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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jan 1941, p. 4

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clude4 in the budget at the firat of the gineers have buit have needed fixing --________________ Britain, year. The collection of taxes Wa to keep theni togoetheri.»'Their adv1iýei Dry (Cêdar Rails, eut abo-ut i1 foot - isailors btter tbis past year ihaai the pre- is not always correct. He sid ht long,' for kiuçling. Applry to W. M. - Jo>hn J. inthrop vious andi ail t1hings 'In general are in when~ he went to comity~ council ho Chattertonx; Phone 5616,Orono. -" ' '"" is doing a mauch botter condition. usead to tell theleil how god larkie j Pn F has vast * * * * T ,nreally -%a, s went- f QIAFIED OPTOMETRISI ýy emer A quiet wedding annive rarywas hear thait, the counties eouneil.clsEx ct M hizLenitofte o gefOpo- forn ail held. at threhone of Mr. and -Mr, hardly lower the equalization. If ofTo e r, < 10 o 1 ari. n e f o bc John Reynolds on Christnras ayyou preached hard times andi say,9 Midlaod Regt. At cijbourg 4.30 p1Ioi and b40 to1 tn&m. ei2to st e when they readhed the 68th riestone Ciarke 'was a poor township, it Offic,89e>4 a.dB. 3y a uotore'i of wedded ha-pl *,nes, Over half a wouldn't low,-ý,er the equahizatiofl y The Midansi Regimient, of the Ac- Poe6r 1the cry century a-o Mr. Reynolds -was a very mnueh. H1e thannked ail for th tiv, Service Feorces, e9pect te con -_______________ respoeid- young farmer in the township oIfj acclamation and w, ail a ha-ppy cenata at oog for the winter o others _Manvers, Durham -,County, andclfor j ônýÏsi ,5,ew Year. ni uths by the mniddle of January. J. C. GAMEY over thirty years lie bas been Lind- ~alwl Lowcry expre iýcsedl his Plans are bing nmade and Lieut.-Col. say's iceman. Hie still transac iapinuetattr maltro J,~ . C.Gamre~y is io-w only waiting N U A C business of the firmi. as huh h hl hudb lld. Wotd- fromn Ottawa. (si~y A tm - e~~~~ Hrts -le said the taxes -were a littie highi- A n i&ei a ~petdo ledCouci FotClrk er this year in the townshiip oin ae-Iconcentriate at Bou-r.inville te Iho bi- bile and Liability ýninteri-id Ol oncouorCaret of the achool rsid te utleted in ithe old i Pano and Organ tac- -- Ontario, ily ner oWShpReane Bun1 ý,tory, but this bas fallen thyough. __________________ Jf s( e"--]]hp etridny the goverrmluent s filýrom n _______________ ______________ of Great V o le., thus forcing the council to i as ot ccamaio ro ~ i raise the tow\nship rate up frora 3 building snew fonce 5iud now we own AUCTIONEERS as Russi ___Acctolamatisone havra2blance. 5 miles of fence. Oiie mile of snlow ay bore." bCnindfon aeoe and of over $î,000, but had planned fence costs $361, and if we bouglit a TEl?" JACK<SON- hecomiing ntnedtompgeee) V spenri sûme $2,000 more, but mile of fence each year woubd soon oe Vh the Vwo nmen who put througi-h thre mo- threu1gh thre early sue tor ltis have enioni. Phere are twenty acres Auctioîneer and Valuator 1removed tion to stop it, as the cotinty woul had~ to be ab-andoined. We have had ef lIansi beinig used for reforestation Conducts AuotiDu Salesof a s ize. hie outcr-y soon be in bad shae, and ïafter hav- crushed grave, put on roads in the which is nct ail filled in yet, but -we and at reasouable rates. e friends ing- that motion put through there south and centre parts of thre twwn- frpe Vo plant more next year. Hie eby the was not imuch hoe ouki get frm sip, ai-d movesi the crusher te Les- thoen th-anked the ratepayers-fr t errCOitlaioatse wih $ county councîl on accorent of tis.Is, u ard, -where ýwe e going te spend honor bestowed upon hiin Vo repre- PEMrt, ntronor a te.ek . lawie reference te thre school requisitien ar-eunsi $600 on roads, but the snew sent thein in next yelar's council. Rioeo,~ r~o ~ ae goe 1 question ho saidd h was tryïng te stormi stopped this. Soe of tire Williami Laing -was the last speaker was con-- have this put through when ho at- farmners did net -want the crusher and tihere was neth{ng left for hilm G. RICHARDS - tenided theecouty coun-cil, hat ofstare ntlate avest as there te talIr about. Hie said hç was pleased k dW th a, - wr havimg thec different rames of pupils was nthoraeiof lis o ht Vo sec se nrany niore ladies eut tis rcila3ath ae in Eance attending certain schools sent luVn ccut e er aV o etting year than last. Lest year there were i Rpr 4WSceaCocaè constant deternmine whieh sehool section they 'started. We iutend straiglhtennget hewie hsycrlxeVIefr JW>I'YW1 e*i pop beloinged Vo. Another place he said the road on the 8th Uine andi put ni sex were present. On speaking ofateio the eounity coulicil was losing mene'ucy une large bridge insteaId of the three the surplius of thre township, -ho gave PARK STREET C RÛOQ [n was in was in Vthe auditing dlepartiiient, tirat cullIverts ther-e now, and probably nzc4h credit te the clerk;-, rond super- sattitude. there shenidi be t-we appotinted to look wulhv enwrigo tol intendent ai the tax colleeter for after this, shoulsi be outside mn iansi we haven't heard a-, yet frein the this. These men Irelpesi a lot ,vith eand bis permanient. The road commission enigineer. The townshrip Iras arýojuni the financial standing of Vtre town- f/ %Y '" " "I -were tak- used te have thiee mien andi no-w have $11,000 per year te spensi, ansi this ship. Hie hanked all for retiurning CD I51IUTT lse trou- four, but they oniy need three men is umcd for roads, bridges, hospitals, hlm- for anocther terni ai-d wshed ( . ,MFRIRIIIE0UIPIIEOT 9 Pep-uiar te spend tire nioney. Hie saisi the relief sud many other things. For eue- ansi gil tIre com~pliments of- the (br voted Unitesi Gounties -were lu better shape the past three years we have beau seasou. Lesc weulsi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feed Grincjing - g tire ini- M se e ýr-eddVictoria Celebrates Old-Fashioned Christmas Mse ~4 f a Bol-r-edd Shur-Gain Coricentrate Planing anid Iipping ~r Iis bilev ~ c4~i. -Cement WelI Cribbing, as ha aisiROWLAND) SMITH.- or ureal -witUh n1c s h7o Agent PH1ONE 1 te tçfl about 83 r 7 Oon a very niice servans ansi -%iha nîce CAN~ADA'S WAR EFR jtok a train- Gicago. lie Canadien cee pa ceustituted te o om nmîoriýniniig s prise tihe two Cauudian divisions over- )se littie cIreap sous ansi Canadian non-divisionral un- bad ýSt. fer its ln thIe Unitedsi ii.wgdlore, Inadidi- ýý, te a table __ tion Canadtan corps inlu îus certain atbl ohon liut"- British ariavuder division~s ansi otIherý ,o ai o hii forniationunader eounivan of CGara- eut sud apron " dieu corps. anéi -sl O.L~'~ '-~ ieut,GcýneraI- A. G. L. MeNaugli- you lbave-?" Va - n beors hlm nsi ais, ~ ~ .. Canada's mnralaIproducton for

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