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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1922, p. 5

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NOTICE A sýtaten. ,nt has been in 'circulation latdly as to my hgving a horse die from spnal Toeningitis. This is entirely false as 1sôil nmy horse last June and have1 flot had one since.1 H. W. Hamm. music M,. T.,.V Stanley will resurne teach- irng again on Fridy, September st. For termsý, etc., phone 12-r3. Lliqs May Gardiner, Tyrone Is pre.. pared-to take pupils in piano. For terras Write Miss May Gardiner, Tyrone. 22-tf Phone 181-r24 Miss V. E. Staples will resume her class in piano and theory in Bowman- ville and Tyrone the frst week in Sep- tember. For terins phone 181-rll342 Miss'Margaret Abernethy is prepared te take a limited number of pupils in piano, at Mr. James Abernethy's, Odeli S;t., Bewmanvilie, phone 102-r3. 35-3- 1Miss Lepha N. Doncaster, A. T. C. M., teacher of piano, theory and Ukelele. Hawaiian guitar taught by note or fret. Class opening Sept. 5th. Phone 258-J Studio King-st, Bowmanville. 34-2w Mary Dl. Souch, pupil of G. D. Atkin- son, Lecturer and Musical Director of Ontario Ladies' Cllege, Whitby. Miss Souch will resumne her class in Piano and Theory Sept Ist. For terms phone 129-r21. Ilampton Ont. 35-3w Reta R. Cole A. T. C. M., F. C. CM., Teackl),eir f Vice Culture, Sight Sing- ing, Piano and Theory Putiis prepared for al'grades of examinations. Cia1-pensS ept. llth. Stlr-, King-st.. West, Bowmanvllle. 8ý5-~4w* Phone 57. Wala.ce Reid Pâramount Pictu=r eThe WbrU" Chan=oid Royal Theatre, Bowmanville Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8-9 Also Harold Lloyd in "Neyer Weaken". Adihission: Aduits 25c; Childien 15e YiOU SHOULD PRESERVE FRUIT OF THIS QUALITY AND PRICE, The prices are so reasonable and the quality se high, cf the peaches and piums new on the market that you sh.uld preserve an extra supply. The hest varieties of preserving pluain are now ebtainable, together with Crawford peaches. The mark cf the Niagara Peninsula Growers, Limited, on containers stands for fprefully packed, evenly graded How to Increase Your Apmpeti*te Science bas made wonderfui strides in recent years, especiaily in determining food values. One of the far-reaching recent dis- coveries deals with the important part Vitamines pay in generai health,. Those suffeiing fîom Malnu- trition, Nervousness, 5kmn Troubles Sailow Compexion and iack of weigbt are usuaily deficient in vitamines. This is due to the fact that many of the Vitamine- bearing portions of foods are dis- carded, or the Vitamine destîoyed in ýthe pl'ocesspf,,pieparation. To those ýsuffering for any of the above troubles, we recommend Nyal Vitamine ' Tabets, wich contain yeast in concentîated f orm and other Vitamines, in céombination wtb Iron. Nyal Vitamine Tablets wili inceaê youî appetite and strengthen youî nervous system. They are, $1.00 per bottle at Kersiake' s Drug Store Phone 49 Bowmanville TREASÙJRER'S TAX SALE 0F LANDS A Sale of Lands for Aireais of Taxes wili be beld in The Counties' Treasurei's Office, Cobourg, on Thuîsday, December 7, 1922, at tbe boni of Eleven O'ciock, in the fore- noon. A list of the lands foi sale for arîears cf taxes bas been pie- pared, and copies thereof may he had in niy office, and that the list is be- ing pubiisbed in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Nintb, Sixteenth and ~Twenty-tird days cf September, '1922, and that in defauît cf payment cf the taxes and costs, the lands wiii be sold for taxes. Neil, F. MaffNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. ,Cobourg, August 28th, 1922. 35-13 BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 31,. 1922 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Miss Isobel Bennett, Toronto, spent Sufnday at home. Misses Mae and Edna Bottreli, Toronto, spent the week-end at home Masters Melville and' Ross Rom- bough, Oshawa, have been visiting relatives here. Mis. Wm. Rickard, Newcastle, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. C. Allin, Division-st. If your' are looking for bargains in furniture attend Mrs. Deynai'sauction sale, Saturday, September 2nd. Our Furniture Sale starts Sept. 14th. Everything maîked down. F. F. Morris Co. If you wnnt a nice ready-to-wear hat for early fail wear, get one now at Dingman & Edmondstone's. ,,Mi. and Mis. J. Gatcheil, Burke- ton, and Mr. and Mis. C. Gatchel motored to Torontoon Monday. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will hold its regular monthly meeting on Friday, September 1 at 3.30 p. m. MeMurtry & Co. sol<] il large bunches of bananas Friday and Saturday last week, regular 50oc dozen for, 25c. They have another shipment for this week at 25e dozen. Ail me mbers of Bowmanviile Methoidist Choir are requested to at- tend practice on Fîiday this week at S P. M. Mr. and Mis. H. A. Groomss and Doris and Jack, Toronto, are visit- îng Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Beecb Ave., for a f ew days. Mr. and Mis. Melville Stirrett and daughter Marguerite and Mis. John Wright, Toronto, were ýSunday guests at Mr. S. W. Mason's. Mis. Wm. Woodley, Lindsay, and daughter, Mis, K. Laing and two childien, Winnipeg, visited he f orm- er' s niece, Miss. W. S. Bragg. Mr5. J. L. Morden and Mis. (Dr.) John Spencer returned Sunday morn-1 ing from a two month's trip to Eng- land and other points in Europe. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Batty and Loraîne, Flesheiton, and Mrs. T. S. Brant, Whitby, weîe recent guests of the Iatter's sister, Mrs. Rd. Bailey. Nothing nicer or bandier than a Ready-to-Wear Hat. See the new hats now at Diagman & Edmond- stone's. Mr. and Mis. Geo. R. Mason, Mis. H. W. Burk and Mr. T. S. Holgate have retuîned £rom a pleasant motor trip tbîough the picturesque Mus- koka district. Mrs. Honey, Torono, and ber son, Mr. Athur J. Honey, Vancouver, B. C., have been visiting the former's sister, Mis. W. B. Pinch and other old friends bere.1 1Mr. Ralph C. Honey, Perth, f orm- erly a Port Periy High Scbool stu- dent, was the winner of the Gold Medal in the Dominion Marksmen's Competition at Ottawa. Chiopractic-My office wiil be losed Monday, Tuesdsay and Wed- aesday, September 4, 1 and 1,, Gor- don P. Souch, D. C. Ph. C., Bowraan- ville, phone 41j, house 104-r2. Mi. and Mis. Jas. Francis and daugbter Grace, Mariposa Station, Mi. and Mis. J. L. Parsons, Dar- lington, and Miss Pearl Parsons, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. W. S. Biagg's. Mr. and Mis. Charles Gi and sons, Charles, Thomas and Russel, motored from Scranton, Penn., cail- ing on their cousin, Mis. A. Branch over the week-end, after an absence of 35 years. Mis.,C. N. Ruse bas retuirned from a two montbs' trip to Seattle, Port Townsend, Edmonton, Alta., Watîous, Sask., and other Western points wbere she had a most enjoy- able visit with ber sisters and brother Manley. The engagement is announced of Aima Louise ,youngest daughter of Mr. R. E. Aiken of Kingston, to Dr. Kenneth Younie Sinclair, son of Mr. and Mis. John A. Sinclair of Walker- ville, the marriage to take place ear- ly in September. Mi. and Mis. J. G. Langmaid, "Meadow lats", Darlington,, an- nounce the engagement of their daugbter, Hilda Bessie, to Foster M. Snowdeil son of Mir.and Mis. R. D. Snowden, Oshawa. The wedding will take place quietly early in Sep- tember. Among the schooi teachers who touîed Noîthein Ontario last week were:, Miss Etta M. Holmes, New- castle, who teaches in the Centre Street School, Oshawa; Miss Jessie E. Smth, Oshawa; Miss Pearl Bar- ber, Uxbridge; Miss E. A. Brougb- served and a social boui was spent. It is worthy of note that the collect- ion bowi used on bis occasion, owned1 by the hostess, is 100 yeaîs old and was much admired by loyers of old china. A hearty vote of tbanks was extended to Mis. Joilow foi hier kind- ness in opening bier home for this happy funcetion. SLOCAL AND, OTHERWISE Money Lest. Ses Advt. Bananas 25e dez. MeMkvurtry & Co. Rev. Wm. Philp, Lindsay, is seriuusly Mi. Work like a clock to succeefi if neces- sary. Mrs. Dsyman's furniture sale tbis Sat- urday. Oh, the bard work bebind a loaf cf bread 1 Its ne good arguing witb a wordlesss oppenent. Miss Olga Ted, Toronto, is at home fer a few days. Keep your brain busy on tboughts of yeur work in hand. Canada bas dons ber part te fill the world's bread basket. Boots and shees fer beys and girls. B'îy titem. at Ives' Cash Shos Store. Miss Thelma Gilders la visiting Misses Titelma and Ruth Bryant in Toronto. Ambition says work persistently pat- iently even painfully te win lte goal. home frem Gravenhurst much impreved in itealth. Miss Lizzie Cenners bas returned te the West and bas aceeptsd a sehooi at Kamloops, B. C. Miss Margaret Girven and Masters Douglas and Ted Elliet are visiting friends at Ashiturn. Dr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Jackson, South Levonia, N. Y., reeently -visited their uncle, Mr. Thos. Jackson. Miss- Kathleen Conlin and Misses May and Riihy Armoiir. Redron, have been visiting friends here. Mrs. A. E. Garner and Mabel have re- turned froma Niagara Falls wbers they have been visiting friends. Misses'Marion and Helen Rutherford, Castîston, are visiting their grandmotber, Mrs. W, M. Ives, Centre-st. Master, Raymond Cole is enjeying heui- days with Master Gien Stevens, Toronto, and attending the Exhibition. Miss Welden, Oshawa, bas accepted a position with Diogman & Edmondstene, Milliners, for the ceming seasen. 'I know eneugh te raise whsat" said a "bey tired of sciteel. Its a sad day wben a bey really feods that way. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Henry attended the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. T. M. Little aI Gardon Hill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Turner and Misses Margaret and Mary Turner of Oakville, vistedMrs G.A. Gillispie the pas' wek. Rta R. Cols is prepared te take pup- ilsein Voies, Sight-Singing, Piano and Tbeory. Clasa opens September litit. Phono 57. 35-2* Mrs. T. J. Spaulding, >Aurora, and Mrs. D. A. Kesner, Salida, Coorado, are guests of their cousin, Mrs. M. A. James,I at Lorne Villa, This is the week te buy sobool foot- wear for your children. Boots and sitees fer school wear featured titis wssk at Ives' Cash Shos Store. Premier Drurys broadening out plicy la te policy for ail girls and boys whor are after an eduegton-add te your store of kîowlsdge evsry day. Mrs, E. Choate and Mrs. A. Randaîl, Port Hope, are guests of thte Misses Stephens and attended the Harveat Home services at Salem. We are net afraid te publish the prices at whlcb we seli our geeds for we know they are lowest, quality ceîsidsred. See our ad. McMurtry & Ce. Rsv. and Mrs. W. P. Woedger andr daugbter Ruth of Marmora, and Miss Ruth Woodgsr of Kleinburg, were recentr guests cf Mrs. F. Woodgsr, ,Mrs. J. J. Lyle, Mimlcô, bas been vis- itiîg her mother, Mrs. F. R. Dunitam,1 who,15 removing te Toronto te reside witit ber daugbter, Miss Rile Dunbam. Mrs. A. E. Bolton who bas been visît- ing ber brother, Mr. Anthony Grant, for two weeks bas gens te Toronto te vit friends befors returning te ber home in Detroit, Mich. Mr .and Mrs. E. A. Thompscu and family Oshawa, Miss Hamm, Toronto, and Miss Marion Thompacu, Flint, Mich- igan, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H-. W. Hamm. Mr., and Mrs. T. R. James, C'ambray, announce the engagement ef their daugitter, Olive Margretta, te Dr. W. H. Holmes cf Toronto, thte marriage -to take place in September. In rsporting the Bowmanvillls Hospital donations recently the beautiful plants ln the dlower bsd in front cf Hospital was omitted, the gif t of the Bowmanvllle Horticultural Socety. Mrs. C. C. Keat of Toronto was a re- cent guest cf ber brother, Mr. HI. W. Hamm. Misses Lila and Ruth Hamm rsturned home wltb ber for a viilto enjey the Exhibition. Clarence Hayes, of Columbus, sustain- ed a b'roken wrlst when cranking bis car lu Oshawa. The crank suddsîly flew ,baek after Mr. Hayes itad turned it over, breaklng the bons of bis rlght wrist. .Misses Rlieainad Laretta Naylcr, Mr. Ce-i1Pasc- and Mr. Everett Vice, Se- lina,, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Grooms, Doris and John, Toronto, recsntly visit- oct witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Car- lisle Ave. Mrs. C. W. Hughan, Mr. and Mr". Playfair, Lindsay, and Mrs. W. Henders and daughter Frances and Mrs. Fred Kirby, Wnnipeg, spent the week-end with the formeras sistera, Mrs. W. J. Bragg and Mrs. Thos. Jackson. Mra. E. L. Livingstone, Miss M. A. Cols, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Pearce and daugbter Patricia cf West Orange, N. ,J., and Mr. Bert McCarthy, Teronto, ýhave been visltlng the formera' sis- ters, Mra. F. Woodgsr and Miss A. V. Cole. Mr. and Mrm. W. H. Gors, 98 Malt- land Street, Toronto, announce tse en- gagement cf their oîly daugitter, Editit Grace, te Mr. Victor A. Beacock, B. A. Se., of Toronto, son cf Mr. and Mra. S. J. beaccck, cf Toronto, the miarriage te take place cietly la SeDtember. Mr. and Mma John 1, Bell, Marsalal- towî, Iowa, are vlsltlng Mr. and Mra. John Lawrie and other old frisîdm bers. Titey, are on a motoriîg trip and have lravslled in te past titres weeks over 2,000 miles titreugi thte Adirondacits, acreste Canada and are now enroule for home. before Magistrats Horssy. Accussd pleaded guilty and was flned $500 and costs witb an alternative cf six months. His brother, John, and Sam Panas, tite irsd man, ap'psarsd on similar charges but wsre discitargsd. Ladies, if you want something really new and nifty in Ready-to- wear bats see tbem new at Dingman & Edmondstone's. there was much dise sion nnd stnif e amid which it was hE d to discein a spirit cf self sacnifi e or . cf broad disinterested patrie sm. It was that.labor -was arrayéd against capi- tal and capital agains labor; that big inteîests are crushirg and oppîess- ing smaii interests, nd that in the turmoîl we were apt to f orget that ne business interest n tbe world is bigger titan the fourialeon on which it is bujît. "Tbe law cf give and take, cf reasonable compromi e is a law cf nature and a law cf uf e. To live and lot live, to se îm in business that peace and conteitmnent wili pre- vail througheut the land, are sure and certain conditicns cf- national piosperity". The need cf the vorid for the heaiing touch cf q ickened moral sense, cf personai pi bity and bonor, weîe pointed ont by the lieutenant- governor, who said-t t in tbe busin- ess world to-day éthe virtues cf pat- ience, f orbearaned faitb in the future cf Canada xjre neyer more îeqnired than hy e to-day. "In- deed, there is no roc in one's mind for doubt as tote reat future in store for the British mpire witb its loyal commonwealth and dominions tbrobbing with'f e, gsifor enter- prise, and a îboundin gin potential weath". Ris, Ronor said thi as we bad overcome the difficuit s cf the past, s0 shahl we ovencomo em again and because we had been ied and tested we -shali emorge the etter able te meet and solve the d cuities of the future. He could ready see the glimmeîings on the c mmercial hori- zon cf btter times. The harvest had been good and t wbeeis cf in- dustry are whirrfng t a more hope- fui tune. His Ronor then rned te the question cf how the anadian Na- tional Exhibition dîd ucb to foster the industrial spirit o 'Canada. The Exhibition, lho said, c îld ho taken .a efair indicator oithe rise and cal f oui trade and immeîce, 80, rwhen we saw it supportd btter than evor this yoar, it wa; easily seen1 that the meicury was ising in our business barometer. The speaker then d lt at ength with the hîstoýry cfe big fair, sketching its piogress cm aal beginning down te th 'timea cf its present~ great mazilude. Ho showed tbat >ut as e Exhibition had giown, 80 adthe siness inter- este cf Canada advan d. For in- stance in 1900 the oduction c f manufactuîod goods i the dominion amonnted te $481,00 000; in 19$,0 to $1,200,000,000, an in 1919, tie latest available retu ,te $3,500,- 000,000. Similar conditions revaiied in coninection witb faim roducts. In 1900 field cîops weîe ned at $195,- 000,000; in 1910 the were $384,- 500,000; and in 192 totalled $1,- 455,200,000. Tbe f me couid be said cf ail linos cf efleayor in the Canadian if e. "Yoi will age with me thon", went )n the speak- er, "when 1 say we re even now only on the thneshold ýf that future wbich, if we are,,wise ad true to oui- selves: lies befoîe us like an open book". Continuing, hoe poi ed ont that the langer part cf Can a was yet la tho virgin stage; that untless acres were open for the pil unexploîed terîitoîy foi the mine and undevei- oped waterpower for le engineer.1 His Honor told of iis visit toi Nothein Ontario, ani showed how this section was being. apidly dev oped so that bof oie ng it oi be possible for a passager te travel, from Toronto on the zores cf Lake!I Ontario te tida wateî n the shores! cf Hudson B!ay in 'o 'continuons jcurney witbin the piincec n tario. Canada leads the orid in the Ivalue of- expert trade pr capita, the respective figures for the Unitedi SaeUnited Kingdoi and Canada Ibeing $49, $98 and $14, butthere is stili great seope for o pîoducts in the markets we have ready enter- ed and in the new o s whicb wili be found. Oui expert trade is xtremeiy im- portant to the credit d well being cf the country ,yet th ome market is, and for marîy genetions te come wiii ho, a napidiy grow g one and 1 desire that my ciosing fords, on the presenit occasion shoul be an appeal to ail citizens to be k tegether in the determination to ise by sheer menit, oui beioved cou ry to a posi- tion cemmensurate th oui re- sources and opportuni s. MOVED TO KIN STREET UCosidera oie quantity of the furni-J ture is walnut, in good condition andi the -class oif furniture wbicb is mnuch, sought after these days. This is certainly a grand opportunity to buy good furniture and house fui- nishings at practicaily youî own puice. Thîse organs in good con- dition will aiso be inciuded in the sale. As this is a large sale, it will ztaît sharp at 1 o'clock. Jos. Coul- son wlll be the auctioneer. Se e large buis for list and other partie-1 uiais. 34-21 BIRTHS WI1G HT-At Bewmanville Hospital, August 26th, te Mr. and Mrs. Wrightsen Wight, a daughter. DEAN-At Garden ll, Aug. .lOth, te Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dean, a dau'jhter, (Marion, Victoria). DAYMAN-At Port Hope, August 23, te Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Daymnan, (nes Elizabeth Smlthers), a son. DEATHS TANTON-Iù Oshawa, August 26, IHon- ry Tanton, in is 78rd year. GRI FFI N-In Manvers, August 24th, Themas Griffin, aged 82 years., LITTLE-At Garlen Hill, August 24th, Aletha Jane McKeown, beloved wif e of T. M. Little, in hier 62nd year. GARDiNER-AJ 86 Evans St., Belle- ville, August 25th, Adaline Gardiner, wldow cf Rev. James Gardiner, D. D. MARSDEN-In Bowmanville, Aug. 24, after a brief illness, Wilfrid Ford, son Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Marsden, aged 6 years. IN MEMORIAM In prioud and loving memory of our be- loved son and brother, Louis Roy Spry, 204 later 75 Battalion, killed at Drue- court Quint Lins,,September 2, 1918. Mother. PIPE R-In loving memory cf Florence Elizabeth Piper, heloved daughter of Mrs. Frances Clarke, who departed this 11f e August 21, 1921. Nothlng can ever take away, The love a heart 'holds dear Fond memorles lingers every day, Remembrance keepe bier near. Always remembered by'Mother, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts and Uncles. FUTURE 0OF CANADA CARDS 0F THANKS Lieut.-Governor Cockshutt' Delivers Mr. and M rs. Elias Ashton, Enniskillen, Direcors'wish te thank their mnany frien.ds who InspirinLg Address at Drcoa were se very kind during their recenti Luncheon at Toronto "E." sad bereavement. "Let us pray that the tide bas Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Maîsden, turned and that we may, as a people, Bowmanviile, desire to thank their be possessed, cf that vision and mnny f4iends and neigbboîs for tbeir courage that wili take it at the flood kindness and srmpathy in the death wbich wiil lead to fortune",' was the Of their littie son Ford and for the optimistic message deliveîed to the beautifui floral offerings. people cf Canada on Saturday by the Mi.LwsNBelmEgnt, lieutenant-governor of Ontario, Bowavle sistohnk er Henry Cockshutt, at tbe directors' n wmoandrldesies teotank er luneigbborsoandhrelatives forttoeir EunheofbbiCndinNtional kindness and sympathy in the deatb Exhibtion.of lier son Lewis who passed away Ris Hlonion pointed eut that hie fui- on Juiy 31 and for the beautiful flor- iy appreciated that the welcome ai offerings. given to him signified tbe love and _________________ ioyalty which the people cf Ontario 5t bore te the King as the hend cf the IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE British Empire and the indissoluble link betwesn Canada and the Mother- Household Effects and Real Estate. land. Mis. Jas. Deyman, Queen-st, Bow- .Deaiing with the world wan, his manville, is moving to Toronto and honor said tbat leaders cf finance has therefore- decided to ssii by pnb- and commerce had to s that many le auction on Saturday, Sept 2nd,r years must pas befo, return to honr 10 roomed soiid brick honse normal conditions wai realized. which is equipped with modern con- His Honor denît brifly with world veniences; aise the entire household conditions to-day,. pojnting ont that furnishings-nothing -is heid back. B IG SUCCESS.'%W"»- »-V OUR WEEK-END SPECIALS PR OVING, VERY POPULAR Here's a f ew of the bargains for this week: LUXURIA TEA-It is delicious, try a package to-, day, 33e and 40e packages GUNN'S PÔRK SAUSAGES-in cans, for pic- -nies 30e CHOCOLATES-Very choice assortment, 35c lb. try a pound for the holiday. Potatoes 90 LB BAC 5e SALVINA-Shredded Soap, 2 cans for 25e PEERLESS TOILET SOAP-Hard water soap, great success, 2 cakes 25c. IVORY SOAP.-Toilet Hand size, 6 cakes 25e, We Deliver Goods Without Extra Cost C.M. CAWKE',R & SON0 BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE ROAL THEATRE, SEPTEMBER 4, and 5 A tale cf slant-eyed smugghers, roving Pacifie seas !-a- dareýdevIl marugil who beat tbem !-A soft so- ciety dandy, sbanghaied and made à man! Sos the murderous mutiny! See the burning--schooner race witb death and blow into bits! See the battie for loye and treasure in Magdalena Bayt Then shimering over this savage background, see the fashion, lue and heauty cf a wenld that lives on pleas- une, until-? A picture that sails through a tbcusand thilils! Sep. i Pramun Wek SPEICIAL ETR Sept 4 s Paamont, eèkPICTURES EACH NIGHt Your Youngsters'ý Precious Eyes DES ERV E THE BEST CARE Are yon giving, sufficient thought to your child- ren's eyes? It isia cduty you owe your chidren to, make suire that they are not suffering from eye defects. Many "grown ups" wearing glasses to- day would not need them if their eyes had been properly cared for in childhood. Don't guess. Know! The only 9ýafe way is to have your children's eyes examiner' by a competent Optometrist. His scientifie methods of examination enable him to detect eye defects and his knowledge fits him to, advise and nrescribe, Consuit our Optometrist-- R. M. Mitchell. He knows. '"Have your eyes exaiîned" R. . Mtchell&Co Druggists & Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanville

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