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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1941, p. 2

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New Rainrbow Big CanineToln rtn 0, 00.0 $Since War Br-oke O DLýt was estinated ast 'week, a saî raflhlon '!eg', n u rat Britan hv been killed lahi ~rids or th -waraciter hvebeau d e- SPILL,0000L T Thse Royal Society M rtMs Pi vention ot Cruolty toAnimale te- yeald otatitos deustyig 10,100 doge monts nually aïctIthair pe,-r rised by thiswatgbeao Eeý3w home-s Ëfor dogs cnntbe baudî. ïla ectie soeeS,- 600 dogs a noth-were aderoyed tu this rage-cily aged pals. Britisis tlog ees erfJ fss 5rng tiseir petssfeodrd1, 000dg sroe etts tt EVACUATION FACTOIR Anetiser 100,00 were densryedl ,chi Germany star ed destrutve to evacuata tcheir homes. Tlisecn un1E tolleidtsanidbeige plus aisedesetrutin becaseetfrc- tionlg diffictes or nounes being ealdfor iI1itaI.y searVi(cý )w-as pet There r uhaustnaet , BOMBS AT SEA I - Snake Fights Himself >edroo llýM mu-er aenak ro ~j-mvune iodsa roegas inrlatise roons , lu) gh -t drcin-ale and matelpi e cec nid tise floor l ttered wt k an gl.Tise sCae -assht. Moderm 'Faunitleroy' Can Keep Long Curis ,Members oýf theNagr F rde Coisiision and the Nngr FrnirState Fa kCom se aestd iga one-ton epia f h forma ueolassc stuctues w ich iilsweýep in two curves across theý plazaapproch atthe mericn terinalof theneRibwBrd. Thle placIter moidel of tihe plaizai, bujît t0 scale to re-produce aci Lectur-e anldcl ptueanneod Ior. the Aerca poahws c- ondin th clpuewokhp fte NewYok City W\ýPA Proýject. TH E W A R. W E E K-Commiientairy ncuren vet ~ BATTLE 0F BRITAIN RnýEACH!JNG A CLIMIAX "Therýe are many indicatiojis thýat, wthin a very short whife, the enlemly vviii ak a tre- mrendous effort to dlestroy the British onelh by a seies of Srnashing oow f unprecedented s e V e r ity" Pr i met Min ister Mackenzie éwhen the heur cornes, we wïIilstrike cdecisiveiy whoever believes they vwiii be ablýe Io heip Engiand mnust know that in any case every shpwith or- without convoy that comes tc, their heip wili Adaif Hitier. taia- peechlest weekcebat iuIg iseighth anniversary et ie fe t eoReÀ ilheuise d that cees-ypossibîliy e Aesof a tien was cerain. " ia wir b Sea or Air Power? LIKE THAT tise (cigisu mlois tlî-old 't)f t n tainr-, as etýýi i a matil ter2for speCu - Jlaien. id 1Rýit ý-1Ilopete t ut tise trasbyarpewc,.r't? or ceepowe te s-esGma'U-boatc s is e prime w-capon etf Naýziwaifaý; tise air frc as seconi-y. 111 env eventl, lneutaimiitryd pai-.te lest wcckýw-evirt1ully ailý agiced tietoti would ba uised iattmptingeto deliver a kcockout biow 'te Eng1ýld, in Tise vcr'y a futurie. Inivasion .pardinvt abie, elierw itho. îiotpo thet t Ise tasjç wa teebig foilm. Brltish Are Ready A glemy icturemtit "Tme" mnagazine, Fecruary M, was a Mi more -tmste Ne BrPiics r ivhla is1E',tiret weld wa irs aebeuse big (,OQ0melu unr- dýer arme); noue isas iever isad seÉï mrucis practce for sucis a bite defeasijve job. Tise Br1:itis exp-ct that iseGamas aÀsccedl By Fred Neheýr J opJ.Q-B ( y WLI "Hle oniy gave us one straw witl, our ice-cream soda ! !- !hey do, the aefemnc conts oit (1 te Navy te cudonfwatbne upy;(2) tho R.J" A. r. to reSiat monte sas weUl s atcke sfrom hir - alir uarmies týotallinlg 1, lns ()the Army to crueli h ivJ Dive-rsion To The Sou1th- wtrteg, W.R.Plwmun ot iu edivertf se ayf 'tln ltl's aid, Lhtat tilîe lati', te oreryspr-iing attalç pepaec ngainst Bitain cnl nc4. i'ýpbu be weakened appreciably, orpst ponlecifor. some time. To aî great extcnt te imngof the Nami invasion attemupt w(YAd Lave toelie linked vitl h ts cui et1 eveçts in theMdtraen anid inithe BalkanaŽLav, -ee.k itl- lmr could ho seau tlpig te bw- Met Frane c Itoalowinghi eroopi passage throlughtie - eci eolony of Tunisia, sotat lie ould reeds Bengazi before thse Bii ud 'proCvent itheir ganilg ourol; nj o ise wlof eeastLernrica.To Bul1gar-ial,Germnanly was ppYlig thescrw tresis, demanding a to sebize Salonika and tfOnkte Men, Wolves Fig ht For Qur Reindleer Unceasfing Cont2st [s tirged [ii Northland BetweEnr Man Anrd Beast cf Pray For Arc- tc Animais For yeans Men and solves haveoueengfihing an A rct,- baitte in the course of a Gov- erýnniient schiemle to poieEsý- kios with reindeer herds and thse f ight is Stijl going on. Everett Hlogan, assistan)t fore- ni at the Fedeial Gvrmn reindeer reserve nlear Alvkin the Northwest Territeries for tine past three yemrs, said reCentiyj the, wolves conestantly traile2dth Goveramient herd ,nit s treký frem lasha.Ptienitly, day Ond night thy watcised fer eppor- tunitias to strke down a deer. W'oives are the m~ain rcasýon f'or the 24-heur- watch kept on thse reindeer by the four Cnda empfloyes and their Eskio an Lapp helpes. e'M ude divue frolil Alask'a staet(d in 1929aOnd wvas comlpleted in 1935. ws!en isle round-up showed 2,960 on the Canadian reserve. In 1940 there WMere6635 aimais. Since 129 the deer have neyer been eut ef1ight of their g Uar- ianis, eV21ven whCn hIUdd(led together' in scrveamling blizzards at50 e low zero. On such i hssd Mr. ogan, th(', leswol There now are threa arde the main group on the eastrn channe]. of the Mackenzie 1River, No. i native haerd on tiseAne son River, and No, 29 herd na Bolton River.,. On each herd thei( came inlCreasingwac is k'ept. Cold-Weather Tip By King Christiar King Christian shows dis Ger- mnnocuped country Ihow te kecp warmi through a cc-id w ter when (ceai icscre Acked by a wonlan hiow he massaged at the age et 70 to taise daily horsabark rides even iu thse bitterest cold, tise ns sover- eign replied: "I put old nsaesbsd t'ise ovescent ef m-y unifounm. Tisat way 1 keep warm." , WINSTON CHURCHILL-IV G.C. Toner Ontajo Fderaincf 5Anplems (NO. 2v) GAEBIRDS FEWER la last weak's cein 1 l isow trety ws sned batwoeen tise United ,States and Caadaf, t'he protectionof mgaoybre Forawsie ttr-his bemelaw nauait ioughitttt!, -'ise birdc weeampfly protected. Sp rin g ehotin hd baustoppejdcose seasons were Iengthened and bag limit lowared. Tiese og bu-de and insectivorous birds were pro- tetdat ail times and 1 belive tisey have înltvcrsd :comewhnt wîthtis protcton. ise ganse birs, oweerdid net seem te raspond, tise decline ài heir numn- bei-s continuing. Thi deeline was due te a nurn- bý!e et-causes. Mlaisy nore iut crs wem ein tie Marchs ecir feu. Thue developaseuvt oftise uoe car nabed ity welercte reacis manyai-as hatwere fornserly elnsoct sanctuarice Laet year, JutscUie States, over 1,000,' 00 hnters breug-ht duck stamup to placeon tisitlicncs s -e ;ure ,y lw.This great rm ,-,f ner ar-e tak n ore tian tise annual icidacee acisyear. A Number of caues Aohrcausýe for tise decile ý,Icame rom tsle spoadetagri- culture acres tise prairies. Mlany nestilng grounde weredsred by he plu.oby tise trarnp- ling et attie. Drainage suheines, teý,( dr-ufmn lakeed ci gs w-be etc du charmr y b: n Turcatnuatiere..-_iseabirds haJd cir ecam nmeteas omaunter Siped ofagridlurean dr a jw-etc th treeugeat ceusas of tise dectlie lu numbee e tis Soe a rccearCe tinaese psror iso i ws spc0_u1 cav th bids.Tis sesen cier shrtenemd, bi-igadliedcy ant Lý of aiga raswr e acidarefugs dart e igrt o li-eied la thew-itr rnscfls poeaures whapihaes'li lea tien,.adi pyb hta n u THIS CURIQUS WORLD - - -,3im Eigso y-z -ANSWEUR: Without e hole iii the cajnopy. o!ar a ht,~eorz, Pi'essed air wo vuld be forecd to escape froen the dge,thrbr cungthe ïPassenger lo iswhng back nnd fortIh like apedh . NEXT: Where de. sarrets get their urne? (iaIlip3oli and Disaster > S, i s -it w Ille tise ew. uid pw i o ignntori 2 ofi T(hs{lîpOli campaigis, e tisa scapcgoat w-heu due laigcly te incom- Dn et home. Cisorcisili ý as, forced te sigu ýý lhics off«ic,e, saîy ,of Il as ni etavatcd fer xxar. ( ' - îst tour o)ld PaltLà--a is~ f sel V i Jfîc e-aie tien o dcz'ats cd t 'li

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