'e N Vol LXVII. M. A. JAMES& SONS, Publie-bers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, AUGUST 2.5, 1921 $2-00 a Year In Advance 5c a Coly o.3 Very tExtraorinary Vle in Summer Goods THIS MONTH MUST SAY GOOD-BYE TO ALL -SUMMER GOODS WATCH OUR WINDOWS. VISIT OUR STORE-lT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.' We are now offering summer apparel at clearing prices. The real thrift opportunities make it possible for you to be welI dressed'at >Small cost. VOILES, PORCH DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE In order to create quick selling we are offering the balance of these very pretty dresses at great'reductions. SPRING COATS AT HALF PRICE Every Spring Coat now in the store is inarked down to ex- actly haif the original price. Select your coat 110w. BIG BARGAINS 'IN SUITS We have also decided to clear out the balance of the Ladies' Suits at bargain prices.- SILK DRESSES AT HALF PRICE Our beautiful display of Silk Dresseâ is included in this im- portant thrift event., Dressçs regularly priced at $30 and .$25, now marked down to $15 and $10. MEN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT The values we are giving in this department is attracting wide spread attention among: men who are shrewd buyers. Couch,,Iohnston&«'Cryderniafl.1 'I ______ How. Muth Money COME TO R W'manville WiI th Hopitl Gt ?Saturday, Aug 2j" W1*1 he Ifrpil-l etAND One of the met valuable and, benefmial institutions lui any towu le the Hlospital. It should bc liberally suported. The Ladies' Hospital Committee are preparing for one of the meet enjoyable days Bowmanville has seen for many a year and they want to maise $1000 or more by the sale of varicus articles in their-big street buzuar, where yen get lots of fun and many, bargains. Corne and He1lép and Wvin a Prize In order te croate a littie more interest, we ,will give three prizes teý those who gnose nearest te the exact amount the Hos- pital wiil receive from the Big Street Carnival Bazaar and Dance, 1 Gillette Razor, $4. Watormnan Founitain Pen 25 lb. bag Caff Meul Brownie Camera Lethor Golar Holder $3. due bill te ho applied on the price of a pair of Spec- tacles or Eyegiasses made te order te fit any sight. lst prize: Choice of above. 2nd prizo: Second choice 3rd prize: Third'ehoice Specials Baby's Own Soap.............. 8e Palm Olive Soap . ............. 8c Casile Soap large bars.......-29c Castile Soap 7 cakes .......... 19e Hurmony Soap, the bet value of -ahig Cake ... ..... .20 Bathing Caps ................209e Bathing Caps.......... .....397e Aspirin Tablets 100 for ...... $1,00 Talcum Powder, 2 for.. ....... 25e Hand Cleaner Suap, 1 lb.... .. .15e Hand Cleaner, White Star, 2 for 25e1 Englisis Buking Soda, 3 lbs .... .25e Castor O..........40e,, 29e Cut Glass ................ 113 off Chocolates, 16 oz box .......... 49e Chocelates, Aunt Jane......... 60e Enlarging Photos, 5x7...... . .19c Genuine Eastimau Kodake and 1 Brownies..... .......... $200 upj Gonuine Eastman'Films. .... 20e up Toilet paper, 3 for........ 25e Vacuum Botties.......13 Catsup Bottles...... .........5De Widîo Reck botties for pickles' -andetc-- 1 10 t05C Parkes Catsup Flavor ý 25e Parke Piekie Mixture .......... 25e Heuitis Suite................. 15e Fruit,jar Rubber rings......... 8c Mixed Spices for pickles, 6 oz . .25e Creolin, the beet disinfetant known, large botties......-.. .39e Regular 25e size............... 19e Flash lights and Batteries ail prices assorted. Steel pelle, do .........10 Lead pencils, dloz........15. Lead pencis, eacis............. 5e Fountain pens, self filuors, f ully guaranteed with 14k gold nibe $139 jury&LoeI {Chicago Ophthalmie College Graduates oGf New York Sehool of Opties Detroit OpticaL colljege Canadian tiaColg The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians Il HELP THE HOSPITAL1 YOU MAY WIN A $5.00 PRIZE The Plan Every one purchasing goods at pur store betweeh 'now ansd Saturday night at 10 o'clock wili receive a slip of -paper on which to place thieir guess as to how much money the Hos- pital wili receive as proceeds of the big event the Hospital Committee are putting on to celebrate the open- ing of our new pavement. For every 25 <te worth of goods you purchase you are entitled to one guess, for a dolar's worth, four guesses, etc. These papers must ho ail handed in by 10 p. m. Saturday night and wiii be handed over to a ladies' Coin- mjttoe of the Hospital who will an- nounce the winners. The one guess ing nea rest the amoun t gets first choice of the, following items, the second nearest gets 2nd choice, third nearest gets 3rd choice. Look over our list of specials and remember that if you require any- thing in Drugs, Spices, patent m,'edi- cines. -Specacls, ruses,Perfuihes,- Chocolates, etc, there is no place that can give you btterservice or better value and in addition you have a chance to win one or possibiy al the prizes named in our large ad- vertîsement. JURY & LOVELL OSHAWA FAIR. Remember the dates, Sept. l2th, l3th, and l4th. Mgondûi.y Sep tem.- ber l2th is preparation Da3y. Get your pr ize list froin C. P. Davis, Sec- retary, Oshawaft, if you have not had one and look Up entries. The big- test prizes ever offered. Tuesday, September lâth is Show Day after- noon and evening. A big dight show is heing arranged. Fireworks, Mid- way, Exhibits, 48th Fliglhand Band and other attractions. Wednesday, September 14th-Show ail dayi finies. Trials of speed bothý after- 'oo. See posters and advertisingi matter postedJ everywhere. MISS 'RETA COLE GOES TO CLEVELAND Citizens Greatly Regret this Popuar Sing- er ls Leaving Bwavfe Miss Rota R. Colo, A. T. C. M. is loav-E ing our town this wook -wblich news will ho recoived with generni regret by tho In tlhis onton it mny bc sald that Bowmnnville is suffering the penalty off1 notoriety, in tbat, beiug a musical contre, the fame off this popular young musician an ocalist bas sprend beyond the bounds off ber native placeý, culminating lu a splendid opportunity off whlch1 she bas taken, advantage to pusu br pro-1 fessional dareer andpo-gdut musi- cal study with a vory omi nen[tetacher inE Cleveland,, Ohio, and also to taîko a solo- ist's position in one off th,, e ling churches off that city. Nowhere will 'Miss Clobc so rmuch missod as ffrom tho Mý ethodist Churcýh Choir bore off which she b las been suceh a faitbfful momber for sonme sin oaý pianist of the Suniday Sehool for a lonrîý period stili, as weli as h-avi;ns, been off in- rcalculable assistance in tho . S. Orcee- tra. As a tonchecr Mies Colo bhas earned for herselff osdrbe eUainand ber large lass off pupils regret bier do- parture from Bowmnanville, and. not least. Dr. A. S. Vogt. the Toronto Con-1 servatory Musical Director, bas given exY-1 pression of is grat ppreclation off ber work thero as -'a visitiing tabroffthati institution. Miss Col's ue n uotuleTian- uer will wn a place foýr ber anywbere, and the mrne anoncmtof lber as soloist Pt any mnusicaýl gnitbering hbas al- ways mea,,nt th ssraceoff a good iaudÉ- ience. This is a msteiable roputat- ion for a singe'r to onjoy. Wo bave in our clumcs often bad oc- casion to comment pOtexel1lence off ber voîcoe and delicacy off expressio>n and what is lBowm,,aiiville,'s lbec will ho tho gain of thie musical mnasseýs off thoý rity off Ciovlandf. O. Theomemtbers off tho ch9iir gpvo a ýoïrn toast Tuiesday evonlng, on tho lawîn off Mr. P. C. Vanstonlo'!s Ctagat ow- manvllo-n-th-Lak, a a fa.rewoll toi Miss Colo when a very haiapy timie was epent. Reovo T. S. Holgate wa.s master of)f coiremionies and affter the fed callod theocompany to ordor wviin Miss-Hle sG. Morris rend a vory nicely worclddan ouljogictie address. Mýr. W. BI. Tap) son. Presidont off the Choir Club rentod Miss Colo with a wVhHte goldi bar pin sot wlth four whole peris a nd an aquijt miia- mne. Miss Cojýloîhio sbyafetdby tke surprise and ithe mniy com)nljimntary expressions off be-rcongo in the choir made a vory bapp)y nud] appwrpriate re- spouse. Speeches bv PProf. adNih olson, Choir Dîrector a nd Oýraist, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. and several other membors off the choir followed, ovory onoe regretting hor depar-ture but wlshing for ber the best off luck and succes lu ber new realm cf musical activities. UNVEILING MEMIORIAL TABLET AT HAMPTON NEXT SUNDAY., Dear Editor:- Please annouince in The Jamnes Pap.. ers that 1 wiil unveil a memiorial tab- lot' to the late cihristopher MHitchell at 4 p.m. on Su-nday, August 28th. in. 1 te ethodist Gaendo h c~ ogrond at _Hani-, l Ihave re- questecd Rev. S. É7. tie fBwa- ville and Reeve Balker to take part in the proceedings. All interested are cordially invited. JAMES L. HUGHES. Another Eist of donations to the Childs' Fund will appear next week. SMiss Edna and Lottie Hamley, Red Deed, Alta., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Jewell. Misses Hazel and Charlotte Wor- f olk, Whithy, are visitors with Miss Aima Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lukes, Brad- f ord, were recent gue-sts of Miss Eva Henry, Silver St. 1/ Messrs. W. F. Battv, Brookiin, was a successful exhibitor of heavy horses at Cobourýg Horse Show. Mr. and Mrs. W. Arksey, Brooklin, Ont., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wiilard Stevens. rMUSIC TEACHERS MISS VIOLA BROWN ls prepared to tako a limlted nUmber off puipils in piano at her home on,.Centre- et.. Bowmanville. 84-1w LEPHA.N. D)ONCASTER, A. T. C. M. Teacher off Piano and, Tbeory. Pupils prepared for ail grades off examinations. Studio King St., Bowmanville. 34-3w MISS V. E. STAPL.ES Teachor off Piano and Theoiry Is propared to take a, llmited number off pupils in BowmanivilIo. Phono 181-11. 84-2w Miss Staples will also commence teacb- ing ber dlass in Tyrone the first week lu September, 34-1w Bowmanville HIGH SCHOOL wilI re-open on Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 1921 Tho scholarship nand experience off the staff'- ail -of -whoeu-r&m auae i Ars off either the tUniversity off Toronto or Queen's University ensure a continuance off the success attained by this secondary school. Under the new regulations which ho- come effective in Septembor a student mnay select those subjects off study, which ho bolieves will best fit hlm for the oc- cupation in wbich'he ma - o Iter en-I gaged. The Adolescent School Attondanco Act, which will beî in force, afftor Septomber 1, roquiros every person who is not at lenet sixteon yoars off ago to ho ln attend- ance at corne schooi, or have a permit from the School Attendanco Ofificor to englage in corne form off work. The Principal will ho pleased to, dis- cucs ail phases off schoolliffe and courses off ctudy with prospective studoiits or theIr parents. STF W. J, l4orrison, B. A., Principal and Toachor off Science. A. N. Scott, B., A., Teachor off Mathý- ematics. Miss I. K. 'Smith, B. A., Teacher off IlModerne and Art. -Miss B. Tigho, B. A., Teacher off iss les aind Hlstery. Miss M. Franklin, B. A., Toachor off English.1 W. S. COUCM, .J. S. MOORCFtAPT, 'Chairman Higb Sehool Board1. Secretary, BUSINESS MAN PASSES Mr. Richard Moyse, Bowmanville. The news off the death of our former esteemed townsman and worthy citizen came as a great shock on Sunday, Aug- ust 14 when it became known that M r. Richard Moyse had passed to his reward. 1 B-e lef t here on Saturday, August 5 to attend 'Supreme Lodge of the Sons ofi Eniglad at Fort Williiem as represent- ative o ýf Lodge Wellington, No. 19, ýS. 0. E. B. S. and intended going at the close to visit relatives in Manitoba and other Western Provinces. He attended lodge sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday eveninig dysent- ary set In and Thursçlày he decided to return home, reaching his son Norman's home, 335 Delaware Ave., 'Toronto, on' Saturday evening. Medical aid was given hlm by Dr. Ed. T. Boidge and although -in a very weak state bis condition was not thought to be serious. Sunday nlght he arose and went to the bathrom and shortly affter returning to bed asked to sit Up and very soon weakness overcoming him he laid down âgai and lmmediately, passed away from h4art-failure. The body waýs brought here the funeral taking place fr-om the residence'off his son Herbert with whom he resided. In the abscence off his minister, Rev. 1). W. Best, service was conducted by Rev. W. H Spa rgo. The palîbearers were sijx S. O. jE. brothers, Messrs. W. G. Mutton, W. J. S. Rundie. W. H. Thickson T. C. Bragg, Williamn Trewin and Richaord Jarvis The service, was in charge of the. members off the Sons off England off wbich deceased was, a veteran and ffaithf uS member. Decaesde was born in Cornwall, Eng- land, in 1846 and caie to Canada when a child. Be learned the trade off shoemnal- er in Bowmanville whereý he spent the greater paV't of, his liffe and where he worked indUstriously righit UP to the tîme off bis leavlng for a mnonth'ls holiday. Wheni he took off hi$ apron and laid dIown bis toolsp he littie thought he should neyer take themn up again, but such was the case and the life off a vory industri- ouLS, conscientious and. faithful worker, well-lçnown and hlgbly respectod citizen hals gono to !ta reward. Be *as one off theý oldePSt mombers off St Paulls Presby- te.rian ChUrch. being one off tho "orgin- aLs" who was vhosenï to pass the birth- dayv cake at the Jubilee Celebration last Januiary. lie leaves to mourn his sudden passing two sons: Norman M. Moyse off the Rail- rway Postal Service, Toronto; and Mr. Bferbort Moyse off this town. Bis wiffe predecdased hlmn by sevoral yoars. This office has received notice fromn the Postoffice Department that post- age rates on newspapers is to be fur- ther increased on January 1, 1922. The Meighen. Government does like to make the publishers happy. This is an additional burden whîch pub- lshers are obliged to bear. A BIG TIMIE IN1 tSTREELi To Celebrate the Officiai Opening oft ~BOWMA on the afternooa ané SATURDAY, wMl be held under auspices of the CALITHUMPI Will meet at Fuir Grounds ut 1.15r King, SilNfer, Wellington, Seugeg and1 I-ION V F. C.IS. Minist LOCAL AND OTHERWJSE KING STREET PAVING DONE Several articles are held avern Somne Details of the Wor k Performed Miss Agrioss Nokes, 'Toronto is visiting Mrs. J. W. Knigbt. hl ja ight wooks since Mr-, O. Mrs. Robt. Coplanid!and Miss Margar- Waterhouae, Superintendent off the- ar et Copelanid are visiting friends at Wing- ren Bituminous Paviug Co. Limited, - ham. 1 56 University Ave., Toronto, movedme Mr. Walter Jobuston, ColumbusOhio, Bowmanville with a score off epr le visitiug bis mother and brother, Mr. aiong with their pnving outfit to cou- C. A.Johnton.struct a, paved rond on King-st froem C. A.Johnton.Scugog to St. George Streots. The workl The best thanke off The Statesmari wns completed Monday off this week and Silaif are due Mr- W. C. Stevens for a was inspected by Mayor Quinn and basket, off doudcous pears. Counciliors who ffound the work execut_- L. R. Steel Stock Bought. Loans on ed and comnpletecl in n.most satisfactory, Stocks and Bonds. Bruce & Company, mannor. MeKinnon Building, Toronto. 83-2 A ffew delnys were caused by e Mrs. 'W. R. Inight and Mr. Ezzie wenther and break downs lu the machin- Knight Almonte, are visitiug Mrs. James ery, but otherwise evorythîng iu al de- Kunight, Bowmanville-on-tbe-Lake. pnrtments workod smootlily throutghouit. Miss Helen Knight bas returned ffromn The company employed as bigh as ',>, a plensant ýholiday withi friende at Mus- monanud 21 teams at one time mec .1ý selman's Lake.- local abot, the wages pnid amountin!g te Bo.ad r.S.C ooead about $30,000. andMrs S.C. oor an faily The company's own equipment includ- spent Tuesdny xitb Mr. and Mrs. J. Aed, eoedgetosemries Bickell, Oshawa.-aKytn igr w er olrs a Smith concrete mixer which turned outi Mrs. Rose Copping and ffamily, Toron- 250 cubie yards In a day, a railwayns to, have roturned home affter a pleasant pliait plant witb a daîly capacity off holiday bore with Mrs. Harry. Holwell. 11,500 square yairds off Paving surface, sudý Mrsý Pborence Marsb who bas been on- a motive force off five ton and baîf trucksý Joylng a visit witb relatives bore lefft and tbroe two ton trucks. Wodnosdaymorning on route to bier homo The following materials wore used tu InVirdon. Man. malte this splendid thorofarle: 1,900 yards Mrs. S. A. Shantz and daughter Belon, off gravel freim Fred W. Allin's pit, 650 East Rochester, N. 'Y., are visiting bier yards beach gravel, and i5 cars off demn- cousin, Mrs. W. C« Colo and numerous Oent for the conicreto foundation,, and 15> other relatives in this vicinity. cars t4ap rock, 600 yards sand and 5 cars Mr. Chas3 Priostmnn, Mr. Jack Prlost- asphait for the wearing surface known, man, Miss King,, Mrs, Julia Boyce ançi as bitulitbic pavement. dnughtors Georgie and Lillian off Ward's The Government pays for n 20-fft ctripý Island, Toronto, wore gijestts off Mayor off pavement fromn Vanestone's Bridlge te and Mrs. B. L. Quinn on San'turday. Scugog about 260 foot in lengtb, imakîng Mrs. James Lunnoy, Manageress off the the ntiro stretcb off Paved road tbroughi Goodyear Hotel, daughter Miss Jonnie the main business section te the Pair Merchant and nephew Mr. Leon St. Clair, Grounds at corner off st. George St., dlerk, are ou a motor trip te Boston, 4,216 foot long or 17,197 square yards. Mass., and other New England centres' The ontire cost off this work will ho lu Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Courcalle are in the ueighborhood off $72,511.Oo with charge off the botol during their abs- $6150M nddlitonal Oltpese for once, A1l citizenes wil wish for Mrs. construction off storm esewers., This le Lunnecy the well earned holiday. over $5.000 below thoe etîmatedi cos3t off Engineer Nowbeuse. A verp ploasant surprise wne given in The mon in charge off the varlous de- bonor off Miss Bazel Crago, a bride-to-be. partments lucludo O. Waterhouse, Super- at the home offlber parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1ntendentii C. Lethaby, foreman, G. Calla- F. A. Crago, Darliugton, on Tuesday ovoni- han asphalt plant foroman, Fred Pike, iug when about 65 offlber Ebenozor friende grade for man, R. M. Turcotte, cashier. gathered and gave ber a "miscellaneous hrlegnalyosirbead,ý, shower," conslsting off cuver, cut glass. , oei ee aluminum, grnnitoware, china and many off demsn made when any puljic wOrki othor useful kitchon utensils, A socIil !. le ndisgoîng on for a, un time was spent after whlch reffrsbmonts iPality but wo bave yet to hoar thlire t were sorved. The party broke at about coruplaint off the way lu wîich the WVar- 11.30 with many good wisbes, ton Paving Co. onrriedl on lt? ek There was alwaye a crowd off intorested Citizens in great numnbers wili at- spectators watchiug the vartous Pro- tend he ReUnio and ark p cesses""going ou -along the Street and ten te R-Uionan Pak penngcommente were often hoard off the at Hampton on Saturday, Septemiber thorough painstaking and efficient man- 10.uer the work was being doue. There haeacL was no skîmping. ,'The werk hgd te We were pleased to h ov al edoue right", appoared to ho the corn- last week fromn an old Bowmanville Panys pelicy, Boy of our early days in this town. Prom observations we have reason to Mr.J. oll, tavelin fri h agntbelleve that the compauy is good te its Mr.J. oll, tavllig feigt, g entemaployees and lu roturu the iion give a of Canadian ' »acific Raiîway with full dny's work. In fact we are infform- headquarters lu C. P. R. building, ed that several off the mon have been with the <ompany 15 yoars or more whicli Toronto, speaks well for botb parties. Construction gangs do not always have the reputation off heing su orderiy axnd THE OL TOWNpence abiding inidividuals as these tom- THE OL TOWNPoiary citizens proved to ho. The Warren Co. is one off the largeet paviing Companies in Canada haviug 50v- EU oralbranchs ilu the ,western poics iiun il MontronS anid anothýr ilu Toronito NUfrOm 1w1130h1six eutfit.e würk lnOntario. the cnpn n nier fltad ie sur IRvoys, loeles, gÈrades aud Wothjerpeaa the PvdStreet o ig Sre ehuebi hntîycret uv KingcSnrersant hsth ars brt.wi, mauville very fortunonto in having such LN 'VIILL bd acapable engineer in charge off its id evningof I giving the details off the laying off thi pavement wo do su helieving the iii- 3Wornen'a Hospital Auxiliary actia;lly beon accomplished. Out-off-town rendors will aiso ho glad t nwthat their old homo town le 'IAN PARADE kefn pwîth the van off progress lu go ddbuilding. P. m. and leave at 1.30 p. mn. along Citizeus ffrein the country wbo ehop in King Streets to the Post Office where Bowidanville are invited te town uext Str au ad participate in the officiai opnn fthis street. Se particulars .ter of Highwavs lsewbero lui this issue. will give an address in which he will officiully open the street Citizens from town and country are requested te decorate their autos and join the parade. VISIT THE BOOTHS Along the street which wiil inelude Balloon and Fun makers, Bagdad Mystery Ladies, Fortune Tolling, Hot Doge, Ice Cream, Home made candy, Home made cooking and Community Dinner ut 5 p. m. MIDWAY DIRECT'FROM CONEY ISLAND CATERS TO YOUR EVERY MOOD From the side-splittiug 'Hit-the-Nigger' game, te thse tantahîzing 'Ring thse Bell' gumoý, te the mysteries of thse 'bouse of Magie. You wiii try th.em ail, once,' and thon yen will keep on trying. Drifting along with thse crowd, yen will try your chili ut the 'Ring and Doli' stand, then on te whlere, the'BallandCan' stunt will induce yen te take a chance for a Kewtie or a Boar. See one of tise big features of the show--the instructive startling exhibition of Weight Lifting and Physieul Culture hy Physical Director Win. Mitchell and hie family. Prof. Mitchell will give au hourly demonstration of thse wonderful resuits cf systematie exorcise and body building, and ho and hie f amily wfhl give a spocial domonstration for the children ut 4.30 and 7.30 p. m. Next try te hit tise Nigger and get a cigar. If the Nigger proves tee elusive, a littie fartiser down the street you wili find, the 'BaIl and Pin' game. Try your ekili bore; tise Pins wil wuit for you. After the exeitement of the Midway, a visit te the 'Hall of Mystery', will be a delightful reet. bore yen will be comfortably seated wbile yen wateh tise Magician, pick billiard halls for the thin air, witis bewildering ouse, and-but corne und see him and hie marvollous COMMUNITY DANCE AT NIGHT In the evening tise pavement will be cîeared ready for a good old fashionedi Commun ity Banco which wilî have full eway tilliidnigbt. SPECIAL SHOW AT ROYAL THEATRE Threugh the gouerous- offer of this tiseatre part of the procoed~ of Satnrduynigit's shows will ho 'givon tise uuxîliary. Beie sxr it ures eentribnting artiste wiIi include Mrs. J. B. Neale, Mrs. C. A. Cuwker, and. the Deyman Musical Trio FREE ADMISSION TO THE FAIR But bring aîong your purso for the Bootlhs and MiLdway., SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE TILL MID- NIGHT Jitney Service to Lake-Cele's mnotor bus wilil bave Lake ut 1, 4 and 6.,30 P rm; lave Goodyear Hotel 3.45, 9.30 and Il p m, 1,5c each 1way. If Satnrday is15 we celobration wvill b)e held Monday, Angust 29th. MRS. JOHN SPENCE, MRS. J. A. McCLELLAN, Presient.Secetary. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Union Services lu charge off Rev, S. C. Moore, B. A. B. D., on Sunday, St. Paul's at 11 a.mn.-Subject "The, Spirit off the Kingdomn.- 7 p. m. Methodist Church- 'Soul te Lot." Chnreh of Christ:-Rev. L. E. Zuv- itz wiil preu ch ut both services. Morning Topic,-"Ecee Dons" "Be- hold God." Sýeats Free. Ail wel- corne. Roverend IJ P. Muirhead. Recter of St John's Anglican Church, havilig returued frqm Jamaica, restored te hoalth and etrnth, thero wili be 'a thanksgiving Service, in Church on Suntlay Evening, Auguet 28,th, ut 7 o'clock. The choir will reuider spoe- ial music and Mrs, (Captuin), Noale wil sing. Ail are wolcome. Rev. S. C. Moore bas returned fronm his six weeks' holiduys and took charge of the union services on Sun- day taking for bis subi oct Suuday morning lu St. Paul's Church the TwentyThird Psalm. A trio "Be- hold What Manner of Love" was splendîdly sung by Messrs. H. J. Knight and C. S. Halîmun and Mrs. -C. -A. Cawker.---At-the- close of-the sermon Mr. Knîght sang ncl "Ninety and Nine" beth numbers be'- iug mest appropriate te the message of the speaker. In the evening a large audience greeted Pastor Moore lu the Methodiet Church. The choir was ont twenty-nine strong and the musical services were a feature, the cengregutional singing being hearty7, the hymne beiug familiar eues. The sermon on "Counting tihe Cost" -was specially addressed te young men an'1 wus full of counsel and helpful sug- gestions and was deiivered with great eanestuese uand impressivenes. Miss Reta R. Colo sang the solo "Thse Promise of Life" (Cowen) and aitho lengthy her very tuneful renid- tien held the large audience enthrall- ed te the end. Mrs. A. Jacobs, Fort Hpis vis- iting friends here. Men, don't order your suit untl you have seen our special values at $25. Couchi, Johnston & Cryderman. 1