~reLOCAL AND SOCIALj h, 1941. Lieut. Dr. J. C.Mimre was home ov,ýer fthe \week-endJ vas with a great deai of pleas- cat I receiveti your paircal for, ýtaýýs anti wish to take this op- nity to than'k you very mach he mianinarin iiwhich you helpeti eak the dJistancý'e that separ'atesý cically every Ganadinsoldier cas was meenh0ered by somae h or other of your soiety andi w- saveral case.s wheure i brought anti hope to th 'se Who hadl no sour-ce ofreevn any. It is a mrt to kýno-w that we are niot fori- ýn over heme, aind withl Godi's help 111I be wor,ýthy of your truist in us- acially apprecuiate the bookMe d by the War Servijce Comimittee, (2 Unitedi Church Of Canada11. ýth your> help you nced lhave nio what the outýomc eofthscnlc be. This EngLanti, the centre of npeis worthhilarerig if it is se close to war tom Eur- The sii of the English poopile mething to mnarvel at- Somie- Swoaider. how theystd the n, -workiaig in facori 1 aldy, {aklng over dfne uisat t, Such as exýtrafrea iraid anis, etc. One mneets pepeWho teen bombixdeut of house and yet they ar'e goîng onl with work with a smiie 1a1d a chleer'- voSt for veryone. cmil' Vwhat 1 have seen ia Canaidian nacwspapers you pos- disguided conception of ns11 over taere. The ar- en and thc picturas uhtle.ss truc, but ttay ie o1i~sida<of the. [h for yOIir al a Happy t. T. WV. Bigelow to feetid a irdls. BOI e.--~ tin, each 8c Miss Ai leen Souet aped tthe -weel- endiwt Mr. andti Ms. lar Bailey. Mre. W J. Ridtiell tas returnedI {rim visCLting Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie in Toronto. 3IMrs. R. E. Logan spent a fewv days- last week' with Mrli. and Ms W. Bay in Toronit-'. Th-e Yoang -People's Union wema an- tentainaed on T'i'esdsy e-vening by ýNewtonvle Young People. Jack Cobbledlick, of Toonto, sp ent thne week-end .vith his parents, Mr. and rs.Newton Cihaik MUr. J. F. Lorrimuan returnati home oný Sunday after visitingl- with his stasin Toronto for a wtk Word has been racaived h)y friands 1hat Roniald Pa)tterýson has benmov- edl from itoni to Fing-al, Ont., near St. Thomas. *Mrs. A .DrImond entartaýinati t'He Sunday Sohool (l Exa-cutive of Par.k St. Uniteti Chmrch last Mondcayevn ngatheho, Mervyn Keane arri-vedI home fro'011 Brandon, INman, on TuesdaIý,y, havinig rIeeive'd his honlorable dscrg fr-om the R,(..A.F. Shlirley FUlintoif celebrate(l h emr ninth trha on Wednesday !ast. an hti a par,,ty which included many of lier seoo cum-s. Mr, 0. W. Rolph is attending the HiriaaConvention helti at th(c R'oyal York ilotel, Tomonto, frýon Tuesday toe'Thursday of this w;eek-. The youangest chilti of Mr. anti Mrs. BoycGluuk, Park: Street, was sevarcily scaidati last Friday mnorning-, -whan it palleti a klettie of boiing water ovcr, itscIf. Tha chýilti was-rushbetito Biow- rmanilie ilospital, wherc its condition -%as founti to ta vry serins. CIorp. G. L. Cretdn of the No. 2Tunneliin-g Comllpany, Royal1 Cana- dlianEgier, nlatwisýhes to thank ttc Bowmlanvilie Legion for ithe parce-, sent to hlm at Chr.istma's .time. Everytingi- arrived ia good ,cond(ition,. anti ail of wthhch was vcry înuch appiataî. The L.O.B.A. helti a card party ila the local Oiange hall on Monday I vening when aine tables of 500 -weme playeti. Ttc prize win-nars for'-thc eveningl were: Get-lst priza, AI- hart West, consolation, Mrs. B ot. Glanvîlle, taking te piace of a gent. Ladis-lst prize, Mrs. Henry Caa- treil, consoiatioii, -'Mr's. Eti. Dean. A delilous lineh was sarveti. 2 5c Attend Heistein-Friesian Banquet fMr. anti Mrs. M. J. Tam-iblyn, Mr. 2 5e A. J. Tainb-Ylin, Mm. and Mrs. vrt M.Fred Tanshýblyn, anti M. Cartes,, tins ........ 27e. Tam iilyn, of Cadar D'aie Stock Paris, attandeti the annuel imeeting anti han- --....... 9 .... quet of the Hoisteia-Fiiesian Asso- 2 ýlbs. 23c. ciation heiti at thc Royal York RHotai on We.dnsday u>î last weeak when Oclex Soap, thema wei'e arounti 1,000 seaated at the ........... anquiet t'ables, anti -Who wC'eenter-1 PRAINEY - At Orono, -,n Fritay, February 'lth, 19-11, to Mr. awd Mus. Neil PRaiin.ya son. SPORTS NllT AT RINK Sports nlight at the 0roilio nkl on Thursday eveniin'g of last weel< was ai weli atten-ded afair and prizes -went to the foliowing winner2is: ]Boyýs' racee, 10' years andi under, Dean Wes-t; gir' race, 10 years and uinder, Donna WVest; boys' race, over 10 years andi under 1S, "Jake" Mlid- ieton; girls' race, over 10 years and zinter 15, I-Miss VanDusen, Newcastle; open r-ace for men, Elm-er -Midie- ton; oldest lady on1 skates, Mr-S. Flintof; test couple on skates, 'Mm. Mvi(tdieten and Gorden Watson; test geýnt skater, Ross Wood; best ladyý shater,' Miss PhyllisLwdn The fancy- ekaters that were sup- posed to corne fromr Oslawa, fail to make their appearance. Sonue of the (-vents adv-eitised for, theetvcning failed to ilil. It sýenems thlat sports ngtanid carniv-ais are gradually be- ceming a thing of the past, as the young people dIo not seeinuto take an iaterest in dessing up foracrna, -nId dIo not seem anxious to Comn- pete for prizes. At one thinue camai- vais wrca getattra)cti iiand inear- ly il that attended wouid come ila awotm of spiendlour, bat nlow liey tarm the(ir casiniside out iiià figure that they rei- priviieged to enýter, classes to comp ý1)etÉe,,for vahiaitie prizes. O.C.S. LITERARY MEETING Gr'oup 2 _'À the Literary Society of Orono ContLinuation Sehool heid their prorame 0on Priday evemng of last waek lai tha asSanLl.Ty hall. The Newcastle students were inv;iteti to attend, tut owig to ttc snow stori, oinly one car-load arrivet, ho-w- ever, a fair attenêdance -was prescrit from Omono andi the surronding coin- miunity. The students maka thease programmeas vary initcrasting- and dis- play splendid tadIent. DickMerto , pesitiant of thc So-. ciety, opaneti the imeetin~g iithfthe singing of "O Canada" la anison. The mIin1uteas of the last mieetingl were then read by Marial Tennanf. The sechool paper, the "ai"wao reati ty the sehool aditor, Donald Stapic's.' The O.C.S. conuencament 'ihic3 iii te teltinl the town hall, Orono1,1 later this intucnith was annouaceti ty DicýkMotn Rev. Littlemwooti W-as calati on to speak, and he tolti of the changes ia the school days of is time andi now. Ha praisedthett talent anti work of the studknts, also coinae-nteti on the fine editoials of the school paper, the OaSis. Carol Starpias, diractor of Group Il, than took charge of the programine. Har group of boys andi girls Sang their group so.ng, "The Landi of the Mape»Camol Staples reati soma ln- teresting- extracts fromi a hook, an- titleti "The Pioneers; cd Old iitario." Iia parts it reisteti to the ol tirne settiers in Clarke Towni-ship. Two of thiese cxtmacts mere dtiaetized ty Group Il. Rutiy Allun rendereti a vo- cal solo; Muriel anti Gwen Tan- nant sang a dnct; Carol Stape nlayed piano selec- NOVW AT OTTAWA that she is still o ndto her, bed. ~Mrs. Jackson suffered serions injur-y Representing ail niltary dosrtos 1when she slipped on some ic e n our in Canada as in the prenrions two Mlain street last wînter. courses, a third lass for, ski instrc- The chiltiren of Orono Continuation, tors foi.the Cmdinarmiy is now School er very bursy on Wednresclay under way nt Lansdowne Park, Ot- jfihing ini a formjý , aoigwathe tawa. Like theuir predeceussordte men could d , if they were oaled to go oný particlpating &Hl return to carry on a farmn and wvork t1is sumnr omel the training cf ski troops la their ofi the questions foi.rte gii-ls wVere. ufits. Can you miilk? tend to echiekens? -(,drive, a car? dr-ive a tractor? oan youi Attend the Firat seuies of cnets1bake and preserwe and pick fruit? ini Park St. United Ghurch on i] a Th harder work was lef t for the boyS; February 21st. te answer. FEED LAYING HENS WITH Shurgain Egmaker Concentrate Shur7gain EgmýAer Concetrate supplieýs the essential proteins, both animalt andi vegetable, as weIl as the nieeded juiiiexals andi vitaiis, Egmaker 35% Concentraie niixed thoroutghily wýith the proper Pro- portions of goed, sound grain, will produnce the desired euis Shurgain 17 p.c. Pig Startier itle pigs imust have a palatabie feed, foi-, ike chicks, they grovv rapidly atnd nieed a large feed intake. Put SHIURGA-IN PIG STARTER in front of the littie figs at 3 ta 3!'2' weeks of age. Don't wait until ihey're weaned. Give themi the kint of feeti they need as soon as they're ready te eat. %ORONO -'&FLOUER MILLS WE DELIVER ýETS ts of bIlue, 9Ilen Yarn, e f or ..... LADIEý Yamla (C $-225 lr ÀF Faetory ~ 1,00 JAýMAS of regutlar .$1.69 'Window s Lettuece, 2 .. .......... 25 . aup, eacL-. 5. c Tea,1-2 lb. .... .... ... 32 . tes now 22e ited with a golti wateti, an er breetiers were presentec ýstars-Breeders' Ti'ophiy. TI was brought to a close Thle Worst truck Oronc iek-cnd.1 ýorth antis Snow Stormopen -ir ii wl l ki ad been eovel- now Storn tis i rld many inies uring the day ty uiw ~ ~ ~~ sm stm ti ine the anilbitio-Ls boys, ln ortici nd vieinity ovar the tokee l t clear, for the oecning's fun. Ld wemc blockcd hotbl Luineh a~sarved after skatingl- i h11 anti thc villagars I te asccnubly roi ifor two days. Snowj Anu Blouses-. 2,4 LB. BAG, L.ARGE GRAPE FRUIT 6 FOR FILLETS LB,. LOIN, FOR\K CJ{OPS Ceéntre St. I il