K aI DAL aet STARKVILLE StorON 0,o pi Ta. seci Geer s O re yr el ' 1 ~ ian ntI r Gavà ane. Tprn1s, nee tht jÀ,ý - Site iRw STAiIiTWNER KUAKS PHUNiE~ 61 ROMO) Cail viUýdtoke r an Uîîdîh -,e-nt Le the lits Madalin Vville,~ ENGLIS$ CANDY j Enl1nd Delivçrs the GRU+RRWS il 1cr0q s.Care licasoq 'Cit on Stmdy whîh her awi , Ib.G SHMY Groe, vihed~ Mr.ntr Sidney Walteaes Toffee, Goothb~ds siAt peLlre Ted Wooyard, ani baby have Ilr- and "MIS Harold f1aiiock> Lancer, Fêida per lbag 25C. B~ anï' 7e1ise erfc SAo t,- siovd a few daysenw~hh ite, U~e-Nt saa a sNraHl m Cowvan, of Biue Bird T,ýffee, irriiatiort, box ....25c. Perfeet MII&Bt ~~d11( >g mbalobj, Who V1, th ps ~owès CIi -ut Chavi~ '-1.tîday guests at m 1Wr for ... 2e Bo sIde Tralsusho1pixd Ir e I;o 1iv Win Mu. ai We are ploased to iearn Mth AUM. Mfe and Mrh, Lawrence SaverY, Ill lis iac lb. fo35C.Q.Thit aiêrl A-r Joec1 lMà.r ai il whoe, hadue n i e tn a d J n h M . an . - x . 3 . and NM s . B arr e a mi M ur- C a l r ndtw e fov sore throat n d ca 1 ~ . h3 e JeMrinlwo a eayofnd i n viaited Mrt Mr an Airs. Callar a1 Bw emoitagous cods~ lux fr...$t4 rasyBa alw»apn t~ vgrtulat AU -and~ W. aad - Blèterscoteb, 1 of 30 Tableta ....... 25A3 o .A - 3 0 . .1 o s S e r o f S h a ov U i v l e ,. t e h s 1 b e i f o r~ a o p l e oe f a 'e e l ç s , ! S S a e r y . C o u c , O r& o - b , O n S u n a y l . t i n . . . . . . 5 C . t l e f 6 t a l a 3 5 CT y a r m 4 B a; im lat week, taking -ari t e- Il an-d A1irs. James Swai»lbrick- are week-end Wi t q paren-lts, Mr. and~ W. Lancaster<Who me fryeas They are mnade in Boqt's Prodict are Blci ilter ~and sss inTrot the {past wleek. -Mr. Swvar- iwl s. -E. White, Elizabetlville. maa--r-ied recenty Teir, fairi1yex nfd -nae inu Eaf-< aln ~The - 4y ~ ~ m.- ik is eet tu-ndergo an opet- ï mjro h - i1dW s51lted hr wit av. stheit fauh E lgand DelWvers the Goods Ou<i- Honme ami hl Clu heh 1to Il bc CsteS.Hoptl-ha -i repor of the-ýa. paty -a- - -4 y yni: 17h,-wîi a good~t aL 1 f. W-rn iialiwell on Tuesllai las-k - stated that the procees wVere fout the - -teýigiyM" Cnd"foilwe4 1ext week, was. Jsuddeny talk ni1 -Il Wesley Benson, Air. and M Wm. Pa"rse am~ fm tGe -W. L- te - mOvWic by e _c lmq Paye r t reident lira con irtin is ipro-ving and we Ioel \with th. anid Ai-rs. B. cornfoys for ouý, lo-cal boys who have ME thionll 1: -ki in e haà. The hope to sec heu around again àa~ the me. -\ ---epit.---»z- %- aast Ileuting vere ruad near fule. - >-Mr. Jouan Buiùzly, 0w -ýsSo :Mai FfILM ~ -ilïtebl (aI isBertha liait wdl- ba ret ned gar,is>vkig bis m - lr, -Mrs 52»jje s tkDl pent on A, c ioýit (, , s n £lait - On -fte -c en e t so -e To n rC o n er sp lý e-, a e day, Robert Bur i , Sr., and -ther ru a?2 i a de t î fi ni w ~ ~ n-eghbo - M-, L. DBell a hielp~ ihhvi ts-:adIUJcb tiaota M Rb. Pri-at- camera. S- t A. The psir den encl- namwW -h odpobesWe !!ailIolwél. - Bul un Sywo - rok sa"e %s - ~ d- 5~~-- ee e 11-f s r ý aeSOrry- to lari~ that Clarance- is D an .1;). g vuln of -jý - --- Miss L a Kia- rall~, Eath-len wheln she- fill abo-ut a minth ag'o, is er Tbe prog,'nn mme 1 uer ill. Ma Md 1-îoeier M tl conIied to hr bed.- - -Fou earer au i --~-amu4 to s' ab la~k [v.ilrod T~reh lasrau et Gorge l{ips ib"l Rugi. Stai3létn, -WomeW'a Jns tate lWeetlg - potect YOU e 'in a di --e- le-hneros tj -ha' lotaL wiîir. and MSm.lafwl Tli& ton ville - Lse'I s t-te 'jt is made in ,-. ~": e - ae ina e- .CiM eThilla MI. N. Pat-- l____-k:n »te~ UnhI ltd huiY-- basenint - Engiamd -~:~ Nef~h -ton are pmgresg f" - - -ýI---O n TiiIi day, Jauaîy 1-5%.A contéi- - a ~ck n~eemipni~d btae xptQîhomOl seo-m. A ii MKI L IMA Seï- utine -g0iv Dom r e -me ors -yeua ck outh pia1no; T -~« t~t a Geado and he omUnilenityT meeting. Of the im - oards tne centrai fund of te WV. 1.-- -tra.aca- d ~~ ~-- t - ~cho -9h was held January i4th. In (Oonitinued f'rom page four) t-n i a e -tri a CaWaii d - l regella 75c. package, -ttth pa Un 0, pphpo-dago rwdgte~ wt h ett of a o,, boy. Il BOI FOa aia . -.....i-..gln -h] Vwams- ffrs, Wil- ed 1)partake of the dlimier provided certainly was a novel siglit ta, bahll MBlSéd.ndti po .uce u emd à 14 - Ttn >Js-epeaker- spokie by the Iadies. Tihe. reoras of the Finaiiy -we retnrried' home ami touk granm: 'Silgin-g of' "0-hGa"h11 -ua' ilalai Estgiand e'Il ciii , ainterstf the lied varions departmeats were, ge and i rèc snbgu"ntbeas wsen-. vocal solo bsy S. Arche 1 -LU <-K- Sec 5f~ - be~fy eomPared th tse of gienr ag orelan 'st and i up nocK be icmse ataM on Mhstel BONIe ST PIPE. - -LE* yer-o heews' heay cisai sle tcap by M s. M. J. ThoImAan; - ast uisn niI BN T P P ritain, Deli-vers the Goods4 -wd e l il ý_ o a Ried riLt w-as feît a littie hack-sliding had but sily becaus weav $1.do00la .Brw;n-vey-'rert~gTBACO inli Uýiey -cul do wok in becaorsA n asa v visitedclls .Bon e- OWOdEILSaigBw se' -wy or tiu auem7hiýIlbe doue, and biey hope this -çuilI be tuh - hoe-uvftahe lat il Sansa e -ýh sketchi of "The -Llfe of M auie si A anr tohacco .....C$1.0 IneYm> es-susg tllus was di[e regainad tHis comn-g year- The of- the flqm tied aeBiy Smea wun- Cum ra th Gardon Martin; two o h a h ENI BOBN up3C woith AiVýsiM Wvtý-en htaaed ficers, etc., were vmoe-aecd neatly as known party, white lin thse net of wind- conteste iî; ut -on erv-irs Joh -M'srnkstes OTNBxo ae sec as OM -ýC s wa 0 alwe b they wre e ast year. Als lit was ing a ci ck. Hfe left a- vevy coe~iot- 'Mitchll, a nch rrsp seve-it b -s ,per tin 30e. i flo, r... ...34. u o s~tsedai IS-~lVss~ ,iadt1os~ta isislete av afie-sia la homle of 16O acres-oaccuPied hy Kg- Ib t'Ir .B 'l Cared and f~ý( e-() aaietio-s ie s- report, Mrs. Stô-ker kindcly o00%"d ta his wife, boys- and dan-gister. WVe ait- iecs-g le, on Feruar 19 ]3ede in deeai Chti isb" n2awc 1r.ueMe 1. J. type tiha report e-f the year's work. tcndied a us-ion picic at Hars-reyvli, Newlan astie one mades-yttl:Beae 30,1 in-s ThePks- W. I. air(!c W. A. iseid tMeir where Caspar ui-q-spij- a gaine of 2hall CogeainLu Supetu tEnin it¶1i~ 5 î, t7[e 'I'l -, i-st-- ns-e tins g a Sth la tise Suisday bebweea Harveyville and- Burling'ame. -- - L cSpe < - lsg e e -i ii >tT~i-i hool,»ooni. Tise ladies are plan- Wa visited saveral towns in thie State,-j Os-s Friday e-ve-nisig, January. 1l7ts- k ~d a~ ~s- -~s-inx~ tea - l-d a con-cert -about tnse and Iaft finahi for Coloarado, haing the cangregation of -thse UJnited G - o G - -1 - -aïir oad stieslagetteds of tise moest enje-yaibîe Chiur11s heid a Pot Lu.s-k Supper, foI -- of our mles wiv ou fred tss iQ-yho Ce-figregatiena Meeting. li ->r -hSavin' >Stans- is. Thea admt sa.Obit-sèe-twv rsetai " e s s a 1-v gzC P ceo wie bci- the purchase Of a 0 . A. and C. G. -r s hSaI sat fte prtf at-iUIuC~ sel P, - e-ti-h a'ssg foSt aadt gi-eTihe pur-I li -'T»ecssiud cr tpr -na -f the Cisur<ih - -r--le -ur i-esssggSlsni---ad Sun'ay Scýhool. On- coi of 1U- ARIE First shtpmiiient osf LADI)l -'Pg-IN ! -ai f--creteýns Mis comis-g year . -re~-smt Miss Ka ie 1te rèsgw Itw fi ec n te ExS E, vtatve Strpe id Flora 4 - towart ga<ve ai sbifr talk on Caa- 9tewart; -vice.-ire des-s Mt s. -L. -appain - - extra Elders f>e thse Ses- -Its7,L? s Sy s; - z- J4- '--- Tb. yp ëUn- me -e v, »js ~& 'lso aâ Ne-V -Year's read- ihxe e-eay Mrs. MiIl Rn Rol- sin, uMssia. Joehn EBlmer and Sidney1 shoi ea-ny.- PRICE];,) -A . ................... ... .......... -g j A coHectcioa-was- takea up la aid insoal treasurer, jMrs. le A J-avcksn; Luas teil-r rud thi i-iest ais-- ---'- y A scnsA td -v 1 -n h ogn o -hme sidk sAg w èrof baîl-&and -unee appoÙs-ted sue-- - DC\' -1 PR Ss$$; n- e inottrainve 'cclors Sls- Ks 'r- shfàý tls- - de h hopD viard ain EngýleaIi _\Vin.~~t MItson flwes plu P mig- cl- dis le, a an-d e-y-is, shor aieaven, -boaddM] a nii iafin t's-izes 34 to- <- -unis on,- xef111 ut "I. . ad thor report of tise ars 4r.W atrs ;fiw s, M - aIr. l îrl) autr iv g-- - beautiu 1d Bbe alpeet ron 44. LACH .......--.......... ..........~... ..... . ...... .....- blu: eeu werk ansd electd M-hur -ofiers forts Tisec --- the Churci, ibeig thse Sun ns- School --- - S ____ pupil te atterni chu-ash seyvi-ce - most uaes ~a -isstlse-ad,- sil-ig ~ar~i e l - ~~regularly dining the year. Mary Beas, Valw--ine Hleariq %sa-sia l Jeu HIe-art as, aý - Bs-s-ley wat- a cslose se(los-d. El fHc-arts -als-x-e Boxed Çhocoli es, andVl 1gIse IV- M.S.i 3eeting RUAj' V Pr ie-.~.of -a-nta hri -rsahn h-re.11 ,I me-t àp the ahurch b-aseet on Jan. iKeap di ndy for colds 1:K~enx 2005- t' na ý .2 .00-t WsI aig tadi ~ I»- o .- ..2c _n -0 .heat -a ~~......... 29C. lleuâ~ L I -'s Au 0 int- chii--r. -'The maeesting. -opened -we fo .-5c 00set n M' 2th e hyhn- -'Le~ad 1idly»-ight," Ivie-r Viegetalle or 'Tonact So-sp. SPECAL 15.21 ÏK rl",-, f il- k vn à tdsuso onk ta rtisn frAI w IBlend- Te-a, Blac&konly, SPECIAL- 1-2 lb« klz 29C. ie z- a n e aricles fr thse - -sl Cakes, Chocslate, or Ma1-ile Mail s- ..... ..... - -sre ynier Itic St w, $PLCIAt, 2 tis....-"c iim ý,î t-o- t-he Ptaresh- 'LY:z'.- ~ ~ ~ ~ .t-'i1 hlobino -,asK in- SPECIAt- : 1Fhee G1as Timnstblt' wsl 22 -iiý'( 1-k tËN. ~~ ~ ~ » r IbnC sor tthSe~ wnnTsint--i.Rl a, a logg's Corn Flakes, ail for ........-.......... -t 110 f ths --rc àt co-st to scvon <~~~~~B- A y,'es; scri-gu realoi-- Il tirs. r hclt ot&èi- < fiti g t-a on n tim esn- a , tis n Miss Lnaingeth inpduas th ra--Ca-a-eCatl enns ......l usom Dpuoiogy was b-len suisg Y LJR OPUTLAR SHOP<PING EIýTR -zAM and Mg etin-g - osd- w-iA- ptaye by MLS. C. Roismo. -~~~~~~~~~r THE EM R AH- Pr a -Rab- a TPO