REAà--D 19SA'V'E I Compare the following prices: New Large Juicy Prunes, per lb............ . . 1 5c New Currants, per lb.. .......................... 20C Thom; son Seedless Raisins .................28c Valencia Raisins, per lb ....................28c Very Fine Bulk Cocoa, per lb ...............:0C Extra Quality Mince Meat, per lb ...........20c, Our Special Blended Tea, per lb ...............35e Extra Fine New Dates, 2 lbs ..................25e Fine Quaity Pink Salmon, Tal..............18c Fine Quality Pink Salmon, ilalves, 2,for ....25c Ai Quality Red Salmon, Tal................33c Ai Quality Red Salmon, Halves ...............19e Good -Cooking Salmon, Halves, 3 for ..........25e Coh' Syrup, 2s...................................... 22c Finest New Strawberry Jams, 4 lbs. net .. .80c Finest New Raspberry Jarns, 4 lbs. net .......80c IFinest New Black Currant, 4 lbs. net ..........0c Castile Soap. large bar ..............................19C We DeliverAt AiU Times MILES KNOWLES Grocer Phone 36 Bowmanville Beauty &,Service are not always found in perfect combination, but, when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to, service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Cail and see this material before you cover your new building, or renew your old roof We have a fulll une of other Building Material at prices c onsiderably lower than last season Fresh Stock of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton -Coal ready fordelivery-at--Summer Prices.---- MeClellan & Company Limited, King Street Eat Bowmanvil J Office Photie 15 -1 Residences 228, and 274 SUEWEREREADY Our Christmas Fruits are certainly lovely. Finest we have had for years. New seedless rais- ins frorn California; select Valencia raisins from Spain; lovely re-cleaned currants frorn Greece; extra quality peels -grown right here in Canada; also nuts, spices, extracts, etc., from different parts of the world, help to completç the collection of good things for your Christrnas baking.' Let us fil your order this year-. more than satisfied. You'll be' AROBJE TAIT PHONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanvil SURPRISE YOUR WIFE By having that new furnace installed before C hristrnas.1 We know you've been contemplat- ing getting this furnace for a long tirne. Nothing is gained by putting it off--and think of the real genuinecornfort the whole farnily will enjoy this' wintêr with a warrn house! Better corne in and get an estirnate to-day. IS THERENOBODY WANTS A PEASE FURNACE AT HALF PRICE? We stili have one on hand Greenaway R& Eiott Consuling Engineers Pone 18 ay or night Bow anvîle WHAT YOUNG FOLK READ GREAT RESPECT SHOWN FO R MR. ROBERT MeLAUGHLIN By D Roers, St Thoas. (Continued fromn page 1, section 2) "Court ye mmnd, or court ye mirth, And you shall have your money's which was right for the town, com- worth." munity and the state. The church, It is a great privîlege to, be con- Salvation Army, ueedy consumptives, versant with other minds through the the poor, were ail helped by hlm. printed page, and a privilege fraught H9 ils lives forever nd he w o oe with higli responsibility both as t o ilasolvsfoevr ti o its use and abuse,.lHe who has a higli what a man does but what hie is that aim in life wiil be governed thereby lives forever. , u closing Rev. Mr. in his choice of reading, for what- Wilson said 'that nothing graudeer ever passes hefore the mind photo- could be said- of Mr. McLaughlin than g'raphs itself upon it and becomes that hie was a good man. lie'had henceforth part of it. As the reptiles seen hlm iu times of adversity and that take their color from their food prosperity, sorrow and joy, but lie the mind shapes itself to which it re- was always a good man. "Hie has ceives, A prominent writer of a served his day and generation and f ew years ago tells us that it was ils on. fallen on sleep", said Mr. a turnîng point lu lis 11f e when lnWlsn Death, after ail was a home a bookstore one day hie took up the comiug, and ail shall know endli other "Beauties of Ruskin," which was a inl heaven. book of extracts, but pure gold, and After the church service,> whule it gave hlm a rapture for good books, Organist flenley played theý "Dead and everlastîng disgust for decrepit March inl Saul", the vast audience or immoral literature. stod' reverently as the casket was We have sometimes looked over taken fromn the church. Flower bear- the piles of papers that ioad the ers, members of the General Motors counters of some of the cheap book- staff, prccded the casket and stood stalîs to sec what kind of pabuluni as a guard of honor, as it were on is furnished under the disguise of either side of Bruce Street exit to mental food for our youth. Much of the church, while the palîbearers it la contaminating in character., We passed out ito the waiting hearse. have been long couvinced that the Thousands stood- outside, with hats publication of "blood and thunder" raised during the transfer of the stories and the details of crime sug- casket fromn the churcli to the hearse gest crime to the reader. It is a aud as the funerai cortege passed breath of poison that carnies death them along Simicoe Street and Kiug with it. The f ollowing incident, said Street West, Neyer before iu Osh- to have occurred ou a rail-train, will awa's hîstory have so many people suggest the disposition that should stood in silent reverence to watch a be made of ail such trash. funeral cortege of 60 cars pass News Agent on train: "Dues any througi the streets to the city of the one want to buy a pack of cards, dcad. Nîne large automobiles con,- box and ail, f or 25 cents?" veyed thé flowers, over 200 designs, J. -M. Crowe. "La that ail the box to the cemetcry. The cortege was yOýhave?" headed by the massed bands of the YOU Ontario County Regiment and Sal- Agent: "Yas, sir." vation Army, who played the "Dead J. M. Crowc: "Give thcm to me. Mardhini Saul". During/the pass- Here is your quarter." ing of the cortege through the Hie puts them into the stove in streets business was suspcnded and presence of the crowd. (Laugliter, ail bliuds, aloug the route wcre and several "Amens.") drawu, a mark of respect to the de- Agent (terribly abashed):. "Whio ceasedby business men who had are you?" kuowu hlm long and well. Overhead Croe . " a 1 mraldiinfc-as tic cortege passed hung duli t ront." "I am amorl sinec-leadcned skies', addiug solemnity to an t L augte.)thc occasion, seeming as if Nature stAln9isthý ort, and more pernîclous even was in mourniug, for a great stti which sneers at religiou and a good man. and caricatures its professors, and iusidiously attempts to undermine The paîl-bearers were Oliver liez- the foundations of morality by paint- zlewood, Toronto; Richard McKenzie, ing the short-lived pleasures of sin a prominent Winnipeg business man; lu scuh attractive colors that evil John Gibson, Joseph Lane, Thos. thougits are suggestcd to the minds Hawkes and D. liaverson. The lat- of the young, and their sympathies ter four-have been employées for the euhisted on behaîf of subtie and soul- past thirty ycars or more. destroying vices. In the past, many Robert 1McLaughlin is dead, but youthful, minds have been snturated hssprtstilllvs îîws i n with this foulness and the harvest ~is sîî ielkws i already being, gathered. The lu- flueènce for good lu the c /ommunity. crease of juvenile prime; the aston- ishing precocity in cvii of boys and girls; the prevaleuce of viclous WEDDING IN CHICÂGO habits and lawlessness not only 1 -1 among, what- we--caill the lcegraded- Citizens of Clarke- Township--and elements of society but in its higher more particularly the people of New- circles; tic growing irreverence and tonville will be interested in the fol- gencral recklessness of spirit are ail lowing wedding report taken from a owing largely to the blighting 'influ- Chicago paper. The bride's mother, ence of this literature of the pît. Mrs. F. A. Clarke of 740 East, 46th The immature mind craves excite- Street, Chicago, Ill., was formerly ment and advcnture, ,and the irrel- Miss Louise Slceman of Newtonviile. iglous press vomits forth the undigest- Spangler-Clarke ed imaginations, and spéculations of Keuwood Church was the scene of wickcd men wio write only to feed a very prety weddiug on Saturday the morbid taste of beardless youth cvening, October 29th., xvheu Vi'%ian and simpering maideus, and after the Lucelle, eider daughter of Mr. and first shock to the moral sense they Mrs. F. A. Clarke, was united in learu to feed grcedily on the dime marriage to Rev. lHenry Helton nord, etc., and a deprared taste and Spangler. The ceremouy was per- a corrupt if e swiftly follow. formed by the groom's cousin, Rcv. Parets ae oten ucito bameHillard Courtice and the church was lartismate. teisamuch th aerbeautifully decorated with autumn inti to rovide foodfor tic mindleaves and white and yellow chry'san- auty -d fo frte id themums. The popular bride enter- as for the bodies of their children, cd with bier uncie and looked love- and to guard as jenlously ngaiunst the ly in draped gown of ivorv brîdal corruption of the one as against the stin and pear rmig irvi poisouing of tic other. Our dhurches wsa an w th ivrmmingher veil a an witayh he paents lu tîs re- the waist with orange biossoms and operate thteprnsi h e- she carnied a showcr bouquet of pect, by furnishing the cidren witi oe n iyoftevle. le illustrated books and, papers suited to b-ridesmaid was Miss Deloras Alex- every cnnity-from rthat1 of ý_the auder, who was beautifully gowned child in the inf ant clasa to the adult lu jvory charmeuse with overdress, of and thoughtful man. silk net petal points. The dainty If tic evil of pernicious litera- littie flower girl was the bridc's only turc is great, it is not bcyond cou- sister, Muriel Clarke, who looked trol. We can "conquer by displace- charming in ivory georgette trimmed ment"-rowd out the cvii by secur- with organdie flowcrs. She carried ing only the good. The best way to the bride's ring on a satin cushion. dispose of a, vicious publication Of The groomsman was Rer. R. A. Cam- any sort tint should come into your eron, and the ushers were Mr. H. hnnds la to dcstroy it; -do not de- Alexanderý and Dr. George Huston. nounce it, and then leave it to bc During the signiug of the' register rend by somebody else who may re- Mrs. (Dr.) Ellwood sang "I Love ceive fromn it irréparable injury. You Truly" very swectly. Follow- 0f the publishers we expcct no- ing the cercmouy a reception was thing . -Tiey care not how thcy poi- held at the home Of tic bride's son tic mmnd and blight thé life so mother.' Mrs. Clarke looked vcry long as their own pockets are fillcd inndsome in a gown of pale blue wvith ili-gotten gains. "As a man canton crepe and sic wore a corsage thinketh so is hie". Right reading wiîî bouquet' of sweetheart roses. Tic produce nigit thinking 'which will bride's going away suit was of copen- ville, as Solicitor for James Alex- Dnted November 29th., L921. atnder -McClcilan, tic administrator witi tic will anncxed of tic propcrty James Alexandler McCieIIan, of tic snid dcccased, on or before Bowmianvîhlc, Ontario. tic tiirty-ftlrat day of December, 1921, their chistian and surnames D. B. Simpson, K. C., and adldresses with full particulara Bowm-anville, Ontario. in writing of tc aïis, and state- Solicitor for tic snid James Alex- ment of ticir accotants and tic ander McCiellan, administrator. nature of tic securities (if any) ield 48-4 i A Gi ft Tha'nt Endures Ever since the Tirce Wise Men bore gift of goId and frankincense and myrri to tic iowly manager of Bethlehem, tic Christian world has-commcmorated. this time with gifts of preclous sentiment. t Tic sentiment tint inspires you to give at Christmas to some loved fricnd or relative la best cxpresscd in n gift tint wiil endure. Wint, tien, is m-ore su- gestive of your regard, and of its constancy, tian n piano-a diependabie instrument in n sturdy, benutiful case? Tic Dominion is the ncme of tie .pinnomakcrs', art. For beautiful toue, ar- tistic design and excellence of materials buy a Dominion; it la tic product of mlaster craftsmcn, Dominion Pianos were exhibited at tic great World's Fairs at Pila- delphia, London, Cbicago and Pa-ris 'and Dominion instrumenta were witiout ex- ception awarded tic higicat honora._ For fifty years tic Dominion namieia been an assurance not only of correct design but of the fineat materlals and woricmanship. SOLD ON EASY TERMS Mitchell Bldg. Hoover Vacuum Cleaners S$62.50 and $75.00 GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS F,. J. MITCHELL, Phone 92 or 105 ift Suggest = ions Electrical Gifts are a lasting Bowinanville Some Gifts She Would Appreciate Hydro Iron$6.00 reminder of Sthe thought- fulness of the L giver. Moffatt Stove $75 to $150 We extend to you a cordial invitation to insp ect our 'latest of- fering of appropriate Electrical Gifts for Christmýas. WATCH FOR Toaster Stove $7.0 SPE CIAL, WINDOW DISPLAY The HYDRO SHOP Bowmanville 1Toaster $7.75 Kribbs Washer $105 Above sold on easy terms. Grill, 3 heat $14.00