L ENJOY LIFE During the bot summer months throw wide open the doors and put Up the windows- but'you must bave screen doors and window screens. We bave a large-,as- sortment at lowest prices.- Hammocks These are t he days when a bammock in aý shaded spot adds to the" joy of living. We b ave a big stock and of course oui' prices bear comparison. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE We own andi offer the uns'old balance of T"'mhoemson Knitting Co. Ltd. of Bowmanviîle 8 PER CENT CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE SINKING _FUND PREFERRED -SHARES Prices,$100, carrying a bonus of 50 per -cent of common stock. SAFE, SOUND INVESTMENT The Thomson Knitting Co. Ltd., having been induced to corne to Bowmanville, it is very desir- able that the securities of this Company should be subscribed for loeally., Investors looking, for a safe, sound investment would do well to investi- gate our offer. There, is every reason to believe tbat this'investment will yield considerably more than the 8 per cent ,whîch is guarantêed. Write for descriptive' circulai' 5 bave oui' salesman eall on you. Bowmanville Financial poration Bowmanville McCLELLAN ,King St. E. Cor- Limited- &CO. LIMITED Bowmanville. At the U. F. 0. Pienie at Cobourg Orono's new band wfll play nt on June 28, the Orono senirbebl Janetville, June 3th. tea wil c-pee.Miss Edyth Leask, l"Ryland", Osh- Mr'. Lyman C. Smith anniounces awa, was in Toronto guest of Mfr. and the engagement of bits daughter, Olive Mrs. Frank Babcock. While at the Louize, .te MUn Birger Mé'. Beausang, Horse Show, ber friend Miss Marian of Aima, Mfich. The marriage wili Babcock won first prize with her pony, take place in Toronto on June 28th-. "Quee Elizbeth." rnuflfflfA XkItT r. fl, a.,, ,,.,00-3 .1fAni BOWMNY !,ALNVILLE, JUNE 2 3rd., 1921. ORANGEMEN ATTENTION! Purpie Guards, L. 0. L. No.,2884, will attend Divine Service at the Sal- vation Army Barraçks on Sunday, June 26 at 7 p. m. Members will meet at Lodge Room at 6.30 o'clock. E. A. Jones, Jas. Nokes, W. M. Rec. Secretary. PASSING 0OF AN OLD CITIZEN Mr. William Adams, Bowmanvrille. Another highly esteemed and re- spected citizen in the person of Mr. William Adams, aged 85 years, pass- ed away June 14, at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. L. A. Gainsby, Orono, where he has resided for five years, having previously lived for many years in Bowmanville. He was born in Cornwall, England, and came to Canada in his early youth. Hie was a man of sterling integrity and nobiiity of character and very genial, hence had a wide circle of friends. The funeral June 17, was largely at- tend'ed. The service was conduct- ed by Rev. J. W. -Rae and members of 1. O. O. F. of which deceased was for 47 years a member. Hie leaves to mourn his loss, two sons and two daughters: Mrs. L. A. Gamsby, Mrs. Jean Bennett, Mr. W. J. Adams and Mr. E. E. Stabler. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. FOOTBALL 'UndoubtedùIy the best local foot- ball gameof the season was played at High School Grounds Wednesday evening last when Brooklij played Bowmanville to a draw, 2-2. The visitors have a weil balanced team who play a good defence game and know how to pass the bail but are weak on shooting. They received the favorable commendation of play- ers and spectators by their clean sportsmanlike exhibition of football. From the casualties one mightthink the game was rough but, such Was flot the case. Yank Avery had bis arm injured early in the game, Me- Coy strained the ligaments of his leg and the Brooklin goal keeper met with'a very painful accident to his leg which necessîtated his retirement. These mishapswere ail accidentai and not due to rough play. Bowmanville plays at Ciaremont, Thursday evening. Soiina's fast football teamn play at Bowmanville, Saturday, June 25 at 6.15 p~. m. Admission 25c. Ladies and children free. MAPLE GROVE Anniversary vîsitors: Rev. J., R. Butler, Warkworth; Miss F. Winn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Souch, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Blaackburn, Orono; Miss L. Wii- kins, Salem; Misses Reta R. Cole, Greta Oke, Miidred Lâwrie,, Ruth Grigg, Annie Cox, Rena Jewell and Leta Turner, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne -and daughter Louise, Miss Muriel Penfound, Hazel Rundie, Mrs. D. Pickei and Mr. and Mrs. K. Courtice, Ebenezer, at Mr. Tru. Power's. Miss Gladys Munday, Marysvilie, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday. .Mr. Fred Lane attended the funeral of his haif-sister in Coiborne . î.. .is many friends are glad to hear that Russell Worden is out again after his operation in Bow- manville Hospital .... Mrs. Thos. Baker, Solina, visited her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and attended the anniversay... . Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil-ý kins and daughters visited her mother, Mrs. Wm. Jeffery ... . Rev. H. W. Foiey, Uptergrove, visited his sister, Mrs.-J. D). Stevens. Clean to handie. S, id 'y ail Drug g~t, Cioc.rsani ( Gcnerai tr. BIRTHS GAN E--At 85 Ohurch Raad, Richmond, Surrey, England, on June 12, to Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. Gane, (nee Flassie Caulter, Bowmanville), a daughter. MARRIAGES CHASE-I.OCKWOOD-In Brighton Methodist Church on Tuesday, June 7, by Rev. W,. B. Tucker and Rev. E. E. How- ard, George Chase off Bowmanvîlle to Winnlfred I4ockwood off Brighton. DEATHS MAYER-In- BownJanville, Tuesday, June 21, 1921, Elizabeth Collacott, widow off the late Markus Mayer aged 82 years. Funeral from ber late residence, West mount, on Thursday June 23, at 3.30 p. m to the Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM. MILLER-I1i loving memory off our darling daughter, Madelyn Marguerite, whom Jesus took to himieif J11ne 25, 1920, aged il years, 4 monthis. A Bud on earth, so fair ao rare Has gone to Heaven to blossom there afefrom this warld off sorrow Gathered while young and fair Our darling sleepe near ber Heavenly Father Ohmay we meet ber there. PROPERTY FOR 'SALE FOR SALE-Frame bouse, 6 rooins,% acre garden, fully stocked. $2200. Ap- ply P. O. Box 827,: Bowmanville. 25-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-flouse conta4ning' 8 rooms, bathroom, water, electrie light, gas, frontage 66 feet by 160 deep. Few minutes walk south off C. P. R. Station- and street cars. Garage and other out buildings. Appîy 161 Peari-at., South Oshawa. 25-8 FOR SALE-To close an estate: House, Stable ad acre lot In Bowmanvlle on Divison Street soPposite theMethodlst Chur.h. Por prticuars a ply t. Jh_ Lyl. e . To n H ll, Bo m nvlen1. o lil-t Mason &-Dale. PLOW POINTS 65c Mower & Binder- SECTIONS 7c GUARDS .35c Here are a few helpful suggestions along tbe ine of Housebold Necessities for the bot Summer days: For the best in SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS HAMMOCKS GARDEN TOOLS RUBBER HOSE LAWN MOWERS PERFECTION and FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES Aîî Sizes KITCHEN UTENSILS ELECTRIC FANS, TOASTERS, IRONS, GRILLS, STAND LAMPS B. H. PAINTS AND VARNISHES READY ROOFING CATTLE SPRAY The Mles hate it. Mason & Dale The Store with the Big Hardware Stock. Phone 145 Bowmanville July In'vestments PRO VINCE 0F ONTARIO 6 PER CENT BONtDS 1Due May 2nd., 1936, yield over 6.05 per cent. GOVERNMENT 0F NEWFOUNDLAND, -61/2 PER CENT BONDS Due June 30, 1936, yield over 6.10 per cent. PROVINCE 0F MANITOBA 6 PER CENT BOND Due June 1, 1941, yield over 6.15 per cent. PROVINCE 0F ALBERTA 6 PER CENT BONDS Due April 1, 1936, yield over 6.30 per cent PROVINCE 0F BRITISH COLUMBIA 6 PER CENT BONDS Due June 15, 1941, yield over 6,40 per cent. VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD, QUOTED. JOS. PATTINSON Bowmanville. Telephone 257J. Ontario 1FOUND. GOLD WATCH FOUND-For particu- 1lars apply at Statesman Office. 28-Sw TO LET HOUSE TO RENT-¾ mile west of] Bowmanvllle on Kingston Road. Apply to R. R. Stevens, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 115-r 3. il-tf STRAYIED Strayed en premises of Newton Taylor, Burketon, Pige. Owner nigy have pige by paying expenees and proving property. 25-1*t STRAYED-Year old heifer, white, strayed from lot 2, con 3, Dariington, on or about May28. Finder kjndly notify Irwin R. Bragg, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone iSOrà 24-t WANTED FARM, LAND WANTED-State price, location and any other particulars. Box 503, Oshawa. 23-8' TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED for S. .S. No.1, Darllngton (Shaw's School) commending Sept. 1, 1921, with lst or 2nd Class cer- tificate. Give experlence and, salary ex- pected. Âpply W. C. Ashton,ï R. R. 4, Bowmanvifle. 24-t ARTICLES FOR SALE HORSE FOR SALE-Bay driver, 6 years old, sound, gbod single or double. Appy to J. W. Balson, Taunton. 2513w. FOR SALE-McLaughlin 0-25 Tourlng Car, electrie starter, -one man top, for sale cheap as owner le golng weet. Apply Box 337, Bowmanvllle. 25-t BOATS FOR SALE-i 16 ft. veneered canvas covered canoe, aiea one Mulen's steel duck boat 15ý ft. Bath in AI con- dition. Apply J. G. Manning, Phone 138, Bowmanville. 25-t 1'ALAUGHLIN SURREY FOR SALE- Blue Cloth trîmminge wlth side curtains, pole and shafts newy varnlshed gnd ln the Pink off condition. Âppy to Wm. Chale, Manvers Rd, Bawmanvllle. 23-tf ORGANS FOR SALE CHEAP-Organs for sale, four 6-octave organe, pano case, one Church Organ.' Will seli very cheap for cash or easy terme on time Mrs, Jas. Deyman, Queen-et, Bowmanville Phone 54. 25-tï 1 June Reduced Prices Again Reduced' If by any chance you are not one of our regular customers start now., You will wonder at the savings you make. READ BELOW Only a few of our many low prices in groceries:. Canned Corn, 2 for ......................................... 21 Canned Peas..................................................1% Canned Pineapple......................................... 20c Pork and Beans ....... ............ Pink Salmon 19e...... ............... 6 for $1.00 H. A. Oleomargarine........................................ 2(k Fancy Mixed Biscuits;........... .............. 21c Tiger Catsup, large bottie ......... ....................... 2,k Castile Soap, 6 bars ...................................1.......2& 'White Star Hand Cleaner, 13/4ý lb. tins only ..........25c WHEN YOU'WANT ,THE. MEATS BUY, BEST QUALITY 0F SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PHONE ýORDERS aC. M. CAWKER & SON' BUTCHERS and, GROCERS Er-Nd BOWMANVILLE Special One more week and June will be gone. We have had good business so far this month but we are flot satis- fied 80- we are going to offer you some very desirable, merchandise at less than pre-war prices. What do you think of these? $1 5.50 for Men's Palm Beach Suit two piece, in grey or tan, just the suit for hot weather, regular price $25.00, June End Sale $15.50 $1.48 for ,Men's Work Shirts, made of good quality Oxford Shirting, colors Khaki, Dutch Blue and black, well made, full sizes, easily worth $2.00, June End Sale $1.48 68c per sq yd for Floor Oil- cloth, lst. quality, big range of patterns to choose from,' ail widthS from 18 inches to 72 inches, regullar $1.00, June End Sale 68c sq yd 59c per yd for 7J4 bleached sheeting of medium weight, free from dressing, just the width for singrle beds, cots, etc., regular price 95c, June End Sale 59c per yd 50c for'Men's and1 Boys' Straw, Hats, good styles, plain- and fancy straw,, all sizes in the lot, regular prices to .2.0,June End Sale 50c 39cper yd for Plain Pillow Cottoni round thread, even weave, excellent quality for bard wear, widths 40 to 44 -ichi, regular price 65c, June End Sale 39c per yd $2.95 a pairý for Men's Ox- fords tan or black, staple sty- les, ail sizes in the lot, regular price to $5.00, June End Sale $2.95 a pair I47c -per yd for 814 Unbleach- ed Sbeeting- of medium weight, will soon bleach good for bard wear, regular prie 75e per yd, jJune End Sale 47c per yd I$1.95 a pr for Ladies' Ox- fords and Shoes, big range o staple styles, sizes 2½/, to 4, about 100 pair in the lot, reg- ular price to $4.00, J une End Sale,$1,95 per pr 69c per yd, for Table Damask of good weight satin finish, a splendid wearing quality, lily design, regular price 95c, June End Sale 69c per yd f89c per yd for Ninon of ex- cellent quality, 42 inch, al the wanted colors, just the material for waists and dress- es regular price, $1.50 June End Sale 89c per yd 33c per yd for Steel. Clad Galatea, Chambray and Ginghams, fast colors, neat designs big range to choose fromn, regular price 45e per yd, June End Sale .33c Per yd MlcMURTRY & CO r PHONE 83 PIIONI 83 1 PHONE 83