At the regulr we~ lunche r. aliidNr.Otn the" Rotary Club lieId on _MonIday at Dovercourt Road, Tor-onto, Ont., an- -WelSh'S Parlors, a. very pleasant evenIt anouncý_es the engagemyent of their sec- too place, when Rotarian D. M. Tüd -was piresented with a very haný-dsome ond daug-hter, Elizabeth R., t'o Frank tapestry upholstered rockiing chair, in B. Vipond, son of _Mr. and Mrs. J. te(cgnition of his aittendlance at the Vipond, Bkoýoklini, Ont. The mar- Initernaîtional Convenition in Edin- riage will take place- quietly -this liurgh this summer.-0shawa9 Re- monnth. former. 800 000Bonus Common 300o Stock. Free AFirst Class Business lnvestment iTHEf MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL CO. MONTREAL 8 per cent Convertible Debentures. lnterest payable every three months Back of this investment are prominent Direct- ors of the Canadian Pacifie iRailway and promin- ent Bankl Directors of-Montreai-. Montreai has a population of 900,000-the fifth city in North America and the Ith Seaport in the Worid. It has. only 915 fireproof hoteil guest, rooms while the city of Cleveland (800,000 popu- lation) has 5000 -guest--rooms-in, fireproof- hotels. If you have not the cash to buy, bring in your old securities and, eff eet an. exchange. Arthur IN. McMi*llan & Co Investment Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. Carbon Removed Whiêle You Wait. Is -your car knocking 'on. the his? Bring it to us and we wili make it run like new agarn. How about the bands on your Ford? Does your car quiver and shake when you stop start or reverse? Corne in and let us stop itfor you at a very iowcharge. FOR SALE 1 Ford Car, last year model. with starter, shock 'absorbers, etc., in first-ciass, condition. If you are in the market for a car, see this before you buy. Luk-e.,Boys-& Cryderman- Phone 188 W Bowmanviile' j' Visitors; Miss Thomïpson, Cart-'5 Mr. adMrs. Chas Blaýtcbford andf wright, at her cousin's, Mr.' T. Fiin- three ýcildI(ren, Mr. and MMrs. C. P. lay; Miss Clara Woodley with her, Spairling,, Toronto, spent Sunday at aunt, Mrs. T. Woodley, Bowmanville; Mr. Thos. Elliott's. Rev. J. E.- and Mrs. Beckel, Bethany, At Rural School Pair, Wednesdny, spent the week-end at Mr. L. J. Octo'ber ), the Women's Institute will Goodmian11s; Mr. and- Mrs. Wm.' serve lunchi with hot and cold drinks Newton, Oshawa, spent the week-end at reasonable rates. They will also at the Parsonage. ... Rev. and Mrs. hold a bazaar on the grounds. ,Al W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, and Mr. and booths open before nioon. Dona- Mrs. Wm. Newton, Oshawa, attended tions for lunch and bazaar thankfull the birthday celebration of Mr. Wil- received. Help school fair fund and liam Yeo, Little Britain, who was 88 Womien's Institue by patronizing their, years of age on Saturday last,..- - booth. 38-2w Revs. J. E. Beckel and W. T. Wick-! League meeting of September l6thý ett exchanged pulpits on Sunday last,' charge of Miss Laura virtue, thez latter conducting Anniversary 3rd. vice-president. Meeting opened Services at Ebenezer Church on the by singing and prayer by Rev. W. W. Bethany Circuit... Mn. and Mns. il. Jones. Ail sang, "Oh that will be Hancock and James, Eý,benezer, Mrs. Glory for me," then were favored M Clemens, St. Catherines, Mr. and, witlh a vocal duet by Miss Erma Mrs. James Curtis, Hampton, at Mrs. Salc-r and Mrs. Bai%-oiis. Lesdon A. E. Clemens' ... . Master Irving was read by Miss Mary Souch. Topic Clemens is attending Campbellford " -Greatý Composens" given by Rer. Mr. High School.... A large house greet-, Jones. violin selection by Mr. Ev- ed Rev. J. E. Beckel ýon Sunday everl- eetKn1k copne yMs îng and hîs thoughts on "Personal In- Souch fon piano. League Benediction fluence" wili long -remain -in -the 1 n-d ,hu iietn'îY. heants of his hearens. Choir gave, good music.. . . League service on Thursday ercning in charge of Missý Wight. "Ste wiidship" jipait with by Miss Erelyn Brent; readings by May Brent, Hazel Hedgson and Geraline Clemens; solo by Howard Brent and duet-hy-Piorence andl May-Gardiner. Speliing match on last week's States- man boys against girls wîth twol points in f avor of girls. Good meet- ing this week. ENNISKELLEN. Recent visitors Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, Miss Mary Souch and Mrs. Hayes, Hlampton, Mr. Wm. Robbins, Mr. G.* Callan, Mr. H. Pye, town, at Mr.i fJohn Pye's; Mr. Hloward Pye, Mr. and, MArs. N. Byers, Mr. Howard Stevens attended Port Perry Pair; Mn. J. L. Metcaife, Oshawa, Mn. Garnet Sm ons, town, Mrs. E. J. Bur, M -\iss Florence Burk, Lake Shore, at Mr. Charles Stewant's; Mn. E. J. Moore., Miss Helena Moore, Mn. and Mrs. C. B. Rice and family, Whitevale, at Mn. W. H. Moore's;.Miss Elsie 01ke, Mrs. Fred Gounlay, Toronto, at M.' Wesley Oke's; Mn. and Mrs. James A. Werry at Mn. M. A. James' town: Mr. nd rs.Theo Siemon with rla- tives in town; Mr. B. Griffin with Mrs brother,. Mr. Wm. Giffin and niece Mrs. D. Bungmaster; Miss Winni ' fred Ashton and friends, Toronto, at Mr. Elias Ashton's. Epworth League Wednesday even- ing in charge of Missionary Dept. jwith President Francis Werry in the chair. Topic was taken by Miss Emma W'erry, Tynone, Duett by Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and Mrs. Theo Slem- on. 'Rev. G. T. McKenzie gave a very 'instructive taik .... Mn. and Mrs. E. E. Stapies sang a very beaut- iful duet at Sunday evening service. Mrs. Staples being a beaiutiful alto singer.... S. S. Raliy Service wiil be held October 2. All attend. .. Plcased- to hean Dr- C. W. -Siemon -s pnogressing niceiy and'at home this week with Nurse Cross in attendance. .Mr. John Pye bas been guite ill but is recovenng..-._Mn. T. McGill and Mrs. R. Ahton neturned £rom their delightfful trip out West on Saturdy.... Mn. Jamèes A. Werry and dàughter Miss May re7turned Sat- urday from London Fair and visiting friends- at St. Thomas, Port Stanley, Union -and other -places. _They ,,were - Il! HAYDON visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Russel Gilbert, Enniskillen, and Mrs. Win. Gilbert, Toronto, visited at Mn. R. Slcmon's; Mn. Wm. A. Slemion, Winnipeg, at Mr. Thos. Slemocn's and other relatives here'; Mr. Pannabak- er and bride, of Toronto, are spend- ing thein honcymoon at Mr. Clarence Avery's; A splendid congeegatîon assembled here on Sunday aftennoon to hear our former pastor, Rer. J. E. Beckel of Èethany, who delivened an excellent sermon taken fnom Matt 6:6 which was gneatiy enjoyed'and ap-, pneciated by evenyone .... Mr. Thos. Mountjoy has moved- into his new nesidence recently p unchased fnom Mrs. T. Gilders.. The, new sidewalks are compieted and are a decided im- provement. Men's neady-to-wear suits from .>li up at Couch, Johnston & 'Cry- derman's. _________ I ___ FAI Come to Onono Pair to meet old AUCTION SALES friens on Thunsday and Pniday, see a Genuine Agnicultunal Pair. Friday, September 23-The Canada The management believing that Plax & Seed Co. of Oshawa, wili good _Lire -Stock-- Ciasses- make--thre sei by Auction on theïr propenty, hest attraction have increased the Simcoe Street, South of the vil.. Premiums and added more, classes. lage 'of Cedardale, alI of their farm iyou will find the adrancement in stock, impiements, tractons, othen Agriculture at this Pair 'where the machin cny and numerous other an- best of evcrything is shown in Lire fidles. Sce posters- for- panicu-' Stock, ýHarness Herses, -iniciucling the lars. Sale te commence at one Andrew Eider Tnophy for the best o'clock. Jas, Bishop, auctioneen. horse, Stc ugn Copiins ,72*Parade of Pnize Animais befone Saturday, Septeinher 24-Mns., Robt. Grand Stand, the creamn of the Stanley, South of G. T. R. Station. Country's products in Ladies' Work, Bowmanville, will sel] ahl of ber etc. in Floral Hall. See the Baby - household furniture includinig pan- Show Good Band in attendance. Ion, dining-room,- bed-room and Scnd for Pnize List. The Be 'sn' s kitchen furnishings, dishes, carpets, Bnide in Opera House Pain Night. bedding, garden tools, etc. Sale C. A. Chapman, Adolph Henry, at 1 o'clock. Sec bilîs. L. A. W. President. Se'y.-Tres Tole, auctioneen. 37-2w O=ono Tuerday, September 27,-Frederick_______________ Nichois wiîl seil by auction, on lot 291, con. 3, Darlington, (1/4 mile north) of Courtice), a]] of bis farm Darlindfton Townshin. stock and impiements. As farm 9 has been soid everything bas te be Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' dîsposed of. Sale te commence at List. 1 o'clock. Sce posters for par-___ ticulars. James Bishop, auction- <Section 13) eer. 37-2 \/oters' List, 1921, Municipality of the Saturday, October 1, 1921-Auction Township of Darlington, County of D.r- sale of property known as the Whit- NOIEam.EEY IEN by FNuitC& VinHEREBYo.,Vthe that 1 by Fuit& vnegn ., he rop- have transmitted or delivered te the per-t erty of A. M. Ross, Whitby. Sale sons mentiened in section 9 of The On- on the premises, Brock Street, tario Voters' Lists Act, the copies ne- Wbitby, at 2 o'ciock. Oný the quired by said sections te be se trans- mitted or delivered of the List, made premises are a brick building, 2- pursuant te said Act, of ai] persons ap- storey, with basement, aise two pearing by the last revised Asessment frame buildings. Pull up-to-date Roil of the said Municipality.,te be en- equipment for making cider, vin- titled to vote in the said Municipality at and vapoate appes.elections for members of the Legisiative egar nd eaoae pes Assembly and at municipal Elections; and Two steam engines and one 50 h. that the said List was first posted up at p. boiler. For' full particulars, my office at Hampton, on the twenty- apply propr'ietor, or Wni. Maw seventh day of Augnst, 1921, and romiains r, awthere for inspection. Auctioneer, Whitby, Ont. 38-2 And I hereby eall upon ail voters te Tuesclay, October 4th.,-A't 1 p. m. at take yimmediate proceedtngs to have any lot 31, Concession 8, Darlington, errorm or omissions corrected according1 -of the fanm stock and -impliments--te law. of John H. Campbell. Geo. Ja k- 1 Dated this i2th day of September, 1921. an Td acso, utione ers. W., R. ALLIN, so ad0flacsna Clerk of Township of Danlington.1 38-2w 27-2w.1 1? Notice'to Fruit Growers and Dealers"I The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company have t 'ansf erred their agency f or Bowmanville and District to the Office of Miss N. E. Neads, King St. The- Perth- is one o f the- oldest pureiy Canadian Fire Insurance Companies, strong and reliabie, and ALL losses are settled promptly and liberally. G. G. Macpherson, K. C., President. Charles Packert, Manager. A. E. Dodds, Inspector. HEAD OFFICE, STRATFORD, ONT. eBUT WE DO RP 7 w e Give Bîg Value1 Don't $ In~ Our Farni ProposeThe Williams S To iveBrampton', Ont., ai To Gïve ail over Canada work shoes bothi You, and comfort. Recently we ma thing- "OSE TO For, Every iFootwear Shoe Co., re f amous for -their in quaiity ade a spe-' secured some exceptionai values-best we have had in yeaÈs. I ~> 'I 24 9 i Il NOW OPEN Two doorswest of Couch, Johnstor derman's. Compiete new stock. Bc reduced prices. Selling at i'educed prices. The last word in Style and Quality. Cail and see them RK. Copeland, R. W.Copel Real Estate Insurance Agent Recent visitons: Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Pascéoe, Enfleld, Mn. and Mrs. Lor- ne Hogarth, Harmony, at Miss Mary Hoganth's; Mns. Julia vanNe st, Ton- ni & Cry- ente, at Mn. N. E. Wright's; Mn. and Nrs. Alex. Elliot and sens and Mn. iught at and Mns. J. McDougall and girls,ý Bewmanville, at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Lammiman, Jr., Oshawa, at Mn. Walter Vice's; Mn. A. L. Pascoe in Western Ontario; Mn.' ani Mrs. T. H. Clemence and famiiy, Shaws, at Mn. S9.Edgar Werny's;i Mr. and Mns., C. N. Stainton, Osh- awa, at, Mn. R. C. 'Scott's: Messrs. 1 William and J. Baker and H. E. Tînk I at Peterbono Pair; Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds at Pickering; Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbun at Orono; Mn. and' Mns. Elmen Gîbson, Oshawa, at Mn.! W .VanNest's; Mn. Inwin Bragg at, Mn. J. Bake's,; Mn. and Mns. M., a îd, Cook and Mne antn r .ie Donald Yeleowlees'; Mn.,and Mns. R. Manager E. Armstrong, Maple Grove, Miss INeli Stainten, Oshawa, and C. Stain- ton's twe laughtens at Mn. R. C. Scott's; ,Mns. Silas Williams has neturned from visiting Mns. James Martin, Alton, lcaviîng ber sister a, littie better ... . Mr. Rd. Pascoe is under the doctor's cane .. .. Con'- gratulations te Mr. and Mns. John W. Yellowees-ît's a son--Silos are about ail filled and cern bas been an ahundant crop. ...Mn. J. Baken.l President West Durham Agicultunal Society, was judge on beef cattle at Port Penny Pair .. .. Service wîli be heîd in Eidad Church at 7 p. m.,,next 50un11dy.**League ejoyed a melon tret lst eekthrughthekindness est, don't o r vn M a. . Sunday ~ed i the School will meet at 1.30 p. us- ~~~t.. onRally~Ien Day was well observed. st o hav exellet .addresses by R. J. Mc.Kes- scElgin Taylor and 11ev. W., W. assurinJones. A solo by Miss M. Thomý- tener, son wel nendened. Church was 3 edr nicely deeorated-speciai music by choir. j 'I COLBORNE FAIR Plan te attend Coîbonne Pair on Wednesday, Septemben 29, 1921. Good speed tests, ne better 1/2 mille tnack in the Province-Cobourg Citi- zens BndLady Concert Band and Nusca's Royal Italian Band will furn- igh music during the day. Basebal game, Coiborne VS. Hastings-Big free acts-Speciaî midway attractions $3,000.00 in prizes-Big Iist of Spe- cials. F. M. Brintne1I, Secretary, Phone 25, Coîborne, Ont, 37-2w. apples in Charges- r' 1, orage. Barrels, 15c per month 40c for season Boxes, Sc per month 15c for season Pnices on other packages anud commedities on Inspection invited. visîtors aiways welcome. lion Manning Doherty, 38,-1w. application. Minister of Agriculture. Millions Now Living Will Neyer Die A free Bible Lecture on the above topic will be given, by Mre A*.(G.10CAMEROuN of Toronto IN THE TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE, Sunday, Sept. 25th, 3 p. m Auspices International Students Association. Seats Free Ail Welcome No Collection, very close price giving you full benefit of this, speciai transaction. Every Wîlliams Shoe Guaranteed, Fred R.Foley POOTFITTER "On the Sunnyside"' Bowmanv'ille Bj Our prices for~ meats are the iowe think for a minute that Quaiity is sacrifio least, for it is not. At ail times we insisl ing young stock which has been well fedî our customers that the meate we seil is juicy and best quality. ONE DELIVERY DAILY We have one delivery daily at 8 a .m G.A., Edrondstoin One door east of F. F. Morris C /0 Phone 21 Bo Wavil M. irle Il Jo. rývmanville "Now to BusinreP-s" SAYS MILES KNOWLES Now that the holiday season -is drawing to a close, let us get right down to Business. Give us a eaul and you wiii find our Goods and Prices will suit you. We neyer sacrifice Quality for cents. MILES KNOWLES Grocer phone 36 'Bowmanville m- .11,