(Continueld From Saving SNat Ontýarâ*'s tural iurlLceS t V (Conti.nu ed) Ontariü SliA~1 Cotiesue e )Help !lu cor ar fiotlI- X Ulerniliv, s'hveise lilinl am 0sahvete tin hes,' vento te1t1 n ofilont jnýil»gin tise clameur te cubiiaSover tiws billion dolars i Sbie ni otiss, public hodies o1tise domiinion ÉreasutiLý -awaritiime. Tise proceesofnitranjsfer itedif wetlci ho nvolv d dnetIto ur be Énintial sst.A oan f i1al tt;, ollecýtisueciv ities of thi isa cle, stutcaed!n itise Irep'flt t enra autisrity ol o eniy ha spa fler 'comlpli',ttd n f xrùbFitsn leijsto cotaIS ho1enacbe , Tbtime aýnti iforb0of iit s eepi prilment ,woid edooe iiu tI xisSdîeçtln syseoj ue.vr moIince ýof effort is rustuimed, inin ostecessinl oectof nIltie wsr -ýAnS iil mou. thstaohlgIo rureîvs dhîtisi wa tyt tis a lst dr~op i.nits'iniers luittd tis lat1 ageof Hialsearct, cnuIn te onfus.ionl, voc1l prevail in ail goverluent% seexiing tax matlinerybngged "'-. e, in (tptt'îCi ê i epiai7e, bave auionis1y ta. operetejd stb tsedomini'on gnmnetin sie sacýl effiot lanSlsIal. cn (0optodo S.le, lh iýis'isa peacethiue dcumtentý, anS ve oiessnsl anS sîuhcQrelY sti ise tlîie ta iasit is onnowv, bu't otily swhos isle meacetou, dernocratcy, iisanr suid flredom ila renio-vef h y tise complete df ntsd evem n niiifalio,ýi f tise rotisîtesAxis powers." M1N01, 4S. Mac211ILLAN, PRIME MN O E F NOVA Soi.(Vol. t, page -22): "If wc ere a fi, to"gve a catgocal nswer favourinig or npsi tise report asP% i oe ia aatswver, reranigloa8~i s we do, ud blave tg eha'e" HON, J. BMAJ, X.C., PRIME MINISTER 0F INEIV BRfJISWVICK, (VOL. 1, page 23): "Ito isuse, 1t muýt ai ytlat 're doet conc,ýur 3a tise fluings ni ise cýUo.1 oissia ston u hplr Vand VI n ectionF nifVumse 11,weetetn HON. JOHN PRACKEN, PRIME MINIS TER 0F MAfNITOB8A, (Vol. 1, page 30); "Mutisdoos nonttii il uresoabl,'f w1sl.te 6brres' miouey 01n tise îUdit n tso dmnin tisai it fshoUld ise eîlgp-tpe1 irst to nbitin tise appreval of sncb Natiol. PFinanc,(eCommission. We feel satisfed blist esha hve un diiidcltý- 'ilitiintise appruval oýf sntih ibody ii, al cliss Oire urapplicatlion nmita utcisapprmval. I a msocornes lup in wibîistsuds ao' *provall îI'liiisp,ldiset w ill not l pevent nif, ir e .Wsin ltsbecttaawsvtlisy oeefrontbrrwnguo )ur cxncrdL I as been euggeledtit aucis borowving 55700 oiprovincial credfit lnne will ha tmi. posbeif ts'cjw te 'ercrnsuain are1 cimeS fetie do ui iagree. -Aly pyn0vinbce Vblicis cen'b-ro - non' onîS tm 1bormoir ifIsleconeans sutmneudtine ece lifrce Thie suc(cesa0f&euMi bro in uetsrCase4e- n poin t1ise criti tisa provinCýe aiiilatting o bmo.Forex ampi liAtisee r %orcse àdo ont thliiltisai ethe Onltario or Quebee 'ejîl1,b.ve any difÀlcltyluborrnoinrg if jiiss report Lýi iuspbementod; anme ihelr provinco- suisihve; but iithre lot ai uesias Io oîe tlisoe latter <toutS horro.v, aia1tolr ru ilis rep~ort la oniMten neuiiil i they coild ot io tia et1liuly on i"(roraof alleriperetin 'because tteu isey co row ln proper ccsuo 'a' tIe redit n! Canada.a The lait ;,, manS tise report imaltes il clear, ibat lun tiita iltter of fut1urebom intise prvines reto ba l, iluinexactly tisesetepoition Jlu nIzheýy 0 araý. bndeod, tie, tan contiinue teIormeir upon their, nie redt. u aditonll'y are given a ir su:,d veluable riglet, . eoealemlii ett iseir omuoptefs oi borrou)nig uo lecri ni Cndof a oOni impemetato1' n ýi'tsapantih abr,ïen, on tise tion ni additinliunca iaions but ibrougis int tis, ttUg p airtise nwogniainas pooe by lieh omisIon lhmIdtieefresen isepart niof ds ta get on ':vili, É:ts ur udpotpna Il soar" HI-O. 9WILLIAM 1.IBriPHART, PRIME MINISTER 0F ALBERTA, (Val. 1, page 63): Oitpeple mii asc, Ay71, thýy se arios-t mic0ant issue lil-e Iis weem il have oc, bande tml s Isle J'ob niftise art' AnS ise -uhisprba goue rOund)(, 'Il s ise ntnney pomers ., I angpoing -bospealt fxanlcily. I beieve tisaitise prossituation wishichi.lfeig ur nationusud the empllire cdemande aincerity i seech ud bldA a c aio(In. 1I naintain tisat iltmo" u ho oat snotnt il 1 ti idesgaine poplar crdocatiat tisere le e con- certeS sdidliberate fsttemptbeiug use by tie mnneCy pomers tsaincease cenmulied oîml a nM naies Ue mUl ourattention le f lly occupiod lis tisah pmoectio or war efort sd islat h ytsr la, deveinpiC4ng aedeavau)ir t0 ebtein au unair IaS. vatg ver tise people hy meanni impf su taonl tllint tnsngdetstruicture undr micis they miii hafrtsr laýved. Irn nr' -a very man ilu tis iso snmarousey lu semoun W =vimareAs iA intenait nofi tise propaganIdecamiiïa;gu sud tise gjtat exapeudicure ainof nyasd isa ait suadunarue baste isiat lbas sen urgeSin can-- ln mis tisa atdeption n iuise Ravefiirois recommanndationis. Ya'e11un iatakceaan f. i nl iaeft5orla bo gainIsleadptofites oomm atlonis, )bt tisa barrage i ovosrisieSpoeaS in sýUup- p -r or l u5 'u io ei" proposais bhave beaucaig growlug neîleail tisaminds ni msuy. Watse t se co0111s111n aeuombedte or iuot, wivelu Abioria are fully infornnt . ontisa acion mbits mas tkitenin Australie rrdiog ibu sinsier mp'men da. Inthat Britsi Coucllry tJus,e 1aCm b1bvo munCàIl more direct maütiusod thisuwe bave (e del witsah ntis teaWCemnota ta intesý o-.f allowing thisuse n,i adicilities for ieï di>elen nlionl, as wes doue isere, iser trCe ted tieý unMion nw"prpaane s ein g sberieto tise Brillais emlpire and raiýýs ants tnrnt ai peo ata pu'blie ddseoenu tisesubject b laS to beaadnd Surely l muet be evlldenL t to auY loyal Brtii ui- jo-,t iabist o it caFsyin" ndier lybuIle wma are, iseing hiseodwiulced and iliveigled loto ïa finauc-i dictbomesip r a isr ntattaiaurnoe heu we r ogintise buat niOurnmanood to tie eplire sud axe ra cd siea lise ionS u ntny gile-a tot li- ta iulordjer osf rt'alized ,retn ud rsgh"essil'tibin- is n niy rIdjniu bt1ngnsy1rmie. av un0 apQlogy temaltefor seakiug tises." HON.1 . . LYDOM fNION 3MIN\ISTEE 0F FINANCE, (Vol. 2, page 50)1:; 'I1preîsetise oii ainisai ebv a e rpeeied frontheprvice nsd ITmsàt, rnntio A pavticuLar is cspeatonImontisepro0vince Of HO.T... MQUESTEN, K.C., osn4RIO MJ1N. 15 TEE 0F HGWASAND MUNICIPAL .4FEAIRS, (Vol..12, pages 83 se87). "Mr. Pr!ime Miister and ehlse, oer bs Uofrnc isolves, tiseroince niontaivouId, liua c poatshue D lb is fnncalmoti ouviisregar te tise effeis '3itiseSirois ]repart ou11 e ovne' finances. Periepe migst po~ery prfecebIAi I baivain env byOuluvee',, tn o nanttn fis 1lucl Upn l au c u mass uir i ýe of rsviem tise finsucial. islatory paxlicnîarly' relatiug te lise memument bas bosu in charge to Baie s' prerniex a aced istîfigai, 55 alan ï!na tampîce anS s 'iis a l eno ël ndenviabe bdgeayPo Sition bas ýplaed uis iii atpoition te carry out apolraasit once 1 îtise 9001municipalities hicis ostise local go euntadmnîntst,'rationa ni Ontario. For example thec provîince baslasseumedOthe autire capitaýl test of cosrcinof o'ur great h'ighway sst li tefiai bdnofw!iich focmelrly 1reatedi iiipart uo he ssiialte.The province an oatipteinvron e ss owrd sthwy onstruction ;,ndtre y Ii m1attere of public eatiOuterioo baq m11e3grC a StridIs et nd baSin-,e thia goveiiomiet ,oit charge, al ani alnnuel cnet orf illions nAi1dollar3, assumaS (1tise ùire imurden of tlisetaeof Idgettherlrptients. asuni exCeed!ng 0,tO per moutis. Thon ncsn ge for te iintone e, *witb wa iormriy clctS bya few of thue900 Oniiaiis ",e have eubtttda proviroilinnma-ex an h'ava ssnsdthe, nir of ni ts isr ore !erne isy tiseo uleplte A nd ea p lensions sund mnothlers llwnc Tise annual cnet te isa goverrnment nonf r for Old Mg3 pesosa epreaented bythapreentfisal er amut 1hmee andna1Mhal illion dollars.'ý i'i. n vludes ise pro incs hraof ;1pensions for tise blind. Tisa eai otote tliseprovin1ceof m iotliesr' llow- ntestis year -iill exceeed tios ssr of five and aqure million dollars. AU of tisa items-tisaI l,1 Idag pasonpensionîs for tisa bleS d mten'dll enteos-atra annnally ineresing in,,amont Il quita agrea its ise estiiiarna mSsy pronent attuarles isat tisoy wtNvll continsse te inereasa for tise next Si iy y sacs. I1t is diffieuit et tihsis tinet buesimaei, is dn limit ofi'tise1c0,t of ti'ssatisree social services, wsît a iVou are ame wer yru drceseofniby tise atherm Wa alan pav-.4o tisa mmnicipalitîiesan iannuel subsidr' 0, nti enais1, baseS nu» tisa gael saskesos t itis muncialtisaniS tsis ernoutl"s.lu round lfigures, t tiesn ithes million dollars peC riuen Auotsprfuntio nigoverument iailagrowisg annnlliy i jedationu, anS lb la stimebea tisaIfor tisq pentfiscal ye'ar tishpe vnc ili spenid n o£dse tirteen mýilin doll1ars. Comupares Relieff CeaIS Oua ni tise serviides Mal;t bas cnet suormne tS urne dur- ing telet deco d iat aitisale st Of relilef. U4 0wpesntbatis n of trhuton hedominion lisys3 40 per ce. cii diriect relief costa, excludiug ,modicail Ievce.ICl(nd imial 2services lse dominion cou- riuonis ý8 per cent, i ftise total expenoditure. For ise present lsi esutisaitbcaperio lening Mal;cIi s1i , reiMil tout Ontoyi tie aum tw tnmillin dollrs 0f tsthise emionieu' aRsm iihac $31800,- 00', tise prvspsiqsre $4 aud 0 anitieounai- tipliles' "are $1,900j,0l0 EIiàiaiblg ibe coal Of relief for tisalitI ear mii bogins April 1, 191 clculated ou tishesenSsýisaof eisaing tie Ceto£ elef sd etiatefMoce ts et evabbme ifra ion ie relief lpieture ilu Oniamie m,ýI be eprseuedas foliom: ' Dnntiioee ...........$2,9, 0 ,, Provicnl ia ear............2,92,00 t tise Sîmolas ItbeadopteS, for tie fiscal rear L112, isoe olie lestilnalted as: - Domuinion hnsreý..... ..ý. ,,. . $ 566,00G Provincietaber............42,00 L, 'ne h miiiiha obsrveS i a yeig tse ni unlýIe tseprovince ni Ontenia avou(d ho clleS auon ta ncesiteeditues y tisa suti f 0l,00 sud tise0 burden i oisle amucicipa]liies (ici is bepratv- tically tiesamteasunder bsepreip ýiu, tisa Sifrer. ans-Seng otetisu $000U Tise ofceri ai tise Aasn r aS 'nlira S"epatntebare ber nS are supplieS tsali detais wmti repct;tb e l igures, anSdsift oisorelief figures aSd me araprepared te dcusthesomltera lu datiif sud misen reqlumeS. AtuIbisjunetuare I1Sdu"reta Um ate staentnputi on( Ontilrin, as conlained 0on page 96, eit I, tf tis recommenetofaitise Sirote comisspion. IT est.imabed saivinge or gain te tia province ni ouaitantfisa I9;7 baýc se, a $,;926,000 ec aunent. Buot a careful analyste of tise figuires indicates htisa l- steadni again n of 5s600;tisaactal 1net, base te tise prvincefor tie 14937 peaiaS maaIS h$6,432,000. 'us il miise sean tiat tisaîiwal'ton gvenOU rpage 96 ofi1110 Sirois caport as teaie xtMa ipovmn lu tis1 innia, ns(o aitise poicoisa0,31917 base ha inaccurate aud net ilu attardante uts tise Ofiug aitisa tressurr dpaim ftcitie province nf Olario. 'ibis iacro mouivs tetise, large figure of $1l,755,00ù, 'ie reconcilition nifibeA" nDent la aniabesd eau ha exeýpîsized 1:, tise tecisical, office of ne satreury deprment, Wjbrsetotesepressa iscal reer,bisa siiuaion laif ie mrsei. JIf-tiese iroie pieu were adopteS nS usSeieffcive for tbè presenit fica ar, -bcis sulds on Mercis 01 uex bsa eviec oOntarso moulli ha faceS t e certain net boasin lu r es of tis sua ni $700,0.Tuila for, tisapresent ',fiscal yaar7 Tiseoxnvice loi erequired te-,agive cp annll r evenueis Cdf..........,O0,0 Dad(uci frosu ii, epod grea- smS y lie Santfa"o, an tis anqiii susidy te ise unicipal- it ieS, mniisch old not loge b Ppa lobatiLetai------------2 ,0il0(,0-0(1 Leaves a boss i..................$700.000 Oua aOFIltie Iri re sub i tuile boss 3ýin mrevenue, -unugLsi but b"; tiegvigus> ni tie scesinduty aes udbe ilse]bOss inrenutele uvesy tsi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~wil 'net iisam of$0,0.Imudrefer yen 10 tse Ierbd lialuta o Outrie 1917) Ciatefr 372, strion 29.mmci istise sttuiJory alborjitafor'psy ni iut ficom tfii(e roeede of etrsso Sbis tes rusrst i Truain tie snt i 50000par anun OF-THE GOVERNMINT 0F THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Set Educration Baick 50 Years But'iai l mt ea ndication 11iaisitise lues is 0dctininOtne o nisIS-ocS st iacr ily eams. 'ibiïs vmuid 1apply psmtieulariy ttoise u1itilereS sisool,0 undr pesnt ondtins equmetise esm1ceas opublie, scoisol-aýunu ia1grants irointIsle poica rauy Tiüse splenid mdcdons býy tisa epa ntnt ifîbl niontamio in agngeauce ,cn ig)at1 intp ont tieu eac n0uÉ rclsi.Miscs i) s se beg con- docteS ezt ,qiiannuel otuaie1tisa pmnvinca n upferofa $iiO00 ould ,ot haterieSon, nues rvenuesý fonane 5other souirce mreiorliscoM1ing. 'iis mould invnlva sontiiw 2 ty !pa aitatinbu jiinuisas aeso tts t axes ou 01Inntesap, taxes ocoaon ns,i!sudtaxes nu nining pofis, oiàne longar hb aaiabeto ts rvic Ot rie, eny eliditionai isulrden i taatin r uied( cise rvenlus ta contimons a reapnýabbe standa( rd nIecitiesuold is ae ner d lsebuies mu 1 alan bcrig bu yonr attention tisa ict tisa i]~ipl- tili;tieN of tise prvince i Otacin mifiisi!,fer f oe peatfiscaM arby 1lise implantentotion ef tise'i, i reportetiaboa n evenue axcapedinlg ,0,0 Now, if you Iw! l add0'tisant bssin.eenu teh( ansýtaineC by tisaprovince niofiei ni17,00,0(00 tisa $00000 ertain boss lu ho sustainediis yesr by ts uileltc Otami y0u bave tise aoo'rmn111ecsu i, lof' $2,0000-.ut os e is rovince' Tibe, 2Mm. Ciieiman, las orly tsa0o nng Tisa bossare bn I o icreasa, ,baes iamottionslitu go ,mme t oi lis tisa province are, iront tiir very natuire, incssig in tIsir iresern lisaractar, su se fer ase tbia ed fo rveuesedoeaned. ~' Real Etate Biirdeu IntoleraIale No oies onvrsat thispd 1.SU i îIli le enct Ilst !beet tise province ad is ni aLà ies lai Cmaaato-day miila[limplte o ny abise iaisr on rosIaesît i reseni bas reaced epoint aviseprail le diffirlcub for tise fermer to meet hiN ratesnand.~çs lb la isccursging for nr noue otu empt10build a home; asud, 2,ï,faIt, diynOrlo Sa rgdbre omýner re ttnt£ gtIOUII)Lvlg ge0aOmiiiu irOnt tisoacil itisa. sud are parig miti tlieir hborne, n0si rp roseitinnt ulr e meescme their ouby 1lue sv~ t Tise aval csaisIe o rte-day, e-bsn nbsoy-raie, tlise amni nifbis taxes,villfinStisai for evem'y dollar ai taxoýesho pas to-day in O0nteri h- ii ho cailteS upoc lint rear 1tg psy $..Anli tis coder rcondI- lions, m thee iaosi ni ivinigis alresdy sponnting, s ud te, geerallir spoalciulg, t-1n per cent. iigiser tissa111 it irsmtts onibrost ni tsau'etr. Astise Priupe Minlisber baos saiS 'Tion besý% ns mil tis spoaiefonctioIns (f goypemmni." AnS IdolS titise figutres bvaan1ttdpro0ve tisat ire mil bave inuficieut fendýcs bu iscýisarge tises, mutncionis n1oveunesltisa iealtis snd educatvion la panýticulair imil efi't, aud tisestandard ni lliving OF ou vLien inare u ise Jtssa n'ioisaigist ha deecribed :as tise louereconnt câle ml i ha sic to alcondtion ni serviec Seppudency. Nomv, -Mr.Priime Mý,>inistc-, Iibva insiydi1iSmy presntation nif TIhe inanc(ia aff'er c nitie report as it apipears 1lu ibis poicanI ar amnuisorired ou beisaif ni tise preâmier ai fle poic ni Ontrso, ise Ontarla debgafon lsdaie peopbe ai bse.proince, o aunnne(a iheat ni ascitiuwith tis s a-calle ceferae1la ove. Srneobier ontemerny ti tsisopporalniy te prsn0isir repî[y ta tise lmna admes ni tise He. m.hlte,suad temio demas meare oig Wa ae 1 z -itto tiserosi of tise suemisers tacontiinue tir effrorts to (do misai M'a ara bouS dta sy ntISresit lu iýrpcliiig tneertoas m t dVs0 ditlin lu Setroying 1provinc"il auto-neny sud rigisteý. t arae reýtuing te our bsnsassd eux duelord te tise doiion it1isimord ,ith iicis mepenad: If tise domlinlion dcidea b pmIýoscuta ýtise max on;a isas i,ýo eortiome icsai haÎledy,d aýs me7baalaya b)ena lu tis pet 0coperata lun cvrr kuomu ir1ý ay anS te 15mow th;is tat eigst iur g3eat ro Inmtise RT. HON. ERNEST LIPOINTE, MIîSTER OF JU-STICE AN-D ATRN -GLnEERAL 0F CANADA, (Vol. 2, page s0) "I eaSisa Onitaria niewsapae, a ýnS ibis ntmnrssg I mesS s satemeniil a Toronto nr-pprta tiseoffsct tisai Ibis comiionlreport jmes ei;Quaban crepor, P7.prerad y sud for Quebýet, for ibe henuefit tnitisat pru*CviueeTiaI rlclifugeS ise pepbeniOntarlo te) oppose il. t31fiy demis ae iea iuer itht t ise siete ise luiise ovinceaiQueýes ibis report la coad db.,sme as baaqdlcg l tseo iretion o povintial antquonsy ani isasareMe îis i tise Fmscnc-Cnsialu race ii ha susbaved if Ibis report la adopeSI d a epted. RT. HON. W'. L. MACICENZIE KING, PRIMEF JMINIS TEE 0F CANAD,,(Vol. 2, page 112>: '"1" N"Me a bsnMi. IMeMMy c%&auanS I on sUeraS tise alig nifiis ceem nce Ibturc use bemesa "ncb a gatherin ati iistinte. Ili.ayngti1tIde te ual iit I s m hstmeying sur cabinet sýcret m1iits1 arn amwoiu o reuect. 1b 'i or oon i isevie- -tisatitI coisual e tI wi-te"e tohv HO0N. ADELARD GODBOt T, PIFMR MNISTEII OF THE PROVINCE 0F QUHEBEC, (Vol. 2, page (Tise rime inistc's rearks mare given i, F.rencis, ise tolinmlug is lise Egii rnîla) "Ssnî he colilunalien n i tsi onfprenceCoui- stitute amenace to Cnabunicour.1 avonîd sanggest, Mr. PiaMinister, isIil ha di8301ved. nI tlue e\iecaa 'f fise ems uet clipinlitely eoe eAed no one p e e iou ais possib'le l Iite ul: uappy ite Lnt toturu yr f ohattentoito tise mloisatit ý1of basonls fot-being_ bappy. It',s a Simplbe mttor0 ii ing one'sgae DECIE TOBE HAPPY: jlarppîneas isn't Il in iaughties- Is is l! ilii!, iiig litxue.I Is~ ~ ~ ~~L alo tlaie.Fsiame opie, conle 4to meýanIl Siieon joy taon comparleons, MwS) ltai you lhave msuý isýiactionis Iand enlj ftyou, a a pe do siibsidle iÈt a se nigbt. I ono lai ns' ali Planned ingration of la portIonj of' the Dominiioii's- agriclua population to induistriel cnr for war work i-, anticipated by MisElizabeth Harvýey Maye-r, of thke International Labor O)ffie, an affiliate of the League of Na- tions, wýhich has been transferredI from Gen ove to McGill UnlvIer- Sity, Montreal1. "The largest lab rerves iiiýýj Can.ada are now in the rurajt eas"Misa Mayer points OUI, li connection ïi , astudy she has muade o(f the Canacan IIempiloy-. n-ent market for the Januavy is-. sue of the I.L.O. Journal, 8h. states that 29 per cent Of Ujt t- tai gainfully occupieti population ,vas engaged inagicltr at th.o timne Of the 1931 census. Unisati-- factory agricultural conditione have forced nuany .1mail farmier2 into a sub-marginalI positionl, -MAY BECOME -NEOESSATIV IC 0 the Doln ýn eo n rr-- Proivin clea 1 Conference on the 5"_r0.1s- Report C. C. Toner Onàtarjo federation of Angler2 (NO. 23) PIROTECT THE BIRDS 1 have not sýaid-' much about bdsin this colunma but birdis cf al k-inds are among our os vaudnatural resources. I ansz sure( that there arè but a fevv pepewho woul flot m-Iiss thien if thýey ,vere gone. The robin that greets us on spring mnorniings, the rufflecd grouse that geýts uýp w-ith a roar int he woodls, the hoiking Caniada geese on1 their f",iits nlorth and south, are pnart of thie harml of outdoors that, hdsmost of usIl our lIivesý. MIay of our birds are proteet- ed b'y thiaws of the DomIlliion'" of Canrada. Because they vare migratory, winteii hu ad to thle souI-th of us, we have madnée treailes with the Unî-.,ted Stiats hihproteet the ý,amc- birds, the song birds and the insectivorousz b irpd s, whiie they are ouit of Can- adainleuu we protect themý wvhile they, are- here in summYer. Open seasons are aiwdon duCks, geesýe and certain shore birds but the others are not ai- lowed to bie irolested ;i n any way at anly tim-Ie. GAME SOGRLR~, NSECT E ATE'ýS At o»le tim-e, ally bird couid h-7 shlot at any time of the year, Geese, ducks, shora( birds and up- land game birds würn taken in thousands by market huniters and soid in the big cities. Spring siiooting harraSsed the fiocks on their way north t q their breediuig grounds. White titis country and. the United States were stili thin- ]y settied long shootingseoa and mïarket hunting did flot have niuch effýet on the bird as Lx whoie. By 1900 the pOpUlatiCLý hiad so încreased that these prac- tices were taklng a heavy lif and arengbiologists reali'zed that thege birds Would, soonf be ex- tinet unleas measures were taken for their pr-es-rvatîin. Repesnttiesof the brdpro- tLetioni societies and Goverjtienit- officiais of botji countries finaJiy drew up a set Of regulationis d- signecd to protect the birds. laý 1916 a treaty -betweeni Great Bri"t- ain and the United States viag s igned and laws were passed hyg this country und acrosa ïthe lino which enabied the peace offic eij -,o en-forecthie treatyc This treaty was known as the Mirty Birds Convention a nd the 1ev7ý thlat implements tit la Canadaj tj, was ciid fthe Migratory Birdî, Cona'entioit Act. This Act is nov enforced by special Doiniea-i migratory Bjrd Officers and I tl Royal Canadian MOunted Policte, Farm-to-City Move Is Noted Piantned Migration of Labor For War Work le Anticipated