ONOWEE LY TIMEIS Vol. 5. No. 1. ORONO, ONT., TH URSDAY, JAN. 16, 1941L Subscription, $1.25 Per Year Du.rham Central Agriultural Society Elc Officers F or 4194 Mr. R. R. Stevens Awarded EMPIRE'S NEW ARSENAL, Parcels Received From Durham Count Apple From Suez to Sin-gapore- stretches DowERRYlille Legign Soci'ety's,Diploma FoRr Most BrtihEme. Gh etn fAs onehr nEgadrowers' Convention In COMMUni~t ralia and N ýe-w Zealand, of India, e.9h 90 Marked Service Inn Co muit B a n atr Aeitre e To theSmv D 9th, 1940.n. Held At Port Hope ,pends upon it. Bowmanil'ville, Branch of the SThe- swiýft growýthl of Indlia as a war Canadian Legion: 0 - Bowmnvile Cambr ofNOREN WKEslupply centre for the wvhole of t'he Dear- Sir,- Apple Growers Are Warned ,,MElN Commerce ~~CAR Wat1rn SeSnaoabÏŸn f"ŠÉts Please convey to your comnrades mny That Competition,Will Market In Bowmnanville RIEmpr' worl wide power an-ld grateful thanks for the .parce! I have eKe The W.A. of Park St. United solidarity. Ijust r-ece(ivedl froml your Branch. It Churc,(h held their meigon Tues- . . . .was surely an -unýexp-ected,, parcel dlay Janiuar 14th. On Wedniesday after-noon,, January A quiet but spretty wedd1ing wvas India is makilg1 rifles and mau cn comiing frmBw avle sIhd The 30hannual covninof Nor- 'lhd il ym 15h heanalmein i teD r-slmnzdon W desaJaur uns, smnall armls amanunicition, sad- noct been living in that towni for a fewv thumnberlaind and Durhamr Apple 19, cllnee'ý Mgi ope w- it-m hlami Central Agricultural Society 1st, at Christ Church Cathedral, Ot_ lery and blankets, armour plating and years before I enlisted, but the old Ge es Association wais held in e o we wit pry yM. Lit-lwo rsdc was hield in the town hall at Orono twwhenl Miss Noreeni Hawke, shells, atleyup to 6 inch guns and boyvs don't forget, and I can tell you Port Hopfe on Thursday, January 9th. t ,erod Mr. i Listaltolewofo1jLýr fpreid with a good attenidance of both lady youngtest daughter of Mr11. and Mrs. 6nc hoizrat-rrftglsIsure enjoyed everyýthing that it cýon- Prof. Thompson, poica n e nt to fofcr o and gentleman miembers. J. Hawke, of Orono. Onitario, became ad obs ndm e. S nsh wlltqinied, more so wheni 1 tell you thiat tomnologist, conducted a discussion of Me _M m nTaiuea1. Thei president, Presidient 0. W. RnolphI presided, the bride of Sub-Lieute-nant John bemkn eolns orpre a h eodIhdr- the coddeling- mioth, ibud mioth, leaf OfT the n t n Then tookhar g e and a-fter the ,mtinutes of the last an- Robertson, seconýd son of Mr. and Smece the beginingi of the wýýar In- cie u o lvnpressn e rieaplmgo n te r e n.Tesceay e nual 1neighd enra and con- Mrs. Hugh Robecrtson, of Ottawa. jdia has sent overiscpats 1 00,000,000 Whr th.te7iehv oewl' hr etpr a vnb Mrs. Lcgn.Re firmied, hie called on the Secret-ary- 1Rev. Howard Clarke oficiated. rounds of smnall armls ammiunition, niobod,,y k-nowýs. I amn only one that "I1 would like to mjakýe a plea for or sh o e comm Ite s were iven Treasurer to present the secretary's The Ibride was given in miarriagi.e by 200,000 shell,,00,000 ni- s ,50,0 has the samie trouble, lots of iparcels a greater thoroughniess in spring î thae yeir s wor. t as o deide taeetas w;ell- aýs the financial hier father and! attended by Miss sadas9 ,0,0 yards of khlaki being isent but very few arrive. not only for scab control but for bership re nther cainvafr m m ,repoýrt as approved by the auditors. Ethel Cranker, of Ottawa, as ibrids drll 15,0 ar f ot,2,0 gain thanking you for the nice insects," hie said. "Coddling mioth p 1 ecmn e1 A copy of this report will be found in maid. Q.Ml.S. Peter Ro!bertson, R.C. greatcoats, 15 ando bos 20,00,0 yard o parcel and souvenier frmthe Town ca ecnrle ntemjrt fur"hr soialeening s w pln ed another column, and reveals, a bal- O.C., attended his brother as bes t kaidil 5,0 aro ot,2, of Bowmianville -which I wvill prize Ontarioorchards if the spray callen-fo. Pr ofte p ced wllg ance of $255.04 on hand -with no out- mian. 000 geaeats g a nd 200000 ad reatly. dar is followýedl. The spray has to be towad the Bowrits Wars aVictims standing accounts. In view of the dis- .fmeiaguz.Yus lie-eY thruh"Fn.Ms1oadW lhfvue tube cndtinsan te ificltes Following the reception the couple All the presenit steel reqoiremlents oussner ,with a humorous re(-ading and a solo e co n t b maiy ote ari etftheh Paif; Cat.Otaa fth MdleEstan ra anb Corporal P. T. Walker. Will Control Apple Maggot by Mrs. Roland S:miith was miuch en- wa fl ta DramCnta wsJournal- mlet bhy Indian steelworks. Base P.O., England The apple muaggot has shown somie joyed. Hlymn 123 was sunig and the for tun a inha donCse rl ,as om- mrease this year, the meetmng was mleeting, closed -with the Mizpah bene- parýed with the fair year of 1939 this hoe' pnttieL de tha evenithonps the applpe d diction velas yn dserly th nw fais di Inaugural Meeting Of Clarke "op"e-OON HMBRO igt hofrse. Anoter fetre ofai the- cokig c o striay afeoo n Pbsrvo ns in easitrn AC. a d wesen --..C AR O fair which ame in for emphatic shich was cnducted byMrs. Harol of Onarolad me toellieveo apperus Thonulfetn f h rn conation from all was i the spea le n- AleOadnta.Wlrid hrin ni be cing s more serusFitun Chabe CO MCom E waM EldTIN diad exhibit of chool ,rcts. The onotwal.Cak Coun e o Moy pna bemAopoe too eCaetel ed o rwmn aite h rneHlOoo nMna pridnt rep.ote o Mtr. J. A. A htvgtbepaewate o-Jnay1t,1h1,codn osa. Twsi Cucl asmn rs onw iho a susepti ble oi "eenn, nur 13th, with thrty- Carrolll th suprvso offis-a tae n evdtoý -he l adies whnueTihahte mnbr rsn.sbhyfo h a mn fepne o ptto ha ie inattnanYe.t hemeig.a ineriet i a roe in ,, th e who at- aie h ancpdf , clartio oflre office.ji Rev S.Ltlwo u ftevlae ti oe ht ctaape h nai o etcfrane of yotilers. a hl tedd eht ofar Tch eo roecs Tee hn e -n aferon a md ejyal cndcte e reuligorci se inae ai thedý, o ni efuse to cotine scha maret was(h dei bed byo% R.a vrE. Rob- Mr Ha Clarike , ý,jay renad hunded ad twnty-ive xhibtorsand nterstin wit-man hins an re-y saisfatorymannr, ateri hichpaymnt adtthtal-reslutins dal..inso, feeralfrui insecto. . he mnute of hearst anualmeet wit to hosad ad hityfor n- des n ooine te oum el h oe it a pretio .nigwt th te r a thopsb c'G o ers o Nov a doi plsigwihwr dltda ed dividul. tie s. It isro i rst 1in w ere ý toe "'îu 1te ps ig ofaesouin rsinded, and tha tcp of thipes re r u ocpuetem re n r.O.W Riip rtei , e a The fi aia bn asthat no money wastei paid oui,-hem ne s k the prvou e- sohitio be fraddt the Orono svill tryi s al oipýttio f echnise te r.tatî nN v em nthisic i( s owe a r bLane on-g for hlponfair days a ith th tsnge Moteroeseueda seae wsinewr ra adxproe.tachoheTrste. uc er s ucesfly s h Bi- an t h ed fth eaaon13. excetio of igh wathma, ad on pu on ecod. he fir ateswer meb rî of counci Spoe voiingeo u his R e 331: e Au tho iin thed Teas-ihClmitrdcr cnmre 4 ly iteen dolarse foi ab th r. w ough- set for Sep)-fteber 16h nd17hnet-aprcitionth rfeig . ele,,ce agin urterfs to pacti oniie s u th e i i pp s i i Nova SotisaidM r. T e fol'a1lllin offears wr lce otneI the ear. bjý, ý,r ,n Ah no at ingl co mite eirbe byl acclamatio andýi epo ie od frto ahmnt.dRoisn "The a Re aiE. to th Mf r. h r ens ii k ea r eay : lng and varedt-fve ý disuss o rs ihasugse lt o itr.hs esat in th ainer ofiter tw ni-h Raae. an 133 : In str ution As esr a ct they will haveu topeaeth enereien . - from th readin of a ltter frm the T ere vtj were tl few c ane from the ship as a hl.TxCllcoendrk t td u er oa Stiasgigt try ViePres -d HeCaopr requesting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h thtteputysaeois nursnelMto er de ora i o the corepondec n Let aind rint to net conc. Nova Scotiat poble aros revadles Treas ---pe O. W Rolph i Bromanvsil nxth December in- Atti untr aloswr ps-wr rfre t h od ueite-igJnLalL weya seso o o"tmysupieyo ot ko'C H rse R .W ddlW sdi fin l r onoie . Rt ws oint edsL.ii, ot e n h e b r eo wr t e e tand o th Clek wasienstructed as, a941 that in 1939 Grea Brit in' ap l r st o g . .R d el n regarded ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yý asL stponsoredrb the Agri-e conidre had ben.fmot akeoheRev ws poitdredl-nnonmebrtfhordoeHalhfo lcmpttin nldb prmnnta cltur-al Sot y t hd inoie ýa facut nsriet i o m nt uigtegTe to iiÈ so the t rio Asocia tio of 1941. the Br th o rhadare now i c on sAudmitr -Iý M hesss C. T.ler managed~~ ~ an fiane enieloyth nater in ocrd tat hpe r igh be rua muiiantis theove ni, on l aw60 T s t aponigMe.inopouto. "Rgrlssfte.n .F w e O rono merc ant and the O ron a w r e thed S oc et Di l mtohobeed i o o t o F b u r t p e n . C o b r u h u i o s o h o a S t a e p r man- oM r T o r s , g eth speak r sp k ecero of Comm wee. n I n 0iew of serie. Te ard. entai dt s Mr R. eýabi 25t andici 26th. torin s fres 191. . ketý l due toas the wCar th4hett.h bifyo h rem fBomCr ft ntur ftesl n theer ar A Stvnofan B omnville. Ietie was Thcclltoin rlonse1 d we r By-Ia 106Lý aprpra, th apple n mark e w a res et the aid. thg hendid no berigothsp ns thatthe griclturlSoietydo n t h ue suld eshed ii te nea ftreý!ûs Ri es 13% pinth i tin Clae n J. s 19 1 3 ven oftrcn th ar ih h m trty1tretd om er o. hr attemp to spodnsof a poutry rmre t o dol(1 hooNoM .Sm es u f1Alna ietc aurfr14. Tefloig bls wr ree fBiihorcard Soit is loikel to be-ar the ltesin hsisu ab t Chwab e OC'mer und oerta e to 3 Mr. i Steens and . o Ther oustning to. contin e r llectio ote up toe Dr. C.a E.W loBOH,$.0yr- M.' o so aid tha Ownaio . coniehfenaro rgau n a le i th a t y town the ad work rs.r Ferua y 4h 1941 vincia Tras r,5 B.O H. 7.e.; S.p R.i n ot in s c i c lta p sto s iM r. - -. W . o p rasedr, the d c -e C cipo ety wil give ai asisace pobe . Upon adjurn ent theatl neaor e.12 uhrznd.F LsAwde at& C. ofic supis, 40;Nv etabcueteqaiyo prto of the dirctrs o ak Ex prwienesem o liae that aaeb n Af d icos m-uet t lo t rgni e aa- Schoo rAenrdanc te rOfce fopritn 941 Mr. H. I G. McDoald supis $50;tepo u rpadite nack isoo d. |o Chi one. FofteR bes y ears ye . E saleia h of Oo t aace nt e own ut poian thernoficers Aslia ret rte et a 325 :h Appintain T. Re d rs . E . a Radan 19R vsFG$200ehepoxm t of O tai ' rcards Ai stog .J id ii .Y differ date is anadivatage, es- ne exective cnsist of M . Neiland W P. Pat9n a counil repe- JoephlJ.oel-oos.aary, $0.00;00,themarke is i the poduces t-r- Informti on wa140s ae hat ee the n ice-Prteid en Mr. n M. e H. thfundig a $2.1 t h n Lancste C.G1rsrn , sp le, $00 ; teo aiyp c . h nyw yy u esn od a e . Pafr n Summe Distict eetin of A ricu- Stales, Secreary-Teasuer, wth fr dogtav. ean' Bakey, spplie. $4.8; Jhnf ca com at tht is o cosidertheboxco plete Anpy to arol ctural Societs ito h ld in Oro eno Mer.ic O W.s Ropon orarn y r esi-th Res 132 :h AOint ing Reeveiaio T. A 1. twam supisB16: rn eky m rtinsr rquirm e n HooyPhne 1 1, Oon. thisyear and fiane r e e tha t h r s eri cdrta dent.igh e i der l le ate s oe Conv nti io Times. prining $42.50;in W. . Daey iNov prod ntion g les f wt he n .F Orolio~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Rs 1328ant :n teoooaaddteSceyDpinfr bhe instorutin Clebrk tae a.:I.n2d5 R C. oodzI cae f - loss of the xovanoiprt mar-r susbsribeto si copes ofthe uni- all.$19 2; Jon Lanaste. dog de-tovingtree whic nononghren- hem wth aole tees hich Cave n Chamber~~ci-a Wold Ce-lee. I ve, fýri_.Teavr -n o 1 .R 5had2 .torx frba , 19 .15 ua M ncp l e i ue an e r markethandrea cin do esi makttehfiiaeeltd Min mum Prie f B tte Rs. 329 Auhoizig ssssoine onvento,00 $5.00;a uiipal fr served ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Coleto and Clerki Io draftien ahulh Wery $6tn 00; Road VoucherpNo.e1, - -lho -rbel elerirýihtea- vl ono h anes •~ form toeese beý printed onr every ases-$4 0.r •" fhtte giclurlSfitH d as t Been Auudb hlthorized mefnouethtuhre he no'2 C re- es e33 thatt Couci adhur tor Re a ihtto GrantsFor ipiile ýiet arcléIal rpesnatv, Res. 18230 Tha owin to d publ ic 4th. .irc .ct ,l Hn. Jaes u Gardiner oinio supor thecae f heFeer ov Mianser -of Agcrnicue, spiierakng t ernnten adohrottnlil1t otnecllcino ae pt r C .WloB0-1,$.0 r- M .sldta itro i Lorgnon , Onaio n Fra y, Jawn uarySo Threrms te impliedy that911 icalTesreB specula-R o i ul dfiult' o;i" s Mr ýV.c(oe- s dfo a 10th,- maete noncmn ta or rmideme to topieý make02 a1v (Members baf s h e ava l y and 0eatho o the lr e rds that thke was fixed, the Ga vrn e a a lýitnc 0 s oe which had.'been cried to n w intr minimu of>2 18 daysri n of aciv ser-Hl C .,'i m e f administain conferredc uponi te Diny Prodct s atori ge n tt clr aead itwstofr- vice sineeOfi e o 9.1 fs .G.sple,$50;t( the ubra o rn t h rati no a ye to . a prices in the moti.ths when the farm- ,pegged theFprice.0 graTe aprox,ýimty eqaooarn thson eus ruo i e sae i prodcin butf i the green o sats Tkin g nhotoicers of th recent an- Following2,5 ar thporeei eTers R eid and at tha time, i t was no saifc the pa I Î anieedet'aloaciuetta the rnoentpi;as vl umfere ad wl e ev h ratestia d a t le, e; noue m ýe o rei er Hepb r b M r. Eel an . . Summers a , aril turp ral Joryp for farme r ,salgmy Count. I ac od n to a r e t O d r, - ou - or he ol wir as ns: m k g P ftal o p o ues-it l arg bo.ýut a farmers' ue n ion the Mns te repren, se ntative fmo Durha B o unty, canot state at thnierC - r sut ýs a c ol. (r-iS ota -P-tsC lui F R ene . ol . s decla re irt ; ould be ar ood _ thn rM e r epettiv e o Eagn, bee in . oth rcountesuinpthelst year1,i A ane ts o rpy eto thsa ase nwr on nomnt ra- endeavour ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e to appas anitri, as nbyo mes oraiainfo on en ofqiisaotte goig o bro as prtdin hsdisct I woul men asitnedrn h eid o rd sIliar cout, p o , ntecs f rms m whih ass ,u it he propor Canada usd t to. the othr. cr,un say1 they runr tre o om n ovn thei r- sopon in civi oua of her n Nav,, as puismet ofi dims tionsme of irvti agint the peging1 He mad no prms of a, Govern St, Thomas Ont., from place to pple, hc hsbe ion are now bei g co isie h o lplete. A l vmn par of .a smmar of buter nd bcon rice at evel men subidy but sai "If r th rei a ps Dec. 9, 1940.pii thev tT. hr l-wne pi odpn-aad envcinb h ii oe berl o t es ost f pro duction uesio ofls novd ntepo irpa c s on a vee nts hav inPdd ahotoofth nov n a 1 setec of2 impron men +Mt was- A uit evide t t u -ductio ofbcnoRar rdcs ept. of Agric., t man'sitii-ý payes thei g reabliVaio gran Theey tem "py' sdfie a