FLYING CO-ED BY MARY KINNAVEY MOORE colGjlwl CAST 0F CHARACTERS Aiine Norris - -wealtby cel. lege student, ljoqldng for thrills, enrols [n CAA flying course. George-te Parker -An' f riend. Leariiing to fIy !,à a seri- ous business -With lier. Tony Scott -- college playboy. sels of a gangster, envies An' siOcial position. Captain Dick, Douglas -ir- strtictor of the atudent flying Course at Midland University. Last Week- Ani-e progressesý toward bier solo under Dick's in- struction. Flyiiig thrills ber juàt as Georgette Isad- pronised. Tle tavern incident is forgotten. Ur- able to see or talk to Anne, Ton,- findî al bis schense s mashed. When lie leailns Dougla~s was zo motorist wlio saved lier, Tony blames Dick, decides to zet evený witli the instructor. CHAPTER IX "ýYoui'li do it, or es "Tonyi, Seoti said grtýirly. 4DOn,-t fo- get thie dongli yen ow,,e ïme." Jurnps ,Daley, sat wi im at a corner table of the Vlla Alohai, scowled 'over a 'glass oýf beer;. Ile was,ý a sh-ort, sqjuat man';, wîti long, inuscualar arrns and fia tenad,'elpil ae i-You 're bruite, aren'tyo- gîtfi so. l'niv ie t'Ilpe il aniuae soni - vout ansý ne" ai imu-i Ton-y get out 0 lc idea?" fiv " Tony a ofu- lueit l)n shlea id ad lier las,, date wih ,41f,"lie 'phoneCs, wil0h11e answers teou hlm arn ot? 1'm She fait that she really was through witli him, e.nd il as withl excitemient and enthfusian7m that she crove Georgette to tlie ailporlIe Cane afternoun. Georgatte was to solo. t was lie sieared-fhoped-for da.. T'hey talkaed o of fly-ing as they roealong, andi of the grouni-i wokand addlitonial hours, of dui- al intruction Aime miust have be- fore sha w ,ould fl.y alune, Dic as wuiiling for Gogte sflip swsb to uu b,ýlse-. Even thougli1 lie iimrasad ipon isi tudmenta thttheir solofilt eeol aohrstep irn Iliairtraining, 'nu c'cgie hat thie occasions ai- waysere ost irnportant. Riis long and intiniate fini slpwith GergetlesbrocIh1rehas givan- hin, a seilinteresýt in le vock. She ýland beaiu anl apt pupl, anld ier friends wara Sure slie'd b2 as farnet as lier blyother, Georgette had rapeatedly deron-s stated lir pnoficey in the fundame'tal imaneuvras, and lYa sliown herself capable of baus- ling the rdiýrye til(.('gcic(', and problemns off igIIts, taýke-ofi's nnInd ins owsewas t D)ougla lalpd ierito Ilie the riggiiug.e ed ler.'T l asthougli shue xeý yrror that siaLîba of yours aI tlie late." Gergtt aved to Anmie nd cimnbed into [ft-e sip. Most of tHuI beom atoat o lher. Shýe to swng th prop, put lues ha" to tle inhinsýitcfi. "Contac and the enine was- turning over andth le whels n. A T1IMI Til]IN FLIGUT Georgeît&s take-off was smooti, b l6rlirnb a bitt0oo steel), andi Dicle and Aune watcli- Atithe sip appreliensvely. Rut as shu cleare th le Irce tops, the cdirabbcarne graanad the slip M'as lavai before it was oveir the farnifar golf coursec. Georg- jette- turned it to tha rigliL anti follow,,ed thergua route thatî formeti an irnagiary circut aotthe ,irpoi, the next 10 i1mIites,_ Capai Dugas atuled theC planle ili aIl its mmiis, cliinIrs, glides andi straWgltflights. lui iR turneti once again inotohle Win.-and headad for the fieli. IL came i sluowly, ùGeorgatte put lie munse down too far, andti Lue light sliip bounceti twece as its wliels snrack the ground. She taxidover owrdthe hangar and brouglit Ilie plane to aý ful stop. Tillnmed t ely, Douglas was; thiere, congj;ratulaling lier, telling hl itoLakse it iup ganand cone On the second attempt, the slip txc,.ias aonde,rn'c cnlnn+l1l,, and a, ex. moon won't clairted. "I corne, out Lfr m,,eet a clou( 4TIliat's a tone was b night flying ,vas îniee tlrilling tan ecven I faawaLiY. -But yuv some more 0ok1n1 eeoo g.You'llhav to knowa nibus loud henyo Dieet une," and thîe girls lauibed withhm, as heu left to give the- next student instruction. "Georette, Annesaid as te walked" to the restaurantt fotr a coe,"Yu'r eyer knoý-w Iho'w g ad m anyou tledpeinto tak- ing fyn.Ad"sehsttd 'q takle back ail the horrid thiing 1 saxid abouit Capcain lXouglas."' (To Be Continued) 3Babies in 3 Days Mrtls' Vaxine Smitli, 24, oif Elizabeth, eJsey, las had tripets ho ave -three diCÏferent birthdbýyS. A gil u weiInKG 6 lb 10 oz., ws on on ridail a- other-, a gr,4 b 2oz,,0on Sat- urda-y; and a by b loz., on Sun 1da. Winter School Suit For The Very Young 2 p 5 '18 By LOUISE LE This ente litosuit snug ansd warm on ay.corduroy is -a practial falune o hoi styla. She Cali wea han coat or wear tue witl a blouýse- or s w e skirteanu'ne made w Lboaj-ea top or suspea fabric, anti she'll "ha ieiat thiat is the pattern. The boxy Caln Wear over ther* Style No. 2581. is (i taloie Tho ,ither a of the le île ( ided iii ket 'sh1ýe ses for, gýoes toc -trps tth dctit- ccodi t Dr. Wvalace D. Armstrong, pre- fessor ou !pioogieal chemistry anddetisryat the University of Linnesota. Motted tethDr., rnsrn said, show a greater resistance t dIecy. Data obtained fhom seven year of esea -hn a hit Kro nLed field howproi-re 2eù dýevloping anefetv tchie in the -prevention of. tooth dcecay peidtan any other chMcnîc dîsease. FLUcOiINýE BElVDKY Dr.Armýstr onig's epelne bae volved aroulid the ctEerly that thle cause o! dental caries-- dcecay - lies in a deQfîiencv of' fluorine, an extrenely aet ive; cleialsbstance when prýesýent aagasin thecenaýniel of eeti. ihfluorine eoant,, Dr. Ax-ý,i strong aaidtends to mole thEý enamTIe. Citipig the work of H. T. Trîind- ley, Djean, dental surgeon of 1.S. PuI~Llealtli eri n b.proving' the direct relatiojnship betw;e(n rnottled teeth and resistance to decay, Dr. Arnstrong said bi exýperinents conclusie-vly demlon- sýtrated that the airnount of fluo- ine in sounid teeth is greater thar arnounit in cariolis teetli. ",We have esomine 50 naii specimiens," lie. said, " thiat thei probability of erri aboutun in fvremilo. Conitrolled adiitton f 1fLuorine in cidodWou!(!vir tull eimnae"tooth dcec-<1y7 Dr. rstogbelieves. Catn Be Smart OnSIIml'Purse Here Are Somne L.Itle Tips to HeIp- You To Economy fyou cu'taffOrd nwclothes. do 'gay uýp" your froclts oen Uf it is Oniy for the saite of mdraie. a grand starî,for luaew er 2 caps sfted flou -1 teiuspoons balsin[gpote 3talcmsias sugar 4tablesoons shicuteing ibeaten egg yoill apcptui erwan Si! ooc rforsibr!r- ing powdar and sugar. Cnt in fAt finey, orm mbllaigMItY Wltu inger- tips. Add cana AoAnhe batuen e yalk. Liglly rnix creanl ami, eg& yak twitl ougluetonuie a met baller. Roîl lihl ba inL thcnsCl in qure. la unl resdbaklig alunaI. Bk , inutes hfa ahot ou'en. SWZET POTATO PiE 1 cap masaliad eoidpt ~ &~apa aat ~ îe~po0nginger Laspo del~ncoras, 2 lesponscnaro 3eggs icup sweieed c"nsad rnill' t up wale'r uncooketi piecrust Yix igeint u la e oh er lývgî',1 en. Pour into panailined wîtl ne- batdpiecruat. Bke inaria ho ova 0degriee, 0 f) 0min!utes,- Then redueLs' letentperature W, moicrerl? 50dogres and 0%Alafr about 35 mintas-oruiLU illiag-t bas set. PINEAPPLE-STUFFED SWEET PCuTATflEç ont tli~ sides v new iii Cleai * oeeanse f wliol4 lias Is.. "Eat Carrots", Britons Urged S Vegetabie !SUpplies Vitamlil A, Neýe ot Offset Night Z'