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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1941, p. 2

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parad tuepadre eyquotyd fie Tua of tihce rhyr 1) of the regîment for a f ew miutes, :s pal. csaid."1v nueer ïwimge, anyway. -- ~klx~goiig to Ieiirlcoat ail nn andhie pretty Po. back into bthe .now, darlng," li Iiely if 'd' cu going to be ce re in dhe Cda, Id )w" vaisedlirbs- cie asksd 'a - -o-- "Aee your eggs fresh 7" "Madapp the hen 1oesn't realize l'y. get themn yet."ý ý -0- "sse" sid. the nmissioniaiy Lhbi African. chief; "it is wroaig fiavc lmore than coas wife. Tel! il your wives except one tiat e can no longer look upon you tgir iusbaad," Alftara omnt*s reflection, .uI chef replied, "You tel!i "Your friend Jn. seemed Io b. thre life of tihe Party. , "*Yes,. he was the 0111Y en* whocs ould taîlk leader than thre radio." Arthurt Ro ýse Ed iad tDir ingla r(oï nt4vistVo A1dlaxIlot, WaýrMiitrAtoyEu -Siowed ( a -great de-ai fitls in Cnadian otryceunts lsi shýowa ý* liera ittn , t emusof 6one of tiese hlardI-iittiiug unite woare said to 1bu, amolig te fastea't riecian"ized forces oi, ïVia ,Br.ibisi nr-rriy. Their notoùyctsare nred with Blren gune. BY ANNE ASHLEV : Q.How can Ipevnfbh' higi Chair from r ±ocking vr A. Attacli a sCre4en d coor hoOK to, bkis back of the high chaiir anid a screw-eye te the wowr.The chair can be hookeecurln bhs baby can pa wiou - in~ohari. Q.Whab is a good coug remiedy? A.A remaedy that xc excllent orreliavin.g cougis je ade b mxing lioney aad lamon juice To relîieve a violent spasm of hoigcougIllowalupo buatter Vo malt ia a glass ofwar nlkadgive iif to ý atint Q.low can peprecrel potatto as A, Adid miinced green pppe, alittle corn and a f-ew ilm beans, wlth striîpe f enoV b)Oiled potato Cubes, and cream in, biesidouble Ipbolier. Q.How can I:remov finger markT1s from maay uniue A.Before trying to )remov1.e ise marks by pilishing gor, e the, wood1work with 'a'clobli damp- eaed lanliot Solution ofdvn ear adwater. Then. follw irnmnedi- ately with te poisi and ruban- il dàry . Q. How Cal i rÀ ov h kîn)ksfrom yara wvhen rekaitbingz a sweater? A. Wiad tbisyarn onila skein1, ti bgthrsecuraily, wash lan ukewarïm water, zand isa ld î i a bowel and -place inie istu Vo dry. The kinke will dilsap3-Ceffl' B EALTII TOPICSI The Prevention 0f Pneumonia asw remiedy forpnuoi. b hecs been adopted byuheToronto Ster te point out thatpemoi lai North Amierica jeS con.fined Chiefiy te two clear-cut areas- whxch lire called pasumonia bCltS. Oas of'D isse bae i la the east, beghinig with the Canadli- an prviacs c f Quebee aad ex-' t'ending to Prince Edward le ld,.Nova Scotia, and , New Bruniiswick,, and along theAin tic Coast. ia tLxis area ai ýl bui four stabes have pxuoî deatïirates abc)ve the average. The second paumo iat cu sists ofour tates nin tie nmun- t ain reg_-i on, inamelColîao New MexiunamiNevada. Hits Canadians AnnuallY Contrarl'oy ta usual public opini- ion, nieitier latitude nore a cold climate conduce ta tie onslc e, pneumonie. The provinces c f Saskatcisewan, Alberta and the stabe o! South Dakota are safer from paiieiumonlia tien are Souti Caroline, Georgia and -Arizona, wviici are warmeI1r clim3ate-s. lbt -ippjaa!s b iat a combination cf celd climnates and low average liuidity as le fouad in Seekat- ceaAiberta and a numlbar Of b'is, United States, operates la fa- v-our o! a low Tpacunmna inci- dence. About 30,000 CanadIans an- ajually bacorne 111 of pneum;IOia and until receiitly oas ont cf every four attacked, died of 1-. Now, lianiks te Vie ýdiscovercy of diruge of the culpianilaniide ciace bis lives o! anine eut of ban vie- tjuas C-1111be saved, Lact yaaT lali ospital practice pneumonia thirds. But tliare remiains bis poemof prevention. The chie! items in 'bis prevention cfpnu 1. Clearing lup o! foci O! in- 2P ieuse of bis protctive foods: met, iii, s, f isi, !resh vegebebles and frit, 3. Pleaby of rest and r-ýelaxa,- fion. 4. Iincieiabe bed when a coid oraniiattack o! fl' rceieson. Moving Train Target For Truck Driver "I did net ces lb,," explained the' divrof a truck who failed te stop et a bigiway crossing aad struck I( twenty-tiird car in a C a n, a à i a n National Railways freigit train.. Tii- road wasq icy and sleet was falling at teViei of impact. RHEU'MATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Off er i axoIne, I f ana bottia a! Rlu-Ma dees 210t sireyorlief from rheuniatic aesand pains, sors, swollen vand paiafl inteNo matter hwlong you a ave su ffered, you mue.t get re- lief or "ro",pay". TryRuM and b. 0,02vitceâ. AcCcaptthis gn ofu e- and Pro- heaing Ex '201, g,-agem-ent hasý been broken a few dasbeforýý e h\,eddiig , 2. When anîswering a b ilsi - nes teephneclould (on-e 1merely say "el" 3. Whenii (ce cream lesere onj pie, shoýuld, the ice creamn be e-aten i h dia spoon? ' 1, Slio.ldnt't a Saleswomffan1, to be efficient, nuhise a custeomer: hch eoudchoose? V. When îa youilg' manl takes a g-irl to the theatre, sliould cie stand beside im la ;nlins while lie ge-ts the tickets? 6. le it permi-issiblec to asic t'le porter on1 a train to cal, one azt a certain 1ho0ur lix the Answers 1,. Mail eacli gfît back to the doowithý a brief note alg thatteCedding le not to take p"lace; it je nlot necessary to state tue reason, But rl't fai!l b ex- p-reýss sincere appreciatien for the- gfjuat as th"ouginothing had( happened. 2. Ir, caves timie to, sa,"R. J. Allen Complany."' Or,- ifaninîvdul or professional man, "Dr.PBr o wn s;peca k i ng9. 3, No; thefork shýJou!d be ueed. 1, Not if tie custoinar seeme1ý cpbeOfmain lier own d- cision. Wlien tha customter seemes tid, dubtful, or uncertain, a letaant sugges-,tion now and tlin les ail yiglit. 5. No, Sie shiold sadaside and wait for liim. 6.ý Yas; t!int '3Illthacorrect thing Fazhion Adopts Snow In Laurentian His Wiea eýxperts of theBureau fFashlion Trends desired to il- lusrat plotorapiiclly what tbiswaLl-dýresseOd skier wol-d Wear la smart woollen ,,utdoor toge in.1 ¶9ý41, tiey selectad St. Sauveur, gayes o ef La ur ent i a rimounltnin winter rusorte on 'ie Candiani Nationl Rai-iwatys, us possesing -jut theiglit backgronnd and at- mosphere!î'c foi, tlie camera mn They aïso brougit ntliixcamnerne te th Gatinseau His and shot I i>"Slow Barnîq CIGARETTE PAPERS ifOUIE Ff#Eg MADE scenes >at tie Otaa 1Ski Club. As final clioîce background for- wmtliings and formiyais, tlie poolj and social roome of thie Ciateau Laurier poid4the proper sett- ings. Canaidians Do Place More Telephonec alls Per Person Than Any Otijer Peopie in the. World Cainadians pla!ýce an aveurage 01 OverSwan milin telalioe cais each day, George L. Long', Itîstor- Iani of the BPell Telephonýe Comnpany o£ Canada declarus. 23n CALLS PER YEAR Canad1ians a-re the, greateeýt tels- phione taikers iiithe, wovrld, accor'd- ing to Mr. Long. tli ter words," ha said, "ahavaelced ore teplione saliý e pr perSon thlan the people o! any tha:r cuty The record fe3138 showýs that îf you ara an avera'ge audlnyqn have laced 235 tepheas calîs. COMpaed &Wthis, the average Amaricn jlacd 223. "brequres 18,000 tleaphone people tLarryU on the teephone business laCanadaNMe.Long caid, "Of! w'bich abouit 9>70 ara ami- ployad by Vica Bell TalapLione Com' paay, the other 8,300 bsiag enm- ployas cf over 3',000 other tale.ý phone system n th> 'I-e Dominjoin" "Records Show"Ar. Log sucd, "atan idviuctaeh ns u- tomer has hnd an avarage Yo oly C? 0on ey B a c I'oequîtiükrdefe iig faampimpl,IL t- ca-ed Sia rubeuo at--iÛ,col ,ti amptcuqulsdD. J.D.IlPrsito. raea, veut druggit today for DD., ECaPIN olle trýoujblein, il4 montbs iduring thpe past two yearsý. Zvive years agct, therpe was' onie trouble pur tele.- phone in -10 imoniths." "I on!", by keeping ouï ecao nomy siciatl1l cns, ustatw caix keep it free-." --Franklir. D. Reoseveit, RECTA L SORENESS AND PILE AGONY QU[CKLY RELIEAVEDý Jryo re troub1,ed wîi tbn pie rrectal soreneýsa do, not dlelay' treimient and run the rlsk of etn thie conj1dition becomne cihronie. Ânîy ltcîlng or soreneSs or piflpass- age1-of tîol le natures arn1i4g tt i -pro per trea tmeunt shud b. 8ecuied at once. Forthprp1111Sget Fa pack-age t0f Mn--Ro id frücn 'your druggîst and use 8as directed. This Remi-Roid for1n.,ua Wh i ci leused initenally in t le Lorin of a ema 1Il , eaýsy to takei tablt, wllIuic'y relleve .lie iLch- ms nd F-Orcelss and nid lin heal-, ln, the-sre tender Spot..Hem-Ri je pleasant te u zse, le; highly recoin- m'ended nd it seeme the height of folly for, yor a iska anf, andcirl(ejplecondition vlieisuclh aUfne remecdy may be had ali s@ rao able ost. Ir Yoa tr1,y Hem-Roid and are flot entirel"y pleased witb thé reeut, your drggiVt ill badly retrur ynr 1oney. *U.CtLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS..ý ELECTIIIC I rS olt SALE 1 INTERESTING CHICK BOOK LEL racndiiond.Joncs .& Mooreý El- ectrj Comany,255Aeli t red Leg- le Jslaad i chicirs. Central PL.CA. I.ý, tarig

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