1LOCAL AND SOCIALI Mi% Riy Colville, of Toronto, was Il ýne for, the week-enid. MAr. 'Ceu Powers iswokg in theý Gooyear at BowmanlviJle. Mr. and Mrs. Newton dbldi hlave retur ned to thieir- homne ini Orono. MrI. Mac, Smith is givimg hisne Reay-o-Warstore a fresh coeat of paint on the iniside. H1arry Bailev has elosed his gro- cerv toe whi'ch will now leave four' Storeik ndijln this lins. Read the article on1 the siro)ISis e- port -wvrh iappears on pages (; nd in this issue f the Timies. lec theme of the weet- Miss Olive Bon Kingston, spenit ag~~ ~~ th Clrsia if, wek-end reeenty with her parents, readig was g;ven A. and 1%s. J. D. Brocvwn. od, and urs folowd onaid Patterson, of the R.C.A.P., Mes. Littlewood. A Picto, visîtedi relatives and friends voeal tr io Wa:i'qgivIý11 in Oron3 oe th(,eeek-end. ith, _Mrs. C. 'Wood and .Then f&lowel mnin-. Mr. and Mrs.WMc.'White and fam- ami from the study ;]yy have mioved f-romi the Laver 'Bros.' Africa.'? Mr.walsil farm to jPr'of. Sissons' farmi. stfd the ifeof D. Jhn r. Allison Cowan, of Tononito, wais sf telit(oAf r.Johninton ônSaturday and his nmothe2r, is ML Da-vey told o rs T. Cownn, returnied with lm rent work in -Augola, Plani to att-end the, Lîterary mnietiug fMy7rt1P Siiitli told . o ,the O.C:S. on PFi4ay ýevening-, The cfr etDry. Creaudnswillappreciate your prtes-i drls. M. H. iin Angol,ýa buLilding a flindehed (lby the difl'er- whiich the Mourcn field M r. pRowland Sm-,ithhs accepteda position ; s 1m1achinîst iii a war plant and will colmmence wr in the near, fuiture (2for the CdU)ration Iof thewar Mess is-. Harry Clarke aýnd U1(ary AMercer wev(re in Toronto on Tuesday and Wedniesday of tliis w-eek attenid- inZ the Ontario Hydro convention. While utngwood in -MY. FPI4an Hall's bush thïs week, Wnm. Stainton r eports seeLing' a rare species of flyhrg sqtuirreI, anst extinet in these parts. LATE 1 with the sin- 2 to the Lord ot repe(atinig the ig the buisinless mle discussýionl tewardship and the diffeurenit hie ubetof shouLld be pre-1 he meetingýs, to1 eube ShowéIng.luthe clifeeclsse only th(, first five co-ws are mention-lz ed, wTith lthe terr-îitr]y inciudinig ail o Canada ol' the I stei-n br'eeder's. In thie Seniior -yarolelass, oaa- of 'Mr. Tamhnlyn's cows took fist place, anld lhe as* okfourth ini the, saine elass with the cow itatwa Lu the Junior' 2-year-old class1 one of his co-ws stood foui-th. This ki sai Spleindid rIecorýd for, oie manl with hisý herd.l cýlemient wveatiler WO ithI of stamfp for] Kaidal, and vil.Up to Pc ti-ly cetiae anIId two other C( ly. Thie echool ing nohl1y, with $i'00, No. 5, 44le S10.25; Kir4by, uatiojnSho hank $,0,and have houglit 127 The funeral of the late Harvey Cur- tis was held at 2 o'loek on Tuesday aýfterion, Jancimry 21st. Following the service at his late r esidence, ManStreet South, the- cort" ege pro- cede o Oronlo Cenietery whelre ini- terment was 'made. Tho Reýv,, Mr. Lit- tlewo0od, pastor. of Orýono United Ci mrch, officiated. The late, Mr. Curtis was called to rest oi. Saturday, Jan- uary 18th, in his 78thi year. The deceased w.as th e young1est and onl]Y surviving cehild of the late Mr. and rs Wm. Curtisý (Hannah lJallowýeJl). lie was born in Darilinig- ton1 Towni-pý, near Tyrone,an lived on his hrs homei(steadl until pur- chas;ing ýa<n adjoining farým -'whei-e he renmined until 19297, wýhen he retireýd t0oOr no. 11e wsmri iSth of April, 1906), to Ettie Bucley. of Clarke Tows bp.Te 1lat',e _Mr.iý Curtis was a staunch supporter of the United Church and took an activ(e inerstluits affairs.ý fleft tomun his loss are, his be- loved wife and miany friends H. Allen, O. Scott, G. Cowan andW Stevenls Palihearers ess. J. Stark, R. SutonG. eLaenD. Hooper, P, Ycaurlovi~' f c ws ope to see again W.Vhen ays have PaseCd nvay; louon',dear 01ne, andtakeyour They miss you imuet who loýved yon est County Orange Lodge Elect Nefl F. Porter Wor. Counlty Master A v erFy enthusiastiei meeting ol nhuM West Couinty Orano'eLoe Shur-Gain 15 Pc Sow Ration The Broo)d Sow, is one of the hardest w-orking aimr-ais on the farmi, Grains al>ne wilI flot supply lier needs. She needs extra protein, vitamnins and mipexrals if hier litter is to be healthy, stroug-boned and big bodied. She alsp needs something tio keep up a heayy flovi of milk to-give the pigs a proper start. A'balanced, sow ration will keep sows in gooci condition, and prodjpce large litters of big, healtliy pigs. Feed Som Ration regiilarly, flot just a few days before and after farrowing' Shur-'Gain Iron Suiphate F'or treatment of Anaemia Shur-Gain Hiog Minerai Contains ail iiecessary minerais for Hogs s eïen rn ro per person. production in sou ai 59recot'ý ir1es factors :higi 19C 29c 18C bbag77c lb. 19c 14e t twenty pupi. O.C.s. wr tie Continuatio igh-t at thieirý ciety meig W. W. Sherwin ,f 38 s heiiets, and 6 per personi. bas Sponsor- g Parties lu nce that on, ie. Proceeds k. Pull par- -,herin lis openied up-ý ain street, one dloor 's Hardware. H1e will 'e of drugs for live t. H&e will be in bis tas possifble, and will se o1 band for appoint- 4oreband. the s J-anuary I4th, 19- County West, ster and Br'ethelen: Brethren, -we -gather ,here the close of our PFraterl rYear, in thle Case of soi tc),n ýour burdens of office, iter- sueli tlleg 7coi-icl Os uis, a -Pause for1 hed cf us we enjoy a uedlsu-al Lodge procedJ SOn a suspenlsion of rules ac- address oui-selves tc por'tant itemis of bus ýro)s As youu retiring o ds a signal honour to this to extend to you cue ;89 eorjial and sincere rj of County meeting helc s. In ail mv wOrk foi thiat we may e mlost imi- tnat course. Ai use1ess without1 there Ire who ar luded peoples, as Itàly to dsse as, 1 look at the1 sud refleet sober the work of ths fident thýi5 nothi have heen sehi( wiluloyal, a: [Port. As your, retir:l a ss ig- It, 1 FLAJýKE WH EAT 15 LBS 21c. MAPLE LEAF LARD lB. CHOICE PEA s TIN i0e. 5 LVBS. en- ing Enlsdindise her not regarded any ofTMaster, as a élolefi dsn, but raTher ais; G. (Conitinupcd o1 F. eh __________ ell -M. j PARK ST. UN theRe.. WVHITVE L-B IL4 c, SOLI] 21 15 MASTERS ,THE NEED FOR- A 'MODEIIN Centre S. to Pay CE i. and Sat.,, Feb PHONE