Haying Time is Here Have you all the requirements for this imuport- tant work?1i Hay Forks IIay Fork Ropes llay Fork Pnlleys Sling Ropes We have everything you need i this fine of work Also BINDER TWINE Order now before the rush is on OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOWMAN VILLE Arhu N.MMiln o Investment BankersCo Bowmanville, Ont. We are Dealers în: Goodyear 7 per cent Preferred StockI Cockshutt Plow Company Preferred Stock The information we have would indicate that both of these Stocks, if purchased now, should give the Investor a splendid return on lis money. Drop in and talk it over. Reduced Prices Again Reduced If by any chance you are not one of our regular customers start now. You will wonder at the savings you make. . -- - '- Only a few of our many low prices in grocerîes: Canned Corn, 2 for ........................................ 25c Canned Peas........................................... *****«15C Canned Pineapple......................................... 20c Pork and Beans............................................. 15C Pink Salmon 19ec........... ........................ 6 for $1.00 H. A. Oleomargarine ......................................20c Fancy Mixed Biscuits....................................... 21c Tiger Catsup, large bottie ....... ......................... 20e Castile Soap, 6 bars ........................................ 2&1 White Star Hand Cleaner, 13/4 IL tins only ..........25c WHEN YOU- WANT THE BEST QUALITY OF MEATS BUY HERE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PHONE'ORDERS C. M. CAWKER & SON BUTCHERS'and GROCERS Watch, as you walk along the street wbat a number of people wear spec- tacles. Eye specialists are of opinion that stiff collars havýe much te do with our low standard of eyesight. There is always plenty ln the wise mnan's surreundings te interest him. He finds ne spot on earth uninspiring, and ne human bein nnwery of not- ice, There is always sonqethîng te, learn, some fascinating discovery te inake. He goes through life expect- ant, eager, thrilled, and the people Wb, are bored as soon as they are out; of reach of a movie theatre do nt herebyi accuse theîr environment, bueveal themselves. BOWMANVILLE] Mr. Win. Skilling and Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mr. Jas. G. Rickard's anci as- sisted the Methodist choir Sunday evening in presenting the cantata "Penitence, Pardon and Peace". Mr. Skilling sang one of the solos lnaa very pleasing manner. No lee than fivje ecean 1i>,nee~, bringing te Canada nearly five thous- and new citizens, arrived at Quebec over the week-end. One of them was the "Montreal," recently acquired by the Canadian Pacific te be used on the ne service between Motreal and Geeitaly, which made ber first trip inu the new service. BOWMAN\TILLE, JUNE 3th., 1921. BIRTHS - - NICHOLLS-At l5owmanvîile s- LADIES' AID SOCIAL pital, June 23, te Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Nichels, Darlingten, a son. Owing te a heavy thunderstormn SMALE-In Darlington, June 27, coming up at the heur of serving the te Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smale, a daugh- ladies of the Methodist Church heid ter. their social in the school-room instead __________________ of on the lawn on Tuesday evening. After a goodly number had partaken MARRIAGES of the strawberries and cream, bread and butter, cake, etc., a very excel- RICKABY-KING-In Toronto, lent pregramn was furnished which June 25, by Rev. A. G. Hlud3)n, Doris was alone worth more than the ad- Lillian King,, daughter of Mrs. Em- mission te both festival and prograi.ma, King,«r and Mobrs.Pery Rickaby, Rev. Mr. Moore presided and afterio fM.adMs oiiRcay a f ew introductery remarks, a piano Orono. duet was well rendered by Mr. D. CULLE-Yr-BENNETT-At St. Nicholson and Miss Edna Fther; George's Church, Newcastl,-, June reading "The Organist" by Mrs. J. E. 27, by Rev. J. E. Fenning, M-~. Fred- L. Cole; piano solo, Miss Gwendolya erick L. Cully, Toronto, inelFier. Williams, vocal solos, Misa Elizabeth ence Marie, daughter of Mr, P. Ben- Painton, Miss Hilda Curtis, Mr. Ai- nett, Newcastle. bert Hircock, Mrs. W. J. Morrison HARDY-WATSON-On June 21, and Mrs. C. A. Cawker; piano duet, at 10 Euclid Avenue, Toronto, by Misses Sybil Burk and Viola Brown; Rev. J. J. Ferguson, Myrtie Estelle, vocal duet Mrs. C. A. Cawker and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Wat- Mrs. M. A. Neal. Miss Gwendolyn son, Toronto, and Rev. Tîalph W. FIar- Williams and Mr. Nicholson wére t he dy, B. A., son of Mr. F. W. Hardy, accompanists. Oakwood. LANE-SYER-On Thursday, MINISTERS AND CHURCHES June 23, in Bowmanville, by Rev. E. A. Tonkin,, Charlotte Marie Syer Church of Christ-Rev. R, W. (Lottie), third daughter of the late Stevenson of Toronto will preach at Thomas Syer and Mrs. Syer, Janet- both services on Sunday. ville, and Mr. John Lane, both of St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, Bowmanville. minîster. 11 a. m.-"A Fight worth STEPHENS-STEVEN5 -At the talking About". 7 p. m.-"lOur residence of the, bride'r. parents, Wide Dominion" 12-1-Sunday Hampton, on Wednesday,, June 22, by cooanBilClse.Rev. S. G. Brown, B. A., ninister of Methodist Church-Rev. S* C St. Luke's Presbyterian Church, Moore, B. A., pastor will cenduct Mentreal, uncle of the'bride, Mr. Quarterly Communion services e n Arthur B. Stephens, Tor~onto, and Sunday. Morning text--"Comfort Gertrude Mary, eldest daughter of ye My People". Evening subject- Mr. and Mrs. Enoch1 Stevens, Haxnp- "The fiivers o<f Dmacu"ton. Rev. W. C. Frank, 1025 Monterey Ave., Victoria, B. C.,,has been trans- ferred by British Columbia Confer- ence from Kermeos to the Hampshire Road Methodist Church ýCity of X kt- oria. Capt. Frank. as lie was fam- iliarly known in this his native coun- ty, being a South Darlington Boy, is brother-in-law of Mrs. Thomas Snow- [den and Mr. T. J. Cole, Maple Grove. rThe Laymen are making their in- fluence feit for good in many ways in the Bay of Quinte Conference. They passed a very strong and un- animous reselution against race track gambling peinting eut the serious menace of the gambling mania that took possession of young men and wemen, being directly responsibie for the downf al of many promising young men placed in positions of trust and responsibility. The laymen called upon the Dominion Govern- ment to amend the Criminal Code, se that race-track gambling shall be placed in the samne category as crimes mentioned in Section '223. Apprecia- tien was expregsed of the services rendered to the public by Hon, W. E. Raney Attorney-Gene.ril of the Pro- vince, in hîs courageous exposure of the giant evil. AU organizations in connection with Simcoe Street Methodist Church, Oshawa, on Friday night at a con- gregational social held in the, church parlers, paid tribute te and gave fit- I ing expression of their love for the pastor and his devoted wife. Rev. and Mrs. John Garbutt, who,,at the end of a successful pastorate of six years, are leaving for London. Gen- uine expressions of regret at their departure, and of appreciation of the work they have accomplished in the church, were voiced by'various speak- ers, while in a tangible way the pastor and his wife were remembered by the congregation. Rev. Mr. Garbutt was presented with a well worded ad- dress and a well filled purse by Mr. W. A. Luke, on behaif of the Officiais, Boards and Congregation, while Mrs. Garbutt was gwven an address and a beautiful Hudson seal scarf and gold wrist watch by the women of the congregation and an address and cut glass bowl from the Helping Hand Class of girls. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hagerman and Miss Meda are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patte, B ewmanville-on-the-Lake.- Oshawa Telegram. MAIL ROUTE FOR SALE Owing te l11 bealth I am forced te dis- pose of my njail route, R. R. No. 1, Bow- manville and would like te communicate with some one who would buy outfitý and operate unden present contnact. For pan- ticulans apply te J. R. Johns, R. R. No. 1 Bowmanville. 26-1w. PIANO FOR SALE 1 Steinway Square jGrand Piano--$100 Piano in per- fect working- or- der. Good pract- ice piano or suit- able for summer home. Periodical payments planned. F. J. MITCHELL 22-t Bowmanville Auction Sale of Hay Standing crop of Hay on Bowmanville Fair' Grondswill be sold by public auction on the prem- ises, on Saturday, July 2, at 7 p. m. Ternis cash, L. A. W. Tole, ,Auctionreer. DEATHS VIRTUE-In Bowmanvllle, June 25, Webster James Vîrtue, Hlampton, aged 42 -ears. BICKELL-In Bownianville, June 22, Gordon Meirose, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Melborne F. Bickeli, Osh- awa; aged 2 months, il days. ROSS-In Newmarket, June 20, Sarah Melissa, widow of the late S., D. Ross, formerly of Bowmanville, aged 66 years. interred at Madoc on June 2lst. BRAY,--In the General Hospital, Toronto, June 28, William J. Bray, M. B., aged 56 years. Interment at Eldad Cemetery on Thursday, June 30 at 4 p. m. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Mr. E. A. Wrenn, who died July lat., Effl. Lovingly remembered by hiffWife and daugliters. FARM TO RENT 174 acres. One and one-half miles East of Newcastle. Known as the Me- Donald or the Maxwell Farm. Good sol,. ail under cultivation. Good buidings. Apply to W. F. Ward, Barrister, B6w- manville, Ont. .26-t. LÔST LOSt-A 2 year old steer, strayed fromn lot 1, con. i, Darlington about June ist. Finder please notify W. J. Glemence, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie. Phone llr33 26-3 LOST-In Bowmanville on Saturday, June 25, between West End Gaxtge and Dr. Slmns a small parcel containing1 a pair of men's sflk hose and a bow tic. Finder please leave at Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 26-1w. TO LET WA N TED TO R E NT-By young couple, small bouse with modemn conveniences. Apply Statesmnan Office. 26 t HOUSE TO RENT-1/2 mile west of Bowmanvilie on Kingston Road. Apply to R. R. Stevens, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. phone 175-r 3. il-tf STRAYED STRAYEO-Year old heifer, white, strayed from lot 2, con 3, Darlington, on or about May28. Finder kindly notify Irwin R. Bragg, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie. Phone 136r3 24-t STRAVED-Strayed on lot 1, con. i Drarlington, about June lst, 1 heifer and 1 steer, both year olds. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. W. J. Giemence, R. R. 4, Bow- manville, Phone lllr33. 26-3 PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Plrame bouse, 6 roolÉs,% acre garden, fully stocked. $2,200. Âp- ply P. O. Box,327, Bowmanville. 25-tf FlOUSE FOR SALE-flouse contaîning 8 rooms, bathroorn, water, electric light, gas, frontage 66 feet by 160 deep. Few minutes walk south of C. P. R. Station and street cars. Garage and other out buildings. Apply 161 Peari-et., South Oshawa. 25-3 FOR SALE-To close an esta-te: flouse, Stable and 1/4 acre lot in Bowmanville on the north-west corner of Church and Division Streets, opposite the Methodist Church. For particulars apply to John Lyle, Town Hall,' Bowmanville, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE- Two Poiled Angus cows in caif. Apply to C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle. 26-2w. FOR SALE-Second hand Baby Car- niage in good condition. Apply box 321 Bowmanville. 26-tf. FOR SALE-Quantity of garden lime, cheap. Apply to J. Mohun, Elgin St. or box 10 Bowmanville. 26-tf. HORSE FOR SALE-Bay driver, 6 years old, sound, good single or double. Appy to J. W. Baison, Taunton. 2513w. FOR SALE-A baby carniage, wicker, in good repair. Apply to Mrs. Alex. Colilie, Concession-st., Bowmianville. 26-1w. FOR SALE-McLaughlin C-25 Touring Car, eiectric starter, one man top, for sale cheap as owner is golng west. Apply Box 337, Bowmanville. 95-t FOR SALE-Pandora range, No. 9 , In good condition. WIll seil cheap for quick sale. Appl3ýV to Edgar Butson, Argyle Ave, Bowmanvllle Phone 357-w. 26-tf. BOATS FOR SALE-i 16 ft. veneened canvas covered canoe, also one MullenIs steel duck boat 15 ft. Both In Ai con- dition. A.pply J. G. Manning, Phone 138, Bowmanville. 25-t MeLAIJGHLIN SURREY FOR SALE- Blue Cloth trimmings with side curtains, pole and shafts newiy varnished ;and ln the Pink of condition. Appy to Wm. Chale, Manvers Rd, Bowmanvllle. 23-tf ORGANf FOR SALE CHEAP--Ongans for sale, four 6-octave orga-ns, pano case, one Church COrgan. Wll sel ver-y 1ea for cash or easy termsi on tîm..Mu Jas., O-ymnan, Queen.st, BoWmanvllle, Phone 64. 25-tf Phone 189 Agent Bowmanville The Shop, That Leadsj MWcMURTRY & -Co. YOU WILL BE WANTING SOMETH ING NEW FOR THE HOLIDAY, YOU MAY BE GOING AWAY TO SPEND THE DAY OR YOU MAY HAVE FRIENDS COMING TO VISIT YOU, IN EITHER EVENT THERE ARE MANY LITTLE WANTS TO BE SUPPLIED. WE ARE HERE READY TO SERVE YOU PROMPT- LY. OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE AT THE PRESENT TIME SO JUST CALL 83 AND WE WILL DO THE REST. READ TH4E FOLLOWING LIST: $1.95 a pair for Ladies' ilole- proof Silk Rose in plain thread silk, drop stitch, heather m ixture etc., ail sizes and colors, $2.25 values, Holiday Special $1.95 pr 59c per yd for Ribbons of a fine quality, Silk or Satin, 6 inches wide, full range of shade, suitable for hair bows, sashes etc., values to 85e, Holiday SpecialI 59c per yd $3.95 for Ladies' Georgette Crepe Waists of a very fine quality, in shades of navy blue, rose pink flesh pink, black and white values to $6, Holiday 'Special $3.95 $3.75 for White or Natural Silk Middies, made of excel- lent wearing and washing quality, baîkan styles, with or without collar ahl sizes, $5 values, Holiday Special $3.75 I$1.79 for Corsets of good wearing qualities, odd styles of $3.00 grades, Cromptons make, ail sizes in the lot,, Holiday Special $1.79 pr 33c a pair for Children's Cul,- ies Sox, fine mercerized lisie plain white and striped tops, ahl sizes, 45e values, Holiday Special 33e a pr Middies for Ladies', Misses' and children, Balkan styles, made of excellent wearing middy twill drill, plain white and colored collars, ahl sizes at $1.69 $.9,$2.15, $2.75. 98c for Misses' Middy Skilàts pleated and plain models, made of satin finlshed drill and pique,,strap shoulders and cambrie waist styles, sizes 4 to 14 years,, $1.50 value, Holiday Special 98c 69c for Ladies' Silk Li, Vests, fine ribbed with nar- row shoulder straps, fine crochet yokes full sizes, $ 1.00 values, Holiday Special 69c 55c for Boys' Jerseys of a very nice silky flnished Jer- sey Cloth, long or short sleeves, khaki, navy blue or white, ail sizes, Holiday Special 55c 4.95 for Men's Silk Shirts of Natural Pongee, collars to match, splendid quality to wear, fast colors, ail sizes, $6.00 value, Holiday -Special $4.95 $1.95, for Men's Athletie Combinations of even check dimity, excellente wearing qualit-y, W . G. & R. make which means a good fit, $2.50 value, Holiday Special $1.95 Suit MýcMlýURTRY & CO PHONE sa PHONE 8 i 7-7- 1 j;2nr=limýý MOTORBUS AND TOURING CAR TO HIRE Parties wishing a comforÉtable rid- ing motor bus, with seating capacity for 20 persons or 7-passenger Me- Laughlin Tour Car, phone your order to Luke, Boys & Crydermnan's Gar- age. Special attention to pienies, trips to lake, bail teams, etc. Art Cole, Proprietor. Phones: During day 188w; after 6 p. m. 188r23. 23-t fuINSURtýANCE Ail lines of: FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS,' GUARANTEE BONDS, AUTOMOBILE,' covering against fire,, lightning, theft, property damage, injuries to the public, collision; insure against the carelessness of the driver of the car you are meeting. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil. 1 1 HOT WEATHER SPECIALS DELPARK ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR AT $2.00 BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS SAT $1.50 TO $2.75 ARROW COLLARS IN ALL THE LOW SHAPES FOR WARM WEATHER THE DANDY-GREYLOCK-HADDON- SPUR-DUNCAN OUTING SHIRTS VERY SPECIAL AT $115 AND $2.00 'TROUSERS WHITE. DUCK-CREAM SERGE-GREY FLANNEL $2.50 $5.25 $5.50 G. N. THURSTONIN Bowmanville's Up-to-date HaberdasheryI and Fur Shop.I