But Pl Whut science~ LOWERS BLOOP PRESSURE j la desclbed ta iRcliefeller hi- stitute's joiurnal eoepriewa FLt> of 2 a w "il s ater, la conisuing irse rimielt, smaof these ~'masive dsas"of three ratasof hnianinfîeaoa malsdOveepedexperi- I GY ROUERTA LEE i- snt talrgtfor. ï, pe soli l ask an n! at f-edh oldl hieis? 2. Whenshu a won riscn toreee an introduction te mail? 4.Shonlint an uiited nan na Know watt e n e eeort? il Shouid ose use a f'ork or tde fingers wheu eaing Frencl Answers 1. No. If ms taone~s t e doS. Soule peopfle u estv bu thalir ages.2,niwensai thse hostess. la tLi ',istacesh not oaiY rises but etnaher baud in g«th,3. Yes, iftrs hostess Jhas ne servant. -At jlest, she should make a siincert, o!ffr to (Io so. -4. Shakespeare's -ans- wav te this question is, U id iien guests areý oftenweor t whea tidey are, guene" . l-Yce' this is often dene. f6. The fo k ,,h-u1d be usýed. us fi wo nd Dr. Gle sut Prof c Princ~toa nounced fi five yeanc Wyoming trci oldest c)a'-. Pif s i ' sonila t warnled war purposes. l'Tisera lalittie videace e f ire- stiotico f Pen extravagant ax- pedndiurs on thse part M the pub- rii i] lcinsle xp ina as eesayby ts icdecof tax,- ation,'buIss, lZsS tWepobli are prepared tsve a ,verylag proportion 0f the increased wages and sa»laris whh are being di- trutdtiea are 0t1r'e alterlna- tiuasbafore u: (2) Asytnoffre sang mua li aeptdOr 13) The waIýlilnowýn ifinr prawilsf(,Zt(Uy-gain isieaed- I -rAkXA- nager, Rceports Unprecedented1 A Yet Reacbed lcreased, ard to tuat motnt wowul4 stultify unr War effornt, But,', d'nmands are inexorable, andif those whto use tice bulîk of uaen mýilitai-y prdptin iIl flot rcduce' their dmanda, tiseonly way tlwi situatiion cen be cad,us JOlabya riseiii thse price levaiprcedn iat litan ;eeae U wages. 44This seens te me te be a coni- pelling avgjsn)'t frs oa ulo saving plan if thse peolile as a whoeée do flot respond Wtu Ce Present au- p~loË the War SaîngaComnit- tee; itews hose. wý-ho are tee wnak or tee selfsi te frace tMe je- sue will av was«ted a p)art of t!2,e benefits whicis wouýld havecere týo ile th.rifty as well a.s te hea salves:" ,NAGES plu r. Win ema&ised wili st faction tait Cnd has been large- !y uree of pou~r disputes since tise beginning 0f tise war and, "Rf la essentiel Niat naitiierstrhes es. ter'fere with rodctiaY e a veured tCe Goverment plan fors vsanar aga 'scales»peene by biinuses te nmnt any rise lu t1ise cost of iving, the bonuses to ap- p~ velyon a parcap(ýqita bfasis aLd pot as at peurente of ecés- in aerLteas. Ha fit that wn~ ~ uigtise first iaine lmon:th.sc otet E194W totallvd 2,)73,iO6ton' ri ompared with - 08,89 ons -il Me iincrease of 25 par ientf. AN s'1L ail Up, ~y ~acripl mena '8 S gui- tise mini- A.L Use w'u Q. A. . Aften,