Billy Rose, not)edNe York, theatrica1 prodaucer, ald his bridele former Eelanor Hle World Fai, Aquacade and swimng estor,en- joyed. their inter sports honeymoonl at thieCaeuPone ,Qe becn Both eppressed theméelz' as more than del'ighteýd witb the worl 1ampus hostelrad wththe lchaxm lof the dliliflIdwrl iy The ski-ing aî,t Quebec City and aýt LacBauport so oIthïis year. againl is attracting m-arly vstesfren nte taesad aad centre, and the season inthe anent capiapyrmies t) be eue of thW± gayest and most su«wesful litsAhistory -CRR. Photo BV ROSERIA LEE ~n stalking te ou .When a àustoilm in herhe fo eefrienr1is, ayif besrv ed in couss 4. Shýou1ldn'teu lie ryy" cure-' fui abot jkigLwhn n crowdcl 5.Ho souramebre thePrtsatcry bedrc' cd, if lie docs ne[ heur a oct degree?1 6 Isit al -igbit teIo ern Answer-, liea go4-Lison rtilougli itl is ,S neOgUI t ordeciugld- iil -as ja ; oeaîo befter ntuul'ss the asks ie direct quesie, 4. mis. unolssyOu au, qui-.d -à fli tose Brayt er sys, "Ne or-i' tare,- anri tise et oir a - pürson -who is not andi posse md f sense should tic et. 8V AU4NE ASHi fr l rieng wh1 pev rme skin i z t alui Al I one Ilour De ourealie that lhow an hurpuas s ueiflenougb.Afe shot Lridand 4,6;00 hIl ses beings pass awa? Mca h à- lighit in saitc sueu hi la ose hour 19,000 cie r comi 'd,5000 inew carslev ters and (îparcels ar i, h cors f rast and 11)5,1)00p wirScsae 1bcingdipted one boum -t arthtaes d- tance of 1,104 mriles round th- u'pon ur-, za1d 4 00,C0 0 sotio How ToPvoen Mo ua s fil Food risk ajeke os uocar mit LimbeurcmUi oast eo1ol ha ts .5- Cuc.ýbiî ae ctn nî a amn îb exLeroudgot hMtis te omre- ani sel eftse chues arcudle W h i-y mul 1? '-y i- groupa e!uy plan ts tlse masu te idiicu trctrs eau be fscope. Tey c'v lp fis spoi-c C htomereoriioar eétie eeA o fetlermgeer 'la she sore 1is tiee ret reodicilu lmeunof onu o 10 --ot entîe'hc o mmenau r eu ltiowns e Cbyth )a b u 15 1u er or!,, swetnkaes arftoMUrnI il lu e w-- ct as woiypatcl(î heji sýeannteur et en cndieti or ungs kowsL art a boi- st-readum larnsom. a s ofeutmik e spores or sa o ment rs~~~cm oilgi tn naveuae cnditinuo aît a a yrsand when give fuvetbi art brU misare ad tie some icaesor% c>In to, w mouolds on brea. d tio er' !eds. tare ouiri gi,)-ewth ay lie prerent fen by ima-ntaining foaa- menourir ruga -temperaturce, and by keeping thens A comimercial tvavelier at Fa 'amaîl hotel ordered two oie eggs for breakfas.z The wýaiter who sevdhim' brouglit thre. "Hm, aid th,, trav\elle, "wy have you lyroughit me thrýeeeg 1 on! mmed ltwe." "Yes, sr"said th e aitr, smn iiln 1,110knW -y-0,]ordered two but 1 brougit three because 1I feIt one of t1hem iglitfai yeu." "The hest way to f iglit a wAoxnan is with your h-at.'" "Howr" '"Grab it and run."ý A1 Spanish journaist at Bnrgos, subits an article to the eusor. One passage a atiuirwrnc the oficiai. "I wil refer i;t te nysupe7 lors," lie says. lie hé telephenes: Alle? Rouie? A voiceao wcshm -Oh, claring, look what's happened ta niy fuist pan-. ca e ried the Young lady, "ho was learning to cook. -"Neyer mind, dear," said hier Jhusbaand; "it may flot Fie a1 complete failure. Let's try it on the Victrola." Sory:Little jean one dlaytr- ed o lier moth-er, who w',as a "Mother2ý," .sbie said, 44 dû e relyand truly iove me?" "Of courLse c ,"was the an- swer, Why1d you ask?" "An w il uroe t eme>.- -Yes, if fi ca!. man ound (ïthe coànr wh ha. tue sweeti shep." Thmee wold lc fewr M- steýrîes in this world if peoplIe looAked Iiino everything ais c!osely, as a womnlCookS in- to a irror. CaiiadanNational ,c -asRevenue&3 as confgaicd ý(Iwith . p e 0o f -1 9 3 9 , - a u- u- - - -1 Ski Siopes Rock~es Offer For A Winter Whotrusorssy t'8asgood as susirîdig f0raceareg teSki spso!Jaspcr' Naional Park bla let ureu, anad~u atinalRail- ways. Te snew .a falt - ust ad asd muls of!àinlathe midst -of NWihno 2mesMt5nson American citzen trvelingte and wlithin o! rexchange,ue ao!cthe st Sports seasons lM yeaus is now Und-r way, 'Mor, f ecotien'Iflan per vllage Aîbeta,"stated Mc Howrd,'wh irounte tLivre menths fios, e dsir13l orgofld sk-*ingý, may bec elledapo" Take the 1aligne Lape terorimy, forin prsaion l teealyateon sler tavîî)', iby mtor cýar te Cdi ma aIetansfer tn ,nowmeob1lCe fer ý ashrt jtjnp ais e ae for evehing dir. "Thrire is ai- ways ;Amny o!snw linthis %bgl out-,kept freshb by Periodie- fail ~fligb podersnow" b stat- OP, -mui acoptetsiltr- ter is e reidence atïMliene Lalxe r iu i ntthir d iysreora hy in~lolgin lis njyai suot fr a hur or senu the evn- Nin4,ýýy-niie Years TerAverage Ap Kiersdep. SutbAfrica, lait L rorm of sia, 'Fhý ei )f e!stalt (--p e'dli data ai )n Me 1',~ A newgr been Y I enie ýàthe 's j wblole pQpuj:a- ed a ra ceU." I, ed fa-t. Whi ani imperrbiL thse grewvýth cen ous- unri colt T