have h visired witfl Feus over tho The bjeti eis o cetrethe attenI- i i pon the- Februaauy w-ar SaYings ek dive-c. Thie general planis to have uT el nd whistles in the town l ound an iam a 84-7)on Tedye'vuning Sadfive minutesý later- the uairent, ed vill be turne(d off and the( town will be 4W plunged (1int - omp lute (dirkness mfnlbers' of thýe N.P.AM. mwill hait jd alii rffliuwlie Mie police -wîll take chà -brge of theu blachout. nid AYRAISE WOLF BOUNTY an itban idc tio h)at teeis aI n hireaýse iin the unieofwovs [is>thegoxernentis onider-Ing riIIng the 1, unty faom $15 ti $25, [Hon. H C: ixo, mniser f !gaine and fisb1- aiÀ 1 Hyiaot 1,,swei L i de j Mas H Ldi -.î bno at oa10endlW àa VîLatis Fun br ie Udno b11 Adms psed thc. 25.0l0 'w ar el t lngyy rdoc 10 âin. r ew s theec Yado indbreakers HeavyBla-et Clotli anid see Our display &HOUSE DRE>-LSSE'S S MITH and rs.Arthr Snntir~,ov.er' the Mr. anld Ms GogCafin ,1ave re- tundhme from a-l visit wit'h his \InhtrMa. Cliliu Pearsoni, at The Homie nd 'Sceh o o1CI.ulh willç hold a social eveniniii the place of thenet regular mleetinge. Watch for ptcuaSlater. Ma. li-uray Patter-son had an acute etb c!h of Lap)penidicitis, buit it wa., waaidc-d1 off by mnedical aid. Yen can'tc keep.7a good satan clown. Ma. Hector Ro-wen sold a fu-er odPercheron to Mr.. William Ruth- eror t 1,1by Tepe, hrn 'nd1 Mis. JohnPatitersonl. Ma11. HIrri -"tascilso visited atl 1ime. Mas.SuasS'~uletilrned 1hpilu on etrrdhome wýtib berforia isit ENTERPRISE. Mrl.: Haa-o'bLI Han S 3 ert 1 isW orkîn11g in- theGoder tBomnvle Ma. CaleoIseto fPbi Skrhools. vi'ited oui scb -ol thle past _Week. Ma.Chs. ayorand Rsevisitedl on suuday. Ma. adMa.Waltea M\urýph)yor hiere OnSudy Sory t o here of the coniti.nued ifl- ness of 'Ma. Geo(rge Wbiite,. We wisb im iia ' vuedyaeovery. Thereý was no chuacb on Sunidey School ' n Sunidey, osimgt- to se -much *M r. ,and Mas,,. Gordion lMoffatt, .Takio ndAllen and Mm.John Mf fLatt visîtEd Peteriboro friends Sundey andale caiedon Enl Taylor at the, bospîtald PONTYPOOL M is s Mcrîitaï)R ch arid zo i iwa i townon Tursdy nihtof lest week Ma. JckPayne h 4ubeen petbe ýi'ck liet. We hpeyou will bhe 50 n- felihete . held (jin te rng- al as ria igb-lt fo-M.adMs Li yd T ylor, who weae recenl aii. Mess ý. Neil Curtis anC odo Moffatt pre.. sented them wý,itb a larg-e wooden cbest of "oes silver-ware. set cie anu rish linien table eloth and acci - panied i)- a pale bMue cnssero1e. set on a silver plate andi toqipped by a silvea lld. The adrdess was rea-1 by Mas. Leonard Alldiaead, to whicb Lloyd, on behaîf c' is wife, veay fittingly re- plied, thanking eveýry one for the beautiful ýgifts. After the paesenta- tien W s over they carried ou witb the dance until the wee sinaîl houars of the noning,. Eveayone remiarked of haivingý an enjoýyeble timie. iMussoiiimuisi feel paetty sick about bis African cem.piaigni. On al fronts tf- y are higdaiven back. At the paes'nt' rate, the -Allies the g-oing 1Musseolini wlll be finisbed sbortly. POPULAR IN QUEBEC C. -Morris wea,.e in OJshawa Thursday. Mrs. H. R. 'Gardfinea, Cavan, is visiting hea sistea, Mas. Sid H1utchlin- soli. M.and Mas. H. E. W'alkey took, di-nuer witb Ma., and Ms Sid. Lancas- ter crn Sunicbey. Ma. A. E. Synaens and Tinez, Mor- rish, were Sundlay g-uests cf Mr, andl Mars. R. J. Rcwe. Mr. and Mas. Haary Lane baougb MIr. and Mas. W7. C. Lane homye from11 Coîborne ' n Sundlay. Ma. A. Little, ('l oked Cekseýhool teac(her, 'bas asendil% ordier to dIo -oeme sort cof war wak Mr. and Maýs. Artbur ednapandi Alae sen1t the wek dWîtb Ma aud as'.W. 0ese,1111111%, Mav. rCy Grant, Cbatb V , viitecd( Sa4., es. wekwh)ile o'n abusiness Racnt istcr wih as.J.T. nsetaand(IlMas. A. A. M4artin,. Bîigtentookte'a 1wltb Mr. 5nd Mas Wilfed cKh on hurria cntheir waiy home frenin the dlouble funvral of Mies Thompsýon andMissSwimm eat N2,eca S tle. On Fia nighIt a concert, consist- ing mlostly eoflocal talent, "a PL' ~on in the Commu-n1ity Hall to pronreote the sale Lf Waa ainsS np.The proramewas as f ollows: "Tberje'Il Alwaysý Be an Enigland(," b'y the Sechool pupils; a numbea of the wo- mien of the village put on a one-act 1pla#', "A Little Lann Now and Thoen"; piano solIo, Jejnl Cai-ibell; enter-tainment b v "'Charlie McCaa- thy ," undea- the direo-ti in of Braen Flaherty, Bowmanwville; Ma. J. J. -Me- lor, Oonex'pl'eined thle p~a OFe tbe concert;to readfings 'by Mrs. Tionel (Hughe PS; vocal OI, by Hazel WOR. COUNTY. MASTER (lCoose vouevALNTN early f royr ml-u compLete stock of bettet greetings at LO( WEST PR,,ICES. Over a huindred deineaclh.................le-......... ....... . , 5c, 10c. and 15c. Srni1ej,'N Chuckles Candies Finest Quality hooatsin gyValentine -wrap. ).....SOC. 2 bs. for ........................................ . ,............$1.0 Sppa ltepckag-es ai ..........$150, $2.0O0 and $2.50 eaeh, New Patriotic Stationery of "s(ifScl"Envloxat mte. 1I F(TI', .R .....-.21)c. 1 Neilson'ýs v Delicious Icle Crear.- Sl,, Cei--Ris.ixeCsIeCream iesadBrcs Ii stoc'k thr'ofmt the ya.Tis.'etreat yu [0l t * ône of the six v\arieties, Vanîlla, ToFlavolir, epltn AritocatParty or iie Weekly -Spciîal. 'ThIisweksSeia Bikis "i'apeSrabry"PRBRICK ....... 25C. ith Safety at' eci twoo 'how you cn'jt rUesponjsjblit,.een a fýine opp' Leullity -te exea.t thd inest qiilitice heart, inid and seýul, toýucIng -a tie b'it ot ini uenideaivouia wicl feel makes the deepest, fraternel, pý trIe, reigious appea Lotethe sure inetine'ts of us ail. Buit aa'y suCCc whIicb bas aeen aehieved bas on been possib)le iiy youa unselfishc oprtoand ley'al fervent deveti( te oua -wortb.y noble cause. As 1 close the scee eof, y tenu of office, there are., Brethexen, tv things wbich 1 cia sur-e ought te kept in tb-e forefreýnt of aIl oua thi.i ing teday. First, lilke seldiers g-oing- into ba tie, lea.rn te '"citcb'" unnecessaa'y bu dens, andi free youaselves of a lot uselesimpedimnenta. iain-g oi this, then shouîdea ceeeafully,, wise and well whatevea buadens lif'e per-iences bing te you. Only se c we build UP robust ebaraeteas, ai uimipedesi to bunianity's godý. 1, ani intelligýent optimismn be suprer la all oua staivinugs towaa-d the bviý- wnite floght of Eternitv,. eud beutter leaders, sný velt type, te lIelp Brut Pireé in ber grave, i susil in hea in thVse cyorM caamity, and There are penty t wanand h w it Ilalfax ofpet leeC ceeagesly, peint (ighrsdbotterst Aoýlnet' rder -,7beeIn d n'ees, qunit, jstiaH Anderihoua lanweve sanie oyalspport long. h'n ý on] rmuch Store "V"ALUES, ,SES, advanee 'Spring Paittertius. dresfes.Youare lunder ne obia TaIiedstle brocade patteru1s, TO ....,...,.. ....... ..... 65eC. evw catrs achi..........1 e Tooth ~at tube...... . 23e *vnEftervesculnt Sal ine....-29c. rmade In England, tuibe........... 95c. .......- ......... ..... .... S. Blaeçwe{"~Creami of Tornato for .............. .. ..... .......... .25C. 1-lb). tin-s, 2 for...................35e, 3 bo-xes for .....................-........25c. or .... ..-................................... 15C. IA,28 oz. box .. ......-..... 14c. ILI, 2 for -...........- .... .......1 C. $t PECIAL .........1..... ......-...l'c tIng and tender, 2 tins ............25c. Tobacco .......>......................... 15c. WILL WIN oel foi the(' .'ely b)e donl rof Nazisll ~ectterea You er .11 this h nneuliiC oe