ly a and bu- 4 îrne md- [ are ~i n tise toc wear ti tivity fre~uer theai s ta c>nn mïaje, e P~ vs, aebac t 0r-ia posturle. Per play the implest FarDieit the l esýLt. Whex fIetoddfler or un-bu OM(aeeh ome !r i aplae ,where lie lad Vo b e idreeae ,ý ) sce tisat bue changes at once te puay clotis and tmat lAe's01n lears t A use snob respoasiMli klýMse-lf. De Vils fer ECOxLOmy a s soil as COMjer. mIli A Wifean i a biaban-d dïe-s hisj I ber 2 fast 3 the 4 Shortage of Skiîlledc hemlits ln Domninion May Meatz They Wil Be Moveci From Non- Essential Induvstries te Work on War Goocis Heavy 'abor San ipated al peak i fien, Dr. [ty inIis- n - 1iQ sin"g ittee ise awm m--m---vm- GREEN TEA e SERIAL STORY FLYING CO-ED BY MýARY KINNAVEY MOORE NE sRýCI N CÂST 0F CHARACTERS Anne Norris - wealIthy col- lege student, locking fer thrils, enroils in CAA fiyiýng course. Georgzette Parker - Anne's friend. 1&'earning te f ly i a serî- eus business witb lier. Tony Sctt - coliege playboy, ison of a gangster, envies Anre's social position. Captain Dick Douglas - in- structor of the gtudentflying course at NMidland University. Last Week: Anne regains con- sciCusness, bouind and gagged, in a sark locker. She maixages to f ree herSel1f, CreepS inatO the han- gar. Dick cones in. Tonty threnit- ents hLim with a guin, plans to force Douglas to tak-e off in thse damnageclplane. Anne looks for awapn BM/N ICtsle deuible-icueolz of Calumet Baking Pwdec that perir leute uise less, and CHAPTER XI had aï4 gun. And in the sciusw ric- meut wýoiderLed if se would av been able te use it. Theoiy gun she hm!ndev s0dlu er lite wnas a wter gun, "a squït gun they'd cailed t hern - "A water gux, a sqeint gun" --tor ntwas as rigt tinik? The tire etnuae'!A pr fect weapen. There were smalL biaudextinguishers lun ail hargj arn, if oniy by sorropnmracee was oue near her and sise could tiud 1V iu the dnrkxýiess, Cýautîously ahe reacised alexrg the wall, rmevîng forward aà se did se, and ix a mioment ber hn toucised tise seught-for metal, centaixer. Vh quck, suent mrovemeutns shie took t 1 .x nà Crept toward th ths'ee men. As she drew near, she coUld maýke eut the rmax holdîing t-he gux directIly at Dick1, aud aise coula "ee Tonyl bosicithe s0" ip, ho mnoved more cntieùsly ta vr arouxd Vise sude of the, plane un- il she was witii a few tfcet tire meu. She lifted th iree- tigushrad wilis ayer tit iednet rmiss ber mark, turued tise ful forýe of the cuhemiicala Jumpts 1)19~. Nie gaveý a choked, gaspis g crand tise gun dr'opped oiil ente tise flopr, as hoconsý ,d Dick afmesst uVomebicdp hud Ste guu off the floor and su bis own Land, and Aune's voecerise- ed asked: "Dick! Are oU ail rgt Tony saw bis own dangtLedW frejin the hangar, tVaing advat - turned te AunIe. Ini moment, tisere as ts souud et voices o ?sid,-ud a cry et "Stop hlm!" Seneo ! coiug toward tise hangar, --ad seen Tony,',,md aa. Hipw AS SHE, FELL "Dont move," Dick orMded the max on tise fie or, aud nast momtent Vise hangar ighta crn 01x. The einpty tire etnuse slipped trosu Aune's bauds, fen c,-tter,îing te the floor, She was conscoos agaix c! that terrible tbrobbiuig ïlahber head. She waa haitawaC% e mex comiug laVe Vise hangar, nd ot DickSs arma caciiug hbeta tise fell. But it via Gogte' o which shre tirst bea-rd -ix br1 reý- turningcouaýcieusess. "What couid hbavýe isnppened 1" Georgette wàs aRskîng Wh sar se eut here? She was at Wh "f dou'V kuovi iatit's ai about" -- that was Dick's xice -but se evdexiy tnies' E0 stop those lugs trom ameru witb the ship. She stepmped ts w.,isole busýinesswihatr - tinguisiser!" Tire tisrobbiniguinaesha vasý lessenling. She opeuiedbe eye's sle-wly aid re-ognized tise lounge eor theadiitaonbld in.They mua.t lhave cr'idmer there frem is e hangar. Some- one vinaq holdinig a boie of mm ona te er nose, and grauss y She was feigaleagain. I'Take it eas" ick cautioni- edas she tried Vo sit upý "Ohun, FIn se eio There was a sob iýn Geoýrgette'sý voice. "WhVlat did they try to do te yen?" "Imalright now," Aune tried to sound cheerful, "but What about the ship? Wyhere la that man and wbat happened to Tony ?" "W'1have thle shipthog- iy checked la themong" Dick reassu;red lher. "Tony got to his car and made a Qùic getaway, but the police are on his traiL. The ether nbasbeeultakernAte Lu "Heiw did you happer. te corne ont liere? What won Stey going to do?" Geogette asked. Y(OU KNOW ,-THE II IST À1nne toid tbem etof he rail fromv Clarice, her own dlrive te thýe arprt er disco -e-y of Tony and bis accemplice, and ot their knockiug her eut and conceaiing in l a sLIppldy closet. "doi't know 1ho- long1Iwas ix there,'" shie expiaiued, "but 1 had j&t geV eut when I heard yen achistiig, Captain Douglas, as you came te the angar do«r. Yen kne11w the rest." " u'ehad enough for oe evnn, icjk's veice had a note eft tenderne!sa ix it ahe fbad uever hleard before. "Coml(,eno, l'Il drive you twe 'back te the heuse. Yeu can have youir cars put inte euee et the hanigars and geât thieliu te- rnorrow." "No, 1I wanit te take mn, Geegette saici, "I hiave aný 8 o'- elock clis~s tomeroirowv at chemis- ùty ab and l'im eer get up early Ieneough te (,ceeout here foi, my car t irsat. Yenbring Aune berne, and 'l go on ahead. Tha;,t is, if yen are sure yn real igt M"0fcus,", Aue ptistegt, t i g1 a bit wýeakly'. (Concluuied Next V~k Womien More CoId'-Bl5ooced? Wvart Windows Shut Whien j NlMen Wish Them Opeii Wvhy are worneu able e skld bottr roomr than men? Dees àt menu thait Nworl-nare moeceid-blooded Ëthan e' Patî, eS, according te Dr. C. P. Y-aýgiou, Asýsociate Poesrat' Harvard Scheol ef Public Hlealtb, IJader the anme ordinIary c (ondi- ltiens - teImperature of rosul7 1 dIeg. F. and -30 per cent. h-uiiidity -the sraeor akïiin emera- týure of womien is abouttw de- grees lewer than that et men. During kiing weather in tNe summer, men are more affected than womnen, the ladies being quite content witb ordiuary room tmpratre. But f ew office buildings or homies iii America are at ý70 deg. F. in (coid w be.They are poser to 80 deg. or 85 deg, and the humidity la dloser te 10' thau CLOTJES MAKE iFEEC The chiief diffeerce which causcesthe imaie aud temale ieac- tien te this is ciethes. The Awcen- eau maie donsý, about NoveMber la, cIorhes, thle weight a'nd con- 3isteîIcy- ofwhicb woujld keep hlm Cýomt1ortabIe -eut et deers aIt thse North Pole. The Amecricau te- maie changes 'the weight of hfer bouse Cieth]es hardfly nt ail, wiuterl or summer. ~DocVor Yglufomnd t a gr-oup e wme warfgtheir owu wMinter clothes were shivery nd uucomrfortable lun a ireor etf 70 deg. but became pe'rfcy eomfortahle when th]e.y dressedi me'sordinkarY winter cohs Yes, thousands of people sau.fferLnig from constipation due te lack of the right kind of "bulk" in their diet have bexp able te Say the Sane thkng. For now tbpre is a senlsible way to correct this conditio... far better thax cathartics, which oýnlY give temporary relief.* I.yen u ,ffer froa). thig commexllo trouýble, try' eating delicions Y-ELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every merning. It contains thse neces- T A B L E Dy SADIE 9. CHAMBERS A SOUP Discussion Tisis wteck I have had two ne- questa for my mçthod et making tomate coup. Maybe 1 have ne- gctedtiis topie for, we ail deo usez a certainî amounit et canneti aeoup. Howvever, £Jways remem- ber tisat vihenever psilsoup ahLould be made up apecinliy-, if weý are wacigcIosely the budget li n (. Cream ef Tomate Soup Strain canned t omato es; placeenet and bî,ing te bell. Seàsson' witb pepper and sitand a, littie angar. (I arlinont giving tise am11o1ntsý for al Vstes for enongare ciffereujt). Meit bwtter (ïix mneasur ements îit sheuid bje 1 level tablespoon t each cup of temiatoes). Tocis melted butter add atbepo et flu (au)d 1 tabjepoexbut- teo r.BItexd carefully and add te thse tomatees as aV reacises Vise boilng point, te butte and fleur mItr.Stir coostantly uxtUi 1 tiik à.tn 2110w to Cook ou lessns, tiex aUddftisemlk, wich bas been iseated but net boiied. Si' vieliland serve vihen real bofi ut-ýý y teavoidilig Cream eof Cern Soup ilmediumi ized on-ion ra oa crn 3 conspalaer 3 tabiespoons butter ? Vbe speon ï-s fleur 1 tenspoon sýait E/ easpeen pepper 3 cupasik Fineiy chopped parsley FPprik CoLmbine tie chiopped iox, n ad vater. Cover anid-. rook gently 7 for 30 m Iinutes. presS tbrougb a coarse sieveý,. Meit; but- ter auld ilnl the fleur, si am'd pepper. 8fr and eook uilj this dd.Vise cern mixture andc rebntviel.Sprinle eacb sern- ing viltis hopped parsley and park.Six ýservings. Cream eof Garrot and Pea Soup 1 eu alicarax vts e tise carriots aud on- the boiliig water aiud s;ary "nl"tc help yen becomle "Iregular". .. , iatiirally! W,ýhy net -do tlih: OcGt your KELLOGG'<'-' ALL-BRAN daily' .. dff'- penty of w -er. ..and discover for yourseif how tasiiy your old "trLuble" disappea-L Oct, R-ELLOGG'8 ALL_-BRANi Available ix two convenient sizee et alilgreces' ý Made by Nellogg>8 in London> Canada. eok for ten miinutes ce'vered!ý Add thepeafs au-,d -'oek for five iniutes,. 1Pressail thro ugh z ,sieve. Meit the b-utter and beiat ini fleur. Add iilk and carret, mitr.Cook, stiring iconstant- !y until thick. Season to %ate. Reserve a few sl1icea e cof~ t and pens for garuisl. Aiways reeniber that thýý wý,atüec il) hchynhave cook- ed your vegetabies should neyer laje thirowul away -- it ila a splenl- did fou-11dation ferý crearïned l'ilps.,-hln-swit~h nmilk soups tkEý hom-femalker 1lhaý a splenldid Oppor- tuaty to var? the mik budget. Remember each aduit 3heuldi haveý, eue pint of iniilk 1 day and ~c child one quart on topic for lber e0unip nd igl evef; rend y te listelhte yeuzr "e pevea." Retliest% or r1ecipe R.1 speo4l illenus aire in Order.ý Addreffoa ymo u m>trato "MWssamde IL China- bjeyr, 7u Wes4t Aiieýn14e Streett , T- rOVut,.," seD1nSstamped, efdrsa* eji elOe if >OnM wjSjh areepiy. Sandwich Tip lit sandwîehies ilust becad esvrlhours before serving, ar- range on Plate Mnd cver wth a clotb wru-ng out in cold wtr Plc xfigna runltisu te serve. ISSUE 6--141 "It DQES taste gqood in a pipe!"' Ïl,