I ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE I )VIONDAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25-26 1 w Im BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 2lst, 1922. DURHAM CLUB MEETS Another of the delightful monthly gatherings of the Durham Boys' Club, Toronto, was held at the home of Mr. R. W. King, 10 Walmer Road, on Thursday evening, Decernber 14., when another large gathering assem- bled. Dr. J. L. Hughes presided. Secretary Yellowlees called atten- tion to the~ fact that in June next year, our association will be 25 years old, and that its organizers were Dr. James L. Hughes, the late Inspector Stark and Mr. T. Yellow- lees, Dr. Hughes and Mr. Yellowlees having filled the offices of Président and Secretary eveî since its organi- zation. Three only of the. original members, now remain, nine hnving passed away. The Secietary therefore moved-that a committee be appointed to consider and report on some fitting way to celebrate the 25th Anniversary. whether by ban- quet or visitation to some part of the Homeland of Durham.i The artists in the musical part of the program were Misses Pettitand and Brisbnn, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brittain and Messrs. Gladman, King and Clemes. A most interesting and instructive address on Tuberculosis was given bv Dr. Dobie. Superintendeat of the Gifts that re sweet and fragrant with frîendship-gifts that breathe Iove-gifts that mean service It is a gigantic list we have to file With something for fa thpr, mother, sisters and brothers, aunts and cousins without nunîber, to say nothing of the nephews and nieces, sweethearts and friends. But we take great joy in filling it-we like the old order with the spicy fragrance of the Christmas greens and the bayberry candies and the cheerful old custom, of exchanging gîfts.... Perhaps that iswhy the atmosphere of this - -~i>r~ ~'~r- ~-i~~- em~r~îdcr~d ~ tstih, ~zzzzzL1zm ___~r_______ n - -t - --- - ----- ~ ---- .. 4F7 rzr _____ ~o ~1 75