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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1921, p. 12

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~3OWýMAN VILLE, JUNE 30th., 1921. be anywhere froin eight to ten miil blown entirely out of the ground by jlion dollars and then some. The the high wind. balance of the afternoon, the partyI The long drive to the Country Club, WVEEKLY EDITORS' EXCURSION 1were free to visit friends and the gave the visitors, a slight idea of the ________writer like the others f ound the time wind and dust but we were assured Retui'n ta Toronto Made on Stiiedule ail too short. this was but a slight indication of' Time and Without la Mishap. At 9.15 p. mi, the Press Party bade xwhat a Saskatchewan wind could do a regretful adieu ta Winnipeg and its when it arose in a tantrum. A The Canadian Weekly Newspaper generous'hosts and hostesses for the splendid vie'W was obtained at the ,aïsoCiaton copte their trip across next stopping point-Saskatoon- Club Ilouse whlich is on a high emim- ýiiMànadU on sehedue tirne, 'leaviiig nearly 500 miles further toward the' ence over-looking the South Saskat- 'loronto on Thursday, June 2nd and setting sun. chewan river. Refresiments were ctni oteonMoncStatiJne2h, havig-d*A pleasant surprise aitho a rather served at the Kiwanis Club, brief ovcredn theyp ofloe 206,00 miles îsappointing one ito many g oodisPeeches made and a royal send off people,0witeMi's(aWaterou ,given us which were indications lof Mncludin many Sstps n1 dytonaou 0mie as fthe good feelings of 1ou1r Western, ni' ~ q theedtoia prt. asaton Te oo pope adfrenAs ta sheir Eastern isitns The np cras th Weter Wonld corne down ithi'i their autos peae As aur train sped along w were Throin OnaýrossCptb the "Nat- ta give tLhe Press Excursîonists a re- imipressed with the vast acreage of lnal Way" is a very direct c-ourse and-cpinadt aeu u asetei odfrîgln nSsacea thýe engineers who laid out the route 4 ake and' gJive us a good time gener- and we wenre told -that in thi's Pro'- ai'th Caadan atona fom aly. But aur itinerary.unfortunate- vince aloneý there was room f or 25 boartah e a ard ureatioeal fuondser-l y wotld not admit of a stop for any millions of' people with its area of board their ebrsry eactng a deprt- "doings"1,- s,ýO with afe.w words of wel- 251,700 square miles. 11t is consid- stoo ther veYýex C ocr ane ,,iote caine, by the mayor and a littie part- ered ta be on-ýe of the!' fines-t ofwea arit busîn~~ss. Leaving".o- gîft to each of a bottie aof ail andgrin povce of ur as route ta Winnipeg is galmost direct- 011 wnd package of sait, taken, froin Little Dominion, the value aof120s iei!d ,,, e st vrdLakeManitou, we bade adieu taoOur being $J175,360,000 or rathfer maore -Wiïniipepg the gatewa ta thieWet would-be entertainers. Lake Man- than fartly-one per cent of thle to(tal lî,ke abl,1othr cities visited xtne itou is fourteen miles long for the Dominion. As only about tao theeWse party a genuine welcome by one and a haîf miles wide and is 23 per cent aof the 5,000,000 acres of ta the city with its population o f one of the most remarkable minerai arable land which the province is 196,947. Uer wide streets, exten- water lakes- la the world, many phy- estimated ta possess is unider cultiva- ,ive parks, good sehools, etc., are ail sicians being of the opinion that its tian it is very evident th.Iat there is htiiflt on anexasv scale with the waters contain greater curative pro- roam for mluch further agniculturai Àidea ai" g a ud anmore growth. perties than any other known lake expansion. The province has 2,160i hesplenidid receýption lhex'ê was'or ineral spring. Bathing la itsgrieevtswth a ageae enieyintroductory ta thàe char-:wtr ie odefiybnfca capacity of 67,331,664 bushels. -actenistie Western Hospitality that resuits and being six times more met-u everywhere., For a couple'buayant than the ocean, hathers mayI Monday marnîng found us la Bd- af ors after aur arrivaI WVinnipeg's readily float on its surface without 1 monton, Alberta, a modern city with -pýeople did their best ta show the par- the least effort. a population aof about 70,000. In- ,ty the beauties of their beautiful; Beaesprtna akto nstead aof being farther aýway from ei'y, then halted at Assiniboine Park Sunday morning the Press members et home or asf it heast e waof -a park with an area of nearly»200 al joinl a service led hy Rev. A.gtin hoefrasesepe of acres-with pavillon, recreationH Mor, .AofS.ohQu, the train she was greeted by two fain- a zo ndmay thn t-heldMohote stAiofpt.o. e.,iliarfaces in the persans of Mr. and grounds,azoan ayohra hednthstto lfrm and Mrs. C. M.'Scott and in a f ew tractive featunes. A- -,-14- - n,,fq P"ý p M ! t2p. mn. tac party wcre con- f-lene a recherche luncheon wasveyed by autos toalal the leading senved -with special menu cards, which jpints ai' beauty. This City ai' weecarried away as souvenirs ai' 30 000 population has grawa very theý jayaus occasion. The ladies ai'f the panty werc presentcd with prctty rpdyl h atcgtenyas ain bearing the coat ofai' mis ai' he Like neanly ail the other cities ai' 1ity i' Winnipegý. 'the West, 14 possesses fine achool $Ai'er te lucheo and speeheý,buildings, and a Universty-with an 'Aftr iýchen ad ý5)eeheÉenroliment ai' 1000 students and fonAlde-rmani Heaps 'ndMayor 1saine 600 othens taking short courses. PamelianI rj~ie~bv ýýresident. W.' RD -u -enAE Ghan -t-t--F- anrurn- the- Super- E. ortn, heparty again intendent explaincd how the differ- ~~rd tei auos ndwcr tken cnt trees, shrubs, flawcrs, etc., were ta ot Âvryiutrstng spoets, a-being cultivated wîth a view tai hard- ctudng the, ncw Parliament Build- ihood for their limate and as a lagswhich are ncaring campletion. menas ai' protection against'the ýwiad Tisis truly a magnificent structure and sand storins ta which titis pairt and a monument ta the initiative in- ai' the country is sametiînes subjecýted aginatians and skîll ai' the architect. H1e tald us that thc firsi seeds and We were informed that thte cost wý<ill shrubs planted on this farm had been Bragg-so Bawmanvile secmned quite near. After a f ew wards ai' gneeting and quickly formmd plans, the Press paty was coaveyed 40 the palatial McDoaald ilotel wherc they wen fomaly welcomcd and then ai- lowed ta f ollow their individual de- sires until the afternoon. Tite visit ta the ncw building ai' the "Ed- monton IJournal" was anceai' vcmy speciai interest and the editors and staff--di' thîs great--n-.wspaper arc lucky la having such a well-cquip)ped business home. A dlinh ta the top ai' the McLcod Block gave a spflendid hird's cye view ai' ibis great city and was wcll worth the eff ort h cast as even on a very warm day. The cordial welcomc ta Mn. and Mrs. Scott's casy home and the social eautes ! th. Pcke The Chateau Lake Louise, Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta, was visited by the Canadian weekly newspaper men on their tour of the West., ,le Edioe Ce th.onMAzad av eemly newspapeýrs trvelingoithe C. P. R asdum A imuestmmert ue F-w be VP C& Ths teBA % hour enjoyed with them and their monton se very enijayable, The ENFIELD son, Bob, was one of real pleasure. Newsbays Band joiaed with the larg The only cause oi' regret was that it throng aof citizens l aigivinig the Preses Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Claremont, was too short. We were also glad Gang a rousing send-off. -visited at Mr. C. Simpsoa's recently ta meet for a f ew hurried minutes' E. E. H.-..M.To BalyOswws Mmrs. W. C. Bowen, a former Enniskil-i (Ta be, contînued gues.M. hos. Bray', Bshawa, wa len girl, (iiee Erena Riggs), Mms. TaIH_________ Miss Lyda Taylor has been re-en- bot,,(nec Eva Cryderman) and Mr. l gaged by the trustees of Enfield sect- Albert Tait,, ail formeriy of Bow-i A FACULTY FOR HARD WORK ion.... Mr. C. Simpson whîle engage i mnanville. Among others we met at ia putting up a swing f or the S. S Edmonton were Mrs. Nellie McClung Most great mea are alike la one picnic had a bad faîl sustaining 7a b, and Mr. McClung relatives ai' aur thing. The talent aof the poet is very shaking Up and dislocating the bone Mrs, Wm. McClung and Miss McClung unlike that of the general. The giftj If his shouider. It w-111 be seyeral and wo di natfail a cauire fai an Edison is unlike that of a Pad- w'ceeks bef ore he will b twr ther Bwmnvile eltivs.again .... Mms. A. 1Hubbard is suuier enewiski. But if you take the records ing a severe attack afi' musculai Durîate he ternaan ,y 1w e woÎ1 eretk a',toCewhohave achieved faine, you rheurnatism. .A verysoi ablDie af- en a sc mny oita i' atees will filnd anleccharactenistic alike in~ ternoon was spent at the S. S. picnic, ý.seh s he arlamnt uillii,>,-Iheeach alang with the innumerable dif- being an ideai day for aid and young Governor General's ieiece h the too rapid disappearance ai' ici E'xhibi1tion groundi!s ad and beauti-î ferences. Practically every greatý cream and canfectianery was regret- fi pnrivate (11medences .iinltheiigh- man is a great, warker. Whateverl ted. The foothall match waeu pret.ty andad elsew,\heme ending at the ather qualities you may haveta en- evenly contested betwcen the 84 UnJiversity whic-h is -ituaJ[ed! across titie you ta hoid an honored place, Line and Brady and Bunketon-no thie river in Strathicona. Here the they wili net amount ta much uniless goals were scored ... Ruby Smith, p3arty was ententained at dinnien and you passess thefiaculty for hard work. Fýay Campbell and Darathy Pniscoe ane a round ai' speeches enjoyed. It was And if you are a great womker, you writig on the Entmance examinatior the writer's pivilege ta be the guest are bound ta do somethîng credîtable, at Sauina . ... This comm1iunity, is sus- ai' Mr. an-d Mrs. N.'E. Willson and even if yau f all short of greataess.'taining a great loss by the roa Miss Bragg also ta meet Drs. Edgar Neyer despair as long as you can ai' Mrs. J. A. McFadden and0 her and Norman Allia, sons ai' Mrs. Samn- work, and, work hard. igh itefml aFehro.A uci Allia, Centre-st., and ta receive a good wishes go -with theml. most fnieandly greeting at thein hos -_____ pitabie homes. At 9 p. mn. we bade A fine shawing ai' Ladies' Suite and A fine range ai' Ladiýes' Suits in all gaodbye ta the mnany kind friends Coats.3is being shown this week at 1sizes up ta 40 inch buýzst at uh teho had mid-e aur fimst visît ta Bd- Cabch, Johaston & Cryderman's. !Johnston & Crydermman.' ems o! Caadi 1an ceer Field, B.C., on the Kicking Horse River, The C. P. R. gax e the Editors of the Canadian weekly newspapers a dance here. Beautiful Lake Louise was visited by the Editors of the Canadian weekly newspapers, dur%. ing thef'r tour of the We,%t8 FARM COLUSTORAGE [l ave an, Up-to-date Equipmont for Family Purposes. The Farin Refnigenator a Great BOoa d -You May ýPut the Reated Terni ýC Out aof Bounds - Early Alter Harvest Cultivation. i Canrtr1buted by Ontýaria Departient et rAgrirulture. Tornot.) Cald starage practice so fan haâ gibeen cannected wit.htiege pro-. educe warehouises ii! aur towns ann -cities. ,Titese etbismnscouldl Tnat do snccessrul business if theiu' 0plants. wene nat provided witit large Éstorage citambers kept cool and la e ather particulars suitable for the long stonage aof penisitable praduet aof the fanai, suci as eggs, butter, rciteese, fruit, and so forth. Saine Iday, pnobably nat sa fan distant aftetr ail, the farmers may becamie suffi"~ Scîently weii angaaized 1ýo build ana equip mecitanical cold storage ware- hauses of thein awa, whereby they will be able ta have campletec, on- trai aven the products of their owa- labor untîl they are dispased oiftg the coneumning pubiic. The exteait to whicht IndividuLai farmens may make use aof suait cold storage planlta ou their farme s lanceessarlly limited be- cause the quantities of praduct2 r.- quiring ta bie stored at ahy one turne are sinal. The exceptions are very large fruit or dairy farinera, ani% even la titese special lines of fani- lnig it mlgitt nat be a paylng pro- position la ail cases ta emeet au expensive aold storage plant. Per- sunally, I believe thte pnablem of cal4ý starage on thc tarins shauld be haudled titrough co-aperatively w ed warcitouses prorided _wltýit iquate oold storage facilities. Âpart, howeven, tram the quea.- tian af a cald stonage witit up-taý-date Imechanical equipinent for thte fanai or farmers' association as suggesto4i abov-ýe,-t-itere - te-peleana.- most eveny farin pertaining ta the3 starage fan a f ew days of email quan~- tities of varlous f oods used on the> table tram day ta day, sueit as but-. ter, meat, milk, etc. I4 is cetainiy a great saving and matter of canyon- îence ta have an the tarin a smail cold storage chamben or refigeratar ln whici tot keep titese very perish- able articles 0f food la a good fresh and witalesamc condition for use on the table durnag the warm seasan of thte year. This is made possible by thte use of ice, and as it is procur. able in almost cvery district af thi% country at a reasonable cost, there la no excuse for farinera not iaying by lu the wlnter seasan a f ew ton»e la saine clieap tarin 0f !be-bouse. la the aummer turne titis !ce will be found most useful fan coolîng the miik and creain, suppiying an tee-box or refrigerator in witich the butter, for example,' may be kept flrin, the milk and creain sweet, and the foods la good condition for the table day by day. With lce always s0 handy and thte best of creai avaîlab)le, it la passible f or thte housewif e to ' a ake sncb deliciaus and wholesomc Ô -ý cacies as ice-creain, siterbets, and maay delightful and cool drinks, ail o f witich are înost nefreshiag and stimulating ta lte folks an thtetanin la the hot and busy seasan of thte year. Ia case of sickncssý, too, ice la sometimes a necessity. There -is no daubt thea about tac tact,,tiat every fariner wauld find a supply of good tee a Creat adqQantage i many waya,, witethen 14 be staned in saine bla tram witich it le nemoved as re- qulred or luin e tarinof sinail ice.- coad stanage where it cools autoinati- oally -a smial nefrigentor noom ad- jolning the ice storage noom. Titere are neyerai types ai' siall îce-cold s tomages suitable for use on the tarin, In uslng these sînali ice-cold star- ages, hawever, 14 nmust l>e kept la mind always that thc temperature cannot be, maintained lawen titan about 40 ar 4 5. degrees Fahtrenheit lie, whleh of course is not Iow euaugh ta keep penishable praducts I lke fresit meat longer titan a few dUys, and large quantities of per- lahable articles must notý be stared lai a umnil chamben, non 400 many, kîndo at one tune. la spite of titis limitation 14 will pay any fariner ta have a supply afi' te, prefenably star- ed in a sinaîl icc-cold starage tkat needa no came. la a subsequent article 1 wtll deal wtth a f ew of ,the mast camman and practicable forme af amaîl ice-cold starages for tite mature whÎe. itarvesteti. Whýy Net Start a Fiaily Budegti?- "Keepiag acceunits," saya a Iconsiweman, "keep8 a me trou m z ing bargains I do mot nae4dan4>,i saves me mnoaeyP j"Juet tb.nt oe e lctlure iat Jbaak the other day on the housb4e t" UmAftm la ~lot àoýwUl

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