't ,lI - A ugu'st 27 th, in conjunction with the big opening of our new pavement which takes place on 1921 Li ilsA. Saturday, August 27th, we have 'decided to put on a sale'of good staple'Dry Goods, Men's Clothing, Groceries, Shoes, etc., which will miean a saving to you of fromtwenty-five iper cent to one third. Of ne D)ollar Bwargains q50 Please noteany"Dollar Bargains here will be sol'd pro rata atthspics Forinstance, 4 pillowe cases for you can buy 5 for $ 1.25 or if 5 yds of print, for $ and you want 10 yds you can get' 10 yds for ,$2.00 which Is the same rate. Bleached Cotton wear, 36 mcli for under- 5 yds for $ Plaid Dress Goods suitable for children's dresses, odd skirts, etc. 2 yds for $ Chldren's plaids and Gingham Dresses, stripes, sizes 2 to 6 2 for $ Women's Bathing Suits, navy bluecotton Jersey cloth, a few left _ at $ Children's pale blue lisle hose 50c quality -5 pair for $ Boys' Raincoats at $, sizes 3 0 to 34, black rubber coats, reg. $3.50 Men's leather Tie Cases, Tran only, nicely lined,, reg. $2.00 Your choîce for $ Women's pure wool Cashmere hose, black only, ail sizes, reg. $1.50 at only $ pr. Boys' Shirts made of prini Iland Ginghams, sizes 12 to 14 -rg$ OYa 2or. IIMen's all wool sox, grey only, full sizes, reg.,SOc 3 pr for$ Girls' -Gingham- -and Print dresses, A to 14 years, ah good styles, reg. $1.75 at only $ Men's Linen'Collars, ahl style s and sizes at 5 for $ Boys' bloomers in Khaki drill and Tweed mixtures, sizes 20 to 32, reg. $1.50 for $ Women's running boots white only at only $1,00 Girls', running boots, white only, size il to 1 at only $1.00 pr. Men's Suspenders, 75e value 2 pair for $ Men 's sizes, Siff Hats, al value to $3,00 at only $ Boys' Jerseys, long 'or short sleeves, sizes 24 to 32 2 for $1.00 Men's or Boys' excel- da Handkerchiefs col- ored borders, fast col- ors, 35e value 5 for $ Children's 2 pair Slippers for $1.00 Giroc ery Specials 2 lbs Kolona Tea .. ts 2 lbs Lipton's Tea. is- -- 2ea C-Iw-I~f-a. mon.................$ 15 bars Mother Hub- bard Soap ............$ 15 bars Polar Bear Soap .............$ 20 rolîs Toilet Paper. .. WOMEN'S 'SHOES AT $1. 0 75 pairs lace and button styles, fine kid or'patent leather, good styles, sizes 212 to 31/2, your choice at$ MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, 0O'DD COATS ETC., AT ONLY $1.00 10 Suits consisting of Serg, Tweeds, etc., mostl'y small sizes, 34-35, the pants alone are worth many times the price of the suit. You will have to be'here early to secure one of these suits. MEN'S OXFORDS AT $1.00 A PAIR Only a few pair left, patent leather and Tan calif, good styles, sizes 5½/ to 71/2, values to $5.00 Your Choice at $1.00 WOMEN'S WAISTS 5 dozen only white Voile w aists, very newest styles,, sizes 34- to 44, reg. $2.50 While they Iast $ WOMEN'S MARABAU. CHOCKERS Very latest thing for the neck, nicely lined with silk, shades natural or black, reg $2.50 A few only at $ MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 10 doz only to be sold at $ each, excellent wearing -materials, ail well made, sizes 14 to 17, values to $1.75 FREE!V FREE !!l A good sized ham will be given to the customer m ak- ing the largest purchase- in, our Grocery department Dollar Day. A good quality Ladies' Georgette Crepe Waist, will ~he- give tbtem-cstoiner aigh 4gS.pur- chase in our Dry Goods department Dollar Day. A good quality dress shirt or umbrella will be giveni to the customer making the largest purchase in our Clothing and Men's furnishing department Dollar Day. Take- your pencil and- make-a list-of your wants fro M this big list of real bargains. Shop in the morning if possible. Terms of'Sale Strictly Cash. * - A - C ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ v r McMufltrlL-y & Co. Ltd., Bowmanville's Big'Departmental Store Phone 83 Phone 8.3 Children's boots, sizes only running 4 to 9 at $1.0 Men's Caps, silk and repp, shades ofgr, green, navy blue,, al sizes, reg. $3.'00 Your choice $ Women's whiteI drill middy dresses, sizes 14 to 20, reg $3.75 at only $ Men's sox, fine eotton, colors brown, grey and black 4 pr for$ Men's Neckwear, values to $2 fr values to $1.00 2 for $ Grocery Speci*als 4 Ilbs Seeclless Raisins in bulk f or ...........$ 13 lbs good Rice..... $ 4-1/21b cans Lipton's Instant Cocoa ........$ 4 cans Eagle brand Condensed Milk..... $ 2 Brooms for.....$ four strqi an w-andîagood broom for liard wear. 4 yds Marquisette, ivory shade 36 inch, 50e value 4 yds for $ White Terry cloth, 25 inches wide, good weight,, reg. 75e 2 yds for $ A., C. 'A. Ticking, narrow blue stripe, reg 75e 21/2 yds for $ *1 4 yds Toweling, unbleached, with red border, reg. 40e 4 yds for $ Children' s knitted, knee sizes 4 to 10, drawers, white or ankle lengtli, reg. 50e a Pr. at 3 pr. for $, 3 yds Turkish Toweling, check pattern, unbleached, reg. 45e 3 yds for $ 212 yds,814 unbleached sheet- ing, medium weight, very dlean, reg. 65e 21/2 yds for $ 3 yds Glass Toweling for $1 blue check, 24 /ichi, reg. 5Oc Boys' Caps at $ tweed caps of the latest style, suitable for fai!vear,-rëg$t50 5 yds prints best Canadian liglit for $ 3 yds of Steel CIad Galatea, plain colors and stripes, reg. 45e 3 yds for $ 4 yds roller crash for $, un- bleachedl, heavy quality, red border, reg. 35e 4 y ds 36 inch Flannelette for $ white or colored, good weight, samie quality sold last fallat 60C a d. cm 50O i I Il (4'. m wwq