TH-E SLIý 1L PRNTED Srolu zh, ýa hi INLJKE OTHSR. IS WHI-rE r~AI ~ 111EFOL.,WVIN ý lu ilt's si~3tl we. Par to, lis je rern-arliable abh Lord fpeduscltoeteach. the etspîritual truths li iih picurequethat they Stu ncis ý,ýal!ie the keas of oii reabrf ar more io sald thailf wht)Êu Ge Illo te iwaye i i ,I w maný,i feste shlimee4sf as cone frcnm God. No manÉ- a's lie spoke. Our fLort x hredi ARE 7-H EY USEZ>,' ANSWR: aicnry te sprtox rtof hurnting with faýicOnls. Tha ratie aebegm.nrne 4000 yasao as a soOrt of irgs, ~~nd still has xts fel inl aloscutis Il RADIO IE l By DAVE R TRY FOR PRIZES The fw' hit shwsz of the aa adlian ir lane.s areno beuh to Otario listenýers rby U"Q, for each Saturdlay iglit f 1120 on the rdie dïial yu au exjoy "Sw,ýeet anidSig'ad "Share tlha eaîh, tatnga eight e'cljck. eS-weet and Swving" xca mat lystyled i novelty proýgram with Personuality, purilých adryhn served upb)y taleiltedi Canadi.An en, tee, the anc If yen Wieatl" isarlex;- Wealti progra- fort\- fie hundreci sues gi&îaway ) ont,1 Ontar-ie.Se ow aaid how mc !Ur rfadio, ype o fun, kol ,ber cGeeand Moht)ý ake th 1'(n thle otier fast o ingfa-. tup-es of ttus show - ixy - I nIes ef goid st-arshwahp are offered te radio fans evry.- (Ce of Lthe coliuvbia chics beeti shows ite heard freai CFRB'I' at Toronto eachi Wedn-esday nIghtaI aine (appyliht wheui Big Towalt i featured. Witlh Ed- ward G. Roblirisonl andi Oaa Mun- son in te eau roles - this show takes yoýuthrongh tLhe breathIese adventuve5s Ofthe tnietropolis newspaper orld, as ücrimixial are hunted andl jaîled A4 dreamy e how that breathes romnance je offered by WfGR ecd Satudaymidigit, when "Hawaji Cl."This show cornes fromi over the h e Pcfic, frem lthec !and of snnny beaches and mas- ngpalme - and offers a restful interludce lan thl, hectie wor]d. Yýiou'l I ike V hs one. MarI Keaerney hias a smat new daucr- program tint will be heard over the CB3C chaiji every Fr!- day evening at 19.45 "'sWeet and Low" is the hame o! thie pro- gram, and that phase aptly de - scribes il, Kenney topped alil Canadîan bande in the 1940 ra- diïo poil and his capable sêloists, aud hie svoýcal trio, are worth fîf- teen minues of anyone's time. Snjake Tannery snakes frinmaay parts o!ftce werld go îup lte ThamaiLs lu .g- tua 1 a tanniery nlear Lonldon BrIidge as a rawY materYil for a bus- 'mess wbl'01ch 7le tbriiving,- in sPite o! l r Rptile, skias, tanpied, dyýetl ad polisiiedsaili acreos iMe Nïrt Sea and evantually become b anci- bags, shoe-s and belleý for the fash- lonable womep of Sweden and ber natrineiglbber coiantries. -Moe tha 1,000,000snanke and Ileard skias reAcbnohefactorynla ayenar. Germannyioaa ofthie (-hef teptileý skiai taaning cnatiIes, bas Dbeen cut off f-roma supplies, -in( the Bri- tîl.businýess with Scandanlavian outislias notabl)y iacreasee4. -,,a s , ed te alvelits fanons IPar. ab-,ec of die Great Sû,iPPelr. 01ur'Lord lin egoing te eshow bew fat heid in ourfIxomies are pIctutres, we mibt sa, 0f t greater and more ii,iimprait feast to whl]ich a1U mecn are inviteci by the grace Of Gea spirlt,,al feast, ifIf atakeai ot!, wlbostow bGnefits for ail Mevity. The Great SuPPer Luke 14: 1--. "dW11n011 a IICO ththat saatt et th hIlmb beard tl hese tLne iesaid i xto h1jin, TBiesse.I is lie that, shah eqt breadin a îx i4c 111gd1o f Goy." TWIs waâs an edlfyýiagre D adle bY euje o! the Pbriseeguesçte a an effort Cte turuthe converastion from what was perse ýal andi Prof- itbeto avague g0neraltywhich touched uiobody, 16. i"B3ut he saud imtohlmi~ ertainman maIde a gret uppr;aad lie bade manY. 17. ,And le sent forth hbic servant tsuper time to say to them that tby"eebidden, Cone; forail thinjgaare nwred,"The eustoin la our Lord' dY Il1a viin friands te a dinnan was fîret te issue a gelneral invitation ito them, witeutspaifyng he exact time cor the banqluet, and then, whea the banquet w .aS 'ail eacly, 10 Sead ont a servant iIwiio weul-d annouince ot ail t he )Lpviousiy lnvited gueSse that evevythipg was ready for their 'coming. It is inferned hene ihat the preparation by Christ Of the bpiritual feast was mac-eini a sim- BIar manner, and a simuliar inivita- tienisac to it, ThyMake Excuses 18. "And tha al 'Oth one -Con- sent began, to irakce excuse-." "'hese pePop oglt tA have excused thoir- selves, ir they wislie'd, wheii the first inivitatit-n caýma. Their beg- gig oftf i0ow was beaking their promise; ai the excusesý were traasarentlywnthias. 18. "The tiresi Ci untuo hlm, If hav'a beaglit a flezld, and 1. must nieeds go ont and sea iît; f pray thee have me excus'- ed. 19. And inotber saffl, I have hoýuglit five -yeke of OxNo, and T'go to prove th1n pray theehv me exocetd20. Andi anotiier rad, 1 have imarried a wýifce, and thare- foi-& I Canneorn."The p-,,oint Of this story Is that these mea thouglit mmOo!pmropy Ie pressure o£ businesSs and the pleaitres of bee than they did o! the pivilega of being t4e gues Of one wbe had ivtetemj. 0f bow any mea la their -prime dohthese nistand as ierarsnttvs miense eugr,,ossDüainthe bulsiness 'or pur- suite ofthe worïid tixat beyps- tovesyde not kaow that God !Md powerc tg persula(e men to T~ Amyl ii44theai re 11 Bugle plant. 12 '1o percit. ceai. POP - Aatronomny Th'at Rises the Prof NAM~. J'A , Pl L I s I CK4EI f3 i I I- coulcti have "'Anii the s yet, there i In Hig ceaxe f illeci.' fi" i t N