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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1941, p. 7

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plane, Di, wa-rd the Etnd cil ou thie 1o *SE-RIAL STORY FLYING CO-ED 'BN' 'ýR-Y KiNNAVEY MOORE CAST 0F CHARACTERS Anne Norris - weaitby col- lege s;tu4ient, loçskisig for thrills. einroils ln CAA flyiniz course. Georgette Parker -- Anne'c friead. Leanuing to f Iy is a 8ero,- ou& business with ber.. Tony Scott -- college playboy, sos of a gangster, envies Anne's; social position. Captain Dick Dou~glas - in. structor of the .itudent flyin.g course at Midland University. Last Week: Tlhe guarmnu, realizing Anne could îdentif y theni, trail ber ast he fIees througb the storrn. Dick drives by ia tisse ta save ber. He ad. vises lier net ta return to theý tavern, itakes lier borne. Anne h definitely throughi witla Tony. CHAPTER VIII Tiaut, Aun-e's ;aleit mdber poise, sud ber cease, wavïeete b of immeasuruableliselpluinmski-ng a pilot cflac . CptluDouglas1 I' k-new duin br next stcte 1,peieo, a fewav das laer-1eba feured Vhs),tflacedistI-esýsin, eýVents, cf thie Villa lobs incidlent migh;t Stijli 4 avhringlacsui avul afethr 5teste figÀ tann.But if Shleaee er Li nIali thes ilustrIaii- ie?" ho ackvd after n thie e!ckpit,sf, Ieu"Pointi t in ass air speetlu n and hank indicator, glt out the Mi tvcryv us tbouglf identify- th lughe]. Dick copinte the naýinecf eacet lus itspurpoeet ally ts Up o)til , d."Tt nsures th Ies inuýte cfte i 'hese are the instru- 1uee te get yýou-r lu- tngfreintheCil Authoity, but your gyro sit your ti- u aise aresandard, nd flying,instumont mue asiset, as lie ansave. "You'i t mIoto aboutIh1~ ltSsec LaboutOtie COPYRIGHT. lB4,~,. NEA ~5ftWOg. INC. stik efrelier, and sa- tet- 11ed be s tl ca feQetL bctese AsIpu1Sis the Stickfoar" anid lac geutly, pushed it tï,ay frin hlm, "t depresses tise ec- vutors ýanid the neose "f tlae plane gees den.Move àt back, aud thýe nes fs . Move it te the riglat or left and i t operu1tes the ilrn.Thse,,, trl tie lat- cral balau1ce of thse-plane, as yoti sawnuyouir first f liglat instruîc- As lac- Spole, sud demonstrated. tlaiese eperutions, eAune coudè feel1 laer own stick, move aud ashe saw Vise effect of tlaec evmns tie pole. "Nýow, on the rudder ar.EHu voicewa quiet and bu1sineSs like. "Prees o n thýe l«ft aud tlae rud- der aiiswýing te tlae saineside, thus clanging the direction of tise plane to),alard thse left, And prsueon tle righlt aili turiï tbe sçiiip lu that firectioný." Aune wa,s ailei't toýrespese o stick a'nd rddrto the liglatMl "eWhleu ve are iu thýe ai'r," Cap' tain Du lvent o, Iwil shw ou a-i le veil a slight -)reeu f -the1udeýr andth sýtick Contr-ol tlah pan. glue, andsecondsIter the po avas w iriing undte G chli s pere away frein the hews. li th hi vetitýe laýe wind and c "gaveailt e-vun." hLLh Thesh» oseuna ongiis, lo clim, ibno he tcec Cuplae 'l pastre byo th e astoo club , sdthnitlvee ffl, Il e nohaseoitd rctat thdeshori "Thee ur~ f'ur bs funda etimous tlaehglide s th up You haveacu al O these de- ndrae lu te ast copec isrcinCse cntne, huoIl flyig tciqý ý-e gnsists ofter of ombitonscf 7 htes.",1ý1 Once agan hnis told toî( fohalow lie omanen'smtons as lr ac sdsikadrdcmA caca chaeluioessures she avas tohceus of te repse oterf te hi, fier land ashligthod slitik sud e fetickre po fla bear, tenethef htntis lapon th dereTi-t tin nis ue , aude rtu t i fet aienet -11 o tia "ute br ewrnd e T'e reaolites Mos.seaa fln cth[plne hersif tcife be omnarîlynd shbercltaedi fndhéà n la t tikproeng heaviily te te Q 1riltoa tiseorut rgAt, bt pa in Dougfexlll siseis riglat. * * MIS 1PLAN BACKFJîIRED But at tha;t uimment Tony a thlE Villa Aloha, ' lis fceWhoue w:itil a ge'. 1e lhad just md î eighith aýtteinpt to rmacla An-ne 1bý telephonle, and Lbeen to-id, for' the eighth tmebtat she '.vs not lu. 11e laad to admit that býis coýre- fully 1id pan hud backfired. B had boped aud planned tla Aline's vst to the raoLunse- w-ould be isoerd M1e had reuso,,ned th-at if she wr xei ed fromi Midlnid Uuivcrsity, and inove n scandai, laef.c,-ui( induce lher to anarry hlm linane-t Wben Ltheslootin1g had takeul place ,his irtthouglat laad beci to get away before the pol«icelr rIvcd. fils second thought had been Lthat this wssa sarelou chance te involve Anne un a ras- ty mness. fie hiad kn;own thutsh would rment lai dewsion of lac but lacnad tlaougt hat àt woul be haace ater by bler gai tetehlm for atandiug byhcr wlaen other frends descrted her. But by somne miracle she had getfen safely away. Nuw she re- fusedto have aything more te do wîtla hlm. 1HE',had Lteadmit th-at lae haid lost. Tony Scott wsnet a good !oser. Hie slutmped dwnauthte bar, lis chin on lis liaud, aud gol ed, "HurY, I'd give a lot tYko laow that girl1 got away foroi Thi' ]ail eudier ,storipdcïpoliela- ing glasses long enougla te say, Ifyou mean your red-laied fril"nd the othzr n 1 t eutilI "Hew? Tonystared alt hlm ln HE'S OIJT AFTEII DOUGLAS The Cburterur looked aou befý1ore lacspoke. "Shie butitoui the buckwuy ad scammd i) the uc'ad. Those twO guys o knwwho 1Imn wet ate he u lay waniit cd e( enelw int ~kepîg hr '-uiouh sut Y ard of Fabrýic Aprô,n EconomiicalardPet flor, -e i s anI thlat shculd pieý ahly aat te m'i yard cf gay pri you uecd sud v les included lu tha IYftIL à±will bho cal aprons miost eCxL Li-, poýiashnmg. iuow;- roausrev withi ireû whlieels. Goe us bhyhe re a1 lot.Blog te thatgvenet fin nstructor etto the akir- port. -D ouglas?"Ton asked, an ugly igla ia iseues. "Doli't knuw lais naineý," thé- b)arten2ýder s1d Tory thought for a monmt rodtrwitla wire wheel-s, "Th1at'sIthe second tùaa tha guy mssed -thingPs up for, me t" FOr' a long liiaa e Sates iutoun t At slia e spekc agai ~to the bartender, lasing arre ebar nDCIspeaking in 'a confidentfl t1 e "arr , gt hW of Jmp Dlyfor . Knovv wlaýee la 'q ceuld find eut." "Find hM4 and have hino me mnc here. It'Simotn, ant as lac a4dded, 'an geiug tg get that guy D9)ugJiasif rts the, iCe t ing I dOWr (To Be Contiuued) Tomnato Jelly Variations Tomaiteý jelly clan change ums ilny nu for CIi sla 'wî, Il nl eee ticn-itýs celor, alldif ! ou wla hta imr~etliat celer, use strawberry jell peder.(fyenhave net t-led el wtathe rslt1 FrtlIaià gýiviig you a geod jellyrcl0 wlaicla eaui be usetd as a fudto and hon eeway3 'In whicla yGe cal utlize i(t te eiffeet TOMAÂTO JELLY ~4 cupcld i waer / bay la Sjuleisý C ed ui0! Ice Skating Aids Figure Slim Iidoavu tIbts avnter ant ee joy it. Takie te the Ie eieyu sud yeur àillaeuete AUl put yanur lad iuteir's ShapP e haL) e.Keepý up ui oretlsas.Practice tla sý fliguraviug pleasure and spriug WMi iad you iai 8as 2ya'ed muu scle-fir1,111as5Diaua, Tiati[ sln sating star, EV-% etpotydcb baut t Flowvprae- ticng cuofme e thsatig guie> eSatl iU delfo nîrvls g~nerl heatla,"says iCud- îr~ in mi ideai ave womau < It ïsi n f or tie an et-sy a ho St'ay ~u1tice a avoinan > years avers- set eheet t

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