Sir Hugh Dowvdii., England's "air il-sao" t States loe()ks ouvan high-speed giant Martin bomber ati L. Mar'tin plane, plant at Baltimore. The ne--w si ij)s expline Hainoný, LEM', executive vice-president eDf the plant. Sir I B the United States te make a. u yoif aircraft f'act-ories anld to what caa be done towar-d a genernisanadzainof ar *HAVE YOH EAUDI ie gates of ýIleavena audsugt chrttane St. Peter waVvedi he -aid, but only ýomle i. ar-e fifty cfu11s," "bLut FildAIMnr shIlalGen' mun(,iqitju e saidthat, Only six lad been kiio* aown" Wa*,tress-"4Why do yen ;alaysdust off Ltie plate be- fore you are saerved?"' Royal Purpied Seeds of Qualoiy New Customer Offers m1t.. --, id fth,, > 5, Tl- d-si, 'icSoh . Ltigt colétti>t . "25-, j ir.r>brge ip>àmns Diner-Yeu will excuïse fme. l I ma impire. 'h is fa se what nes and basebili When he re-turneîd froni the cf- fice he fodund bis ittLef wife capy anapy nd atl ast sýhe toki lmu "Oh 1111 Ivefound eut tha tatwoman nIext door h' as a centý' exactly ike mine." Bill thrd ~sigl as h said: "Well, darý11ling, Iexf t vouit me to bu Yeyu 'n new cnt? "Yeýs, dear"she re-pIefdsweet- ly1 "t3oudbec- heiaper than Tommïiy: wIhy are yOu 5se bald, dad? Dad: Well, the reasýon that mny mother useci te pat mae sm the bead so often for being a good boy. Trýavelling on a busï route1 Pery fixius flot to paýýS hlir d "fa thait the Baniik f EnglanJ, d"Nor, cldyc"fcm! ÀAMto: insjst on real feoc in thc banqueting scene. Director. Rigit, and yul aijo get real poison in the death Scene. Railway SoI4mQn Solved Problem ratdfîltey rqie s rain s0fa ranpotaio ý,l iomon Nt s I v e h l'pO - bler rise bytwepasengersý- saek t na o~tn-g -ove,,, r the Ganad-MIan tional erailwtyca for. scriptons wee coniaraciit wa and IFouad experts Succeeded ina returning te each Owncr bis on Dog's- Legacy $500 lias been left by at7c. yenrs-old Egihon escr the future cf athree-yarS oia time agt NIEW CANCER THEORY A posýsible new tLreatmyenýt for iancer lte advanced sae w ic may be superior t h X-raywas escribed last weelc by% r.John H.W LawvénIee, un- výersity tof ci fornlia Sc iea ýtist, disinuisedfor his work xith t0I, omsiah gcylot:ron. Lawrenme saldit e and ,associ- 'prilsof mttrknown as-e, tnscaused a Mgrssonlute malig'nant tumvior w'-ithlout dm agLoo nerly'ig live tîssue. l X-ray, he poined ,out, Lthere may7tý li dn>e of inijurinive-isue PNE'UMONIA GERMA 0f 500 persops from wo tbrat ultreswere takeni for the study of tuiberýculosis oruotherI resiraeryinfectionsexptn pneunonliia, 237, or: 67 per cent,,t 'eefound to harbor pneumenin'1 gr,-inieludCing- the deadfly type SPLITS SECONDS 1,000 WAYS A timing device that zaplit3 sec,- ondsfi 1,000 wiays and will mieisure from i te 200CI f these uni! -s with errer of less tlhan i 1pEri cent has been developed by the reseavch dvjision, of theReig ton Arma Company. It is beinig - used in studiaig the effee,(t cf velocity and flight tme on. th-e accuracy, traj ectery, range and hittineg nower of bullets, but it otlser fil LI II a, lo.ngý it tales a fuse a phioto-flash lamp and a telephone. i-eh Elject-ric eyes can l ie the bulleù enltering a givenl length of ii H E 'a" L Say& Diet- HaIts Decay "*Educat,.in n ,the main, tcoday, 1 tas accepted the rýesponisîbility, '1n d duty , cf teaching dental helh"sal the speaker. "Health is our moast prized possessioni for. sthout it few eau succeed o1. achievehapns" Pi-, Brauer outlined îa daily die wichinmany cases l'ad hate oothý decay, as follows: Oequar't mlkGne te two eggs, ')1e serVing of ment, ishÎ1or0.-cick- en, tWv vegetables (haîf tmp eac), two fruits(orange appîe or tomato), mie teaspoon of CoA Mmvr sialrot ix tensoons but- 8V ANNE &SH1-EY QI.isbas can I do if eandyI have been makiag becqpies gny?* A. 1 f the cenndy beoe grain j, add haîf a teaspaon of eceam of ta-tar and Pa creamy týexture wifll esuit.Also, if a1 I sharpen a nient A. if the nient grinder is wozk- ig poorly, run a piece of and 'aper through it. Thiswilsrp en the Cutters mnd free ithem of grease. Rinise wel with boiling q. ConauI reredly cream which imtee thik fDr whipping? A.uPlace the dish in another dish- cf cold water. When it la chUiled, place la a dish oýf hot watr, nd t vill then- whip jeaSi- Q. ow eau i jpre>as suits Pro-. pe ly? A. Try tdis method: Fold a cf2 yearis luiasdental ch-ie's mentlis foJife before the ag les;s routine dental c" utedto 'flhk ws ney Sar- I ders and e chieki. pufiets. I s Limit- J ip-ee, it's Ogden Ys 1. ne, 'Smt justatotý1ec ~ tbacQ -it's gdeil And old timers, who have boen xoIin~thir-wnfor a quarter of a century> know that " Onde's" miean,-s a distinctive bi'eid of choicer, riper tobaccos. Tty it once. Then you'il always rol 'üm with Ogden's.' Only the jest c;ýarotte paper- aýre jood enouqh for Opden'i OGD EN'S FINE CLIT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pîpe $mokers!ý Ask for Ogdens Cut PIug Çanadian National Railways Revenues Manly ti a sw w'il have eýt hom-yl ~1 k lu. ~w. should I alixe; tf H awkw ion, thei It is f heep tii 12. Yes. Orîs on I .rkt. S>,. j SI, 55"- *d.. 15e. J * -, >, "o. .1. j c. iSo. 5. I liiese .25o. R,4... 15c. e' .~5*. .10.~. .ISc. .150. .Sa. ~o e trans 'glas pSS. Zoe .g St.