl the acid test of investigation. Firvr Losses dealt with very liberally and pai i up with as littie delay as possible. YOU GET THE 9EST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J.Mk'ASON &SÔ'N Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 B owmanville s 'I ,,ream Wanted! Prices of Cream are higli, We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. If we fail to cail on, you we- would app reciate a phone call or write US. O-rono CreameityGo. ORONO jRush ForSpring .Work

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