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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1921, p. 8

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GARDE N PARTY AT NEWCASTLE A Garden Party will be held at St. George's Church, Nqewcastle, on Wed- -nesday, June 29th. Good program. Gerries' Orchestra will furnish music. Usual admission. 25-1 PIANOS FOR SALE 1 Dominion Square Grand Piano--$100 1 Steinway Square Grand Piano--$lOO Both of above pianos are in per- fect working or- der. Good pract- ice pianos or suit- able for summer home. Periodical payments planned. F. J. MITCHELL 22-t Bowmanville Battery fTrutha fThat Willard Threaded / Rubber nslation can be de- Jpended upon to outlast the batteryr plates. Ends the expense of wood-separator repiacement. That wood .epara tars May seem cheaper at the. begînning. b3ut.inoaulat lois faalw.ys cheq w Inthe end. Thlat Our respu kIbm1t3yto laits along am your battwy alët the. Wilard Thrended Batery là the.highest (n b.eer chLevement. te boe to te*" you aboIt 1 -~e 1y 1attery eith to- A~d Rubbw Ilneulatioti. ONTARIO BATTER'Y SERVICE SOGLD CiNBOWMANvILLE BY 1UKE, BOYS & ORYDERMIAN WEST E~ND GARAÛG TYRONE HAYDON visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Me- 1 Anniversury services of Huydou Luughliu, Miss Kathleen McLuughlin,, Subbuth Sehool will be held us fol- Oshawa, Miss Elmu Gardiner, Peter-1 lows: Sunday, June 26, sermons will boro Normal, ut Mr. B. F. Grdiner' be preacbed by 11ev G. R. Curruthers, ...Mr. and Mrs. J. Awde, Mr. and B. A., Blackstock. Special siuging Mrs. R.. Awde, Miss Mabel Awde, b h udySho. Alsr Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wight, Pro- bvieunduy ehoolt. FiAh ser-y vidence, Mr. und Mrs. Fred Wight, 1, tea will be served on the church Newcastle, at Mrs. A. E. Wight's.... lawn, commencing ut 4 o'clock. Or- Messrs. Henry Miller, Harold and ono Band will furnish music through Irving Clemens with Toronto friends1 the ufternoon and assist ut night. At ...Mr. and Mrs. C. Dawson and Miss! 6 o"'lock a most exciting and inter- Geraldine Clemens, Campbellford, esting Leugue game of football will guests of Mr. A. W. Clemens. .. . Mrs. be pluyed between Oshawa ad En- B.~ Hawkey is home from a plensant niskillen teams. At eight o'olock a visit with Toronto friends... . Severul conîcert will be given by the follow- from here, uttended- Maple Grove ing high class urtists of Toronto- Anniversary Sunday and Monday and IMr. Bert Loyd, Comedian; Miss Irene Conference ut Whitby. ... Congrat- Robson, Elocutionist and Entertainer; ulations to Miss Stella Couch ilulber Mr. Charles Leslie, Baritone Soloist; splendid record made ut Bowmauville Miss Pansy Ellis, Accompanist. FuIl Hospital during the pust tbree yeurs. provision made to entertain the Several from here uttended the ia- crowd. For further particulars see terestîng graduation exercises ou bills. Tuesday in town. ...While working ut Mr. Ed. Virtue's bouse on Thurs- OLN day last Mr. William Humbly took a SLN paralytic stroke. His muny frieuds trust: that hie will soon be uround, No service ut Eldud next Sunday again... Mr. A. W. Annis visiting as ail expect to go te Hampton An- with friends in Toronto .... Mr. A. F. aîversary .... Mr. Arthur Milison ils Annis, B. A. bus uccepted un opening making extensive alterations to bis in Luwyer R1. J. McLuuglin's office farm buildings... .Mr. Ivan M. Luw Toronto, with a brilliant career in bis atended the Old Boys' reunion ut On- student course we feel sure of a large tarie Agricultural College, Guelph.. field of usefulness ha the future ..... . Mr. Neil Wordea is busy taking the Mrs. C. Awde and Frances, Oroue, census arouni here. , .-Mr. and Mrs. guests ut Mr. C. Hooper's. . . Mr. and1 Norman E. Wright and fumily motor- Mrg. Lillicrap, Caauington, are ut ed te Toronto and visited ever the Mrs. F. L. Byum's,..Plan for S, S. weeký-end with Mrs. Julia VanNest pienie Saturduy afternoou 25 ut Mr. a t30 Lungley Avenue .... Newcastle Brunt's groye. Drumatie Club gave the play "Back te the Farm" ut Eldad on Tuesday Mr. L. J. Goedman desîres te in- eveniug te a good sized audience. f orm the public thal the miii will cem- The play is a good eue, was ,vell put mence running this Friduy merning. ou and much apprecited. .-. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dan MePherson, Mrs. Mrs. Will Rundie, Toronto, visited bis Black and Mr,. Ross Black, Misses brother, Mr. James T. Rundl.... Alice and Mabel Osborne, Messrs. Mr. Cecil Puscoe is building a aew Chus. and Hurry Osborne, Mariposa,_ modemn silo .... Mr. L. T. Puscoe bus Squhre and Mrs. T. R. James, Cam- sold bis farm of 115 acres' te Mr. bray, ut Mr. Levi. Skinner's .... .Mrs. Isaac Hardy, Cambray, for $10,000. (11ev.) J. 'E. Beekel, Betbuny, called This is one of tbe best furmslu West on old friends lust week ... . Rev. W. Durham ... . Mr. Norman Reynolds, T. Wickett bas returned from con- B. A., Toronto, visited bis parents, ference ut Whitby .... Bible ceutest Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds.... ut Leugue this Thursday. Be there. Solina football teum alayed ut Clare- INSURANCE Ail lines of:, FIRE, ACCIDENT,-. SICKNESS, PLATE -GLASS, GUARANTEE BONDS, AUTOMOBILE, covering agaînst tire, lhghtning, thef, property damage, inj'uries to the public,J colision; -insure- against tecarelessness of the driver of the car you are meeting. M1rs. Editit V. cbi Agent Phone 189 Bowmanville mont on Saturday night and sufferer defeat-score 2 to 0 .... Mr. N. E. Wrighrt fillel hi-sfslo on Saturd ay -wi,-th sweet lover,-the first tfa try-tre -ex- periment around here. EBENEZER The old-time faine of Ebenezer Sunday School Annîversary was fully 3sustained this year, good weather favoring on Sunday and Monday and the services of 11ev. S. W. Dean, Tor- onto, Department of Finance, for the Methodist Church of Canada, adding very materially to the' pleasure and profit on Sunday. His morning sub- ject was work and the blessings re- sulting therefrom. Thie Treasurer, Mr. Leo. Courtice, presented a very satisfactory -report. Miss Aima Courtice sang a solo which with- the numbers rendered by the choir gave a fine musical service. In the afternoonY è'v.Mr.1Jdkb7bpokéë especially to the Sunday School bas- nghis-remnarks-oniEzeldiels-isiom-o the four wheels, comparing a child's lf e to the four wheels of an automo- bile. The lessons drawn from this- were vey pý1actical1 and plain ýo 1everyday life. The music was provid- ed by the school and up to the usual good standard set by Superîntendent R. E. Osborne and his faithful staff of teachers. In the evening the speaker address- ed the Young people on the joys and blessiags of youth and the respon- sibilities resulting from each. The music was good, the floral decorat- ions of the "Sunshine Class" much admired and the collections for the day netted over $200. Monday aifternoon a large crowd assembeld to witness the basebaîl match-married men vs. single-the former carrying off the laurels. This was followed by a game of f ootball by the South Darlington League- Zion vs Ebenezer,' the visitors winning by one goal. Instead of the old-time tea a lect- Î-ewas held at 8 p. m., at which 11ev. Byron Stauffer of Toronto, was the speaker. His subject "If 1 were twenty-one Again", was very enter- taining and suggestive of good advice which the large audience thoroly en- joyed. Asalso was the community singing at the beginning of the pro- gram. Mr. Frank Walter of Peter- boro, was heard la solo witb much pleasure. Proceeds of the lecture amounted to $100. ARUCTION SALE' The underaigned has receîved instruc- tions froM Mrs. J. A., McFadden to seli by public auction on premises Lot 28, Con. 8, Darîington on Wednesday, June 29- House Furnishings & Stock 2 Bedsteads, 1 child's cot, 1 centre table, 3 small tables, 6 kitchen chairs, 6 diuing-room chairs, 2 rocking chairs 1 couch, two high chairs, writiug desk, 2 heating stoves, 1 pandora range, 1 coul oil heater, 1 washing machine, barrel churn, 26 leugth stove pipe, 6 elbows, 18 ft. rubber hose, 1 scoop shovel, 1 suow shovel, 1 long haudled shovel, 1 cross eut saw, 1 15 dozen iegg erate, 1 feed box, 1 5 gaI. coul oil can, two 1 gallon coul oil cans, one paris green aprayer and funuel, 1 sprinkling eau, 1i bag truck, 1 bushel basket, 1 stable lantern, i1laddril robe, 2 lanips, 1 ý dozen gmi' garden rake, 3 hoes, 2 forks, 2 cake pans, 1 strainer pail, end numerous iother small- articles. 1 cow, 5 year-s eld, supposed to bel la caîf, 1 cow, e y-ears, supposed toi bie in calf, i caîf 3 months old, 1 horse 6 years, g-eneral purpose. Sale at 1.30 P. m. TERMS-C-rast, except cm stoci, 4 =Ontlis' credit 0-- approved note. Thet"m Mountjo5r, Theo. M. Slem&£ Clerk. Auctioneer. Grove Annivrsary .... Master Water Thompson Phillips, Westchester, New -York--City-is--visiting--his-cousins-oirj Swain Farm, and taking lessons ln farming from Francis and- Ernest Werry. COURTICE, 1 Mrs. Geo. Morrow, Winnipeg, Man., is enjoying a visit among hier rel- atives here who are deligbted to see hier; Mrs. McConnell, Chicago, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. W. Rundle, Toronto, with Mrs. Acy Penfound; Mr. Elmer Frost, Young's Point, Sundayed at Mr. H. Flintoff's; Miss Mabelle Walt- ter has been enjoying a f ew days \vith Peterboro friends; Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, at home over the week-end; Miss Hazel Muir visited Scarboro friends recently; Mrs. Var- coe and daughter, Mrs., Meredith, Toronto, visiting relatives here for a holiday; 11ev. John R. Butler, a former popular pastor, speut the week-end at Mr. R. E. Osborne's. Old parishoners were glad to meet hii.... . Sunday School and eveningi services were with drawu last Sunday on account of Maple Grove unniver- sary to which Ebenezerites went lu great numbers... . Several of our people went to conference services at Whîtby on Sunday. ENNISKILLEN Wednesday evening's League was in charge of 2nd vice-Presideat, Miss May Werry. Seripture was read by Miss Reta Ashton aud topic tuken by Miss Reva McGill. Readings were given by Mr. Frank Dorland and Mrs. Etta Hall and a solo by Miss Luella Stevens. Miss Muriel Ashtou was uppointed delegate for Summer Scbool. 11ev. G. T. MeKeuzie came home from conferen-ce and- took bis work as usual oni Sunday. Mrs. William Ashton is organist while our regular organist. Mrs. H. J. Werry is unuble to attend. ..*. Mrs. J. W. Virtue 18 quite sick witb Dr. Siemon in at- tendance. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson a diplitheria. Dr. Slemon is looking after Dr. Ferguson's, practice wbile they are la quarantine. Pleased to learn that Mrs. James Arthur Werry is getting along nicely! since lier operathon for appendicitisi at Bowmanville Hospital last Satur- day. Several-from hel'e attended the cir- cus ut Oshawa.. ewloet u village Mr. and Mrs. Bourghmaster whû-have bougbt the-Elford residenc-j and istend making an up-to-date resi-1 dence with ail modern conveniences. Visitors: Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon and family, 11ev. and Mrs. H. Wilkinson and family visited witb Mr. John Siemon last week;ý Mrs. John Orchard is holiday ing wýith'ber parents and daughter, Mrs. Fred Hed- don, Columbus; Mrs. Geo. Preston is with relatives ut Lindsay; Miss E. J. Elliott is witb bier mother, Mrs, Alex. Riggs ; Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Herring recently visited Mr. E. Mich- ael, Harmony; Miss Maude Ashton visited ut Dr.,C. W. Slemnon's, town; Mr. and l1 T½ iArguleMis Helen Argue, town, at1 Mr. Theo. Slemon's; Miss Mabie Mountjoy and1 friend motored te Toronto recently ...Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke visitedi EAT COOKED MEATS WE HAVE THE BIGGEST VARIETY 0F COOKED MEATS IN TOWN When you want cooked meats we can serve you best. Our -assortment includes: LUNCH TONGUE -'OX TONGUE JELLIED BEEF ROAST PORK JELLIED HOCKS NEW ENGLAND HAMS BEEF BOLOGNA- HEAD CHEESE MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF DAILY DELIVERY BEFORE 8 A. M. Go A.. Edmondstone. One door east of F. F. Morris CO. Phone 21 Bowmanville It's O"ut fit Week at Our Furniture Store We're just as careful in the selection of Fur- niture for those who are about to be married and start Housekeeping as the young man is about the girl he is taking for a wife or as the girl lis in her selctonof a husband. Future Ijappiness depends greatly upon Holme Environments.. No' Home can beý pleasant unless it is comfortable. It is wit-h these f acts in mmnd that we have selected the Furniture for a 4-Room outfit with great care as to its Quality as well as its Style. Every piece is Furniture that you can point to' with pride. WILLIAMS &S CANN ---- - --H AMP TON- -- -- League meeting on June 1'7tb., ln- charge of Miss Lauru virtue, 3rd Vice-President, wus opened witb sing- ing and prayer by Mr. Hilton Peters. Lesson wus reud by Mr. Gordon Preston. Topic,"The Problemn of the melting Pot", wus given by Miss Louise Johns. Miss Marion Stephens gave a short reading followed by a musical contest, After wbîch the meeting closed with singing, "God Save the King." The unnivemsury services of tbe Hampton Sunduy School wili be held as follows: Sunay, June 26th ad- dresses will be delivered by M. A. Sorsolcil, B. A., Model Schoel Master of Toronto Normal Scbol ut 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Morning subject A talkte the King's Cbildren. Evening subjeet The Ma and the Cburch. Col cetouat--eac-h-se *vi-In-aid--Cf- School Funds. Singing by the school under direction of Theodore Salter. JulS y[t-InTtI-7fternoon a gamneof- football will be played between the married men versus single (in the New Park) fellowed by a Scbedule tÈeague ganté Solina vs. Brookln commencing ut 5 p. m. Supper will be served on the Church Lawn from 4.30 p. m. At 8 p. m. a grand con- cert will be rendered by the follow- ing artists: Dorothy Aia Park, So- prano soloist St. Andrews Cburch, Peterborough, (Pupil of J. Forbes Allan and Maestro Geovani Cleici of Florence, Ituly) and George E. Morley, B. A., Professionul elocutien- ist la bumoreus and dramatie recitul (Graduate of Owen A. Smiley). Ad- mission Tea and concert, udults 75c. Tea or concert 40c. Children net members of the school Tea ànd con- cert 50c. Tea or concert 30e .24-2 NESTLETON- Miss Mabel Jackson and Mr. Marsh- all Malcolm are home from Petembomo Normal Sehool, haviug completedj, their course ... . Mr. J. W. Emerson visited bis brother, Mr. James Emer- son, Oukwood, lover Sunday ... . Mr. R. H. Suggitt attended Conference ut jWhitby and returned home on Fmi-1 day and visited bis brother, Mr. John Suggitt Cameron, Fenelon, over Sun- day in company witb Mr. Oscar Ed- wa....... Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Edwards-It's a boy.... Mr. Hermon Wilson, Janetville, and Miss McKee, Cadmus, visited Miss Rildu Sumelis on Sunday .... Mm. and Mrs. Samelis and fumil-y visited la Ty- me ne recently .... A goodly number of Nestleton people uttended the anni- vesary services ut Cosrea on Sun- day and heard two splendid sermons by 11ev. J. E. Griffith, B. A. Officers of the school asked for a Thank-offer- ing of $65.00 and realized over $70 .... Nestleton S. S. Anniversary ou Sunduy and Mondaf, June 26 and 27. Services on Sunduy by,11ev. J. E. Griffith and Chancellor Bowles. Tea on Moda and play "The Village Lawye" byBetbesda Drmatie Club. IEv0rýybody welceme .... Clancellor Bowies and family and 11ev. J. E. Griffith and fumily have moved te, their buudsome Bungalow Cottage, Lake Shore uortb of Nestleton,.. Cosreu and Scugog are busey now, cottages are being occupied uand a number of new eues being erected and campers ceming in .... Miss Smith and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Tor- enite, visited ut R. C. Jackse's.... Leugue on Friday evenhng last was in charge of Miss Jennie Gordon, Srd Viee President. Readiugs were given by Mr. J. M. Emerson, Mrs. Jackson and Miss Gordonand piano duet by Mrs. J. W. Emerson and Mrs. R.* H.ý Suggitt-twe littie girls .. .. Dr. Oscar Fallis and family and Mr. Clar- ence Fallas and family called on friends and Mr. A. H. veule etumned te Torouto with them aud visited St. Catharines. Mms. veale and Miss Ruby 'be-ing there vlsting Mrs. E. O. veale Pt Port Daihousie C. e,.. Mrs. (ReV.) Carruthers ig vislting Mrs. Jackson durîng Re,. Cruhr stay aü confereace, . M.Wlilliame, Toronto, is *isiting ber 3ister, Mrm. John vernie. Funeral Directors Bowmanville TO YIELD3 per -P,în-OYIE D 68 cent TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE DEBENTURES BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 23rd., 1921. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to Thurs- day, June 30th, 1921, for the erection of an additional roomn to school building at S.- S. No. 8 Darlington. Plails and specifi- cations are now ready and may be seen at Blake Courtice's, Courtice. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sealed tenders must be addressed to Mr. H. J. Hancock, Secreltary-Treasurer, Courtice. 24-2 AUCTIO.N SALES Saturday, June 25-Mr. Lewis Cornish, King-st., Bowmanville, will seil by auction parlor, bed- room, dining-room and kitchen furniture, also riano, organ, and solid cherry wood clothes cup- board. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Shou%àld I Wear Glsses? Sometirnes fhîs question bothers you. For your answer cail on R. M. Mitchell, our Registered Optometrist by Examnina- tion. 1He will, tell you. Examination by Appoint- ment. $224.98 238.48 252 ' 79 267.95 284.,03 301.07 319.14 338.29 358.58 380.10 402.90 427.08 452.70' 479.87 508.66 539.18 571.»53 605.82 642.17 680.68 APPLY T PRICE 6 318 per cent 99.647 99.316 99.009 98.712 98.436 98.178 97.934 97.706 97.490 97.288 97.098 96.920 96.752 96.594 96.446 96.306. 96.175 96.052 -~-95.936 S95.827 r'o "4, JOS. PATTINSON Phone 257 J.- Bowmanville from our warehouse in town in anyquantities. QUICK & HOLGATE, Phone 19 Bowmanville WEDDING GIFTS A choice assoiftment of China suitable for Wedding Presents ranging in prie from 75c upwards consisting of Bon Bon Fruit, Marmalade, Cheese, Biscuit, Spoon trays, Plates ,Cream and Sugar, Saîts and Peppers, Cups and Saucers. W. T. -ALE 20, Bookstore Im - -- - -- -.- - 1 fim mi - - Jlm - Bowmanville- Beauty & Srvice are not always found in perfect c.ombination, but when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING, you'have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO- SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Caîl and see this material before'you cover your new building or renew your old roof We have a full line of lother Building Material at prices-considerably lower thanlast season Fresh Stock of 43enuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delivery at Summer Prices, McCIefllan & Company Limited Kiuig Street Baat Bowna.nville Office Phone 15 - Residenices 228 and 274 Furniture Dealers Phone 58 or 159 MATURITIES Due June lst, 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1939 1930 1931 1932 1933 19.34 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 LADIES-- A big shipment of damn- ty Powder Puifs, Fae Chamois and Wash Cloths at pre-war prices. We are always plea.sed to how them. IR. M. Mitchell & Co.1 DRUGGIST AND OI'TOMETRIST -hcne92 fNights &-Sundayu-210) BOWMANVILLE ONT. l i ý 1181- 03 eciai Lations in enr ey--VýL- Ilit-- APPLE -BARRELS -AND: Our cooperage is now runnnig full blast turn- ing OUt apple barrels. Growers would do-well to lay in wat they may require. -, FIRST GLASS STOCK AND PRICES RIGHT We are Canadian agents for the largest bas-- ket manufacturers in America. BUSHEL BASKETS AND COVERS .qnptinl

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