T HE ESS 1 port turnis ont to cf these idelayed- SaIturdlav N!ght. ngsterTs at holc batter. Sun-Tinme, nl Grey Çouii- ,vhicli las bei ef tu its meuh- or more. IR lre ring with as8 ob aim-ed at 400 e is onlly onle r, the othiers- iare. "eWhy thia ed and Ha-rry the.for the THESE ARE THE FAT ssosstIlcu-tst -Fauses'Advoctate. TOMIORROW'S CITIZENS La certahî wise couttries of thie l1 World ov-ery boy is tauglit a ,de; th-.is even tho ugh lie is de- îed to 'he a latwyer:, a banker, a physiciane. 01 tis onin 'l te cnary, too manyv us aire to apt tu en)couIragp Lthe bon - this mhug e talke ut Our dn<crc-httherco somlething infrLror about a ýd; îïnferio.u about iminual la- -Too many of ms, soimetimea, haps with a parolt's istakeii bition and pride, wan] 't t have - sous ans! daughters fbave a age, and the Lie ing re' s r '<ho would of~igsure îe tssm- - 1' e tue as- kfol. flCEELL F. HPURPRI31E .5SNISTER A4NDY PUO IMCUL XS'EdUREI< OF ONT4RIO, ( Vol. 1, Prgts 14 te o, 0î; ma PrinsaMinisr andsgtemn enduig tpuprnse ai erss and atrain iuMWrths Warsra 1 hce nwyr pahlhly "erttiel the iiosrel7nrt or lie recommiend- mime 1 il4 Mme a"suamontabut tMe wtlmICI 0tho pulctof th rae rtbcýeea 1eireitea ;w! l huliev, anquiommj sied in this belief by ,many par- Y1o1s, jAht 1 bd s pu m. unservWce upllngattento tise act of lthrowirog ilitoteareai dsusjn igl clitetinadoumnteta iL ýme whun peol wb o tie~mîauas!l t tans o 'oncernýe! tiia Ctue tbhilg Isud anc thing lnthacesulpo- eêtioIl oilavioitoi,, w '<rrin ,svhi,r sauentonl tur- $y l,ýa at t7,u:oril asur etfo'rt î;fals, Htiteveans!no,, tise dea res ~enCitt d mninprvnilcon- 1üerence, wlll sýTe eurdoetiprlms in thie -regard tho policy of the governinent of OIrobas nt cangs! iny a 1uIr h"Joa s wh rpettt etral povine hae beenton- kmiatlenlluaur attitude. sotrnae il gt former ,asaociatie o aillain lbth Hons'le Of ( Cemü,mu, mygoas! riend thtMnstra iuauce, JarneyatoligToroonto, et uwi1h itisahe di- ssedwith Mr. Nxon, Mr.MQusetrWltr &né, Wýjeft r-djiuurlt a snltegt he recosu- sean dati ons oaitht Sirois repo0rt. long titis My cMl leatgues preseut, 1 xgaiye, amat lh191, in so taUse ïiG infituenca'ta prýeLentthia hecaming aoniani ssue siaiag er mms 1 am I ssl e li coned MYr mes- siage ta tisePrimüe 1Miister. 1 sntee rsmwa y,-erped ah1en afeu' deyis aer, ecies 1lte 9SrOiLathe Prime -Mnistr oai Casaa adisintg 1ta a on- 1cence rans! o aIe d n thfat tha edealgavecu- jnsàPst vas, iu fecet,rêonsdu aoratcnie- ,toai ia cosmîsasn fupins. Âalýi in lu ardr ta maistalu our cnssenyreplies! as iollowF: 'l hscreou leter 'D',aemer211J, iregardIng tise Sirus cammiesIanrepart. ov <as isopeful that na discussion aofi tispohe belemnapasslhlliau nny cotrvesia isu aiolu1 wwsicis iglit impiational un1it ansi tis,!e efeçlv 'HÔîrever, lu Tnase of tl ac hta1o0rncst 1clielcd il t ht ic ntentienofaithis oveýrsImlIIlent tamka acailhie is r"ereentirea any tiese timIrny hc'e- qu<ired gsitar ise siddle aiofjanu-ary, nas suýggested lby Latr aI],on ecebar28, 1040,7 tisa Prime Iin- îtter lu a letter .etated!ilu porTl: Iunasîew ofraquestte riam aeral ai tise provines, a pryoposai agenda '<idi <va vwiircmmn!tats aonierncthlas «emumvarkadont "ud la- P M!beas. 1,et ,hqaoIng becsices!forlnar isaing ade sny ~tcsauensstïnsI hereforelamndretwta uggethat n the laterinquetin: c IM m P.wso l hik rnta e ja ie via-' o tisagwover- Ment 1that tise aeigsesion sonld baconfines! t gassral saemnsand. nat'a, ebte o ontidet(ail er qpecial icmtna. isa contfýence -'<III tien resolvitac ncastrkiug Tise Ouhaia elgaedsina Cat '< sat sin as fnh«cy and %biafiy uskit o liie ha s, parts' ta s WSdherna '<ics -a-iLcIidt -ois tise prats nnus ie publi -ve*itaiomation WtAM'<iciay are jati' nttif. Wa '<a-re not nfrms!nor cusltfI <iiregard ia ùita terrsa aofe,Êrece contiines! lu t4ise andr lrun passe!hy hdomnoasie <iigavýe lIet tha am%&=oHLiat WsnOntanlus ýpvesinl an ar ýasmaa 'e alles! for tsethin. Wisn tie findings '<ae agras!upon by ha ~onissoues, utaia ias nonepasetatntMi-n hat11ie Iuglog btone retires! bacante il!ii beail. put Iatarounane - 'aaprsn as <1hncosly Ivefine iu 41as! ihousans! dollar rprtleproduch i ftise ninda titinte profeýssnsan.a Wiuipég neep"parMax, àaina ai wharin bas!ay gvc umne dinistr'atiive exýpeInianca, î adNl iisceOt pinions aIiloaiIns ,cannai shara. ,-u iase a, i thtfac i tit, in isa rieport itzeli, Iliii Mintes!thatMic.Roarel bas! noinýg ta <laavith , Iils sAeme, '<hcs bs auiagged asi for ur, passaoa lîpopa gs;ns, Ceau. tory 'lulie ain'ttas!in futurs.ý Timoeoaius '<Mabaelu ndon""cray aissortise vans '<n!propagaulda bacantse the icinis a aTeny- stade onionsby sus'ettnli-curoia! ownl isa ast daugerana euems' of îvliata. ersuia sýp- apactve w'<acste mut cvi s erLngofacis aviciant s ineniEuoeievglulsalisanvy ans! waufftniug '<iicis sielces OAnesa ii lu nsnuiy isl CenPrvinesanad Dom-inioirBous Wiee? Lai us gdas! ennfuly "or fer nslilarirue- atein data ual ppar un ai c mîdtt. Jlu tisafvý Irl u P -CtuI 7c neatVo tisa prfo p agenda' cbinTI d e ý"til tht prýovinces Iisreu!nt Isane ise, m-aIres dtilnrichler by ztht simple pocosa hLsnE v ing debitsasud revenuetý,o theictrRen t onuen. Inafnsuch ns iare aaoss sapae nr w ttia ta tsadeali, eurly anncIeas! nly ta bave an elemas y oeer afei nme aaait i s fa :cf Catbth cna -Wn. Unleas hee ara iuienres!'<lstia ebta aii- tiet aiiwrpainiirvenues", sedoinon'<1 linka m 'Crenane txesor de"'r prob bis' is.iltý doa, ioaeve, ffr anopprtuitsut eplreaery1 pasblt iretlin ail goecnaeue ass r in aadaC aus!, ta chia end, Ontlario la prepaires!Iha"coaperate tta 1lite-limril ahntiise rigii i. Tint is n asa.tic prolii ho '<icsiv '<acn cioe timoanus!effort as aa posc-wza probtles, and! uisallerbc it ,alo o, beca iseb finanicial pohess 1tho'tay eauJeas cry 11111e nela- tionship watilis litof a neet. 1 arn canvinces! isai 'liecmmsoes'<rga- iuoly tintera, ans!'ohers alto. <a oth iate statestisalti hy suinig 'ti csh iemploybe nrle isomiion '<ouid neude a finauii anutais prvice isdtishe mniipliis.Bt sana '< ihô ts t t-day, if cnasaL'ii ie u ats,' is guilPty of una ,ýdutlt ltes iubg Us1eeuploysslea ao rbe klon.1eM-,howssis! sema '<while ago tisai, toetht repart '<as."eTlîtes,, mare tissuhait tiseemlybs bav e satres! jobs ans! hat tht ootiser sîf'<ss!h aborU, l#i n induslry s!rinig h15 rear. I bllant Mn. Hlo'<a. lu iac, if '<a ere gigal fo11 outinluIis '<an Cfort. , i laa refletto nth 1,e goncecumauot ual ta puit tu stock îimnsasitaly tisapliysiclly fitt alit maIes aiail -Cnada. Buit thisaed a aplyaareliai problamas data not hly auy nus salve tis1e issue. There "s iiiJ lit tise anmy oa iunc-mpio5ab1ls ,bo<hAty malze np tisa vat burden, of relief andgnealy pealking, '<ill Coni- tilsua ta do so. Under preiettarrangomne,tsisa doinion canini- buttes forty per -coul. asrds 15 c ost Daiftodsl, lobiblu ans!i shJetr. If tis s -eport is adaptas! in its aulirety, tilt - doiionsu-l contrihuta notjltug ajid lsformer tia.re '<il liane ta ha, borna by tise provinçs and municipal- itie5s aieinr evenues', (ont ai -'hd tas ste '<ena ton- mim et, ha-'a beau srandýeces! ta tise dominion. 1 ainsiil sure -tisa armait aonkiug oaut of ties8eri fsttt l'auta dlffecent irosa tinýt atilipalta. When tisa repoart '<as *'<ri1tten, an page 85î, BlikblIlit i sis! is lat isa taxes leit te tise provinces aru more astable, Iu Onta-ia, -'<t sýhahhLava laitt isa profits ios iaLiquor Control Býatrel aperationsý,veioja litenesea ans! gatolilu tn Wis'ere ls h Le thility WaýrtlIma prohlibitioni, as e1 doiniol n measuc, as aedybeaurauete!ans! if sus' sslsaçy servestme corictely, tise Minialy aof5WavSesicnsttdâ, inus! quite 1prapenr ta, 'Oitisi'tise iteal gavennunenut lias th poster ta ch tsncb a masune .Alrendy a Fuiel Cantro1ler heas beaui appointes! and! hae las tisa powear la ragleatiste distiuinigss liina. AS % a <an ensura, ihacas!dpiausntey aif revenlues frosu tisheu --vhiie ns!gasoli e. Ve sbould!itissu hava ta go te tisa dominion aa1iiiesîu '<it a in cup ln aur baudseyn-'tbroniut ta tisaexteri aur losof renanua or pay ',for tise social servie.s aio' tno'n ,h lu e,> has are mens' and varies! lu ibis ileaoai owiug pinaln Whn he Prime "Minîister 01eddrsed ta me nu rNavesa- bane u! 19C40,aatte 'iii reierence ohoiis proposie! colinianenca, Lho saii lpari: 'Whtile lise cost oail unemplloymneui relief 1han bieau redu cas!, tisaetaras ,at adIitiia.11 iriundssongovanu- mania s taxpayars aiLe. -1h bas inanlhi=U ncess tht comptition belaveanis govruelS ta eour"rv- enues, guel bas agastdtishelapur, cumbar toma ns!disceiniinahony ïC!ja'aMT ofr aiuclis aiOur itex OnaisCo-o)perattes cn Inicopase Tax 1 iake 'ibis apr ofh i eeclrtatlise actions ai tise gavarumant i tisafproinceoai tanla '<11h retspecti ta tie tInmaTex Achi Qtanwia. Perbapi I sisanle exlithat tise Ineoaa.Tex Act ai Ontaiidiffent tnarn isaate of imosi aitisa oier provincat in tu-.s repctCah'e tllovw s'a n s!uctioe irosu tisa incarna ai tisaontaria taxpayeýçr tlie sotunt of ta-x pais! ta liel doinion gveum n uelrise Incame War Tax AC halanîot setImpose aur on2x tex. le tisatiriterieriiur or cma viCis tise domni'on,ý es wilS' sih hbansbeal', mtii sb'. fovre iitr ai finance aifCaaa ýt isai fer tisadominlion ho levs'a incarne tax atai;le sta Inýada provincial fiLds io taxti;on I To mi tsu elnlstue -ts ans st ont is ni iasptuig 'itdh tise d!iniin; î il, i hsing s seconns!tcy psto htu.isa dolniqai. Fremnlet nme state thiaIltsaprvice oa i tarioa<ss e final plrovin ce lu Canada ',ta aryen IgPo rith lihe dominion ta siet Il sati af coliecýtiai £thea ingeIMeaxas!t eeCOnomie '<elste afmi 9r1o axaes Ontýanio arranges! '<115tisah dioinion ,govuei tisaItisa Ontario tax aboute ha' colcts y tisa sauts d-omiiii o ffiCcasud ai Che same lime as tisa domiion tex iscollACets. Tiat las not campetition.i, That la oopeneian, as!- mIlles! lis' ail, ans! due credil bai;ng given by alilteix- payeýra affeCtA! Fulier isomncion gnemust on SeptamisEr 1h,1daddii a su.SctexlCof 20par cent. spplicabis ta u oaaf 1939 sud shcqatperioda. Tisi anit a leser aostairfeaat inlutise bauds of ttisa tex- payera1aeha sijac, ialise Cui ttanm. Tht province ai OurOnîarCo1Io sfe ReeteLt OuA usi7h, 140 isa 20 pan cant. tuntax su 1i lid nahat sadr tisa Donion Incoma Tex ,ýArt '<are repeales!ans! in lisain pinces rnesear ens! iherisa rates '<aeanactes!, eus! t tis sae time, exaýnsptsout '<arïe ot.Teshanoges 'reapplicablle tt li ioea ai 193q. Basidelisasciuelunratta, tlisanaev Natiional Defence Texas ua!aplcbetalcre e due!frasa JuJy lai, 14.Tise elfefacù,aiftiese ads!ad1 imasa 's aaiouly nedusi tise revîenues aiftise! provinýe aof tria, an,!it te etimete! ha fr li fiscal yarwhic-h hegins on Âril 1, j941 , e rvic of 0ucaIrlo v'îPiisuifer a lots ai retvne i of edsa tw ailIIoôn dollars -Wa haveva md nrise lIgin i ospital-A savae million larinstuittion-ns! many ,oisa pavn praerie, 'itsut pjaîmboLtorrerA ns iicn _unLe ta, do10ta. 'Wa hava cslrtailed aOur cptammanuuassu halns delayd es! acasary wrk-sork utld'<aiuLhva been iprofitable and i<ouid lhav eWiad adafditcial revenlus. Trien, too, ilu au effarvt taerge tisa incmiug ai neteds!AmricaiU dollars, tanaesnrytae heli d'onsInIion to F;las ec ang udpros"ecuta tise star, th provile ai ofntariolo hat uderaceiçn ta expens! nlpuib. lintty sud sdvartisinýg for toorists tht yer the sum of Ithres lunndriCd lsausaus! i ar. iati, bcc.Ordijngta atciaLs 0,iftht dominio ovrsun, coprain 'itbhin tht mein ay0aiths eae ttie aihievarionis prxnles bert tht tho e nihoritles üai tht dovi ioss go Lnsn aveapontd oard to ha prtslcd4conot by tllion.iChanta P. McTague, oft aaithe Su- precme Court aioftf ia,'<hidiboard isp* beau foarnuas! ta daètermina tise amlount aio, tlsec ans! daprecta- tion ltalsy oalst1 payers s a 'riles-of against prfiswha'iiiLea Ubjac-,to a vur taixation. Tise IloiOfon-cranted bonrs. On1tarjes NoIt Cosapeiing Tiedota uazt perm(it ,a flngtisy ýrachatOaiotlser tt ai oprtin un tht part Of i f ttglrueta ht provinece oîIstaîri, btI challengeauyone a auceas,- fully cisrga hiegoverment i tariorO, for tisa 'otaher an ater rovinet, vstIti omptiionfo reeu uf.Itds that tdo ist excIasîvejyr bang ta the pineor -aishamy latck aicOIpcratiou whatsotvtr, 0n tht tise ida ai tis e palrs veu l uuIslie, orgis-izjîUonfi e (ue 0CMukitiea, ptereiafIer tlisa anatisat funchiona is sptflctivsly lii tis a Iststar, m<as set 1-P l'y aur O(aia sl'yatrcnst ln- animant vot-tht nuoleIut, wiW1i1,power toa els, conlSiat- iigug i Fls lionauiir Letun-iatnrMthse Colonel Drew nauu myselind'(ensetalthon.1gh '<ail anr aYea e'll ga <ejarayfitoOhaeasu.dpersualir, pldeouit a itho rgf iaiathe isiima- sureai ooporîio lu racypasible <aneffart, tht. secr't'ary aitia rgniaton nasead snie te ht not1 a mulglie requtic-or cmuiainhtt b'eau raccinaf irons tht edaIral govrluent. .Any ust tniticisos isaIt t sny h lvellM agluaith Iis ssue mny cleautans! I acceptseihoutcam plaint. Buit ift ise prq' olgandirtsbelteva for amiantý hat, bacant"e ai aur atitde ,'el", ,iii esiaiI ni" ent -V'hie îsiu Uin Cae radal eibeaatelyfor- tht vth ur altIerrovnesur guity of d !nkaltIog ta bloo-z le Cnada uinebeigau aiu 'a ft, then IÉs"Y ha tho, ' e sj h ïeedousl rom hat Mns! iottfcl elqr, an thafloor ai thtegire , aud On tisa public plaiio2,m.' rler I analil m-yseli ai tise ap-pOrtunlty aOf'arning tiepumraIy fnnilpra s! olhbr't t"et tey bas a Ov'er7pist Chi a Dy sttempotiug ,te.cloO,-,this report '<th thtguosns i atiOF oteu!undr1tisa axg nitsai <as'<uis! do irrapraledamage ta bath nationial unit*y sudcofdn. I deslret', otean0 sstsoit s as l eit T.Iso TQrouta Siar, a supporter oai thtprastit faýderai goverumeut l in aitoisioaiNonanbar 201h, 1940, "Thner bPeves tIiaInsegae.,rul idea af tht report isý s gal(jor'ana, ht idan chat thfiliequsisauls ha tlcha e cuita, olcorsd san offs,?, asSumý,ecertain2 provýincialaspnibltis Tisat '<as thîýt'il, n fiendly pahe f isat pae'. Whbdis! a ier aayinuils aditorMalofiSntUrsiay, Ja nuary 11, 1911 quota: 't'lsereport bsutalya nougls, strg btclcng. Grealfinancial ,ouceruis oans! '<tailhy idIidnns '<ho arac boldfirs of proviial qibauds support a pr wbt'Iicli '<ans! inc th crditai ht Omi nioai elins! praviii- cmlsacritte <bsa alctvauha s greally de- tetcts.A Toronto brokier l'as atintcteJist adop- tion oaillotht isporiglst zicddas ntmihasel 0,Q00m5 *'40,000,000 îDd *$0,000,000 tothie valua ie fthtead ai Mianitoba, Saakzatchewan ans! Aherta,nepevay This guI ta otht boufihaldera '<ouis! he imore costly ' t Quitanlo than. any other p)rovince. Ontario's atyn bonds i,-oiuid ll eh lureasas! lu value tfo any maclees!degrat, as its credit closely approachastisai iai iised iiu. A f tature af,iethtarrangement ntgnslynm ealires!l thla thtl Ilc case ai Aberta tisadominO<Is! asum not ouly tht pr-ovincial deh, but tisectltas!inerest, an thtesanie. This bas! reaeed $,4 b,0hy19ý37 ans! tands slow at a inueis ighter figure. Outros federal tarpar-s provide nuearjy hal- Isa hdoîiion revenue111 onit ai svhlhtht g',o taetisa boiaIdrs touls! ha pravides!.' T17isai shows thtecnning olofan ai atgrent pub-. sensIiuig publie opinion, aýra reficing the grovip.g sus- pcofaitlisa '<awkasstn publý ic sins!. As a pOlitlca obterver 1 say tisat tisra 1, is ef tt loping boady ai opn onuaw'ithûot C., nosepramtisig tiseie tisai behns hjà iisntuimey ue, iitby ea swa manptle, le a 'cî-ooc fitieions s, lta maks gaod. tht lasseasfli dtpreoi.ti1jýof raicetain bonds liais! isrgel,%P îlyinanciial h iuistaollaet 1nup:til!intaýreton- Alerta bonds and th auans esîiarp appraciaitiain tsî banda ai i etnnin province1s, '<iscis bauds ave, aausoaicia'- cuaa eesbyont! l the e ai is' espC tveproq- vinctal trananururs, nctually aod at msrith lesst tiss pa, ltoi ise coupon ratte v;as 1nrhy higis. Tiis pabllinge caýpital apprecýiation is uao-'tran subject tao fedeIral ieneme Da 1 slamli anui tiose wlia ra,,(, oul ressling for ,,ncb action tisait hsy Inay acnatsa upicio1 U"ans! utstry ompietelypubiaconfide un ir.goaru- canada Milst Bec sile - ey 1 t omae ta a euhject iaeugrenIerimportance -aonlunity. \Wa hava iltot-day, Ai aada ta ha Ill ue prosacution ofIhtisestar.Wa ae nites \V aopa. a ne te. We lhave a commIon fat iluise jict;aore, I-bap e aknlosv os«hlu aoIt raeligiois sens!racial istues. J- ean speasi Lilyon tlis subjeal. We tried, as a gaverumat,t.t. r, iay inufule ob- vIoinsi njustice ans! inecIusiiy ieS rogers! t tcsciseol egrevenues. MW ilIes!, sud tise Vr-, luça sïe trias! lý lislp '<ere a sortnýons ss anyone aise ,la have lusrtra au ,stpa laua t imirilan situatioun a lager ecait dcneiplu talay I -lready tisro ars, rumlbling isi uesealagotting pri*farrel trelmwent. 1 linon'that, it,, toma et,tiba are ,etasa ingctcumatnuces. Ln tsefaci nmaina thiat Quiý la ing reliants ai oma ai ise, -r muniicipail dubt,,, wile thisr provintces aa ua. Qubeis, te rea ,1 n igtmillion cdollarynlyisedcba us si!y1'hie thrs iincltding Onilria, are nOt t rcO n een.A-gaits isea"aa, tnaigcic.ussbs Boti lntin nl a ýlivtyt xp-n uccasas' Tht Toronto TleraîtL, ow rsi eanspa.per -ans! ric, he haopinions ofinmauy lclt sa wOtai 'h h 2ave a greait rsetfor tsi nidr, oinhn . is Toronto Leagaa bs datailisCha apet aiftis repart '<itis grant ffet ItsUf a ro irons ils, edîsnai-hatis not'ncasayAI ICasa say isne to uii resisatesepover faIltie pr-st lu titis regagel,. Tisis lesseissu-e baing deval1opes) pesni achallenge ha litote i us '<ha baiev nntionýal u 'I o Hisu! ureestg tis bvinsis 1ual f;i1jtapCaaa ia t mm to autr naigihourl r ovncni gsbeapecially <heu 1hy tisdal. i, crding ,ýta tihast cout.,ilulanl aivice ILcau Igel, Qaasdts tCa s'iihv sud piVrlgaa rate!y ise JBrille], Nons Amenitca- A.Jtct . s Catsulog y o liaieguc la n! have eny -ay ilu dircectng puli0poicCfr Onrlo ands t long as tiseai, a ïBruitiisNons th riaActinlui-t psctforsi, 'iis cnni 1 menas a 'ill by ta lu Olîa, L'<etsi, asInsister poicaas olidly Ïbesida Queihat i ay hast lier soiiyigbtt are îtsçlf. Ta ley hads on theisele i c ot ýSur ilil Laurier nSficrJais , A.ltacdaual le ustlg short ai naioalsndalisosI. Do We Fiddfr hUeLtoa Be]3iriàs? gattt ti 40sulsd, yasmillions, ao nnpaniomla en! ellu -.if Ibi vatats ts BiissNati; AnaiaAd saay serve uetups oauti hapro- Isi ti ietine tn tend acoueunlan '1obombin-to Lanoidau i'<li a e documnt uinesissus!as!have Ihlmi ",tI)intoiatht hall aIof'SAstsiinster lsd a q iBlitisIý paiaato :tauolu in tcn drtinaiqesin dtmiigtisa nery lie oai tisaBritIFis Emnpira in ordar ta) debte tisa equestio~n ai e&n-soon0DîtutjoII ifn To ime Il le unisinkalbleiaCat'<a aisols! ha iddliug ,ibila Landau is buiruiug. Tu i.te banni aiftise Empira tisacitzcs~~g-en,'<aenboys anse ! gins-'<jth thair bacchand areheetou StItisafises tpxeac by nutis- lsoscs. rilns, n tse snoftisa se. ýca anf!lhes sîrees ai isaircille, '<is1ii tht insa4ar fitht is todi'<il charcy Bttqs Itbeî rant tder said ,lhey '<culs!. Italy concernes! 'ils iseir iruggla tasite nsta s5o ve his tirpugleat Chýi pire and! nis nthnf e,the3o are 'tigs'iunfiglst la-aylis ccssrnirsnt1a 'hidI '<I nanandiae'<hile ircodesuiune.Tliey liant no tier cnau To dy 'le tisaso ýebrava people nashedigltin hjomes avil, is iarbodies ans! hýoaviug h bupstiîtg bomibsalans! th.ýise oall i aciie gun itl letSdo '<vare3J tisaI tise Lard MayrfiLandau isas p anses! in Is efforts ta trelise nation as a Ie!n maa&tleeissg of tise lder an t conide,r n-ndjs!uimenton al ravisaha ia on'a ieleguees!fortresi 1 ýlîstpa c.CIsuehilll, taevlIr, saelthet t'o gret d.5aerticleder 'ho sd1iidoui P,,,,becou igi Iat lu1 ibs b\idrdnolto-(Ly. I believe t,»Thisir s- ceriy. Oly a aileefort '<ilentaO ilitation au-li cisisisîit. Or angn]ovene'<nnaseunder the> War Ms uIeAt, alles4vxe, eq lcaerî ply- If thers lis enyhLt, peifiaC, hat t1ise elinion govtru- met <t t eni p ,I î l nis w efor apt, asL ,eus!nd1 a tir oe-yplive'<ill asast y pssslggins!j lisenecîasn eablig lgsattan. TIitea-'teacesun- pliiss! elhou,,ntravarsy pu! \rhtsatt p#etting aur, cesos Ly:'elr4Lkilizsy aatl hi qva tnep PUBLISHED BY THSE AUTHORITY 0F THE OF TKE PROV1NCE OF ONTARIO (Coitinued on Page. ftnnered ddhld as Advantage n Can Deal With $ociai Situ- afios-As He 0110wliUp ohui ls -w o hae i euatagn t 's dus 1'lI-o-ta er il tutoUlrh -of the Do - inoProncI Conferenco on the S.'i@rois, Report IT IS PARTICULARLY- IMPORTINTai this critical phase of our national lije that the peo pie of the Province of Ontario shotild be given the facîs and alied to base their contsidetionis and judgmtent oit themn. There is very uie doub i hat int many isnespnonhaebeeni based one speculation,. propaganda and rumor. The stateents given herewcithare taken from tlhe Officiai Reports of fihe Conjerence as pziblished b y the Dominion GCovcirnmyent.