Indications point to, a bountiful harvest in Purhani County this year. Anicipating a big rush for Binder Twine, we have now on hand a car load of GOàLD tMEDAL "B1 NDEy L R T WI NE You'1l find no better on the market and our price is right. Order now. We'also have a complete stock of Hay Forks, Hay Fork Ropes, Pulleys and Sling Ropes. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOWMAN VILLE The Shop That Leadsj KEEP COOL BY WEARING DELPARK ATHLETIC UNDER- WEAR LOW C OLLARS FOR HOT WEATHER Why not wear Low Collars in the hot weather. we carry_ -BOWMANVILLE, JULY 7th.,, 1921. WEDDINGS navy broadcloth, chie gcey feather _____________________________hat, shoes and gloves to match. _________________________Millgan-Dumas Out of town guests included-Mr. NEXTThe home cd Mr. and Mrs. Romaine P. B. d'Esterre and Master Norman, GOOD TIME N X Dumas, Ontario-st., Bowmanviile, was Mr. W. H. Maie, Mr. Charles Grant, the scene of a very pretty wedding Miss Eva Curtis, Miss Julia Sinclair WEEKonTursdy afernon, June 3th., at Mrs. C. W. Granï, Miss Irene Corner, WEE onThusda afeimonMiss Priscilla Richardson, Tornu-o; four o'clock, when their only Oauglit- Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa; and BOWMAN VILLE er, Adelaide Jean, became the bride Mrs. J. Milligan, Clifford. of Mr. James Milligan, North Bay. CHAUTAUQUA Rv D. W. Best, B. A., conducted the Mr. and Mrs. Dumas entertained cereony ndera floral arch of roses their out of town guests at their lake and baby's breath. The bouse was cottage for the week-end. Tuesday, Juiy 12 to Monday beautifully decorated with roses, En -_________________ julyisthglish Mies and ferns. The bride, JulyîSthwho was given away by lier father, PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS looked iovely in a frock of white satin with overdress of embroidered brus- DuTlu C' E every afternoon and evening. ýsels net and carrying a shower bouj- IN SU K N1 Sixday filedwih te, eliht quet of white roses. The bride was Six aysflIed itbthedelght attended by Miss Priscilia Richardsbon, ____ of splendid music, fascinating Toronto, wearing an organdie dress entertainment, interesting and of paie bine and white and carry ing Al instructive lectures--thie wor]d a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Leon ue f IE at ou dor.Dumas, brother of the bride, acted as ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, at yur man. Miss Irene Corner, Tor- BUY SEASON TICKETS NOW onto, wearing a pale blue siik organ- PLATE GLASS, die dress played the wedding marcb Aduits $2,75; chiidren $1.75.. In- and during the signing of the regis-, GUARANTEE BONDS, ciuding War Tax. ter Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, AUTOMOBILE, covering cousin of the bride, wearing an Amer- gislrelgh n, ican beauty rose colored gown sg aantfrlghtnng sweetly "For You Aýone". Te thètpoeyda g, groomi's gift to the bride was a band- yfpoetydrae CHAUTAUQUA NEXT WEEK some sable cape, to the bridesnîaid, the public, Firat Perforance on theAa bar pin set with pearis and to the clisn;nsr Firt Prfrmaceon he ftrnon ianstand soloist, suede card casesColsn;i ur agaînst- -of the Glorious Twelfth and to the groomsman gold cuif the carelessness of the V Iteret ii Boni~avifl's links. Following the cerernony drvro th cayo Intres inBomanill'sChau- luncheon was served to many ea drvro th cryu tauqua which is coming Juiy 12 to 18 tives and friends. are meeting. is reaching a point as the time for the Tebiestbewscamnl opening performance draw nar arranged with flame and white sweet l pue bigsctopl rouds tedsan e a peas. Rev. Best proposed the toast iMasS. ELUl V. ê.>..'uelI pls ear. featre sne sto the bride, which was ab]y respond- Agen last yea. ed toby the groom, after which al gn Aspecial faueof the Chautau- joined in singing "For he"s a joiiy Phone 189 Bowmanvilie qua this year will be a Ticket Hunt good feliow"'. Later the happy couple for the'boys and girls which wili be left for their.home in North Bay. The beid Monday morning by J. F. Beatty, bride travelling in a tailored suit of the advance man, who arrived in Bow- manville Tuesday afternoon. Every boy and girl in Bowmanviile will ho permitted to take part in the bunt, 'which will start at ten o'clock Mon- day morning from the public schoolMur v grounds. The boys and girls wllbelM M rr gîven directions for the hunt by the advance man who wiii start tbem off. Six Junior season tickets wili be con- cealed in Bwmanville and those find- ing them will be admitted to every one of eleven performances during the week in addition to Junior Cbau- Bright Girls to Learn Knitting Good working conditions.' This offer is open to twenty girls of sixteen or over who want to train for a hirh class OCCUDation. OUR OFFER This company have decided to bring in an ad- vance shipment of Knitting Machines for training purposa, and girls meeting our requirements will be given a special course of training to fit them for steady work. ýpecîa1 instructors will be constantly in at- tendance. Get particulars of Our plan at temporary office -Kng-st., West. Thomson Knitting Co. Ltd.' BOWMAN VILLE Hemae '"manu fries n o ma- alTl XT' 1-fteIew haps rvlleadrin isay mris ng. r as Mnl The. ew oyws awho imnlaswth NI WI T DUK CEAMSERE tetendet i hiyaare oMtesr ern IN REYFLANELthe s ya.ietup Mond ay orng ani $r. 25 ton$5,50 for isingTuedy SPORTsurnI-rs Rthe CJunior L fedei evin ii $1.75 $.00 ibenMssene Buritwho h2 asohai. G. ~ ~ ~ Heui ml eead e as'exprience in BJumno 1il Chautauua work. Misyls Bricaut bas Bowmar"LNviles pt - HabrashjX ey I danwek fmandinetann WHITE____________________________the__icnt nth e Jir Chautau.quaer and Fr Shp.DfrvthschdrOen of Bo wnille tand $2.25 to$5.5tohe hevery moinradîn during the -~ - ~ -feok.the e igprs ometnco e ed aterdayon ga ieocokwI The Jpror adi er iii ereven bettiser hne thaut senedas yarl t'j N . sReprtlysfoeoteritons on n icr- and ur hopcuirthae cien of îastî an heogand - ieing nth uior. weh receive t eywer.heldeerylectngur byhe pA ~wOFF TheJeon Coementthe first nigh enfre andhllofrthe kboys adi- arirsten otentdh. edo h Mh r. oeisa anahis home illbe- was in thap thatn, Onti, wicht ywir Reonrthe fr teroo aof the scond- diae MissuAiicanouise Shroe, the wonerild nteraieill gcive a z erfLomncoe conith igofsngs, iwhistiing, iniatatons dancgtand A,111 F. te ickîng. Smisphoe untoteis bu E îrit ofagtwe er o eidhas eenapubli- t.. efoe nror x yas er pr- tfra nenc efoilthe ed by the ,w lecture, "eeng L eife Wbole". Wa fedney eving wiss hoe will peformCaaiand iilhmbe o- A iowned yteInr i rcus gven b Onahasia stereatofthirdcand i SUMN ER E NI URE hfat MsswhicehLbis pt eSrforin are T'b chideren's dayatenterainmgïent Eu Î. '., T u v ~ C i icket salis broeng ondsut To et he retes enoymntfro oudoo h e ou 1thv earWoan's Auxliapofltc You get sohd spitar.ixwho ave not pur- comfrt wen ou b~y frniure ere. We re nw sei- rgaed to obtantemf atoeas thr. ingVranda Chais, Hamocks BabyHiamWiks iamH.notbeouaete noon Tugiehs- HickoryectChairs andg Tables, j" We seciaize n capinggood-Cam Chars, Whether thevod ind s p odw owdcan te Ibelp biut ove lmbs Tanh fiea nd wh iakes.usPsin-' Ahsk t hwa30 canird aes ari- p. I R U N onU Yenaltrane in North mr thandi F. r Uthe 1920-94 from ishapatschrools and a IR 36 fromcouny ascthools. r. Jnese Furuiure DalersBoa 1nvile Atrnot of Mawelsc ll t'Ono The tir e saleofi ers. cnuce & o FuealheDiretrst noAnt rm u dOr i ono ythe cndon'sof SilryamfHuhe _______________ Hop idayl coninues o hv oipr- you usthav eomortblefurntur. Yu ge soid'chme theDr. McGioniMketP., ofr BrackbrrgeChandrr.ancAipn, Lind BA eF'SSecAL 0F FUnITUREng AUdCON SALErsy, wthrthe rshd anxnds natriûn Stoos, otsMatresss, tcaTey. Th e amination lae y A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o saeocuntr îib edStraJl -r hs akr atisfactry andtoe hop estr mavile o Abdy uy9t. od efetonthnotjs ws enbsthura as-oreth blon FrniThos TDse aei fenoo oaTetealele owat 2 p. m, ranstfusinsand i'sscog ain negoh Mark ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ met Dr.y aif 71 .W ae ucine,2- vr week, bM Po <>1 f ,We have decided to close out our stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Rubbers. Every pair must be sold andý sold quickly. We are dividing the stock, up into four lots, each lot will contain a big variety of styles and sizes at a most RIDICULOUS price. The terms of this- sale will 'be CASH. NO APPROVALS. St*arftý Tihu rsday, Jul>y 7th- and continues until the entire stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children 's Shoes and Rubbers are disposed of. Read the followi*ng list Lot No. 95c a pair 200 Pairs Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, laced and button styles, sizes 21/ to 3V2, these shoes sold at .regular price to $3.50,, for quick Clearance 95e a pair. Lot No. 2 $1.95,a pair 147 pairs Ladies', Misses' and Chilcfren's Shoes, included in this lot are white high and low shoes of the nèwest style also many shoes that sold at double the sale price, your choice whiîe they last at $1.95 a pair. Lot No. 3 $2.95 a pair 93 pair Ladies' Shoes, high or îow cut, Black or Browni, fine kid, box caîf, patent leather, full range of sizes, ninety per cent of these shoes were bought f or last Spring selling,ý val- ues to $5.50, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE $2.95 Lot No. 4'l'$3.95 a pair 78 pair Ladies' Shoes high or low cutBlack or Brown, finest, qualities, full line of sizes, verY latest styles, regular price tg $7.50, TO CLEAR AT $3.95 a PAIR tic urtry C.,Ltd