c Give Your Sons and Daughters the advntages of an education ut a school ofhigh ideals Albert College, Belleville Ont. Founded 64 years ago; is a residential school for aSELULEVLE. 0 t young men and women. Preparation for Univer- sity, Ministry, Teaching or business career. Spe- cial courses in Music, Expression, Physical Culture, etc. Athletic sports encouraged. Splendid accommodation-beautiful grounds. SCHOOL RE-OPENS SEPT. j2th4r For calendar and othier particulars, write to Rev. E. N. Baker, M.A., D.D., Principal, Belleville, Ontario. You can usesweet milk, sour -milk, biittermilk or water with IEGG-"O ORDER FRQM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER, *KORE-ENI HAIR RESTORER t FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORESj Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours> If we f ail to cail on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us. Orono Creaniery Co., ORONO AWise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Sprue make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shi*nglesor Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand llardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the, best fiooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine'Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best Prices reasonable and a square deail for every- body. 1Cali and see us. McCleIIaii & Co., Limited King St. East Office Phone 145 Bowmanville Houa, PLan.. 228, 274, Z18 t i The OnIy Hotel of its Kind iii Canada JI Centrally sftuated, close to shops and theatres. e'reproof. Home cofort and hotel eonven- fonce. Finest cuisine. Cosy teasroo: openl tlll iidnfght. Single room, wlth bath, $2-U; J!4double room, wlrth bath, $4.00. Breakfast, Me. to 75c. Luneheon, 66c. Dinner, $LO00. me JAItISU TIlE?- -TORONTO, ONT. B3OWMANVILLE, AUG. 31, 1922 MARRYING TOO YOUNG We find thls story in an exchange: I arn very unhappy. Was mar- ried at 14; sornetirnes I love rny hus-I band; at other times I ýdislike him. He, is alrnost twice as old as I and has older ways; while I have young feelings. He likes to stay at home -I would go out sornetirnes. I have neyer had a young girlhood or good times. We have no children. 1 arn trying and praying every day to live right. Can I learn to love bin? 1He is kind hearte.d, and good in sorne ways, sornetimes. I want hirn to go to church with me but he won't.. I think her answer cornes in the uine that she is "trying and praying to live riýght". Especially tbere is hope in ber description of ber bus- band; because wben people are kind to eacb other, the hardest thing in if e vanishes. "Can one 'learn to love peopleV' Yes, in a certain way. Sorne kinds of love donIt corne at one's caîl; but tendernes and the love that grows out of re- spect and faitb in people, and con- fidence in ýtheir love for you-those tbings you can corne to feel and sometirnes very deeply. Have hope and confidence in the future, little wife; and in the knowledge that you do your very best. That difference in years need not make you un- happy; because wben people live to- gethe~r happily, their rinds grow often toward each other. The older gets younger and the younger sees the fine things about being older. Your great thought rnust be býow to find ways of being a happy and loy- ing little companion. Otber things will adjust tbernselves. WHAT AUNT ADVISES This is the season of lyear that city folk flock to the country for a week or two of cbange and incident- ally to visit tbeir country cousins and invite tbern to go ito stay with tbern wben tbey go to Toronto Fair. -An ticipating tbeir vîsit to ber niece in the farmif Aunt volunteers this tirne- ly adrice: Dont worry yourself unnecessar- ily. Give your city visitors plenty of freedorn, good wholesorne food at regular intervals and tbey should be 'happy. Be natural. Do your best. Do not stretch farther than you can reach. No one expects in a country borne the sarne smootbness of routine as in a city. Do not bave large rnenus, and only atternpt wha't you' know well how to do by practice. It is a good idea to learn new dîshes when you bave no strangers about; it frets and harasses you to do so now.1 Simple dishes and simple, table decorations are far the best. Elaboration rneans extra work, for you. Do not imagine your guests criticize; if you pan der to every fan-* cied hint you will only make yourself miserable; your guesta are undoubt- edly enjoying tbemselves irnrensely. Believe ln yourself and listen to no outsîde suggestions that you are fully aware you cannot carry out. Let your guests keep out of doors as much as possible; 'Plan meals la pic- nic style for noon as often as pos- sible. You are f ortunate to be near a lake and should bave no bother at all to give tbem a jolly tirne. Country life, is different than town life; it is a pleasant change to city folk. So study to make the daily routine as "countryside" as possible and you will succeed in making thern enjoy alid envy tbe country dwellers. Let sirnplicity bc your watchword and you cannot go far wrong. Don't bury your talent-use it and malte it work. Put your shoulder to the wbeel and make your weight f elt. Could Not"Eat- Constipation is caused by a torpid condition of the liver. Dos- ing with saits, castor oil, etc., to move the bowels, cannoe afford more than temporary relief.', If you are to rid yourself'of this ailment and the scores of an- noying symptoms and diseases which corne in iti wake, it is necessary to get the liver right by such treatinent as is suggested in tis letter:- Mrs. Alvin Richards, R. R No. 1, Seley's Bay, Ont, writes: ."For two yeara 1 waa afflicied. with indigestion, and in the morning when 1 got up a»' hreath was bad. I had a poor--appetite, and just f elt like eating certain f oods. I used nany different medicines as a laxative without benei, and the doctors medicine did not help me at aIl. Finally 1 tried Dr. Chase', Kidney-LUver Pilla, and found them bet- ter thar, anything 1 had ever tried. 1 can highly recommencl 1½e,' to any- one trouhIed with cc,.,zî,?tion or kid- ney troubles." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Lver Pls, one pili a dose, 25c a box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Ltd., Toronto. govorrnoant" resorted ta revolution- wbich Sir Francis expected ta act a nry mensures, heing oacournged a solveat, bas really ncted ns apo- cto Root CuMPound. thereto by the gavernent and erful cernent to bold the parts to- A4 anfe, reZ ia bl requafiag people af the Uaited States wbo de- gether. -'0000e.S0dl tre e siro a npuhic i Canda.gre-es of strength-No. 1, $1; sie rpbici and.I this important respect Sir No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. To the charge made against the Francis faîled in bis forecast af the * , Sold hy ail druggists, orecnt Best of ail F1'y Killers 10e supinnes in meti ha eevoulti ofn-ba suffere, onand bis reputation Vepad onWr ept of Adrie. akta govnnssnme tinrgtb t h e eguiyof poiialsfuure, onthat account more IHECOOK MEDICINE pCOilDugiss ary spirit, ho rephied that he trusted than iîs just. We need to realise flJyQI,(~jg ui3 GoesndG ealSrs z;=:=!, SIR FRANCIS BOND HEAD'S so fully tbe bonest loyalty of- thelIthat one of the great lessons to bel Balance of our August Clearance BOOK "THE EMIGRANT" Canadians tbat hie gladly surrender- learùned from tbe study of bistory is Sale offers better values than ever. ed all the Britisb troops to Sir John tbe fraility of human foresight. Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman. By J. Squair of the University of Coîborne for use in Lower Canada As the ancient prophet saîd "we _________________ Toronto. and left aIl defence of Upper Canada grope for the wall like the blînd, and to the raw, untrained militia. His we grope as if we bad no eyes". An extrernely interesting book is description of the affaîr at Mont-________ the one, 110W well forgotten, which gornery's Tavern on Dec. 7, 1837, is carne fromn the pan of SirFrancis vivid and perb!aps accurate; the ad- THE MILKY WAY. Bond Head and is called "The Erni- vance up Yonge St., the killing of grant"., The copy whicb I have be-lColonel Moodie, the attack on Mont- . Tfie rose is red; the violet blue; fore me is of the f ourth edition,1 gornery's Tavern led by the governor wise scouts drink milk and so should dated 1846, and published by John himself, the burning of the Tavern you. 0f all mean words to say of Murray, London. l and of Gibson's house, the fiigbt of Minnie, the meanest are, "She's aw- The Right Hon. Sir Francis Bond' the rebels, etc. The yeomen ofUp-fIskny"btmkbavimne Head, bora in 1793, was a member per Canada bad triumphed over their and fats to put plumpness on bier of n ld ndnobe amiy. He perfidious enemy, "responsible gov- sînts. Josephus Spriggs, thougb lank was a majo in the rotyal engineers ernment". Hîs detestation of sucb nhen uî ieaSrnls and fougbt at Waterlo9 (1815). Be-,1words as "4democracy" and "respon- Green-pod bean, by drinkîng rnilkl HORSE AILM~ENTS ing invited to inspect rmining *pro- sible goverrnent" amounts aîrnost would soon appear as chunky as a, of many kinds tiesi h retne n12,Ioamna n eoe oncli roasting ear; not thin and pale 'and quickly remedied with veisi tBeosAres iqlid iedt825 te ana nsity. cmilinpbantorn-like, but plurnp and Golden viste Bens yrs nddesriedit itesiy.Bantarn-like. Consider Cassius, Bru-1 DOUGLASI bis rapid journeys acroýs the pampas, But we mnust not f orget Navy tus' churn, who stabbed J. Caesar in 1 E %&C Y P T I1.A 'lN and among the Andes in bis "Rough Island and the sbip "Caroline". His the turn. He bad a lean and hungry1 Notes" publisbed in 1ý2 6. His lîve-,trusty leader of the rnlitià, Sir AI- look' and see the wicked course hie L I N I1 MI EZ7 N 'T ly and vivid style mnade hlm a repu- han MacNab, was sent to Niagara took. Yea, I will bet you wbat you STOPS BLEEDINO INSTANTLY. tation as awriter. tn Novemiber- Falls and rigbt tboroughly did hie do dare that Jeremîah was also spare,. PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. 1835 hle was appointed lieutenant-, the -work expected of bîrn. Canad- He makes a grirn and groucby noise, CURES THRUSH. FISTULA, rof U~pper Canada, in whicb ians, white, red and black, gathered wbicb showsa need of avoirdupois. St ail AND BLinie.T fihe c lntyie resided until 1838. He there, and sent the "Caroline" la a "Twas lack of brindle cows, I tbinkl bst ae a wedLinias n for t hUe. retrnd o ngand aferth a- blaze over the falîs, and in this way that put the ancients on tbe blink. EEEP IT HANDY. pointrnent of bis successor, Sur deprived the rebels and Amierican Had tbey druak milk, 50 fresh and At ail Dealers aud Druggiats. George Artbur. On July 14, 1838, pirates of tbe means of attacking tbe snappy, tbey migbt bave been rnucb Manufactured only by be was created a baronet, nd lived Canadian shore. But an internat- more' bappy, not balf 50 mean, noir DOUGLAS & CO.,NÂPANEOt up to Juhy 25, 1875, bavingý produced jonal difficulty arose. The "Caro- bal£ so sciappy.-Robert Adas in _______________ a goodly number of literary works line" was a piece of prîvate Ameni- The Cornell Countryman. such as: "Bubbles frbm the Brun- can property and a correspondence nen of Nassau", A Faggot of betweea foreiga secretaries was French Sticks", "The Defenceless carried on, and f or a moment it State of Great Britaîn", etc. seemed as if war rnîgbt ensue. But N T C But the book witb which we are apologies and explanations were of- NTC occupied a present i TeEni-- fered and there was peace. Sir grant". It is a rather remarkablej Francis uses a very scathing style as 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY LAW production, marre d, bowever, -by bie descnîbes ahI this. ____ some exaggeration and bitterness. But now the trouble is over. On Notice is hereby givon that a By Law It is intended as a defence of bis March 23, 1838, Sur George Arthur was passed by the Municipal Council of - the Corporation of th e Town of Bow- - actions as governor and a severe arrives and Sir Francis attends the mnanville on the 19th day of June, 1922, criticîsrn of bis opponents. Inciden- swearing-ia of bis successor ia the providing for the issue of Debentures toe tahly, we catch rnany glimpses of the Toronto Pariament Buildings. He the amoont of $6,500.00 for the purpose, bistory of the period and realise bows to tbe new governor 'and to bis to make certain alterations in the in- terior accomodation of the 111gh School botter wbat manner of ,ife the executivo council and vanishes. The and to instal a 10w pressure steam heat- people of 1837 lhvod. . bay is covered with ice, but out la ing system as weli as a system of yen- Tbe first cbaýter, calhed "a new, the halte a steam~er, aIl smoking and tilation, and that such By Law was reg- BOUN SALL'S gistered in the Registry Office of the slty", describes, with -ýome exag-ger- hissing, awaits. Judge Jones, bis West Riding of Durham on the third day MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ation, a f ew of the differences be- sole' companion, and bie ride over of JulY, 1922. tween the climate of UJpper Canada the ice an.d embark. The bawser is Any motion ta quash or set aside the ESTABLISHED 1857 andtha ofEaian. T Caad unast te vsse stnt, te cow same or any part thereof must ho made l andtht o Egind. In Caadaunas, te esel tatsthecrwdwithin three montha after the first pub- Importer direct of everythîng is. on a larger or more cheers and Sir Francis taltes off bis ication cf this notice and cannot be intense scale: the clouds are wbiter, bat and sahutes, tbe British fiag aven- made thereafter. SCOTCH AND SWEDE tbe mountains are higher, the rivens head. Dated the' lth day of Auguat 1922. GAIE are widen, the nain is heavier than 11e bad intended ta sail from Hali- 3- John Lyle, Cierk. GAIE at borne. Ia winter one mnust be fax for England, but wheu bie arrhv-- - and only the best grades of~ very mindfuh of this, or seriaus con- ed at Kingston hie chauged bis mind. VERMONT BLUE MARBLE sequences, may ensue, and several He would try ta get ta New York. ghastly stories of frost bites are giv- With tbe help of Colonel McDonelh, 1 i ~Iempioy no cemetery caretaker en, sucb perbaps as the autbor nover sheniff of tbe Midîand district, who w"" ra ti as agents preferring ta oei l y ow- saw. However, as hoe says, hie is on bad gathered a gnoup of faithfuh <Spinal Adjustmonts) goods thus saving the purchase , the whole of opinion "that the clirn- men, a boat was procured. Wbêre the agents commission. A caý ate of Canada is more healtby and thore was ice the boat was shoved, Remove the Cause of Disease sollclted. invigorating than that of Enghaud, and wbere there was waten it was without Medicine or Knife. Chir- but infinitely more destructive to the rowed, and sa they made their way opractors have, remarkable sue- skia, bair, teetb, and other items of with difficuhty across tbe St. Law- cela in removing the cause of F. H. BOUNSALL what is tkrmed personal appearance". nonce wbich is at tbat point four Appendicitis, Deafness, Aathma, Proprietor. BawmanvIli, wie.îtwa a eciin e-Rheumatism.ý Lumbago, Lame Phone 326W Box9 The governar's' stay arnong. Can- miles -wd.I a nectn x Back, Constipation, Piles, Female adians was quite brief-, but lie took penionce. Diseases, Stomaeh and Kldney bis duties veny serioushy, visiting Arrivod 0on the Ainerican shore, 'Troubles. Nervouenesa ln many many locaitios and mingling with sometimes in rough waggans, some- formas respond readihy to Chiro, _______________ ahh as freely as, possible. Iadeed, times on borsebaclt, tbey proceoded practie. hie was charged -by hia critics witb towards Utica. From this point ta _________________ taking a much too active part ha the Albany, about a hundred miles dis- Examination Free at Office. -________________ if e oftbe people, notabhy la sucb tance, there. was a railroad, and So DR. S. M. JONES. things as elections. But one result tbey toolt a train. From Albany t was that hoe got acquainted witb the New York there was a steamboat. 313 Sisncoe St. N. Oshawa country and its inhabitants. His Here the governor had ta wait a Phe 224. judgrnent on Canadians was very weok before a sbip saihed, but fiaally fiatterng ta tbem. Ia no part of hoe obtaîned a passage and annived at the worhd had bie found British sub- Liverpool on Apnil 22, almost a jects wbo were more enlightened moath afton startiag frorn Toronto. and unprejudiced tbaa tbe native Tbe trip from Liverpool ta London bora Uppr Caadins. ta i was made by train, f or the railway opinion tbey held firmly t sane had been cornpleted durng bis ah- 1tS Y u doctrines, detesting demacracy, re- senco. Wheu hoe arrived at Dowa- vonig teircontittioal harering street hoe was gravely informed o rP ie and standing tino in tbeir allegiance that the Earh of Durham bad been L w r ie ta their King. sent as a cammissionen ta inquire I In bis descriptions of his jaurnoy- into and explain ta Her Majesty the Dattery ings wo fiad maay cbarmiaghy vivid griovances of the Canadas. 'Whea passages, and get a good deal of la- Lord Durbam's Report was received The CW Battery (Wood formation regardiag the progress it was f ound that hoe made two pro- that bad been made on the material posals wbich Sur Francis coasidered sep arator) is buiît for you THE'WORKMANSHIP aide of civilisation. Ho saw aîl the utterly wroag. These were (1) tbe and the thousands of other is what couats as well as the qual- cities, tawus and hargest villages and Union of Upper and Lower Canada visited Lakes Huron, Erie, Sirncoe under 0one parliament and (2) tbe car owners who are looking ity and matenials used and you getý àad Ontario. Ho inspected the adoption of the princîphe of nespon- for low prices-but who tbe very best of ýbotb when you Rideau Canal (154 miles long,- cost.- sîble goverament. ' fodt aecacs sead youn aId shoes to us for oar iag a million sterling), the Welhanil Ho had bopes that bie might suc- can' fodttaecnes atfcorwrki Canal (about 30 miles, -casting hall ceed in provonting the British parlia- with batteries of unknown stsatn oki a million), St. Lawrence Canal ment frorn passing an Act contain- or inferior make. Quality SHOE REPAIRING (costing more than 300,000 pounds), iag these two obuoxiaus mensures. the Lachine Canal (costing about But Sir Robtert Pool and the Consen- phates-selected cedar We make a particular.point of 100,000 pauads), as well as rnacad- vative party, as well as Lord John wood separators-best ma- getting aIl our work out promptly, amised and plankroads, wbere more Russell and the Whigs, bad doter- than 260,000 pounds bad been spoat. rnined that tbe majority in Canada, terial and workmanship so tbere are no uaneeessary delays Ia tbe drowaed lands of tbe Rideau whatever might be its principles, throughout. Sizes to fit wben you entrust your work to us. and Welland CanaIs lho saw much ta sbould prevail, and the Union Act af- offoad bis ostbetic taste, and real- ton being npproved .by thé Canadian ail cars. ised wbat hoe and the worhd of bis hegisature, and prochaimed by -tbeoîe:fr6-o tirne considorod ta ho the arigia of provincial Secretary, carne into ef- ý .W u p g noisorno foyers. And, at one poiat fect on Fob. 10, 1841. 1 pae'20TeRpî a hoe turned aside ta visit the lono twi oitrsigt olw lPae 2 h eag a shaaty where tbinty years before no, lbin fat ereS rnci Hads isfKngstlEoBwmnva August, 1819, the Duko of Rîch- cuion o fthe imaer. H assl- Kn-t ý omnil moad, govornor goenal of Canada, cussionofthe________He_________ bad died of bydrophohia. Ho 'eze self why Sir Robert Pool and Lord alsothe pporunit of sozed John Russell adopted the princîples alsotbe opprtuity of hooia~of the Union Act and fiads the ex- rapisft aosada umemn~phanation in the fnct that Lord Dur- rnfs.ham reommoaded these in bis Re- Ontario Battery It was also bis privihege ta visit port. Butho1-indsa ý4l 4-Tha odSrieTeD ul rc o