BOWMANVILLE, JUNE l6th., 1921. and have it ont-at the corners. I distinctiy ecail the challenge Nelson Washington, known as "Nel" EARLY HISTORY 0F SOLINA sent ta Stephen Bradley, that if ho Some Reminiscences 0f Childhood would came down on a certain Days. evening he wauld trim him ta the Queen's taste. "Steve" accepted, By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colorado. and at the appointed-time was an t is emphasizad on very great hand with his friends ta meat the authority, that, "as the twig is bent Sauina contender for honore. They the trea le inciined," or words ta squared up in pugiiistic fashion at the that a ffect; and this is made ta ap- corners, and began ta pummel each ply to youth as it grows up into man- other, not exactly accarding ta hood. Queensbury miles, hawever, for it "Once bad aiways bad", is a phrase was "hbit as hit can", and any place eulyhaar y with age, but as widely on 'tbe, arfatoymy ai each at variance with the facts as the first oppojwrtuiyBtel" gndatn above aphorism. o. . "knock a But low " n t' ight Judged by those so-called inveari- ko utbw nSev'rih able ruies, we wauid expeet ta find optic which soon began ta close, the yauitb of Sauina and the surround- wlbereupono Ste'ýe teried "enough", ing counitry, as they merged into and duly capltulated, ta the great joy manhaod, the greatest lot1 of -vaga- and shputsai the Sauina boys. bonds and crimrinals ta be found in But generally the sports indulged the country.1 in were of a milder nature, though But, perhaps, there le euch a thing fat iess demoustratîve af real ath- ashoes ickednless if the apparnt- ietic skiil. Sauina baasted ai havn iy paradoxical staternent is aliowe-d, the best runners, jumpers, and The present wrlter couid easily namie wrestlers in the country, as weli as a large numbex' of Saunra peoplee wha the nimbleat -bail players ai those have grown up ta be citizens af the days. highest honor, iategrity and Christ- My aid iriend "1Jlm" Hughes, in ian exampiars, whose yauthful con- 1909, began ta write articles for duct, judged by theÏ" "bent twig" The Statesman on "Athletic Sauina", theory, was far früom giving assurance and we wera aill verysarry that he of any sucb lofty eharacter. did not continue them. His fat- Who among the boys ai Salina, ber John Hughes, tihe aid scbooi dld not indulge in pîfering orchards teacher, wvhom we all revered, was ai fruit at -night? Who amongthem no mean contender la the variaus raiused ta join the that burlesque harmless sports ai the day. Ho was serenade known as the charivari and. a large, strang, muscular man, weigh. other unlawiui assemblages? Who ing over 200 Ibo., but very quick on among them was not aiways ready ta bis feat, and great munner and jump- jain the thrang about ta enter un- er,, but did not take much ta bail- bidden the nelghboing sugar bush, playing. But iîs exampie encaurag- and indulge in the luxury ofa aésugar ed the boys ta put forth their best off" at night? efforts and though in the start, he And it may be truly said ai them couid distance the boys at jumping, that they thougbt no serlous wrong they soon, becamo his equal atar a ai tiiese indulgencesXlhOugh avery littie ptactice. one ai wblch was a crime, and, if At this timo, Mm. Andrew Climie caught, lu the set and prosecutad, af the oldStatesman, seemed ta be might have been severeiy punished as the best ail round athletic iW Bow- breakers ai the peace and the dig -_________A_______ nity ai the commonwealth. Let us, as briefly as possible, in- stance a few ai these unlawful !acte. Lu eariy dsys there stood a littie imame store an the corner of the con- cession line north ai Hampton, awn- aby a Mr. Ashton and familiamly'w l called "Ashton's Store" and the place .. trade at this store dld not justîfy the G E T H ermpiaymeut af a clerk, and was gen- eraiiy attended-hic some one ai the iamily who lived in the raams back ai the store. o u î One day a boy, whosa name 1 willofb y fat mention, for ho is stili living, walked into the store and observing no ane ini attendanoe, reached aver the littie rude caunter, pulled out the money drawer and extracted a five waiked Out ai the store, an bis way ta Hampton. The loss ai the money was soon discovered,- as probably the retreat- ing faotsteps ai tbe boy accasioned regulari .usplçion, and a conseqfuent inspect- ion of the maney recluse, The boy by this time had reached the part ai the raad wbhere the foreet began ony one side,,sud ever alert, ho was soon r boys were lun pusuit oa inl down the raad, but he wVas taa cunning ta be "caugbt with goade"y as the phrase PIN 8 goas, but lie did fat take refuge î' POu 8 the forest for tbat wauld show guiit. Ho carried a shot gun always loaded as many boys id, in those ~ days, and the i0iatu Yck hîm ,ta juet wad the bill and chuck it iu the mua,- zie ai bis gun, and with the am-mod 1push it down on the charge ai shot. It then accurred ta bim that bis flnd the bill, so non-chalantly, he NEIL5W dmew up and fired the gun towards the top ai a tree by the road side, as(' if flring at a bird sud away wentIC the 'charge, and, witb it, the sought I E C for missing money, Soan ho was overtaken by the cowd, and a littie- roughly haudled, as they were sure they had the cuiprit. The boy ealmly submitted ta PURITY, ALV seamch, but no maney was found'on his persan ai the kind taken; wbile The many galons of ha in pretended indignity at the insol- which we ýseli every ence ai beling suspicioned,, cooly sur- vayed the evident disconifeiture ai hb make us more and r e ptrswbo slunk swsy sai loadstandard, l"Absolute the tboyta proceed an bis way Btthe boy did not foreg' h now andti bta exact spot ha 'Was in wheu ho dis- bharged bis gun, aud wheu haeauo- TAKE A BR] eluded that suspicion had eutirely- ubslded, ha went ta the place and ound the bill fat f ar away, sud if- -aper, it had suffared no mutilation C RIIST"IE"'ç - the severe pracess ha had put it ', rough. rThat boy le to day s straight, up- The Cash & C, .igbt, hanored citizen, natwithstand- -;g the "twig," dotrne .adhis, it I1Phone 97 -Slins -wae -epa-cially-noted -for thae- ----- b'ýrge number ai truiy athletic yaung I me n in sud aound the village, -wbo as no uncomman occurrence for a In boxes,' bollna boy ta challenge the "biiyl ags aeo n f4ghter" ofa ineighbomiing cammunityaretaeofn .-FI&& - ---ýud :eries ly from ALLIN BOWMANVILLE ~oN'S REAM V'AYS PURITY Neilson's Ice Cream y year only serve to more mindful of our ,Purity", not only lways. ICK HOME NOTIE 0F Closing of Roads Notice is hereby given that a By- law will be introdued at the meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Darlington, to take place on Saturday, June 25, 1921, at thet Town Hall, Hampton, providing for the closing up and sale of the side- road between lots 34 and 35 in the 5th concession of the ýTownship of Darlington aforesaid. W. R. ALLIN, -Township Clerk. Dated at Hampton this 28th day of May, 1921. 22-4 G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having secured a License for Bowmanville District 1 will be pleased to conduet your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 50-t SBAKERY ,arry Bakery Bowmanville Neglect efrequently neglected. atouCh of indigestion- Vhat begins as simple to become a serious- ever neglect the treat- .angemnent. To relieve i., liver, kidneys and 'ls act promptly and difficulty. Take-: .1-sS Dere in Canada. 25C., soc. SMedicine in the World For Sale i Bowmanviile by JURY & LOVELL !riends Tell Friends .Stops Ileadache Iv eas ago ZUTOO was pracically Im n uCanada. To-day, tbhousa nds and thousands of men gùdwomenc'depezîd anthese little harm- lessetablets for quick relief from Head- a'che. hffeir fane- has gone from friend to feind-romtown ta town-f4rom coast ta coast. ,Wherever there are headaches, t2ier rhould be ZUJTOO Tablet--thee relieve gr býmaiI postpaid B N Robànec>n& Co Coat, ýico'k, Qe Going ta traàvel C. -P. R? Then get your ticket froni C. B. Kent at post oflcce. i man-ville, and many a good natured j LIFE'S PATHWAY contest was "puiled off" between hîm' and Solina's best representatives. As There le such a grace and beauty, the principal cantest was ably set As we travel on lii e's way, f orth in The Statesman by our aid And it makes lii e richer, sweeter friend, "Jim" Hughes in much betterî- For the weary every day, style than I commend I think, in Just ta lend a hand ta others, January 1909-possibiy in Fpbruary Let it be aur constant care ofthat year, I need not reiterate the While we deck the path with roses, occurrence, But it was Bowman- Sa that ail may have a share. ville vs. Sauina, and occasioned great interest in bath ýplaces,,that respect- Let us give unto the living, ively backed their champions. i What we offer ta the dead The smaller burg won the jump-ï They cannot hear or thank us ing contest and *as very proud af! For the nice things that are said. the victory, but in the base bail con-I But the living need the comfort, tests 'between the two places, Bow- 1 Whie they're wth us day, by day, manàVille generally won, mll be-; And ean have the jay of hearing, cause the playingalw-ays was an the',Alil the kind words that we, say. Bowrnhinville grounds, neyer at Sa-1 lina, sa that the best Sauina players Alil their virtues we remember, dîd nat take pr in the ganies, thi Alil their faults we-btiry deep, boys beîng detaie by work on the e knaow the rond we travel iarms, or at trades, and could noti Iosôsmetiffes rough and steep. spare the time, while those that went We mustbrighten it with kindness, were generaily a "pik up lot," with' And with courage saw aur seeds, littie reference ta their efflciency as That the pathway af the living, bail players. May be graced by kindiy deeds. But thase good aid'times are ps-1 cd, seemingly neyer ta be revved 1 There is such a wenlth af flowers, for the genematians that have succeed:i And sa many yet sa few. ed, are lrittie iïiclined ta rivalry lu On lii e's pathway scatter rases, maniy sports of the kind that found! Sa Ithat ail may have their due. f avor i the aider days. Then the burden wli gro-w iighter, And when xnemory recails the When we heip ta lift the load, scenes and incident% of the aid days, And every day graw brighter, and the boys and girls that tok part For the living an the ïraad. in them, the tears start unbidden ta Frank Talhing. the eye- and steai doWn the face, as, 1136-lOth. Ave. E.,0 Vancouver, B C. a sublime, exemplar ai the intensity _________________ ai the heart's yearnings for the long aga. t is said that oId men are eilîdren RAILWAY T IME TABLEN FOR twice, "Ib is pueri senses." -Indeed, BOWMANVILLE. I amn almast ready ta subscribe ta, this Grand Trunk Railway. aphorism when -it cames ta ruminat- I Goingc East. Gaing West ing on senes and incidents ai boy-i Express 8.42 a.nx. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m.!1 hood days. But I fancy I hear the Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a.m. aid ,Latin injunction, "Oi1fe! Jam Pass'ngr 1.14 pa.. Local 9.57 a.m* satis", hold! already there le enough Pass'ngm 8.14 p.m.' Lacal 1.56 p.m.* >-said; and with your permission. I Local 6.49 p.m* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.* wiil cease wîth salute toalal-vive, Local 7.21 p.m.* Pass'ngr 8.16 p.m. valeque, 1f e and health ta you ail, Mail 9.58 p.m. Parf-well. (The end) *Daily except Sunday. ! Flagged. Cassadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going West Express_10.20 a.m. Express 5.50 a.m. Express 1.5,0 p.m.* Local 8.20 a.m.* Local 10.16 p.m.* Express 4.81 p.m. Express 12.20 a.m. Express 6.53 p.m.* W 'WA Iqb'wqmm Daiiy. cxcept Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. E HABIT *449 *8.15 a. m. *504 P. m. nze vo ur *Daily except Sunday. 0f i.NTERESI Thiis is a Short Letter, But kt Proves the Reliability of Lydia E. Pinkh-am's Vege- table Compound. Bothwell, Ont. - " I wàs weak and mn dow!n, -had no appetite'and was ner- vous. The nurse who i 'took care cf ne tl meto try Lydî E. table Compound, and now I arn get- ýe-'ting strong I recom- medyour me<dicine t y friends, and you ma'y use MY testimonial. "-Mr~ '1.. BradyR. R. 2 4L3othwell Ot '~The reason why Lydi aFE Pinkham's Segetable Com- pounid is so successful in overcoming woman's uls is because it cantains the tonic, strengthesing properties of good old-fashionedroots and herbs, which net on the female arganism. Women from all parts of the country are con- tinually testifying ta its strengthening, beneficial i.rsfluence, and as it contains no narcoties or harmful drugs it is a safe medicine fer women. If you want special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con- fidential), -Lynn, Mass. Your letter wiII be opened, read, and answered by Woruen..oxiy. rii 'LFTP if (Patented) ÂLL 131AS FILLED COii5rT5 are de- eigned ln conforsnitY with the science.of iThe Littup" a patented luverdln wth nlon-slip elaste Inside belt, gently sup- ports f.he abdomen. and l isvers beneilcil for U8s after an oortanIvoiving as, abdoinalInciion. Moateffective ln vs- 6ivi --osphysicai ailmïieT, rom whlcWis ,Inanly wanaen sufer. write us NOW. fer -neefui bints, on fitting and self-mea4auremen±. Froc. upon reque. B1IA~ ÇOR EIL -S Q'IRQFyAaec v r o~the ~nuine "REEN" Tea is h-i eviery Cobourg courts of justice seem to be kept busy over alleged infractions of the Ontario Temperance Act. liquor stealing, etc. .Second Heavy Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, went into camp at Horse Show Park, Cobourg, on'Mon- day. Battery is about fifty strong. Health cannot be looked for in the child. that is subjeet to worms, be- 'cause wormüs destroy health by creat-. ing internai. disturbances that retard development and cause serions weak- ness. Miller's Worm Powders ex- pel worms and are so beneficial in their action that the systems of the littie sufferers are restored to hea t- fulness, ail the discomforts and dang- ers of worm infection are remove, and satisfactory growth is assured. Baal Superior to the best Japafts, Gunpowder or Young Hyson. Sample Free'-Salada, Toronto. LEHIGH VALLEY. COAL Money invested in our coal is cash, conscient- iously expended. Here you wilI get your money's worth of coal. Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service. Jûhn A.- Hol0gate & Son The Double Track Route botweeri Toronto * Detroit Chicago UJnexcel1ed dining car service., Pa leeping cars on night, trains andi P ar cars on the principal day trains Full information froni anyý Grand Trqnrk Ticket Agent orý C. E. Hornîng District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. I. H. JURY,' Agent Phone 78 Bowzmaavull First, Doctors Thten a Skiii Speclalsi Then a boutle of D.D.D, We shall pubIish every week for the bersefi# of skis suft'erers ha this section, a few words wrlitten by Canadian People -soe o0f hera of Ipromjinence-afll earfeit stories ftrehef frorn A sentence or two frotu n letter from 3. W. Cors, os Melbourne Ave., Toronto, a man of fine standing. "I have'been a sufferer for two rearswith eczema on the legs and ankies. 1 tried threor fbur different doctors. I went te a ikinsviecialist. Ailof no use, 1 used one dollar bottle of D. D. D.-that le ail. Today 1 amn perfectly well.1 fyou wih t t% bottle of this Presciption guarantee relief os tthe first bottie, or your Isone# ba ck. Btop that <tcPs today. $1.00 a hettle. Try D. D). D. Soaptoo. , IctrSkb in Diseas JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS BOWMANVILLÉ 13o wmanville Cream-Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours 1 If we fail to cail on -you w e, would appreciate a phone cail or write us. Orono Creamery: Co., -ORONO WHAT DO WE PLANT? What do we plant when we plant a trea ? We plant a ship which will cross the sea, We plant a rnast ta carry the salis, We plant the beams ta wltbstand the gales- A keel, a keelson, sud prow sud knee; We. plant a sbîp when we plant a trea. Wbat do we plant wben we plant a trac ? We plant the houses for you sud me, We planit the pillams, tha shînglas, the floors, We plant the studdiug, the laths, the doors, The raitams sud roof, ail parts that be; We plant a home when we plant a tree. What do wa plant wheu we plant a; tree ?1 A thousaud boa ns that we daily saa;! We plant a spire ta aut-climb the' crsg, Weplant a staff for aur couutry's flag, -i We plant a shade irom the fiarca sun frac; We plant ail waalth when wc plant a By Henry Abbey. 'q Chiropractic (SpisûaI Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable suc-. cess in remaving the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Authmna, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and .K]idney Troubles. Nervousness in many forms respond readiiy ta Chiro- practie. Examiînation Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa phono 224. WOD'S PHOSPHODINE!- nhe Great English Preparation, MîTon'es anîd invigorates the whole pervous system., makes ne-w Blood ~ nold Veins. Used-for Nervous fDebility, Menta.l and Brsain Worry, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Hetrt, Fîi. emr.Pie$2-per box,3 < for $5 Sold by ail druggists, or mailed ln plain pkg. onreceiptof- priçç. New pamphWt maited free.TNE WOOD MEÉDICINE CO.JTORONTOONT, A GREEN TEA jQueen and Division Sts.