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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1941, p. 4

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:bs I'District limies Office request Subscription, $1 .25 tô thie Urilterd States,$2O [11 eceive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher anet unaier the eavetr-ouglis on the west ýh ýn j iciles that may fail to the paverment. ,an attaclki in h erf ,an attack, either across the ito Gibaltar, or inito thc y t0 Egyipt and mb iuAfrica. suýdue tînat sinial piece of be a treniendeus task even1 His nmain idjea es o etodaw na large n',be11 of Britis broes aaypfeinEglaud, along widh tanks and ir'Planes s50Ias tu nake it ea.sier te attack. Eglan>d s àbrinfg troop frm bie colonies that 'ii look aftwr lier African colonies while she can keelp her troo's at hme fl eirewu dfente. If Germanytrendes bthe ~[eiterunaflshe AUii haive te (L -her Jgiting on land as she 'viii have ne uavy, uues se borrWs bay's, and u'\e feel sure liussolini would niot wnaut bis battles s sent tu e ie oni of the sec. That is why sic is keeping' ien in ii-er hairbor-s. If Geï-rmauy could laidtL Spab monlher side then Grmuould anttack ,-Gibraltar and bry te elose the wester-n entlrance te tic Mediterincn, and this, wc thik, wiNll be his flr-st mrore when Pilter irowsis bor-des into iitile iii the near future But thien he 'viii fiud the rock a hard place te take whll is a ntrlforrss inibseif But tne viiil 1,4 und tiat vcry et Rleal Mad hed jute his bnkthe imoru-ing ularl~y vicuiots jraid on Leudon, mny aýcceuInt for wa',r .savings." told mie yesterday," tbe telle" was ti froni the agi- is a drive te maise- a menit. To raise ýr feur, tines "miadl- t plauued as a onel- that at lenst bwvo ide a defdinite suin SEaployers will fle te lave a fixed netbovis include an tie ameount 0of the ,erulinul treasur-y vilii1.le ý10,000I,000 is nett boe muLcI for. Il cau be set aside ,orkers. The War Saýlng" inreruopotniyte The drive this mentI is )uld le an aus'ver tînt 'viii )f cach e- the Cana- uit in titis uie'v ranac of m-edical ýn of inlitary docters and scientists en te mav faiire- of that life 3a. £50.000 bomber raqin n fulli 1mb- ane muters'of iiae condition imgt nter a.b 12,000 feet. er these relatively n Unit emiploys the d of the elecbnlcal n becomne air sÎlk ýr Ïbd conditions. such nausea and pared despite the Et is reported that A. E. "Hank'" Ingram, of Cobourg, is takIlin.g Over the St. Lawirence liel ait Port Hoýpe from Paul IHaggis, -Mr. Ingram ope- ated the New Dunham Ilotel iu Co.- bourg some ye-ars ag. Et is r-eportcd-thiat the George A. liowe estate at the east end cÀ Co- bourg has been sold te 'Mi% Fredericli E. B. Gourlay ,an Enjglishmnan who bas been living in Western Ontario. Mr. Gourllay is moving his faniily there illnediately. * a * * Cyrus R. Crozier, a reident of Oshawa f r the past 20 years, passed away at bis faonily residlenice on Febi-. 3rd. M Crozier was boru at Cae- sarea, Cartwright Township, and be- fore geing to Oshawa, lived at Val- eribia and Port Perry. lie had retired the past ten yeurs. HUe i surmvived by his wfonre son, three brothersi and two sisters. InitermeniIt Nwasimase in) Mount Lawn Cenietery. Ex-Wardeu W. T. Wood, -who 'va sei l, ii vIlen the CounIties Coun-ý cil 'was lun sess-ion at Cobo,-urg lan January, ucu dto, an attack of scarleut fev-er on Saitnrclay, Pbur 1lst. Iliecontracted LbbC disease four, wvýeeks ao.lie was the ldest sof lie late Archiibald WoodI of lIii brook.îlie 0ecenpied ImaIyprmien position-s irlu u aive village. Iu 1929 liewa elected wardeni of tle( UnitedCones Williamn J. Turnler, chiargÏed with tlic ateniptevi murder of FredRc- adnport Hope iawyer, before Mvagistrate W. A. F. Cm i n l Port Porýt Hope Police Court on Thurs- last, 'viii appear for trial at the spriug assizes on Mardli lth. The(2 charge 'vas laid 'vien Turner vaik- ed iute IMr, Rie.hardaen's office lu Port Hope and fired at hlmu fro m close range -ith a .229 rifle. The bullet fractured lis rýight jaw. * * -* -i. -Arthur Buxg'>ess, salesm-ran ferý Plarry S. Fowler, wbvolesale beboac- cnnist of Cebheuulg, lad a niairo'v es- cape frein deatb lu the distict north of Napanee receatly. Drivlg alougl tie bigb'vay iihbis employer's truck, le uoticed a tr'ain approachiug a level crossiug. Mr. Burgess applied the braieus but the slippery conditien of tie read cansevi .tic velicle te continue on 'villi hard(ly slackeniug speed. Burgess turned tle,-vleel and thc car travelled parallel te the tracks and came te rest lu the ditcl aloug by tle ri.ght of 'vay. A Mattlews, Hamuilton Township farner, 'vas senitenced te tiree nmou- tîs lu lhe Gounities gaol vehen Mag-is- trabe W. A. F. Camipbell fouud hi gul n of failingi te pro- vide feed for his live stock. Evidence wns g-iven by P, C. David M-air, and DIr. Jaunes liarrington, VS., Cobourg, that thoughlitlere 'vas feed and -water available at the farin, vcry little 'vas provided the cattie. Fer tbwo weeks folwugthc leavy Deceyilber snow stornin they received oaly 'vIat they could forag-e bhrong-h the snow. The calle could be hcard bellowjvng fer latf a mile. e-o ARMNY TRADES SOHOOL WILL PROVIDE RWGHLY SKILLED TECHNIC¶ANS Des-ý*gaed te meet needs of the Mili- tary forces 'vîthout furtiler depleting the supply of skilled work<ers for in- dustry, an Arrmy Traýdes Scheol ',viti accoinmod5ition for 2,000 studeuts 'ill openlin Hamilton ab~out May t next. Eligible for the courses vii le men 'vIe have first completed their- basic- military traiing and, w'v,~ne n tensive courses in the trades for whici tJhey have been selected at a civilian tecihical institution, bave learued tle fu-ndamentals of sncb brades. Alrcady sie 3,000 soldiers bave already commenced, or are about te thienele preliiuiuary tiiining- lu Youilb Trainiug Centres, tecfiuical schools andi sin-il ar trainin.g esbab- lishnjents. Befere bein-g admitted te [ Outt 1 Ini bis pr-esidential addr-ess before the annu,,al meceting of the H-oisteÎn- Fesan Ass,;ciatin of Caniada hedd in Toronto on Wednesday, Februaiy 5th, T. R, Dent, of Wookstoek, thej new president, said tuit the farm-ier>s1 should not be exploited to seil below pr.odcuction lcost. ile said that dair-y farmers had just passedi brugh soeala years and adided that "'Just at a timl-e whenl it looked as thg butter would r-each a prie -wich would ba-ing a prtofit ýto theprdc, we fifrd the governuocunt authoities at Otta-wa peg'ng il- e price at a level -which withi the risinig cost df production, wil not pay the farier a r-easonable return for fee-d and lauor-."l At the saie time he expressed tehp thlat 191would bringimprovleeut to tie cdairy industry. No other grvoup of war niaterial p rjm o d u e i's w a s a k e d t ,) p o v c e b e - low cost se "why the fnr" I 1 ng FOR SALE Tïwo Goal Oui ncuLitator 600 egg aiy ApplIy W. SIewu Plouc 56 r 7, cf, preseult lreglatioluis wold be enl- BOX SOCIAL AND DANCE tertained by theIcjfciiou tIc gev- j Kendad L.O.L. 'vii huld a Box So- erument restinsile for the cnuoe- cial and Prograniin th(. Orange Hall1 icg cf thu butterpeggiflg egiltius on Fridlay, Febrular-y 21-st, atL 8.00 p-1m1 Ifl the fed(erajjýjl ùtoritis hoped te Orc(hestra tiin atteiidanue. Dauce aftlr bave Canadn famers step UP Pro- the Snoil. Pricceeds te go tswardý dtonof mil1 dnring 190'v it 'veulvi Bitish Wi Vav Victîms Funid. Ladlies le ncesaryte give them eat least a Yvi% boxes free. Adiinisen 25e. chance te make a livng. erof Bntfrteld thle gathigi that the rnemi)ership) of tlýe asscia- tion of Canada bnas passed tie 7,00 miark ferý the first tinie lu its bistory. The mcmbersbip gain duing 19410 'vas 259, au-d that the reglistration o aniimaIs îuumbered 42,90'2. Transfers numlbered 30,96)9, settinig a record for, the secondI year in succession la the columut of sales. Twenity-eiglt per cent of sales -were oubtside Canada, the anmais geJingite the United States, Chile, Perte 'Ricn, Trinidlad ai New Zealnnd. Mr. Ciemouis aise reportdta for the l7th coesecutive year a gain 'vas rcecord,,ed lu the- numiber of cows qtiflying lu ii Record of Perform- ance. The finance coiiittee reported 19410 revenue at $98,01 witI expendi- tuires ef $1.04,865. This r-evea-,levi an oper-atingiloss of$664 but it wvas stated that th e associationi has s capital surplus of $122,601. President Dent reportevi that e-x- port trade 'vas active during the yen: w-ith about 450 head of purebrevi RoI- ,steins expor-ted lte Seuth America. lie uioted that tbree Canadian.-bred Hoisteins 'vere inluded in the Al.- Anierican seIections for, 1940, and that four ;Canadian chamnpionshi records were corapIeted during the Dairy Production In Ontario, In the menth of january there 'a s liht de ,-rease in the quan yOf ruilk uscd for, the combiued produie- ion of butter and cheese, ad a con- sîderablc diversion frein cheese pr- uct,i tu tebutter pouto.The ainds ini Janular'y vas sumwa clcdin luthe inrev :ery tien of C sbo'ved uolujd.s ii MLLJIC-AL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYS,ý,ICI4N and SURGEON t ~~office Hurs : . 2.00 to 4.00 p.,i.; 6.30 te 8S.<0pan PHILONYE 474r1 ORUNO' VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERJNA-ýRY SURGEON Offie - Main st. Oronio ~Pihne 56 1r 7, Oreno, Ont. !,K*, John J. Gilfillan d Phm. B. * OUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Office Hue 1.30 p.ý Office in ( by app yrT(ell', rie 68r:) iý. and 2 ta J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, CsatAutom-1 bile aud Liabiity Orono - - Ontarjo AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Oonducts Auction Sales of aU dus" anld at reasonable rates. Oomuunicate with him at P*,i Perry, On tario, or see Lisa Olerkf AX ialer ocka, and r prompt HOPE day to ýGESTAPO fsin shopsar eed efl for 'ool- 2e butter or niar- cither frulit uer st ne ment. Yt iens and perse- tanece is growi*n- the Gestapo fail Iking of nent nan special tribunal to deatl 'vlo lad ermany and resîsted iea were isament s te P'ol- edied in~ )I Camp. and the Centre oc unit. Ian te.,huical rades, ce: 'viiil e required 1 , ý - -J.-C. -G A- -ME- -Y-

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