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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1941, p. 1

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ORONO, ONT., THF[UPý rs Drive In Oro Apar-tmients on witï'h a goodiLy E. Logan, Seretariy, read' es oýt the formilermetn the, toNo mm01illunicýationls. Iunj!icthrn was .froml1- a Mr. od Sparrow Lake,wnig there ,-oiild be an opeingi,, erin Orono, while the fro:m Geal R. B. Mc- Brent, wantiing tb find a lace to locate, somne place y reach cof the city, whiere ecure- a position as agent diiar position. - of appreciatîiton was re- in Mr. Neil Porter, t.kank- hamiber of Commrrerce for h of fl owers sent to bis .ineilal. -Rolph -Tha4t the Chain- mmerce extend a hearty REFUGE AND REST FOR LONDONERS Oblylous to the cr-ash (f bombfs and barrage, these people sleep sound'ly now that bunks are being provided in London's air raid shelters. Canada's Wu ar Effort A weely revýiew of developmients on the homne front fromii January 3tb to February 6th : With intensitied speedi, Canada Igoes full-out on the war. 1. Compulsory m-ilitary training period for pnrng m-ren of 2.1 extendedi frein 30 days te four mnh.First per.edbegjusMarch îSt'h. Fromn 6,00 to 6,500 tia be called up each -1. Ubjerý 1941l: han ali to be established at ilarnilton, Ont. Sehool l actommodate 2,000 stu- dents, 'bc-gin cper-atioii about May 1, .1941. 7. War expenditures now runninýg apqpreximately, $1,000.000,000 a year. -Adcling anoýther expenditure Plus re- patriation operations on Caandlan. se- curities held in Biïta-in, expenditures total $1,700,000,000 a year. Dorin ion ýGoveramtii rtieveniues about one- hl t1his total. B , owin nodsý 8,000;000 IoOto $900,0100,00() a1year. ',B 941. YE OLDE TYNE SKATING PARTY FEBRUARY 2Oth Ye Olde Tyme Skatinig Par-ty as announeed in the Times last week, will be .hld on T'lhur-slday, Februai'y 20th, and indIicationis point teý a big- ger and ibetter- time than ever before. The eeaurgam is dividedl into three parts : Fis: Skating at the rink at 7.30 with the Qahawa Skating~ Club in attendiance, Jem~onstrating the latest in fanicy and, figuire skating. The clb ihas heen in great 'demn-and this winter, visitirag several of the larger centres and aceordedi a wonderful reception. Cards wilil be in progvess at the town hall at 8.30 for ail týhose who do not wish to attend the rink.. Second : At 10.15 a w\,holesomi-e lunch willi be ser-ved in the Ihasemen1t Subscription, ~Four meinebers of tý icivilian were:ut by the Nw steC.N.Rý. urdaly ight last, il stranest ccidnts r-oad histor.y. The five men were glass wliîle sittinoe i n - That Felb. e dates foi the b en distributed of the Chainhier il interview the apypear on their MILY saeial aven- man's Asso- cýh w-111 be 2ist, in the ýk. Extan- made un- dis. M. olsist skcetch( play, ,13 s:,p> an 220 mO ýen by Marcb lt,1942, cmae.with preseint strength of 17,5 ships and 15,'319 "'en (dl) Canada, to build dsroesand log ange bomIbersand co-ncentvate on poduingwenpons not odtainable in tbe United States. 3. To g-o iverseas : Thirdl Cana- ian Division now training- in Canada wý,ith èeanplemnent of ecrps troops; halance of corps troops for Canadian cýorps of twvo divisions now 'training in England; army,, tank brigade; Canadian aîimoured division. 4. All Canadian gr]aduates; cf Coin- mnw Ait r Training Plan, whe-th-1 'e Cana-- Air Fi 5. Re tive a, 1941 for ac- ,000, accord- ualties. Two pai mnen and 19411 for war Icedto ath- 6. Anm-iy Traii k (,a teant- tradesmen for a certificate Pur-- ;e--, ocr to imake RE G- ta thle Commit- orthe- flrst t(2n m n1tfls of tne ur rent fisa ea, to the enid of Januaryý to)talled $1208,(f000Qcompal-ed with 11221,500,000 for the corriesd)onding pericxlod f the previous fiscal year. 10. Enforced diversion of Canada's peace-tiie indlustry t, produc- tion indcaed Oang1e-o)ver will be preogress-ive. Il. Bet-ween August 1939 and De- cenibe 1940, eight city retail food price indexes recorded follo-wing- per- centage inereases : Halifax, 15.2 per cent; Saint John, 12.4 per cent.; Mon- treal, 10.5 per cent;, Toronto, 7.6 per icenit; Winniilpeg, 10.2 'pcr cent; Sask- 1atocý,n, 12.1 per cent; Edmnonton, 9.8 -per cent;, Vancouver 9.1 per cant. 12. Con tracts awarded during week, ended January 24th by Jjepartment of Munitions :an dSup'ply nunibered 177C) and tditaliled $S,114.772. 1?,. WVil1iaum Percival, general su- pierixitendant, .Clarke Steaniships Limited, Queibec, appointed Director [0 Y.P.U. nited C r-U1ino f 30-dlay nderu +1it plied ' >000 *8Of 'tif icatesý 9_Februaryi 8th & ... ... Five Injured At Newca cm~ When Snow Plow Snow Through ilhe K nieeting- iii "Anyv ~follfowe Trainii

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