STOR Y KINNAVEY MOORE an nvrei - t-fltLt, sg 1e f iy "'S a s strcnvies A-nne'7s [,alnd Un-v ersity Tony plo-ts wt to aage Dick' 1whIlý1e, CGe0rgetite through w!tliout s thrilled as Dici oigb t f yinlg soonà. geý n few niglo. Aý,nne ofsese 2gris ail thie ti ýt Captaiin Douiglas. ouewas;gayý Iinand a,>- tn.Anne aa am n ivtai rj and lbe- ontbol caks exlimei t litetime. chomistry Once orýLe s5he tre-'o focus ber ttenion con tho stU dying that hadto be tione for the nemxt da. r~ the hall, a pledge caàe ber tA the phono. As she man to0ansxr it, she lad a de- prus5ig premntin of danger. hewstotally unprcp!ared for", elo ,sIiivoice thiat came ouer the mtire, but SAe re- conzdit alno-5t at, once as that, the illa Alo0ha, "Yc, tis i isNri. fr wpckered ber brOw. What on caritidid the gl ant?. "Miss orrsinnbel'u nesý- igin stuff hat' not -my busi- nless. But Tony Scott's a bouse froin away back, andI you look- cd 1 ie rcal st11uf. Listen, Mis,, Norriýs, Tolly fouad iont wh010it was ithat hclpcd you get awa)y the other a jight - thant fiying "Ys"Amie was niore pu- PiedI than before. "Tony% swsr He Muos yoWs'î tbrogh ith hiand hle think.- thlis guy i thie reUSon1. "Yo miht s wliknow TFony waned ot to get, in a jam whacl le brouht yU ont lire thatb niglit. He figured ,iif you gotil one, he'd bc ab.le tetic upn it you. Get it?" held orriicdiacrc-dulity. "Sohef igured that thlis fly- ing" guy gu1m1med tIsewok, CIlarice waPs cxplainîag. -"No he'ýs out to ge t 1hlm.-11 Hfe got Jump-js 'dly -- antI Dalcy gotý tigh tonghtand shotth wrk te mie. Hrcs s-at tc'eplan- niiingto d- Whiie nne i itidlamountl- iag horor, Clarice ontlined the, pjlan-11s toüsabotage Dick's plne ",So tntsthe you,,tIse girl finished,"M'mugiving It to you se you oCaarwathe rgtpeople. 11f you 1ike this flyer, hie nmust bc, a o'nd n, so ora ]etlot i uu~y I But, ~ived iOta- with a parking te be s Pcrl~s ;hci' wheo 11cRreturne 2lie ould go dietyt'Ln1te hangzar wherc th"e habin )ship was kept fwith !the oerp 1 v telye1'v owned pýýý , 1aae. No point lt watingthe 1t9o few2ý minutes tig to Eind Georgette, go-n t the first airplortofi c-iai she codfind, asking him to l!at thle police. Eut it'cu1,ed to Ile tha heemiltno e ie it was an boer when the aiport, th olc ould arie o y h tîîne ushe cold ocýate epnt the arportitl, i ek m1ight b e ;n the ai. ýShe tod umi 1e shad(ows eai th.,e adminà nist rat ion buLi din"g for abre minute, in anigl yo indecision. WitbAil the thoughts tJE raiCed t"Iirough hj er nmmd, t hereý was not one of possibledager and hur-l ied in the direction of the dimly lighted hangar. She realizcd that it ilrobablypas foolhardy.Yct at the me timle. it seemedlthýe onlhingft do. Neau the hanlgar, she slowed he, stps and began'walng qJuietly and auiosl. If shu could iid Tony ïand bis Coin- paion actually engaged in their work .-,of sbtgthea s'heCud race backte u the amnsrto bidn'and gîve the '1aam! AS she neared tlie door, aL sudl- dea Miin of Toay's face as Che had eeca it in rage before har Whaoseye Sen e itDUhwiSribl afraid liForanment sheupas- Jd, cau1-g]1t h1e r br1e atCil To giveo a to fear 1now would( EXPLOSION 0F PAIN Thse interior of the haagavý wa lost compilelc y darik. Slwyand quietly she crcpt l i heoostayý'ing as loseto tLhe wall as she could. Through the dark lber qoick Pare caugb thte mumru f ow-pitch voics, Thlerewa the cabin Ship that Dick was to use, a great darm bulk in the shadow-s. Ner it moved two Jdim figuïresýams lilce shacbows thensclvec. Once or tieshe caught the tiny beatil fren a iiile flslgt She hacl sen i, om,o'h. S[ RESHOW TO ccRRE7 CONSTI7ATION WITHOUTDoSINGI tion, youL probabiy 1know from ezx- Dcrïen-cc.tlat lafrSh purgaives gnre at beat, onliy temrnporary refief, Thiat's wh,1y dcoswftl to get atthei cause. Iyucat- pation isthe cmmn ype due te lack of the righit kind o "bi(llr," '-y KESOG' ALL-BRAN I hought ,wc had inshtIfo ýorne tine, but tre acstill 1a grea numem'iscre ad I belie-ve the ony air ayistocompklee tbmbefee o bgi smene.d1 eussons Then, oo, tle rqc EASY TO MAKE FROCK For Hlome Weav 2700 a ruydeiou era that can belp to kIeep you reguhw. by su-p- plying the "ul" ou necd. Eat AIL-BRAN everymrnn drinpenty of wa er ... anr. sc ifyudntnotiecealbigdfe- eaca inthe ayyou lock nd ieelï Aviabeatal grocers' in two coni- enetsizes. Made byKelg' bLdoCanada.- aiire fo[ilo. t riety ant"q eau be quait rwoin Muhm n udEggs; -VEAL LOAF vis~ IA. -ai ground P/ýlb 'hum ground il cup eatsup icap cûnked macaroni, e Sait adPc.ppr 2 cggs I csoabaking ipon d, ~ uabread erui-ib, I taspoon meat Seasocng DHX htoehr meat, emaron,, ggsbaîg Lwe and cumbs atII esoin Shape into biai iandi wrap nla beavy wax- paper. Sip ,tlise ba, papeand ail oný a, rack !in a roasting ýpani.Coouk !in mo aeyhot o u onGt add wtrantIdo(1 ot-Ccover. Tis1e mneat , o dbcuome ýwe,-ll rw antif r(eSala itsjues GUrMý DROP FRUIT CAKE think 1'* gianiced at her wth lt have takea off by edyshc might ble too Proper Design Wili Prevellt The Soifing Of Drapeleýs radiators at, colntraty to popular notion, thiey wililifot eut do,,in the heating efficiemscy i they are propcrly deigned la thley will actually l- crease thse 1heatinig powel'c SOLID TOP WIJH GRILLE IDiek et men,, heeyb* 110W