Resources C. C. TONER Fedevatîon of Ontar;oA glr (NO. 25) MUSEUM EXHIBITS 1) In y arti-le laslt week 1 toàd how tht Royal Ontario asu o)f Zoolog;y was developed w,ýith the aid of thtcolcilection,ýs ,)fthte University of Torointo anidt Normal Sho, Ohrisiu tions and ndvdul contributed also to the -growtvh of the R. O, Cinto Geecéývvà riea,l Ope o!î Il Riv- Alania Vo stem Il- are to present ( r inhis ara Cn eenelu t IliSirisReprt Tht ormaion r im-portant coatribu- Royal Otarlo Museumo. ution was founded in bulît up a collecti isoyobjeets wich ly inreased lu 1885 Lmagamation oL t0, htory SceyofTo- red. Thissociey Ilad ie collection of bh d aisht were alded Vo r of th Initt-e and transferred to the R. 924. when the RoyalOn- Ui ofÉ. Zoology was e zùoological c. oIlections ia gallery on the top the origmal museum ýi Bloor street, Toron- staff starýTed Výo bi d ibi*-ts. 1-a tht elto eprefeencewas gkie an animais, Ithougli les sucli as parrot'ý, pamuse and foreig- were incuded. TAe finally assembled, in- fairlyrprsnaie of the birds of Canaf- h lesa adeuaterepr- )f Caainmaiimals 7 poor collection Wf hibianIs, reptilcses and s. It was soonn found e mnuseum needed more Uander nits were emi- add mayaimais 'a à esrups. Dr.E. M. Ow ead a Cte Dr- Canad'in troops who alie to the e of the motherland ,are shiown ilite in training iewiin England. At TOP, Canadian eiýrginee,s are( gettiiug bo,ýats finto position aes tefs tpin the uidi of :a br-idge acuross a r-'"ive.BI-AOW, outposts in pneuinatic boat keepwte while the bridge-buildinlgoprtn is carried on) by ceom-rades. Ir- thec event of thle long-thrieaitened invansion becoining reaîity, almiost everýy bridge in craùsetosof Egadwould be cdernolivhed im- meitely. IT H E W A R - W E E K-Conmentary oni Curreni BventsI Rooseveit Asks U. S. To Risk War-. For IDemocracles 'ýWE Amnericans are vitatly cconctmet r iyoin- defense of freedomi- . . . We shahi sende youin 1 ever-increasitig num- bers, ships, planes, tank-s, guinc. This is our purpose ani our, pfledge." es to hog, btte, mus, creai and oter poutare kidtn their herds and sAling their breed- cng stoc>. No New Provincial Taxes Gûod inews orOnannas:lua neiea' essag Vo Thý,, TWind- bur delard tat ttbesýtcn triutonVothi) war effrt th provine co uld mak>, was Vo) main- taýin ntri'sound fhinania-L posi tio. t the samie tlime lie plcdged,ýA that hls buaget for the fisAlyear icînde no nec talsno eurs- es ini p-esepqrtaxa-tiOa an nolow enjing çf exisIin-gtxainem- tioms. Paid After 22' Whle SeýrvillTjýgn Mes - Unite, U~. S. îNav, one, of Wl Tii( Megt i hl- nating ~n for but, il conseq tory i would laVer. AR FELLERS- j poputations or ie anut- try lVO po; live ils and ;et Ruis- Smade, ive tra- it Sumi- tIlre Voi editor V. LVL lu tarît' create were e citv r 1 'ar-